Mo 7"
1833 (Jan. 1). — Owing to the genial state of the weather, Mr.
George Smith — agent to Mrs. Bewicke, Close House — gathered a
dish of green peas. Many fruit trees were in full blossom.
January 14. — The bells of St. Nicholas' church, Newcastle, and
of St. Mary's, Gateshead, rung in honour of his Majesty having
elevated the marquis of Cleveland to the dignity of duke of
Cleveland. The dukedom had been extinct since 1774.
January 15. — The friends of Mr. Charles Attwood, the unsuc-
cessful candidate for the representation of Newcastle, gave him a
dinner in the music hall. It was calculated that nearly 400 persons
were present. Banners and garlands were hung around the room,
and the gallery of the hall was crowded with ladies.
January 15. — Married, Charles Bacon Grey, esq., of Styford, in
the county of Northumberland, to Emily, youngest daughter of the
late Sir William Loraine Kirkharle, in the same county.
January 18. — Died, at Kirkharle, Northumberland, in his 54th
year, Sir Charles Loraine, bart.
January 20. — The cooperage belonging to Mr. James Brown, on
the east side of the Tyne Brewery, Sandgate Shore, was discovered
to be on fire. Considerable damage was done to the premises,
and about 400 sets of hogshead staves, 300 single pipe staves, and
several other articles of great value were consumed.
January 21. — The wandering piper, Captain Stewart, arrived in
Newcastle, and commenced his tour through the streets, and was
followed by crowds of spectators. He was dressed in a tartan
coat and waistcoat, green spectacles and wig, and a Tarn o'Shanter
bonnet. When playing in the streets, he endeavoured to
preserve the strictest disguise, he never stood nor solicited money,
but received any sum that was given to him. According to
receipts in his book, he had given upwards of £700 to charities,
in different towns he had been at. He was heartily tired of his
frolic, which he stated would shortly end, as he had only to visit
Morpeth, Alnwick, Berwick, Coldstream, Kelso, and Glasgow.
1833 (Jan. 26.) — Died, at the Keelman's hospital, aged 84, Mr,
James Glover. He served at the memorable siege of Gibraltar,
un«li>r General Elliott, as captain's cockswain.
Ja.niK'.i'i/ -2 •:>. — Mr. Robert Stephenson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
engineer, had his new patent sealed, for his invention of certain
improvements in the locomotive then in use, for the quick
conveyance of passengers, &c., on railways.
Jam/an/ 31. — Married, at Carham, John Hodgson, esq., of
Elswick Hall, and M.P. for Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to Isabella,
eldest daughter and co-heiress of A. Compton, esq., of Carham
During this month, the Rev. A. Hedley, in clearing away the
rubbish out of the foundation of a tower, on the western rampart
of the Roman station, Vindolona, found about 250 Roman coins,
chiefly brass, and of various emperors, many were of Constantine.
January 31. — Some quarrymen. near Durham, found an immense
toad alive, imbedded in a mass of stone.
February 5. — Died, at Summerhill Grove, near Newcastle, Mary,
widow of John Morrison, esq., Alston, Cumberland.*
February 7. — About three o'clock in the morning, a warehouse
belonging to Robert Thompson, High-bridge, Newcastle, was
discovered to be on fire ; but by the prompt assistance of several
of his neighbours, it was got under without doing much damage,
except the loss of a fine horse by suffocation, which had been
placed in an adjoining stable.
The Rev. J. Orange, formerly minister of the independent
church at Barnsley, was installed pastor of the congregation,
assembling in St. James' chapel, Blackett-street.
February 13. — An affray took place in the Shades public house,
Grindon- chare, in Newcastle. A travelling Italian had gone into
the house and joined a party who were drinking, when some words
took place, which produced a scuffle, and the Italian, being likely
to be overpowered, drew his knife and stabbed an Irishman,
named Hugh Ross, in the abdomen, He was at once taken to
the Infirmary, where he lingered until the 18th. The Italian,
Guiseppe Sidoli, was tried at the assizes on the 23rd of the same
month, and was sentenced to seven years' transportation for
February 20. — This morning a tremendous sea broke over the
outer wall at Seaham harbour and destroyed everything within its
reach. Six of the ships in the harbour were scuttled and sunk to
prevent them being dashed to pieces on the rocks, and several other
vessels were much damaged. Three sailors were lost by the
calamity, and Mr. R. Thompson, master of the Friendship, of
Shields, was drowned in endeavouring to save his ship.
March 9. — Died, at Felton Park, Northumberland, aged 63,
Ralph Riddell, esq. The deceased was the owner of several
celebrated race horses, and was highly successful, Dr. Syntax
having won twenty gold cups, and X.Y.Z. nine.
* Summerhill Grove is now near the centre of the town.
1833 (March IS). — Died, at Mitford, Northumberland, aged 100
years, Mrs. Ann Jobson.
March 27. — As Mr. Buddie, butcher, of Newcastle, was pro-
ceeding to attend Morpeth market, he was attacked, about one
o'clock, near the six mile bridge, by four men, and robbed of
£19. 05. Sd. One of the men, on coining up to him, asked him the
time of night, when the four instantly closed upon him, knocked
him down and rifled his pockets. The thieves immediately leapt
a gate, into a field, and were followed by Buddie and his dog,
which attacked the fellows, and must have bitten them severely.
The men ran across the field, followed by Buddie, until they came
to a burn, into which two of them fell. On coming up he grappled
with them, when a dreadful scuffle took place, during which two
shots were fired at him and his dog, but happily without effect,
he was severely beaten about the head. The robbers escaped at
the time, but were afterwards taken and tried at Newcastle assizes
before Baron Boliand, convicted, and sentence of death recorded
against them, but the sentence was afterwards commuted to penal
servitude for life. Mr. Buddie, however, for his courageous and
manly conduct, was presented with a splendid watch and
£19. Os. 8d., the money he lost.
May 1.— A discussion, between the Rev. John Lockhart, of
Newcastle, and Mr. Borthwick, the hired advocate of the slave-
holders, took place in the Music Hall, Blackett-street, William
Chapman, esq., in the chair. The discussion Listed several hours,
when the show of hands was greatly in favour of immediate
May 4. — A fire broke out in the cabinet workshops of Mr.
Thomas Sopwith, situated in the Painter-heugh, Newcastle, which
were entirely consumed, together with a quantity of mahogany
veneers, and all the tools of the workmen. It is not known how
the conflagration originated, which was first discovered about ten
o'clock, and increased with alarming rapidity, owing to the
combustible nature of the materials exposed to its operations. The
mayor evinced the most laudable anxiety, stimulating the firemen
by his directions and also by his personal exertions. The fire was
got under about half-past eleven. Mr. Sopwith's stock and premises
were insured.
May 5. — Omnibusscs were first established to run between
Newcastle and Tynemouth.
May 8. — A young man, named Lawson, a native of Alnwick,
was bathing in the river Coquet, near Brinkburn, when he got out
of his depths and was drowned. A companion, named Henderson,
belonging to Morpeth, plunged in to rescue hfin, but he likewise
sunk, and a third, who attempted to save the others, narrowly
escaped the same fate.
May 15. — Newcastle, and the surrounding country to a great
extent, were visited with an awful storm of thunder, lightning,
hail, and rain. The atmosphere at the north-west assumed a
threatening aspect early in the day, but it was not until five o'clock
in the afternoon that the storm commenced. At that period a
dense cloud settled over the town, the thunder was loud in the
distance, and the explosions of the electric fluid, principally what
is called " forked" lightning were so continuous as almost to
resemble one unbroken sheet of flame for upwards of a minute.
The rain began to descend gradually under a heavily charged
atmosphere, with scarcely a breath of air. Suddenly the wind
increased almost to a hurricane, and the thunder gave startling
peals, accompanied by a tempest of rain and hail, such as is seldom
witnessed in England. The hailstones were of an unusual size,
and the damage done was very great. Seventy-four panes of glass
were broken in the dome of the Royal Arcade. At Bensham
upwards of a thousand squares were broken, in Ravensworth-
terrace two hundred and twenty. The vineries at Ravensworth
castle sustained the damage of £400 or £500. In the hothouses
at Redheugh 2,070 squares were demolished. The storm did not
reach the north part of Northumberland on the 14th, but on the
18th a storm passed over Alnwick, when the lightning struck the
tower of the church and did material damage. At Shieldykes a
horse was killed, and at Chillingham and Lilburn a great deal of
damage was done by the hailstones, many of which measured
upwards of four inches in circumference ; they were mostly in the
form of irregular pieces of ice. It is somewhat singular that at
Summerhill and Westgate scarcely a single hailstone fell. At
Sunclerland the storm raged with much violence and did great
damage to the hothouses and dwelling houses in the town and
neighbourhood. A house in Bishopwearmouth was struck by
lightning and a female killed. At Durham and neighbourhood
the storm was also very severely felt, and had, as in other places,
destroyed several hundreds of squares of glass. A poor man,
residing at Waldridge Fell, was struck by lightning and instantly
killed. His wife and children were in the house at the time, but
did not receive any material injury.
May 15. — As Mr. Tindale, a respectable farmer at Edlingham,
was returning from the rent day at Capheaton, he was thrown
from his horse, near the garden house, Wellington, and unfor-
tunately had his neck dislocated, which caused immediate death.
On Saturday, an inquest was held on his body, at Wallington
New Houses, and a verdict of accidental death returned.
May 18. — Henry Fawcett, scholar of University College, aged
20, fourth son of the late Rev. John Fawcett, Newton Hall,
Durham, was drowned while bathing in the river Isis, near
Oxford, in company with three other gentlemen members of the
same college.
May 18. — As a proof of the mildness of the season, a nightingale
was heard singing near the vicarage garden, Kirkwhelpington.
May 22. — During the restorations which were going on in
Durham Cathedral, several fine arches were discovered adjoining
the chapter room of the edifice, and they have since been com-
pletely restored.
1833 (May 22. ) — The foundation stone of a new church in South
Shields, dedicated to the Trinity, was laid by the Rev. James
Carr, incumbent of St. Hilda's. It has since been built, and
endowed at the sole expense, of the dean and chapter of Durham,
and contaims 1,200 sittings, 800 of which are free.
May 28. — Being his majesty's birthday, it was ushered in by
the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon. The Newcastle
troop of dismounted cavalry mustered at the parade ground, and
marched to the Sandhill, where they fired a feu de joie, they were
afterwards presented with wine by the mayor and magistrates to
drink his majesty's health. The Scotch Greys and artillery
stationed at the barracks were reviewed on the moor, and the day
passed off with the usual demonstations of joy. In the other towns
round about similar expressions of loyalty were manifested.
May 29. — Twizell house, the seat of P. J. Selby, esq., was this
day the scene of a joyous occurrence. Miss Selby and Miss
Frances Selby were both led to the hymeneal altar — the former by
Charles J. Bigge, esq., of Linden, and the latter by Edmond
Antrobus, esq., son of the Rev. Mr. Antrobus, rector of Acton,
Middlesex, and of St. Andrew's, Undershaft, London. The brides
were most beautiful, their dresses were lace over white satin,
orange chaplets and white veils. An appropriate triumphal arch
was erected at Twizell gate under the tasteful management of
Captain Mitford, R.N., composed of evergreens interspersed with
lilacs, &c. The cortege to Bamburgh church was splendid. While
the party were at church, the servants and villagers were hand-
somely entertained at breakfast, a barrel of ale was drunk at the
gate, and many a cordial wish was expressed for a blessing on the
nuptial rites. After breakfast the bridal parties set off in their
carriages, the one for Dunstanhill, near Newcastle, and the other
for the Brae, near Jedburgh. The day was fine, and will long be
remembered on account of the lively feeling experienced by all
the neighbourhood for the prosperity of the family at Twizell.
May 30. — Thursday, an accident happened to Mr. Adamson, of
the city of Durham, veterinary surgeon. He was in the act of
preparing some medicine for a horse, and had put a quantity of
nitric acid and oil of tar into a quart bottle, when, from the
accumulation of gas, the latter exploded, and wounded Mr.
Adamson in the side; a large piece of glass was afterwards
extracted. Two horses belonging to the Hon. and Rev. Dr.
Wellesley were leaving the shop at the time of the accident ; one
of them received a deep wound in the thigh from the broken glass,
and the servant was thrown against the wall by the force of the
June 8. — The Eppleton colliery, belonging to the Hetton Coal
Company, was won. The Hetton seam is seven feet seven inches
thick — pure coal five feet six inches, depth one hundred and fifty-
five fathoms. The winning had been several years in progress.
June 13. — The largest number of salmon was caught in the
Tyne that had taken place for many years. Between four and five
hundred were brought into Newcastle market, and were readily
sold at from 6d. to 8d. per pound.
1833 (June 13.) — Died, at Barnardcastle, Mrs. Hannah Todd,
aged 103 years.
June 15. — A swarm of bees alighted on the head of Mrs. Gibb,
of Todstead, near Rothbury. The good lady being a little alarmed,
the queen bee was removed by a spectator into a hive, and her
obedient flock immediately followed, without injuring Mrs. Gibb.
June 19. — A melancholy accident happened at the Short Sands,
on the north side of Tynemouth Castle. About nine o'clock in the
morning, Mr. John Smith, of Winlaton, and Mr. Hodgson, draper,
Gateshead, went to bathe, and unfortunately got out of their
depths and were both drowned. Their bodies were almost imme-
diately taken out, but life was extinct. Mr. Smith was a single
man, but Mr. Hodgson left a wife and six children to lament his
untimely end.
June 21. — Three young men, William and Robert, sons of Mr.
William Cuthbertson, of Newton Sea Houses, Northumberland,
and Ralph Archbold, left that place in a boat for Dunstanborongh
castle, to gather sink stones for the boat nets. On their return a
heavy squall caught the sail and capsized the boat, which imme-
diately sank, from the quantity of stones it contained. Robert,
who could swim a little, seized hold of two oars, and contrived to
keep himself in that position until he was taken up by two fishermen;
but his less fortunate brother and companion were both drowned.
Their bodies were found the following day. Cuthbertson was 22
years of age, Archbold 19.
July 16. — A most magnificent brick-built chimney having been
completed by Mr. Livingston at the alkali works of Anthony
Clapham, esq , Friars Goose, on the Tyne, a little below Newcastle,
Mr. Clapham, on the above day, entertained a party of friends
with a sumptuous repast at the bottom of the chimney, to the great
delight of his friends, who expressed their surprise and astonish-
ment at this stupendous work of art. It was then the highest
chimney in England, being 263 feet from the base, exceeding in
height that of Muspratt's famous chimney at Liverpool by 38 feet,
and St. Nicholas' steeple, Newcastle, by 69 feet. It is 27 feet in
diameter at the base, and 7 feet at the top, which is finished by a
stone coping. It contains upwards of half-a-million bricks, and is
computed to wei^h nearly 2,000 tons.
July 20. — As John Kelly was descending the shaft of Hetton
pit a large piece of deal fell from the top upon him. The shock
threw him out of the loop, but his foot catching a chain in his
descent, he was suspended with his head downward until he reached
the bottom of the shaft. He was seriously injured.
About this time there was discovered, a little to the eastward of
the ancient church at Norham, the foundation of a building which
appeared to have consisted of a number of very small apartments,
the purpose for which has not yet been ascertained, but it is
supposed to have been a kind of penitentiary for the punishment
of refractory monks.
1833 (July 25.J — Thursday morning early a fire broke out in a
small brewery, occupied by Mr. J. Armstrong as a malting, situated
in a passage leading from Sandgate to the New-road, Newcastle.
In a short time the whole building was in a blaze, and although
the Newcastle and North British fire engines were promptly on
the spot, the brewhouse was entirely consumed. The premises
belonged to Mrs. Renoldson, and were insured.
July 28. — The whole of an extensive building occupied by Mr
Mark Thompson as a raff yard, Pandon, Newcastle, fell to the
ground with a tremendous crash, about six o'clock on the morning,
in consequence of an immense quantity of railway bars having
been placed against the wall next the street. Pandon is a common
thoroughfare, but fortunately no accident happened.
July. — Dr. Bedale, of swimming celebrity, exhibited his aquatic
feats in the river Tyne on two occasions during the last week of
this month. Many of his positions and movements were very
beautiful and scientific. Large crowds attended each day to witness
the novelty of the exhibition.
August. — Early in this month two remarkably large swarms of
flies were noticed at North Shields, proceeding from the sea in a
westerly direction. On one of the occasions an opportunity was
taken of estimating the height of the mass, which appeared to be
about 21 feet by 8 or 10 in breadth. It was several minutes in
passing by the observers.
August 7. — Wednesday, the neighbourhood of Newcastle was
enlivened by the firing of guns and other tokens of joy, at the
loading of the first vessel with coals from the low main seam at
St. Lawrence colliery, near Newcastle, called Picton Main. The
pit was begun from the surface on the 3rd of December preceding,
and was completed to the low main, a depth of 94 fathoms, in the
short period of eight months. The seam is in great perfection, is
six feet thick ; and, as a proof of the spirit of the parties, notwith-
standing that the coal work was only commenced on Monday,
they raised on the following day upwards of 120 tons of coal.
August 19. — For some years past nearly all the moors in
Northumberland had been taken possession of by large bodies of
poachers from the adjoining counties, who not only carried away
immense quantities of game, but even plundered the industrious
farmers of their sheep and did wilful damage to their property.
The overbearing insolence of those lawless intruders so intimidated
the peaceable inhabitants that they almost might be said to have
lost their right over and control of their own property. The 12th
of August (the commencement of the shooting season) was again
marked by the arrival of large bodies of these intruders, upon
which the gentlemen and farmers then shooting on the moors
determined no longer to be annoyed by them. Accordingly, on
the above day, they divided themselves into two parties, and
having ascertained that a body of the poachers would commence
shooting at a place called Whitelee, near Carter Bar, the first
party, consisting of about forty persons, on horseback, set out
from Woodburn about three o'clock on the morning of the 20th,
the second party also setting out for another suspected place of
rendezvous. On the arrival of the first party at Whitelee, they
discovered about 20 poachers ranging the moors, each armed with
a gun, and attended with a dog. Immediately on being discovered,
the poachers formed themselves into a military position on the
ascent of a hill, threw off their coats, and, presenting their guns,
threatened to fire on the first who came near them. A young
gentleman present remonstrated with the poachers on their illegal
conduct, but in vain ; they declared they would not be taken, and
would shoot the first man who approached them. Upon this the
gentleman alluded to rode over a small burn which divided the
parties, instantly followed by his friends, and after considerable
struggling, in the course of which the young gentleman's horse was
felled to the ground, and he himself severely wounded, the poachers
were completely overpowered and brought before two magistrates,
who committed them to Morpeth gaol under the game act.
1833 (Aug. 22J.— Died, in Ropery-lane, Sunderland, aged 102,
Mr. James Hall, mariner.
Same day, about half-past four o'clock, when the tide was on
the turn of ebb, Peter Duncan and James Blair were drowned at
Hartlepool, on the north Sand, under the following circumstances: —
The two unfortunate men, privates in the Scots Greys, with a
third, named William Wilson, having gone for the purpose of
bathing, while the three were undressing, Wilson, observing there
was a heavy swell on, proposed they should not go in, but Duncan
and Blair, being good swimmers, persisted, while Wilson remained
on shore to watch their clothes. When they were in about 80 or
100 yards, and swimming close together, a heavy sea burst upon
them, and they sunk. Wilson, on their not reappearing, gave the
alarm, and assistance was procured, but before the bodies could be
found life was extinct.
September 1. — The Ardincaple steamboat, on her voyage from
Edinburgh to Newcastle, encountered a tremendous gale, such as
had not been seen upon the coast for upwards of thirty years,
When off Bambro' Castle she was struck by a heavy sea, which
completely swept her deck and tore away the whole of the bulwarks,
stanchions, and paddle-casing on the starboard side, carried over-
board Captain Macleod, the steward's daughter, a soldier, and two
other passengers (one of them a young seaman and the other a
middle-aged man). Several other persons were overboard, but
contrived to regain the vessel. Both anchors were let go, and she
was brought up. Another sea then struck her, and the chimney
and mainmast went over the side. Every exertion was made to
clear away the wreck, and she bravely rode in the gale till near
one o'clock the next morning. Too much praise cannot be given
to a party of sailors who were on board, and to Mr. Pearson, late
captain of the King of the Netherlands, who then took the com-
mand. The vessel was perfectly tight, but, from all the skylights
on deck being broken in and the engine-house completely smashed
away, a great deal of water necessarily got into the vessel. Having,
however, an excellent copper pump on board, the sailors and the
crew soon got the better of the water. During the day two of the
crew lowered down the stern boat and jumped into her, when the
painter broke, and they were in a moment swallowed up by the
raging element. About one o'clock she was struck by another
most tremendous sea, when she parted from both her anchors,
both chain cables having broken, and it was then momentarily
expected she would drive ashore. Very fortunately there were
some large tarpaulins which had been used to cover the luggage
upon deck, and with these they contrived to make a sail, and they
had the satisfaction to find she was going off the land with them.
They soon cleared her of the water she had shipped, and steered
immediately for a good anchorage under the lee of the Farn
Islands, where they saw several vessels lying in smooth water, and
among the rest a revenue cutter (supposed to be the Mermaid), and
notwithstanding guns were fired from the Ardincaple, the bell
rung, and every exertion made, they inhumanly took no notice of
the vessel, but suffered her to pass within a very short distance ;
indeed she was in their view the whole of the preceding day. But
a cod smack, which was riding inside the cutter, having heard
the signals, immediately slipped her cables and came down to their
assistance. About 5 o'clook they were taken in tow by the smack
and the passengers were removed into her for safety. She was
towed up by the smack to Shields, where she got into the harbour
next morning. The passengers were all landed in the evening by
the crew of a boat from Cullercoats, who, seeing her distress,
gallantly put off, at the hazard of their lives, to their assistance.
1833 (September 3.J — A most diabolical attempt was made on
the night of this day, by setting fire to a house belonging to Lord
Ravensworth, on Thrunton moor, not only to destroy the property,
but to sacrifice the lives of the inmates. A reward of twenty
pounds was offered for the discovery of the perpetrators.
September 6. — Four stacks of wheat, two stacks of hay, a stack
of straw, a thrashing machine, a cow byre, and various other out
premises, the property of Mr. Matthew Collins, of Monckton, in
the parish of Jarrow, in the county of Durham, were wilfully set
on fire and completely destroyed. Two hundred and fifty pounds
reward was offered, and a free pardon to any accomplice, not
having been the actual incendiaries, for the apprehension and
conviction of the offender or offenders.
September 18. — Twenty-five French boats engaged in the her-
ring trade, were driven ashore on the coast near Newton-by-the-
Sea, Northumberland ; twelve of them were got off, but the others
became wrecks. Their crews, consisting of about 180 men, were
all saved. Shaftoe Craster, esq., of Craster, with his usual bene-
volence, supplied them with both money and victuals, they also
received great hospitality and assistance from several other gentle-
men of the neighbourhood, and were enabled to return to their
1833 (September 23 .) — Died, at Greta Bridge, Yorkshire, in the
71st year of his age, James Losh, esq., of Jesmond Grove, recorder of
Newcastle. Mr. Losh was horn at Woodside, near Carlisle, received
his school education under the Rev. Mr. Gaskin, of Wreay, and
afterwards under Mr. Dawson, of Sedburgh, from whence he
removed to Cambridge, after which he entered Lincoln's Inn, and
in due time was called to the bar. In 1797, he settled at New-
castle, and in the following year married Cecilia, daughter of the
Rev. Dr. Baldwin, of Aldhigham, Lancashire, by whom he left five
sons and three daughters. In 1810, he greatly assisted in the
establishment of the jubilee schools ; subsequently he interested
himself in the formation of infant schools, and in the beginning of
the year of 1883, he ably advocated the scheme for a collegiate
education at Newcastle, the friends of which have to lament his
loss in a more especial manner. The sensation excited by the event
in this neighbourhood was great and extensive, all political differ-
ences appearing to have at once subsided, and every one feeling
that society had lost an active, eminent, and useful member ; the
public institutions, charitable, educational, and literary, a warm
and enlightened supporter ; a numerous circle of friends, an inti-
mate and kind associate, a judicious adviser, and a ready helper;
and the poor a most liberal benefactor. His exertions to promote
the education, particularly the religious education of the lower
classes, were manifested at an early age. His remains were
interred at Gosforth on the 3rd of October, and wore followed to
the grave by the mayor and corporation of Newcastle, the
members of the legal profession, the members of the literary and
philosopical society headed by Sir Matthew W. Ridley, bart., the
mechanics' institute, the anti-slavery society, and then followed
the members of the Unitarian congregation in Hanover-square,
with whom the deceased had for many years been on terms of the
most friendly communion. Several burgesses and corporate
officers succeeded, and the procession was closed by twenty to
thirty carriages. The crowds of respectable spectators on either
side of the road were immense for the first three-quarters of a
mile, and great numbers accompanied the procession to the church,
where, about twelve o'clock, the body was received by the Rev.
J. Walker, M.A., incumbent. The interior of the church was
crowded in every part, and its appearance had at this time a
peculiarly solemn effect. After the usual preliminary services had
been gone through, the whole assembly proceeded to the grave,
where the remaining ceremonies were performed, and the tomb
finally closed over one who when living was included amongst the
greatest benefactors of this town and neighbourhood, and to whom
his relations and more intimate friends had, on this occasion, the
melancholy satisfaction of seeing the public testifying, with one
accord, their gratitude for his exertions, and their esteem for his
October 6. — Sunday evening, owing to the density of the mist,
one of the steam-boats plying between Newcastle and Shields
grounded a little below Walker, where she was unfortunately
obliged to remain till the following morning, to the great annoy-
ance of the passengers, who spent, as may well be conceived, a
most anxious and uncomfortable night.
1833 (October 7.) — Died at Percy Main, aged 101 and five months,
Isabella, widow of Mr. John Thompson, horse-keeper, at Percy
Main colliery. She was a native of Tanfield.
October 12. — The following advertisement appeared in the
Newcastle Courant : — This is to give notice that that gifted man,
George Farn, (goose merchant), has been preaching the gospel
under the sanction of the mayors of Kipon and Newcastle, having
his character signed by a member of parliament, and has been
received with great attention by thousands of people, and is allowed
to be a great doctor of divinity, a man teached by the spirit of
God. This singular man will preach at Gosforth, on Sunday
first, in the open air.
October 28. — Mr. H. L. Pattison obtained a patent for " an
improved method of separating silver from lead." Mr. Pattison's
process was first introduced at the Langley smelt mills, near
Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, and has since been brought into
extensive operation in the various lead districts of the kingdom.
October 31. — Fortunatus Dvvarris, and S. A. Rumball, two of
the commissioners appointed to enquire into the state of municipal
corporations in England and Wales, commenced their labours soon
after noon on the above day in the Guildhall, Newcastle, which
had been granted for the purpose. The corporation was repre-
sented by John Clayton, esq., town clerk, the stewards of the
incorporated companies by Mr. John Brown, their solicitor ; the
burgesses by Mr. William Garrett, Mr. G. T. Gibson and others ;
and the non-burgesses by Mr. Thomas Carr, Mr. T. Willis, and
Mr. William Kell.
November 1. — During a high wind, two houses in Dundas-street,
Monkwearmouth, were blown down.
Same day, an explosion of fire damp occurred at Black Fell
colliery, near Chester-le-street, by which three wastemen lost their
lives, namely, Robert Forster, W. Lamb, and Stephen Campbell.
November 5. — A party of visitors at Chillingham castle, accom-
panied by the keeper, went into the park for the purpose of shooting
one of the wild cattle, and whilst the keepers were reconnoitering
their position, one of the cattle made a sudden rush, when Barnes,
the gamekeeper, unfortunately fell down, and the animal threw
him twice over his head and gored him very much. The infuriated
animal was ultimately driven off by a deerhound, and despatched
by a volley from the party. Barnes was conveyed home in a
dangerous state, and every attention paid him by the noble earl
and his family.
November 15. — A daring attempt at highway robbery took place
in the evening of Hexham fair, on the person of a gentleman
named Weddell, who was attacked near Chollerford by three
footpads ; one of them seized the bridle of his horse, but was
instantly knocked down. Another made a similar attempt, but
shared the same fate. Mr. Weddell not being able to get his horse
to move, dismounted, and after giving the robbers a severe beating,
rode off ; but, on arriving at Chollerford, found that his horse had
been severely stabbed, apparently with a sword.
1833 (November 16.) — Died, at Bagnalstown, county Kilkenny,
aged 28, the Honourable Frederick George Howard, M.P. for the
borough of Morpeth, Northumberland, captain of the 90th regi-
ment, and second son of the earl of Carlisle. On the previous day
he left the barracks, near Kilkenny, in a curricle, accompanied by
two of his brother officers, and was proceeding to visit a detach-
ment of the regiment quartered at Newtonbury. The horse from
some cause took fright and ran away. Captain Howard, in
attempting to leap out, was thrown with great violence upon his
head, which caused an effusion of blood on the brain. Captain
Howard was promoted to a company the 10th of March, 1827.
November 20. — The town of Morpeth, Northumberland, was
lighted with gas for the first time, to^the great satisfaction of the
November 21. — A rare species of fish, known as the Sparus
Dentrex, was captured in the Cambois burn, near Blyth. It
measured 5 feet 6 inches in length, and weighed 791b.
November 22. — Died, at Fairshield, Northumberland, aged 101,
Mrs. Margaret Brammer.
On the same day, at an early hour in the morning, Mrs.
McGregor, whose husband was in the service of Mr. Abbott, of
Gateshead, was delivered of a daughter on board the Ardincaple
steamer, while she lay at anchor under Dunstanborough castle.
In commemoration of the occurrence the child was christened
Elizabeth Ardincaple Dunstanborough McGregor.
November 23. — An explosion of fire-damp took place at the
Low Moorsley pit, near Houghton-le-Spring, in the county of
Durham. Mr. Appleby, viewer, Mr. Dawson, overman, and four
men were dreadfully burnt.
November 23. — Died, at Byker Buildings, aged 103, much re-
gretted, Mrs. Elizabeth Wallas.
November 27. — John Gibson, engineman at Wideopen colliery,
about five miles from Newcastle, lost his life by the bursting of a
boiler, about nine o'clock at night. There were two other boilers
alongside the one which burst, neither of which were much injured.
The boiler which exploded, weighing six to seven tons, was blown
to some distance.
December t).— Died, at the Shaws, near Hexham, aged 90, Mr.
John Charlton. It is somewhat remarkable, that his mother,
Eleanor Charlton, died at the age of 99 ; her sister, Elizabeth, at
102 ; their brothers, John Robson at 102, and Mr. James Robson,
94 ; united ages, 397.
December 10. — The large bell, bequeathed to the parish of St.
Nicholas, Newcastle, by the late Major Anderson, was hoisted up
to the belfry. The diameter of the bell across the mouth is six
feet five inches, its length inside, from top to bottom, is four feet
ten inches, its total weight is about seventy-two cwt. The bell
was cast at the foundry of Sir Robt. Shafto Hawks, & Co., by
James Harrison, of Barton-upon-Humber. On the preceding
Thursday, the bell was christened by Mr. Harrison, the founder,
previous to its removal to the church, on which occasion a party of
twenty of the workmen were comfortably seated within the bell,
where they drank three gallons of ale, after which ten others
entered it, making thirty persons within it at the same time. The
name given to the bell was " The Major." Whilst in the porch of
St. Nicholas, a shoemaker made the greater portion of a shoe in it,
on Monday afternoon.
1833 (December 19J.— A melancholy accident occurred at the
buildings erecting by Mr. Grainger, at Leazes-terrace, Newcastle.
While six of the workmen were walking along the scaffolding, at a
considerable height, with a large head-stone, one of the supporters
gave way, by which means they were all precipitated to the ground.
William Murray was killed on the spot ; Robert Cunningham died
shortly afterwards at the Infirmary ; a third had his leg broken ;
another his thigh bone, and the two others severely bruised. It
did not appear that blame could be attached to any one for the
December 23. — A hare was killed in Pilgrim-street, Newcastle,
by the hounds belonging to Mr. J. G. Clark. It was put up
behind Kenton lodge, ran thence to Gosforth, thence to the Grand
Stand, afterwards across the Moor into Pilgrim-street.
December 23. — Robert William Brandling, esq., of Low Gosforth,
near Newcastle, obtained a patent for improvements in applying
steam and other powers to ships, boats, &c.
1834 (January 1). — Early this morning, the body of an old
woman was found in the ditch adjoining the Newcastle race
course. The deceased was in the habit of travelling round the
villages in the neighbourhood, collecting rags, and was well known
by the name of " Radical Betty" and it was supposed that during
the preceding evening, she had been returning to her residence in
Sandgate, and, from the inclemency of the weather perished on
the moor.
January 8. — Died, at North Shields, aged 103, Elizabeth, widow
of Mr. Thomas Hill, mariner, formerly well known under the
appellation of the " lady wife," she being the person who gave
information to the seamen's wives, on the arrival of their husbands
at Shields bar. She was married at the age of 17, and lived some
years in London, during the reign of George II. She survived
her husband 58 years,
January 10. — The servant of Mr. Angus, farmer, at Hindly,
between Newcastle and Hexham, was crossing the Tyne with a
cart and two valuable horses, they were carried away by the
violence of the stream, which was much swollen by the late rains,
and lost in the sight of several individuals, who could not render
them any assistance.
1834 (January II.) — Died, at Monkwearinouth, aged 100, Mrs.
Margaret George.
January 14. — A large party of poachers were discovered in the
immediate vicinity of Ravensworth castle. The Honourable H.
T. Liddell and a few servants sallied forth to endeavour to drive
them off, when they were violently attacked by the poachers, who
were all armed and in military training, each man answering to a
number. The butler had a very narrow escape for his life, but
John Bell, farm servant to Lord Ravensworth, was severely
wounded in the hip and groin, of which he afterwards died. It is
only proper to say, Mr. Liddell and his party had no arms. A
reward was offered for the discovery of the depredators.
January 15. — Died, in the Tuthill-stairs, Newcastle, aged 65,
Mr. William Fifefield, a man of colour, and a native of the West
Indies. He had resided in that town nearly forty years, and had
filled the situation of drummer in various local regiments. He
was afterwards the owner of a "comfortable," plying between
Newcastle and Shields, and was well known and respected in both
January 16. — The first cargo of coals from Crowtrees' Wallsend
colliery was shipped at the Clarence Railway Company's station, at
Stockton, on board the brig Elizabeth, for London.
January 21. — Early this day, a large quantity of farm produce
was destroyed by fire in two separate farmyards, near the village
of Offerton, in the county of Durham, belonging to Mr. Thomas
Elliott, of that place, farmer. On the alarm being given the whole
of the inhabitants of the village, as well as those of Hilton, were
thrown into the greatest consternation, and a message was
despatched to Sunderland for assistance. A detachment of military
was immediately sent off with the fire engine kept at the barracks,
which arrived about six o'clock, and shortly after, the two Sunderland
parish fire engines, as well as one from Lord Durham's colliery,
reached the spot, but unfortunately too late to save the property
from destruction, the whole, consisting of eighteen corn stacks and
three large hay stacks, being consumed. The manner in which the
stack, which communicated flame to the others, had been fired, left
little doubt of its being the work of an incendiary. His majesty's
pardon and a reward of three hundred pounds were offered for the
discovery of the offenders.
January 21. — The Earl of Durham, with his usual hospitality,
being Provincial Grand Master of that county, invited the whole
fraternity of the province to dinner at Lambton Castle. The
brethren of the different local lodges assembled in the library and
picture gallery at twelve o'clock, and at half-past twelve the grand
lodge was opened in the saloon, which was fitted up by Sir Cuthbert
Sharp, as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, who rose on behalf of
the assembled brethren, and in very appropriate terms presented
the noble earl with a splendid gold medal, ornamented with masonic
emblems set in brilliants, as a mark of the deep sense they enter-
tained of his lordship's services, and their admiration of his public
and private character. The noble earl acknowledged the tribute
in an address of considerable length, replete with the warmest
expressions of kindness and regard. A splendid suite of apartments
in the castle, the gardens and conservatory, were all thrown open
for the accommodation and entertainment of the company, and his
lordship, accompanied by his countess, promenaded on the terrace,
conversing in the most affable manner with the guests. At a late
hour the brethren took their leave, highly delighted with the
urbanity of the noble earl, and his unwearied assiduity in promoting
their comfort and gratification.
1834 (January 28). — Newcastle and the neighbourhood was visited
by a severe storm, of wind and rain, as were all the western parts of
thecounty. From the circumstance of the Tyne risingto an enormous
height and overflowing its banks, the whole of the district below
Blaydon, including Derwenthaugh, Scotswood, Dunstan, &c., was
completely under water, and in many of the houses it was nearly
up to the second floor. At the time of high water at Newcastle in
the evening, the Close and the Quayside were completely flooded,
the water extending on to the Sandhill and a considerable distance
up the Broad-chare. Many cellars and warehouses in those
situations were filled with water.
January 30. — Another case of the destruction of farm property
occurred at Offerton. Since the former fire on the 21st of this
month, Mr. Burnip, the proprietor of the stacks now destroyed, had
kept a constant watch by night over his property until the 29th,
when he desisted, imagining that the high reward offered for the
apprehension of those concerned in Mr. Elliot's conflagration,
would deter others from committing a similar act. He accordingly
retired to rest at his usual hour, but awoke between one and two
o'clock in the morning, and not feeling satisfied, he determined on
perambulating his farm yards, which he did, and all appearing to
be safe he returned to his bed ; but shortly after three o'clock Mr.
Burniss was aroused by a loud knocking at his door, and on looking
out discovered that one of his stack yards was in flames. All
classes at once rendered the most prompt assistance in their power,
but had it not been for the immediate assistance rendered by an
engine from one of Lord Durham's collieries, the whole of the farm
buildings must have been destroyed. The loss of property, never-
theless, was excessive, including 8 stacks of wheat, 4 of oats, 2 of
tares and beans, and 2 of hay. It was stated that a light had been
seen by a cottager on the opposite side of the Wear, about three
o'clock in the morning, moving from stack to stack. The circum-
stance of two fires of such magnitude occurring in the same vicinity
in so short a time, produced a great sensation in the neighbourhood,
and a very strong feeling on behalf of the sufferers, Mr. Burnip
and his son, who were highly respected by all who knew them.
February 5. — The 21st anniversary of the Society of Anti-
quaries of Newcastle was held at their apartments in the building
of the Literary and Philosophical Society. Mr. Adamson read the
report, which embodied an account by the Rev. John Hodgson,
secretary, of the excavations carried on at the expense of the
society, aided by a voluntary contribution, in the Roman station
Borcovicus, at Housesteads, in the years 1830, 1831, and 1833, and
of the researches made by the Rev. A. Hedley at his station of
Vindolana, or little Chesters, and by the late Mr. Crawhall, at
Amblogama, or Burdoswald. The members afterwards dined in
their library, which was tastefully fitted up for the occasion with
the armour in the society's museum, to which Mr. Falla kindly
added some beautiful specimens belonging to him. About twenty-
five dined, Sir Charles Monck in the chair ; Mr. Adamson acted
as his vice. It was a true antiquarian feast, and the evening was
agreeably spent.
1834 (February 11). — Died, at his seat of Mainsforth, aged 55,
Robert Surtees, esq., M. A., F.S. A., and the historian of the county of
Durham. Mr. Surtees was born in the city of Durham, and after
passing his youthful years at Houghton-le-Spring grammar school
and Christ Church, Oxford, he entered the Temple in 1800, but
on the death of his father, in 1802, before he was of standing to
be called to the bar, retired to Mainsforth, and he relinquished his
connection with the profession, and almost immediately commenced
the compilation of his history, the first volume of which was pub-
lished in 1816, the second in 1820, the third in 1823, and the
fourth and last volume not having been wholly arranged at the
time of his death, was not given to the world until 1840. The
biographical sketches in his History of Durham evince the kindli-
ness of the author's disposition, and the pedigree and descents of
property his laborious research, while the notes disclose the
luxuriance of his own imagination, together with an extensive
cultivation of the polite literature of ancient and modern times.
Towards the neighbouring poor, by whom he was much beloved,
he often carried his consideration to a fanciful refinement. He
would frequently drop small sums of money on the road, and
enjoy the notion of the unexpected pleasure that the next poor
person passing by would feel in acquiring them, unencumbered with
the debt of gratitude. He extended his sympathies to the brute crea-
tion, and in his love for dogs was a successful rival of his friend Sir
Walter Scott. His manner was generally distinguished by courtesy
and consideration, but false pretension of any sort he could not
bring himself to tolerate, and unlucky was the man who, in his
presence, ostentatiously affected to know more than he did, for besides
that he was unusually ready in wit and sarcasm, it might be said
of him on such occasions, as was said of Dr. Johnson, that if his
pistol missed fire he would knock you down with the butt end of it.
He was buried midst the tears of the surrounding poor on the
15th of February, 1834, in the churchyard of Bishop Middleham,
where an elegant monument has been erected to his memory by his
February 14. — This day, an old woman, named Jane Gordon,
arrived at the Mendicity office, Newcastle, after travelling from
her native place, Linlithgow, in Scotland, to Toworth, near
Bawtry^ in Yorkshire. She was 100 years of age, and had per-
formed the task three times in the last three years ; but in this, her
last attempt, she failed. In June, 1823, she walked upwards of
400 miles, at an average of eighteen miles a day. Her case being
made known to several charitable individuals, a sum was soon
raised to clothe and send her home. Mr. Radford, one of the
proprietors of the Turf Hotel coach office, generously gave her a
free passage to Edinburgh. She had been a widow 54 years, and
received an allowance, the last twenty from her husband's native
place in Yorkshire.
1834 (February. — This month, Mr. Bowes, of Chapel-row, near
Bishop Auckland, having been annoyed by the occasional stopping
of his clock, sent for a clock-maker, to ascertain the cause, when
it was found that a mouse had built her nest among the works,
where she was actually rearing a young litter.
February 14. — Died at his house in Albion Street, Newcastle,
the Rev. Henry Deer Griffith, incumbent of St. Andrew's, lecturer
at St. Nicholas', and chaplain to the Trinity House. In the death
of this gentleman, the public had to deplore the loss of a very
amiable and accomplished man, and a most able and eloquent
minister of the established church. In life he was beloved and
respected, he died esteemed and regretted by all who knew him.
February 15. — The miners employed at the Monkwearmouth
colliery penetrated through the main seam of coal, which is six
feet nine inches in depth, and 264 fathoms from the surface.
February 26. — Wednesday about four o'clock, the bark mill
occupied by Mr. Jonathan Priestman, situated in Low Friar-street,
Newcastle, was discovered to be on fire. The engines of the New-
castle and North British fire offices, and those from the barracks,
were speedily in attendance, but from the strong wind which was
then blowing at the time and the height which the fire had readied
before assistance could be procured, all hope of saving the pre-
mises where it first originated were abandoned. Every effort was
therefore directed to prevent the dreadful conflagration from
spreading, which was successful. The loss of property, however,
was very considerable.
March 3. — Thomas Drummond of Biddick, county of Durham,
pitman, was declared by a respectable jury at the Court House,
Edinburgh, to be lawful heir male to his grand uncle, John Drum-
mond only brother to James Drummond, last earl of Perth, com-
monly called Duke of Perth. Mr. Drummond afterwards pub-
lished his case, claiming the title and estates of the earls of Perth,
and attempted to prosecute his claim before the committee of
privileges of the House of Lords, but not being able to raise the
necessary funds proved one if not the chief obstacle to his suc-
cess. The earldom was likewise claimed by the duke de Melfort,
and was eventually obtained by him in 1853.*
March 15. — Died, at South Shields, aged 100 years, Mrs. Alice
* An interesting account of the above may be had of T, Fordyce.
1834 (March 15). — Saturday at niaht, between twelve and one
o'clock, a young man named Master-man, a Cooper in Newcastle,,
was assisting an acquaintance named Waddle to his residence at the
South Shore, near Messrs. Hawks and Co.'s factory, he was-
accosted by three men when near Black wall paper mill, and
knocked do\vn by 011x3 of them with what resembled a broken oar
and robbed of a sovereign, four shillings in silver, and his watch.
His hat was found next morning near Redheugh. He was so-
dreadfully disabled that he could not move, and after being
exposed to the cold several hours, was found between six and seven-
in the morning with his pockets turned inside out, and on being-
removed home was in such a precarious state that Mr. Alderman
Shadforth attended on Sunday evening with Mr. J. Brown, and
took his deposition. Waddle was also robbed, but not seriously
injured. On the Monday, three young men were taken upon sus-
picion, viz., Benjamin Bramwell and Martin Lennox, smiths, and
John Pybus, an apprentice to a builder. After undergoing an-
examination, they were remanded until Wednesday, when they
were again brought before the mayor and magistrates. Bramwell
gave a voluntary account of himself and such further information;
as implicated his companions, and warranted the magistrates in
committing them for trial, At the assizes held at Durham in the
month of August following, Lennox and Pybus were found guilty
of highway robbery, Bramwell being admitted king's evidence.
March 20. — A fine vessel of aboat eight keels burden, and the
only one ever built above the Tyne bridge, was launched at
Chatham, in the presence of a large assemblage of spectator*.
She was called The Frolic, and intended for the Baltic trade.
March 22. — During a heavy gale of wind, a new chapel, which
was building at Monkwearmouth for the Baptists, was blown
down. On the same day a portion of the lead "on the roof of the
Natural History Society's building in Westgate- street, Newcastle,
weighing upwards of a ton, was also blown dawn, and fell on the
top of the adjacent workshops of Messrs. Dotehin, cabinet makers,
and did considerable damage.
March 24. — About four o'clock in the morning, Ayton House
near Berwick, the seat of J. Fordyee, esq., was discovered to be
in flames, and the family and domestics just escaped with their
lives almost in a state of nudity. A messenger was immediately
sent to Berwick, but before the engine could arrive a great part of
the roof had fallen in, and furniture, library, &c., were destroyed.
By the exertions of the firemen, the kitchen, cellars, and one of
the wings of the house were saved. Everything else was con-
sumed. The fire was supposed to have originated in one of the
servant's rooms, where she had left a can-die burning. The furni-
ture, &c , were insured in the Sun and Phoenix offices to the
amount of £8000.
March 27. — As George Johnson, in the employ of Messrs.
Fletcher, dr\ s liters, Newcastle, was driving a cart of
to die carriers, a hackney couch, driven by Thomas
Forster, unfortunately ran against him with such violence as to
bring him in contact with the shaft of the cart, which was standing
in the street, and to cause three of his ribs to be broken ; he lay
on the footpath for some time as if dead. The man who drove the
hackney coach, was conveying a person to Durham, who had a
broken leg ; and, strange to say, as soon as he had driven the
coach to Durham, he complained himself of being ill, requested to
be taken to his son's house, and died the following morning.
1834 (March 28;. — The following melancholy event took place
at Low Buston, near Warkworth. A cow, roused by some boys,
attacked a female who was driving her, and tossed her several
times over her head, and continued to gore her for some minutes,
notwithstanding the efforts of several individuals who were attracted
to the spot, and had much difficulty in extricating the poor woman
from her perilous situation. She was, however, removed to a
house, and found to be much injured, and in a dangerous state.
Another woman, an eye-witness to the accident, and who had
gone to her assistance, died immediately afterwards, from the effects
of the fright.
March 30. — Mr. William Gallon, of Wooler, innkeeper, when
digging a drain to conduct water into his court-yard, from the
Water Company's pipes in the street, found a large stone trough
of a singular shape, being wide at one end and narrow at the other
full of rich black mould, with a small quantity of white earthy
substance resembling adipocere, of very offensive odour, from which
circumstance it was thought to be an ancient stone coffin, one end
of which was close to the foundation of his house, the latter being
nearly 800 years old.
April 9. — The dead body of a woman, named Ann Lumsden,
was found upon the sea-shore at Hendon, near Sunderland,
supposed to have been murdered. A man, named Thomas
Hodgson, was fully committed to take his trial upon the charge,
but was honourably acquitted at the Assizes, held at Durham in
the following August.
April 16. — Died, at Bedlington, North Durham, aged 104, Mary,
widow of Mr. Robert Gallon.
April 31. — Charles May, a clerk in the office of a solicitor in
Newcastle, was fully committed for trial at the Assizes, on a
charge of stealing 174 volumes, and a great number of prints,
which had been torn out of books, all belonging to Dr. Thomlin-
son's Library in St. Nicholas' church, in that town. May was
transported for seven years.
May 6. — An elegant new barge, for the use of the right
worshipful the mayor and corporation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
was launched from the building- yard of Messrs. John Oliver and
Son, boat-builders, South Shields.
May 12. — A fire broke out on the premises belonging to
Cress well Baker, esq., at Hareup- Hill- End, near Bewick, in the
county of Northumberland, occupied by two farm-servants, which
consumed the whole of the building, together with a quantity of
corn that was in the granary, also three wheat stacks, and a large
hay-rick. The fire originated in the chimney.
1 (May.) — The church of St. Nicholas had a new north porch
and buttresses erected, to correspond with those on the south.
From Groat Market, with foot of Middle-street, the site of the latter now
occupied by the Town Hall Buildings.
May 15. — The upper part of the Stanhope and Tyne Railway
extending from Stanhope to Annfield, county of Durham, a distance
of about sixteen miles, was opened. A party of gentlemen left
Annfield at eight o'clock in the morning by a railway waggon,
tastefully fitted up for the occasion, and arrived at the termination
of the line about eleven, highly gratified with the whole line of
road, but especially with that part of it which crosses the precipi-
tous ravine called the Hownes. At one o'clock the first four lime
waggons were started from the spacious range of kilns belonging
to the company, and speedily ascended the steep inclined
adjoining Stanhope, amidst the cheers of an immense crowd of
spectators. A splendid dinner had been provided for 400 persons
by the spirited proprietors of the railway. But the hilarity of the
occasion was much damped by the occurrence of a serious and
fatal accident. Four carriages, in which there could be no less
than from forty to fifty people, had just commenced the descent of
the second inclined plane, when one of the shackles suddenly
snapped, and the waggons ran with great velocity against some
other waggons, when by the shock one man was killed, and a boy,
nine years of age, so seriously injured, that he died during the
night. Several others had bones fractured by leaping off the
waggons during their descent, and many received various con-
1834 (May 28.) — Being his majesty's birthday, a royal salute
was fired from the castle, the bells rung several merry peals, and
the Newcastle volunteers fired a feu dejoie on the Sandhill. The
ships in harbour also hoisted their flags, and other demonstrations
of joy were observed in different parts of the town.
June 22. — A new Catholic chapel at Minster Acres was opened.
June 23. — Workmen began to prepare ground at the entrance of
the Sunderland market for the erection of the arcade there.
July l. — James Liddell, convicted at the Durham assizes of
forgery, escaped from the prison between the hours of one and two
o'clock in the afternoon. He had forced two locks, and by the
assistance of some rope and a ladder, got over the back wall of
the prison.
July 2. — The black tigress belonging to Wombwell's menagerie
produced a. litter of young ones in Newcastle. This is the first
instance of a breed having been obtained from those animals in.
About this period a person named Thomas Elliott, aged 87, but
better known in most parts of Northumberland as Tommy the
tinker, died at Chollerton Edge, in that county. He generally
resided at Stamfordham, and in his peregrinations through life
used frequently to walk from Tweedmouth to the latter place, a
distance of upwards of sixty miles, in one day. He was very
industrious, and is said to have reaped corn regularly every year
for seventy-four years.
July 4. — A dog, which was in an attic in a three storey house
in Maud's lane, Sunderland, on a gesture made by the person with
whom it was in charge, sprung through the window, which was
open, and fell to the ground on the pavement unhurt, a height of
33 feet. The animal was upwards of four stone weight.
July 15. — The bells of the churches in Newcastle rung several
rnerry peals on account of the common council giving their formal
sanction to Mr. Graingers's improvement plans. The same even-
ing Mr. Grainger's workmen were regaled in the Nuns-field with
a plentiful supply of strong ale, &c., which drew together a great
crowd of spectators, whose excited feelings led them to acts of
violence. After being desired to depart, they became furious, and
broke into the mansion called Anderson Place occupied^ by T.
Anderson, esq., and destroyed the whole of a splendid stair-case,
and did other mischief.
18'M (Juty 19.J— There was livin£ at Stella Path-head a Wldow
named Catherine Miles, of the extraordinary age of 103 years,
and so active and vigorous that a month previously she carried a
stone of flour from Newcastle to her home, a distance of five or
six miles. Her son had promised to take her to Stella in the
wherry, but she would not wait for that conveyance.
Jit ft/ 22. — A murder was perpetrated on the body of Thomas
.t Uebburn Quay. A slight quarrel arose at a tea drinking
held in a public house. Thomas Lee accidentally putting out his
foot which tripped up a girl while dancing, and broke her sandal,
she immediately made complaint to her sweetheart, Daniel
Stewart, who remonstrated with Lee in an angry tone. Lee readily
apologised, and Stewart shook hands. The three then in token of
reconciliation drunk each other's health, but two of Stewart's
companions, sailors, were desirous to fight Lee, who declined com-
bat with either of them. The festivities continued until 2 o'clock,
when the party broke up the quarrel recommenced, and Lee was
killed by a blow with a pewter pot. He was thrown into the
water, and was not found until half-tide next morning at ten.
o'clock. At the assizes held the next week at Durham one of the
men named Willis was found guilty of manslaughter, and sen-
tenced to seven years' transportation.
July 24. — A splendid large ship, fully rigged and manned, with
one hundred tons of ballast in her hold, and in every respect fitted
for sea, was launched from the building-yard of Mr. Reay,
Walker- on- the-Tyne, and proceeded to sea on her voyage.
July 28. — While a horse and gig were awaiting two gentlemen
in the Main-street of Sunderland, the horse became restive, and
the man who had the charge of it losing his hold, it took off at
full speed down the street, and came in contact with a lamp-post,
which it broke, and, unfortunately, just at that moment, a
blind man, called Thomas Willis, better known as " Blind Tom,"
was passing the spot, part of the lamp-post fell upon his head, and
fractured his skull, and the gig also went over him. The poor
man was so dreadfully bruised that he died the next morning at
one o'clock.
Jnlij 26.— Mr. Green, according to a promise he had made to the
inhabitants of Darlington, in consequence of a failure in an
attempt to ascend a few days before, commenced the process of
inflating his balloon in a field, the use of which was granted for
the occasion, adjoining Mr. E. Pease's house. About a quarter
before six o'clock, the balloon having received a supply of ^as, the
cords were slackened to allow it to clear itself, it was then fas-
id on a cart with the car, in which Mr. Green and two females
e seated. It was then conducted up North- street, preceded by
id playing favourite airs. It was a magnificent si*ht, and the
K was much crowded with spectators. On reaching the market
In- made :i splendid ascent, to the admiration <>f :m immense mul-
titude, lie landed at I'iliuoor House, near Croft, about four mile*
from Darlington.
IS;', |. (,//////."><>.) — Mr. (JrainL'-cr rommeti-'ed to dike the levels
;ilid l:iy out, the III! elided new market* and Hlreets in the NmiS-
lield, Newcastle. I Miring the ; excavations the workmen found an
ancient, east of a < rnci!i\, lh" remains of a. i'/ilt, spur, a farthing of
\Yilliam the, Third, and two other small coins.
August I — l>i*'d at Canton, ajjvd 52, tbti Kev. IJobert Morrison,
]).!). '1'liis disliiiL'ni.shed mi; sionary and oriental sehohr was born
jil. Wiii»atfS, in the parish of Loiijjdiorslev, Northuinbei land, on
Ilie ;»!h of January, 1 7<S -;, l»nt removed in infancy to Huller^
(Jreen, Moi-p'.'th, where he eontiiineil to residt^ till :il»out, 17^;'),
when his parents removed to Nr.wrast.le. A I an early ajjje he
became apprenlii-e, to his father, who was a Diinfi-rinlinu man,
and \\ hose hiisiness was that of a last, and boot, tree maker, in
Avhieh business his son soon heeame skilful and industrious. The
.shop in which he wrought was in :i passage in the. ( J roat,- market ,
now known by tin; name of Da^'s-entry or Morrison's-«)iirt.
WOllKSiMU'. DAGO'S KN'I'li V, (i la )AT MA I! KMT.
Whilst, but a youth his passion for knowledge l)eeame intense, nnd
the K< v. A. Laidla\v, of the, Silver-street J'reshy t»;ri:in chape],
was his (irst insiructor in (jln-ck, Latin, and 1 Ichrew. ll<^c,om-
nieneed to wi'ite shoi'thand, to stud)1 theiJo^y, and he(;ame a /ealou.s
member of the Society for the lielie.f of the Homeless Poor. In
1*01 In- was snllieiently advanced in his studies to p:is.s his exami-
n:»ti.»n as a cler;j) man, and ah'.nl, a year after he. offered himself
as a missionary to China, and was accepted. The first 'jrcat
abject of the mission was to form a Chinese dictionary, the next
to translate the, script HITS. P.oth these giv;it works have been
accomplished hy the two first men appointed to the mission, Mr.
Morrison and Mr. Milne, the latter of whom departed this life
some Team Rgo. The, translation of the scriptures was a work
common to l..'.il, of these two eminent missionaries. The transla-
tion and compilation of the dictionary was Mr Morrison a own,
.„„! is the monument of his fame. His remains were followed from
l.is residence to the river side by Lord Napier and all the
Furom-an. American, and Asiatic British subjects in Canton. The
corpse was forwarded to Macao, and followed to the grave by
about forty Knropoari gentlemen, and interred in the Protestant
burial ground in that settlement.
; (.\ntjnft 1). — A new joint stock coach commenced to run
between Gateshead and Stanhope by way of Whickham,Burnopfield,
Lanchester,Wolsingham,&c, This was the first coach ever attempted
on that line of road.
A mjnst 5. — Died, at ITartlepool, Durham, Edward Dixon, esq.,
aired '1\. Mr. Dixon's family, (Dixon of Beeston) is one of con-
siderable antiquity, having been located at Beeston, in Yorkshire,
for several centuries, and being also the representative of the very
ancient line of the De Beistons, the last of whom, Dorothy de
Beiston, who died in 1G35, married his ancestor Ralph Dixon,
esq , and from the eldest son of which marriage Mr. Dixon was
August 6. — Died, in the 73rd year of his age James Wilkie,
M.D., resident surgeon and apothecary to the Dispensary, New-
castle, which important situation he filled upwards of fifty years.
During this long period he discharged with great ability, singular
fidelity, and unwearied zeal, the duties of his office, to which his
uncommonly healthy constitution and vigorous mind enabled him
punctually to attend till within a few months of the close of his
valuable life. He was remarkable for his simplicity of manner,
energy and decision of character, honest pride, love of justice, and
integrity, and for his humanity and benevolence of disposition, and
steady attachment to his friends, but the most prominent quality
in his character, and the one for which he is entitled to be remem-
bered with the greatest respect and gratitude, was his generous
and humane attention to every case of distress which it was in his
power to relieve.
August 9. — A locust of extraordinary size was found alive in the
nursery of William Falla, esq , of Gateshead. It was similar to
the specimen described by Lineaus as the migratory locust. This
ery singular circumstance, and its being found in that part of
the country is of very rare occurrence.
August 10.— The fine ship, Palmer, 600 tons burthen, sailed
from Newcastle with passengers and goods, to Van Dieman's
Land and New South Wales, being the first vessel that had left
the port of Tyne for these colonies.
AwjuKt 25.— Mr. William Walker, mason, of Branton, North-
umberland, and Mr. William Atkinson, joiner, Powburn, accom-
panied by Mr. Thomas Duncan, teacher, Glanton, left Branton
arly m the morning to go trout fishing in the river Breamish. In
consequence of the heavy fall of rain that morning the water be-
gan very rapidly to overflow the banks, and whilst the party were
attempting to cross a small brook, which runs into the Breamish,
but which had swollen very much with the rain, a melancholy circum-
stance took place. Walker, who went into the water first,
immediately disappeared. Atkinson, who was a very athletic man,
plunged in to save him, but unhappily he sunk also, but soon after-
wards came to the top, and reached out his fishing rod, which he
still kept hold of, to Mr. Duncan ; unfortunately, however, the
water was running so furiously that the rod on which the lives of
Atkinson and Walker were depending, broke, and they again sunk
to rise no more. Mr. Duncan's humanity for his fellow sufferers
prompted him to plunge in also, but he was soon carried away by
the furious current, and had it not been for the timely assistance
of Mr. Robert Donkin, of Ingram, he would have shared the fate
of his companions. He was taken out of the water almost in a
lifeless state.
1834 (August 29.J — Died, at Percy Main, aged 93, Mr. Charles
Gardener. It is somewhat singular that, during his long life, it
only cost him two shillings and sixpence for medicine, and one
shilling for extracting two teeth. He worked until his 90th year.
August 19. — This was the most successful herring season on
the coast of Northumberland ever remembered, and was the
means of employing a great many industrious fishermen and their
families, in the process of curing; they were sold in the streets of
Alnwick at six a penny.
September 8. — Two gentlemen from Durham, James and
Cuthbert Kirby, brothers, attended the Falkirk Tryst, and
purchased a number of sheep, which were sent forward on their
way to England, to Shieldhill, a village about two miles to the
south of Falkirk, in the charge of Cuthbert Kirby, and a drover.
The sheep were put into a field, and Mr. Kirby, after having
partaken of supper, went out, but not returning, his absence
began to create uneasiness, and about ten o'clock, a man went in
search of him. Every exertion to discover the trace of Mr.
Kirby proved fruitless, when it was suspected that he had
fallen down an old coal pit, which had been allowed to stand open,
without so much as a fence around the mouth of it. This
culpable negligence was the cause of death in this instance.
Some of the workmen at Carron lent their assist;mce and soon
had a windlass on the spot, and as a precautionary measure
against gas, which was likely to have accumulated at the bottom
of the mine, a colliers lamp was let down, and an intrepid
individual, William Henderson, then descended to the full depth,
of 120 feet, and found the corpse of the unfortunate man. A
dreadful wound presented itself on the left temple, the skull
being completely driven in, the left shoulder was likewise broken,
and one of the thighs much injured.
September 10. — This was the day fixed for the ceremony of
opening the entire line of the Stanhope and Tyne Railroad, and
in consequence, from an early hour in the morning, much interest
scited in the neighbourhood of the company s works at South
Shi. -his About two o'clock, an engine arrived from Medomsley
ing 100 waggons of coal, and this train was
followed bv a .second, containing the directors of the line and
their friends. The coal was then deposited in the ship Sally, of
South Shields, being the first vessel loaded at the new drops. A
dinner was given to the workmen, 1,000 in number, and a grand
banquet afterwards took place at the Golden Lion Inn, R. Ingham,
.M.P., in the chair, at which 120 gentlemen sat down. The
Stanhope and Tyne Railway was 32 miles in length, and was
constructed by agreement with the landowners, without the aid
of parliament, at a cost of upwards of half a million sterling.
ls;M (September 15.)— The river Tyne displayed one of the most
animating scenes that had ever probably been witnessed upon its
waters. The occasion was the holding of a Regatta for the first
time in this neighbourhood ; and about mid day crowds of well-
dressed people were proceeding to the place appointed for the
races, a number of equestrians, and carriages filled for the most
part with fashionably attired ladies, added considerably to the
lively bustle of the scene. The Regatta was appointed to take
place at 12 o'clock, and shortly after that hour the stewards,
namely, the Right Worshipful the Mayor (Henry Bell, esq.),
J. T.Carr, esq , deputy master of the Trinity-house, and W. A.
Surtees, esq., arrived in a boat, at the stern of which was
exhibited a blue silk flag, bearing the arms of the town surmounted
by the words " Tyne Regatta," the barges of the Mayor, the
Trinity-house, a private barge, several steamers with their decks
thronged with passengers, the gigs which were intended to compete
for the prizes, and a large number of other boats followed, and
the river at the head of the King's Meadows, presented a spectacle
of a peculiarly striking character.
September 17 — One of the very large steam boilers at Elemore
pit, Helton Colliery, Durham, by some unexplained circumstance
was shifted from its place by the force of the steam, and thrown
a distance of forty yards, and rolled ^ten yards further. A man
named George Bell was killed upon the spot. Peter Thornton,,
ami William Smith, were severely scalded. John Potts was
thrown a very great distance against an ashheap, and with such
force that he was completely engulphed in it, and could not be
extricated till the ashes had been cleared from around him.
September 19. — The "London Gazette" contained an order
in Council, declaring Newcastle-upon-Tyne one of the ports for
the importation of goods from places within thetlimits of the East
India Company's charter.
October 4.— A serious accident happened at Springwell colliery,
near Eighton Banks, the property of Lord Ravensworth and
L artners, by the falling of a heavy piece of timber down the pit,
which alighted upon a scaffold or "cradle," on which were
standing William Puncheon, a brakesman, and John Smith,
wasteman, the weight of which precipitated them to the bottom,
a depth of thirty fathoms, and they were both killed upon the spot.
1834- (October 6.) — The annual election of corporate officers
took place in Newcastle, when John Lionel Hood, esq., was
unanimously elected mayor, and John Mellar Chapman, esq.,
sheriff. There was an exciting contest for the office of recorder
between G. H. Wilkinson, esq., and R. C. Askew, esq., the latter
being the corporation candidate ; but the former was elected by
a majority of 14 to 10. Mr. Alderman RobsoR was elected mayor
of Durham.
October 31. — Died, at his house, in Percy-street, Newcastle,
in the 60th year of his age, Mr. John Bruce. For upwards of
forty years he filled the arduous situation of a teacher of youth,
first in Alnwick, his native place, and then in Newcastle. The
deceased was the author of a work on geography, which has
obtained very wide estimation, and he was also the compiler of
other elementary works. At the time of his death, he had in
conjunction with his son, the Rev. J. C. Bruce, the direction of
one of the most extensive and flourishing seminaries in the North
of England. His funeral, which took place on November the 5th,
was attended by a large number of the principal inhabitants of
Newcastle. Soon afterwards, an elegant monument, designed by
Mr. J. Green, was placed in Westgate cemetery, over his remains,
at the cost of his friends and pupils.
October. — This month, the new line of road leading from Belsay
to Otterburn, was opened to the public. This desirable under-
taking greatly lessens the distance between Newcastle and
Edinburgh, being now only 98 miles.
November 10. — Mr. Green ascended with his balloon from
Tyne- street, North Shields. It was announced that Mr. Brown
from Sunderland, would accompany him ; but in consequence of a
deficiency of gas, Mr. Green durst not attach his car to the balloon,
and being determined to ascend, though dissuaded from it, he went
up astride a rope in a beautiful and majestic manner, and in about
four minutes alighted in the river near Howdon, from which
situation he was rescued by some scullermen.
November 11. — An inquest was held at Ebchester, on the body
of Isabella Browell. It appeared that on the day proceeding,
William Ward, parish clerk, an old man nearly 80 years of age,
was handling a gun in his house, not knowing it was loaded, it
went off, and the contents lodged in the body of the deceased, who
was his grand daughter, killing her on the spot.
November. — This month, the following extraordinary circum-
stances took place on Williamson Fell, the western extremity of
Northumberland ; Mr. J. Gill, whilst sporting over the manor of
his father, Harry Gill, esq., of Williamson, Knaresdale, sat down
to rest, when his attention was attracted by a moorcock falling
dead at his feet. On looking up, he observed an immense eagle
hovering near, at which he immediately fired, and winged it.
The monarch of the air, qn being approached, and being unable to
effect its escape by flight, gave battle, and was only captured after
•d struggle. The young gentleman having overcome his
antagonist, took him by the neck, threw him over his shoulder,
and carried him to his father's residence. It was discovered, on
ming the moorcock, that the eagle had struck its head off
with his talons, whilst hovering in the air.
1834 (November IS.)— A grand dinner was given at the Assembly
Rooms, Newcastle, to the Earl of Durham, by his friends and
admirers, in that town. The chair was taken by W. H. Ord, esq.,
M.P., who was supported by the noble Earl and W. Ord, esq.,
William Hutt, esq., M.P., Sir W. Chaytor, Bart., M.P., Cuthbert
Kippon, esq., M.P. Dr Headlam, the recorder of Newcastle,
W. W. Burdon, esq., and J. Losh, esq., officiated as vice-presidents.
The Countess of Durham and a number of ladies were also present,
and the proceedings, which were very animated, lasted until near
midnight. The front of the Assembly Rooms was illuminated in
gas jets with a crown and " William IV," and the words
" Durham and Reform." This was the first gas illumination ever
seen in the North, and was much admired.
November 23. — Died, at his father's house, in Albion-place,
Newcastle, after a protracted illness, in his 20th year, John
Trotter, eldest son of John Trotter Brockett, esq. In him was
found intellectual acquirements of the highest order, and to an
intimate acquaintance with the fine arts, in the cultivation of
which, he had few superiors, was united an extensive knowledge
of northern literature, and of antiquarian subjects in general,
November 2k — An explosion of gas took place it St. Lawrence
colliery, near Newcastle, by which three men were burnt to death.
Two of the men were masons, and had been building a wall with
a naked candle, by which it was supposed the gas became ignited,
November 24 — Thomas Martin, William Witty, John Berwick,
and a boy named John Howe, Avere killed at Hartley Colliery, by
the breaking of the rope in descending the shaft.
November 24. — The beadle of St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle,
having been apprised that a corpse would be sent by the
Ardincaple steam vessel for interment, accordingly, on the above
day, a box, directed "A passenger," was taken to his house,
containing a splendid coffin which was interred at 9 o'clock next
morning, in the most private manner, and without the tolling of
any bell. The entry made in the register is " Helen Tatlock,
Aberdit'ii." The only reason given was, that the woman
requested not to be buried in Scotland.
December 30.— The family of Mr. Robert Jackson, of New
Elvet, Durham, were fortunately preserved from impending
destruction by the barking and howling of a favourite dog. This
trusty animal observing two clothes-horses on fire after the family
pad ivthvd to rest, sagaciously gave the alarm.
December.— A melancholy accident happened at the entrance to
Alnwiek, from the west, a young man named Aynsley, servant to
Mr. Crisp, of Ilugley, was thrown from his horse, and had his
skull fractured, when found, lie was in a dying state, and expired
before lie could be carried home.
1834 (December 31..) — The body of a schoolmaster named Tomlin-
son, of North Shields, was discovered in the river Tyne, near the
Low-lights. It is supposed he had fallen over some of the quays,
during the night.
1835 (January.) — In consequence of the dismissal of the Melbourne
Government, Parliament was dissolved, December 29, 1834, and
writs were immediately issued for the new elections. There were
four candidates for the representation of Newcastle, viz., Sir M. W.
Ridley, bark, Blagdon ; John Hodgson, esq., of Elswick, William
Orel, esq. of Whitlield ; and James Aytoun, esq, of Edinburgh.
January 5. — John Mellar Chapman, esq., sheriff of Newcastle,
opened the business of nomination, when Sir M. W. Ridley, bart.,
was proposed by Mr. Alderman Sorsbie, and seconded by Colonel
Bell. John Hodgson, esq., was nominated by Mr. Alderman
Reed, and seconded by Mr. W". Cuthbert. William Ord, esq., was
proposed by Mr. A. L. Potter, and seconded by Mr. Charnley.
James Aytoun, esq., was proposed by Mr. Easterby, and seconded
by Mr. Fife, the last-named two candidates had the show of hands.
The polling commenced on the morning of Tuesday the 6th, and
closed on the following day at four o'clock. On Thursday the
8th, at twelve o'clock, the sheriff declared the poll to be, for
William Ord, esq., 1,844; Sir M. W. Ridley, 1,500; John
Hodgson, esq., 1,257 ; James Aytoun, esq., 988. On leaving the
hustings, Sir M. W. Ridley, was most brutally assailed with
missiles of all descriptions while driving through the streets in
his carriage, preceded by his band, near the Mansion-house, in the
Close, an attack was made upon the band, and one of his colours
was torn down. At the foot of the Side another of his colours
was demolished, and a large piece of coal was thrown into his
carriage. Sir Matthew then ordered the postillions to move
forward, and they proceeded at a rapid pace to the Queen's Head
Inn, where he alighted.
January. — The representation of South Shields was contested
by Robert Ingham, esq., and R. Bowlby, esq. At the close of
the poll, the numbers were, for Mr. Ingham, 273, and for Mr.
Bowlby, 128.
January. — At Sunderland, on the 7th, the numbers stood at the
close of the poll, Alderman Thompson, 844 ; Mr. Barclay, 709 ;
Sir William Chaytor, 389.
January, — The Berwick election terminated as follows : — •
Bradshaw, 410 ; Sir R. Donkin, 350 ; Sir F. Blake, 337.
January. — Durham city election began on Thursday the 8th,
and the polling on Monday the 12th, and was carried on with
great spirit until within half an hour of closing the poll on the
second day, when the disturbance became so great, that the mayor
was obliged to adjourn the poll until the following day at 9 o'clock,
when after being kept up half an hour, the numbers were declared
by the mayor as follows : — Mr. Trevor, 473 ; Mr. Harland, 433 ;
Mr. Granger, 350. The two former gentlemen weref afterwards
chaired in the usual form. .
1 835 (J<niwn-i/.)— Tynemouth : George l< redenck Young, esq., was
returned without opposition.
(ji.t.-shcml: Cuthbert Kippon, esq., was re-elected without
Morpeth : The Hon. E. G. G. Howard was re-elected without
South Northumberland: Matthew Bell, esq., and Thomas W.
Beaumont, esq., were re-elected.
North Northumberland: Viscount Howick and Lord Ossulston
were re-elected without opposition.
North Durham : Hedworth Lambton, esq., and Sir Hed worth
Williamson, bart., were re-elected.
South Durham : John Bowes esq., and Joseph Pease, esq.,
were again re-elected.
January 13.— Died, at his house, in Clavering -place, in
NewcastJe-upon-Tyne, in the 81st year of his age, Robert Hopper
Williamson, esq., barrister-at-law, temporal chancellor of the
county of Durham. Mr. Williamson, was descended from the
respectable family of Hopper, of the county palatine, and
marrying the heiress of Dr. Williamson, of Whickham, he assumed
her name in addition to his own. In 1794 he was elected recorder
of Newca^tle-upon-Tvne, which important office he filled with the
most distinguished ability until the death of Mrs. Williamson, in
1829, when he tendered his resignation. He was appointed to the
temporal chancellorship of Durham, in 1819, by bishop Barrington,
and he sustained the duties which appertained to it, then highly
onerous and important, in a manner which did him the highest
credit. For many years Mr. Williamson practised as a chamber
counsel in Newcastle, and no man has ever had his opinion upon
the great and various questions submitted to his consideration,
more implicitly deferred to — patient and indefatigable in all his
researches, his opinions had the moral force and influence of
judicial decisions — an honour which has been conceded to no other
jurisconsult of his time. In politics, he was a whig of the old
school, and he attended the polling booth at the recent election
for Newcastle, and polled a plumper for Sir M. W. Ridley bart.,
declaring that this act would, as it proved to be the last public
action of his life. The energies of his mind, and the strength of his
faculties, remained in full vigour to the last; and he passed his
four score years without being subject to any of those senilities
which so generally mark the great age to which he had the
happiness to attain. On Tuesday the 20th, his remains were
interred at Whickham, with great respect; the members of the
corporation, gentlemen of the legal profession &c., occupying
upwards of forty carriages followed the hearse, notwithstanding
the inclemency of the weather.
.Jtinnary 14.— The drivers of three carts, in the neighbourhood of
Axmghorsley, Northumberland, agreed to run a race, and drove at
a furious rate, until within a short distance of Whomleyburn, when
the carts came in contact with each other, and with a laden cart,
which they met, when the latter and one of the former were upset,
and a man named George Taylor, of Roth bury, was killed on the
spot, and his daughter, who was in the cart with him, narrowly
escaped the same fate.
1835 (January 1 6.) — The town of Hexham, Northumberland, was
lighter! with gas for the first time. In celebration of the event,
the directors and shareholders of the gas company walked in
procession through the town, and afterwards dined together at
the Black Bull Inn, R. Stokoe, esq., in the chair.
January 2(5. — Karly on the morning of this day, a daring
burglary was committed at the house of Mr. Crighton, solicitor, in
Eldon-plaoe, Newcastle, Between three and four o'clock, Mr, Crigh-
ton was alarmed by hearing a noise in the lower part of his house,
and having procured a light, and armed himself with a poker, he
proceeded down stairs to ascertain the cause; but on reaching the
passage, his light was blown out by the wind, and almost at the
game instant a man rushed out of the dining-room, A scuffle then
ensued between them, during which Mr. Crighton struck the
thief some severe blows with the poker, but in return received
several bruises, and had the end of one of his fingers bitten off.
The thief, however, unfortunately effected his escape through the
back door, An alarm was instantly given, and the assistance of
some of his neighbours and the watchman having been procured,
a strict search was made, but no trace of the depredator could be
met with. On examining the back parlour it appeared that the
thief had put up some of Mr. Crighton's clothes into a bundle,
and had helped himself to some wine and cake ; he was supposed
to have entered by the window.
February 12. — A letter having been received by the church w;ard ens
of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, from George Maule, esq., solicitor to the
treasury, requiring them to call a vestry meeting of the parishioners,
to select three of the responsible and respectable inhabitants whose
names were to be submitted, with that of the incumbent, "as trustees
of such bounty as his majesty might be pleased to bestow upon the
poor inhabitants of the parish, in conformity with the will of the late
Mr . Wm. Moulton," * a meeting was held accordingly in the vestry
on the above day, when Mr. Henry Ingledew, Mr. A. L. Potter,
and Mr. Robert Pace, were nominated as the trustees, in
question. The property is situated in the Cloth Market,
and extends to Grey-street, and is occupied by Mr. Robert Sewell,
hardwareman. Cloth Market, and by Messrs. Proctor and Son,
chemists. Grey-street. The present value is about £300 a- year.
February 22, — On this night and following day, Newcastle and
its neighbourhood were visited by a violent storm of wind and
rain, which did considerable damage to the chimneys and roofs of
a great number of houses. At the residence of Benjamin
Thompson, esq., Northumberland-street, a tall chimney was
* See Sykes, TO! 2, page 387.
TIl>T(»i:H'Al. KKGISTER OF [A.D. 1835.
blown down, and broke in the roof of the kitchen, in which were
two female servants, who were both severely bruised: indeed it
of astonishment how they escaped with lite. A
Of i-hi.nnies on Mr. Armstrong's, woollen drapers
n-ni r.8treet, f,11 with a tremendous crash, and burst
in nearly the whole of the roof on one side, several of the bricks
f.,llin.r into Mosley-street The temporary pavilion of a "Billy
Purvis," which was erected on the Parade-ground, was completely
shivered to atoms, and the wood work blown far and wide, A
Glue manufactory at Friar's-goose was completely blown down.
The chimnies at the residence of Mr. Peacock. Wallsend, were
blown down and came through the roof into the second storey,
and would have been fatal to his children, had they not just
before left the room.
•,//•//.— During this month an eagle took up its abode in the
woods at Ravensworth, and showed no disposition to leave. It
wns supposed to have escaped from some place of confinement.
^/,,,r// ;}.— The new chapel- at Heworth was consecrated by the
Lord Bishop of St. David's.
j/,,/r/, <). — Great interest was excited in Newcastle and the
adjoining district, by the opening of a portion of the Newcastle
and Carlifle railway. The morning was uncommonly fine, and at
an early hour numerous groups of persons were seen bending their
.*leps in the direction of Blaydon, from which place the procession
was announced to start at ten o'clock. Two trains were prepared
for the reception of the intended excursionist. At a quarter
In t'ore eleven the first train left Blaydon, drawn by the Rapid
locomotive engine, and was followed by the Comet engine leading
the second train, at six minutes before eleven. Both these engines
were made in Newcastle ; the former by Messrs. Stephenson and
Co., and the latter by Messrs. Hawthorn. About half-past one
the party reached Hexham, where banners, triumphal arches,
&e., had been prepared for the occasion, and the whole of the
Mgers were provided with refreshment, at the various inns,
at the expense of the directors. At twenty minutes past three the
trains left Hexham, and returned to Blaydon in one uninterrupted
trip of seventeen miles, in one hour and ten minutes. Throughout
the. whole of the line, the adjacent country poured forth its inha-
bitants. and nothing could exceed the interesting spectacle which
the villages and cottages presented. Bands of music, flags, the
ringing of bells, the firing of cannon, and the hearty cheers of the
!»led multitude, gave a joyous welcome to this first and
.auspicious journey on the Newcastle and Carlisle railway. A
dinner was held in the evening in the Assembly Rooms, Newcastle,
the mayor (J. L. Hood, esq.,) presiding, and about 80 gentleman
siit down to commemorate the interesting proceedings of the day.
On the following day the regular passenger trains, four in number,
commenced running daily between the two places ; passengers from
Newcastle being conveyed to Blaydon by omnibusses, and goods
being forwarded to the same place by a steamboat, which departed
once a clay from Newcastle quay, at such hours as suited the tide.
The act of parliament under which the Newcastle and Carlisle
railway had been formed prohibited the use of locomotive engines,
at a time (1829) when their construction was such as rendered
them litttle better than a nuisance ; but since the improvement in
their manufacture, such objections were wholly surmounted. In
November, 1834, the managers of the railway gave notice of
application to parliament for authority to use steam engines, as
about seventeen miles of the road were about to be opened. All
the landowners on the line gave their assent, except C. Bacon
Grey, esq., of Styford, and on the railway being opened, and
engines placed on it, he had recourse to the court of chancery, and
obtained an injunction against their use. Notice to this effect was
served on the directors on Saturday, March the 28th, when the
railway was of course laid idle. A great sensation followed.
A public meeting was held on the subject on the 6th of April, in
the Guildhall, Newcastle, convened by the mayor, J. L. Hood,
esq., according to a requisition most numerously and respectably
signed ; and other demonstrations of popular feeling having been
manifested, Mr. Grey eventually withdrew his opposition, and the
business of the railway was resumed on the 6th of May.
1835 (March 9). — The neighbourhood of Barnardcastle and
Brough was visited by a most awful storm of wind and snow. The
Lord Exmouth coach, from Newcastle to Liverpool, had the greatest
difficulty in getting up to Spital Inn, Stainmore, which it reached
several hours past its regular time. After waiting some time, the
coachman attempted to go to Brough, but the storm was so violent
he could not proceed more than three or four hundred yards,
when he thought it prudent to return to Spital Inn, and wait until
Tuesday morning, and with great difficulty reached Brough in the
afternoon of that day. the snow being from six to nine feet deep.
March 13. — Six adult persons received public baptism in
Hamsterley church.
March. — The workmen of Mr. R. Grainger, in digging founda-
tions in the Nuns'-field, Newcastle, for his new buildings, dug up
the foundations of some old buildings, and in connexion with
them, an ancient burial ground. Among other things a stone
coffin, two lead coffins, and the decayed wood of several others
were found, from three to four feet deep, most of them embedded
in clay. From the number of human bones discovered, it may
fairly be inferred, that it has been the regular place of burial of
the nuns of the order of St. Bartholomew, which takes a dis-
tinguished stand in the history of Newcastle. This ground, after
passing into different hands, was sold on the demise of Sir Walter
Black ett, its previous proprietor, to Mr. G. Anderson, in 1783.
In 1834, it was bought by Mr. R. Grainger, for his new markets,
&c., in digging the foundations for which the above relics were
found. Several entire skulls were also found and two of the most
perfect were preserved. It would seem from the size of the bones
j.nd the thinness of the skulls, that the remains of the sisterhood
had IKHMI chiefly hurled there.
5 (,]/,„.<.//).— The workmen commenced pulling down the old
, boose and the houses upon the Mark quay, Sunderland,
preparatory to the erection of staiths in connexion with the bun-
durhmd and Durham railway.
/\/)/./l 2.— Was presented to Mrs. Hood, the lady ot J. L.
Hoo.l, esq., the last mayor of the old corporation of Newcastle, a
sph-ndid tureen, for the purchase of which £100 were voted by
.mmon council, on her having a daughter during the
mayoralty. The tureen is as much deserving of praise for its
rreiienil form as for the skill with which all the minutrc of the
work upon it has been finished. On one side are the arms of
Hood, on the other the following inscription : — " To Mrs. Hood,
Mayoress of Newcastle, this token of regard and admiration was
presented by the Common Council, on the occasion of the birth of
a daughter, Theodosi Rose, in the Mansion House. A.D. 1835."
April. 14* — Died, in Pilgrim-street, Newcastle, aged 100, Mary,
mother of Mr. John Smith, victualler, of the High-bridge.
April 20. — The birthday of his grace the Duke of Northumber-
land,— having completed his fiftieth year, — was celebrated as
usual at Alnwick, by a public dinner in the Town-hall. At
Chirton, North Shields, and other places on his grace's estates
similar rejoicings took place, the duke being a liberal contributor
towards the expenses incurred.
M<tij 4. — A man named Robinson, and five boys, were
unfortunately killed at Whitley colliery, in consequence of the
hook which is appended to the chain not having been properly
put into the bow of the corf which the unfortunate sufferers were
in, by which oversight they fell from the top to the bottom of the
pit, a depth of forty five fathoms.
Mmj 5. — This morning about three o'clock, a fire broke out in
the Salutation Inn, Tynemouth, Northumberland, which threatened
destruction to the adjoining property, but the prompt arrival of the
engine from the castle, and the able assistance of Captain Hughes,
Lieutenant Stoney, and a number of soldiers, prevented the flames
from doing further damage than the complete destruction of the
J/r/y 18. — The service connected with laying the foundation-
stone of the Providence chapel, Marlborough-crescent, Newcastle,
was attended to on this day, when a suitable address was delivered
on the occasion by Mr. John Poynder, of Lockwood, Yorkshire.
This chapel was opened on the 23rd of September following.
J/'/// 31. — A stout, ragged, dirty-looking man, begging "in the
town of Morpeth, was taken into custody, and on his person was
found the following amount, £349 Is. 7d., viz. : Bank Bill of
British Linen Company, No. 4931, April 30th, 1835, for £125 5s.
Bd, ; Bank of Scotland, No. 10938, April 30th, for £35 ; Bank
ot Scotland, No. 10957, May 1st., 1835, for £186 3s. lid. ; silver
copper, 12s. ; his name was Robert Ferguson, a native of
Her wick-upon -Tweed.
1835 (JunelQ.) — This day, Newcastle and neighbourhood, were
visited by a violent storm, which was attended with loss of life,
and considerable loss of property. At G-ateshead Low Fell, a
woman named Dawson in an advanced state of pregnancy, was
struck by the lighting, while standing at her cottage door, and
killed on the spot. The electric fluid had entered by the chimney,
destroying a bedstead, after which it struck the poor woman, and
then passed through the roof of the cottage, shattering the tiles to
atoms. The husband had a narrow escape, his hat being laid flat
to his head. At Durham, the thunder and lightning were awful,
accompanied by a heavy fall of rain. The spire of one of the
western towers of the Cathedral, was struck by electric fluid, and
a portion of the pinnacle thrown some distance into the church-yard.
At Shotley Bridge, the storm of hail and rain was truly alarming,
pieces of ice fell near four inches in circumference, which soon
melted, and caused the Derwent to overflow, which did consider-
able damage, particularly to the fields near Mr. Annandale's paper
works. On the llth, a woman, named Cawthorn, was struck
dead in a cottage at Ebchester, and another was much burnt. The
house of Mr. Watson, farmer, Wallbottle, was also entered by the
lighting, the chimney rent from top to bottom, and the windows
broken to pieces. One person was struck by the fluid, and was
paralysed for some hours. Mrs. Watson was much burnt, and a
person in the next house was severely scorched. The houses of
Mr. Maddison, of Wandon, and Mr. Grey, of East Lilburn, were
also struck, the lightning passing through nearly every room.
Sunderland, Shields, and other places, were also visited by the
June II. — A few minutes before three o'clock, in an instant, and
without a moments warning, three houses on the south side of
Market -street, Newcastle, in the course of erection by Mr.
Grainger, fell with a tremendous crash, and the men being at
work, they were precipitated along with them, and buried in the
ruins. At the time of the catastrophe the buildings had nearly
reached their intended height, and upwards of 100 men were at
work upon, and immediately around them. It had thundered
several times just before the accident, and those who were standing
near the spot, described the noise which attended the catastrophe
as equally loud and sudden as a clap of thunder. The occurrence
caused the greatest consternation, and measures were immediately
adapted for disinterring those who had been buried by the materials.
In the course of half an hour twelve men were got out, three dead,
and nearly all the rest greatly injured. Up to three o'clock on
Friday morning, fifteen men had been extricated, four of whom
were dead, ten removed to the Infirmary, and John Kilgour, the
foreman of the masons, who was removed to his own house, died
in a few hours afterwards. Of those sent to the infirmary two
afterwards died. Many of the workmen did themselves great
credit by their intrepidity and the exertions they made to recover
their unfortunate companions, labouring as they did in the midst
of "ivat danger from the shattered state of the walls left standing,
and which from their leaning position seemed likely to fall every
moment. By the directions of the mayor and magistrates a party
of military were placed around the Nuns-field to prevent the
ingress of the populace, which might have caused further accidents.
No satisfactory reason could be given for the falling of the pro-
perty, but the opinion most generally entertained was that the
building had been struck by lightning, which had been prevalent
for some time previous. Mr. Grainger himself had been inspecting
the workmen a minute or two before, and was at the time of the
accident on the scaffolding of an adjoining building.
1835 (June 12.) — Two splendid and massive soup tureens, with
stands, &c., were presented at the Assembly Rooms, Newcastle, to
John Hodgson, esq., late M.P. for that town, as a token of respect
on the part of the subscribers for the manner in which he had
acted as their representative in three successive parliaments,
Sanderson Ilderton, esq., officiated as chairman, and presented the
plate in the name of the subscribers with a suitable speech. Mr.
Hodgson returned thanks in an address which drew forth repeated
cheers from a large company which had assembled on the
June 13. — After several years labour the owners of Monk-
wearmouth colliery, (Messrs. Thompson, Pemberton, and Co.),
succeeded in loading the first vessel placed under their improved
staith, with a cargo of coals. The workmen on the occasion were
profusely regaled with strong ale, and great rejoicing took place
throughout the whole of the day.
June 15. — Died, in Pilgrim-street, Newcastle, Miss Colling-
wood, last surviving sister of Admiral Lord Collingwood.
June 18. — This afternoon about two o'clock, one of those
dreadful explosions took place, — which have been so lamentably
frequent in mining districts, — at one of Mr. Russell's collieries, at
Wallsend, known by the name of the Church Pit, or Russell's Old
Wallsend, by which twenty-six men and seventy-five boys lost
their lives, leaving twenty-four widows and eighty-three children
to lament their fate. The number of work-people employed in
this colliery was about 220, one hundred and five of whom were in
the mine at the time of the explosion. The colliery was inspected
in the morning by the under-viewer, when it was considered to be
perfectly safe ; and four " overmen" and " deputies" who were
among the sufferers, had been acquainted with the pit for thirty
years. The catastrophe was made known to the banksman by a
considerable report, which they spoke of as being like an earth-
quake, accompanied by a rushing of choke-damp to the mouth of
the shaft, bringing up some of the pitmen's clothes, and other light
articles from the bottom. On the alarm being given, the vicinity
of the mine was soon thronged with anxious enquirers, but it was
mnd impossible to enter the workings until the next day, when
> after-damp had partially cleared away. During this long
terra! the anguish of the relations of the workmen may easily be
conceived. On the following day twenty-one bodies were removed,
and the work of humanity was persevered in, until all the bodiea
had been found and taken to their sorrowing friends. But on the
21st, to the astonishment of every one connected with the colliery,
four of the unfortunate creatures were found to be alive. They
were immediately brought up with the most assiduous care, and
eager hopes were infused into the hearts of many, that others
would be found who had been similarly favoured. This pleasing
hope was however soon dispelled. These men thus rescued from
a terrible fate, could give no idea of their mode of preservation.
They were at times quite delirious, and had no idea of the time
which elapsed between the occurrence of the accident and that of
their fortunate rescue. The scene at Wallsend on the 22nd was
especially distressing ; numbers were buried there, and it was a
painful sight to see two and even three bodies brought from the
same house and borne away amid the agonized cries of their
relations. No cause could be assigned for this dreadful calamity,
which was the second great explosion that had occurred at the pit.
1835 (June 26.) — The foundation-stone of Salem chapel, for the
use of the Methodist New Connexion — built by Mr. Grainger,
in Hood-street, Newcastle — was laid by Wm. Ridgway, esq., of
Northvvood, Staffordshire Potteries, who delivered an appropriate
speech on the occasion. Afterwards, about two hundred and
fifty of the friends took tea at the Music Hall.
June 26. — A young angler named Robert Donkin left Rothbury
in the morning to enjoy the delightful recreation of fly fishing.
Having filled his creel in a short time, he was obliged to borrow
an apron from a cottage during his excursion ; and, after enjoying
the charms of the romantic dales and pleasant streams, which
present in their course every variety of smooth water, rapids, and
pools for the exercise of the angler's skill, he finally returned home
with the very extensive stock of eighteen dozen fine trouts, which
he had caught with a single hook during the day.
June 28. — On the casting of a hive of bees at Walsingham, the
swarm alighted on a young woman and covered her from her
shoulders to the crown of her head, forming a complete hood ; and
what is most remarkable, they were hived without her receiving a
single sting.
June 29. — The first exhibition of the Newcastle Society of Artists
took place in the Academy of Arts, Blackett-street, Newcastle.
The collection of paintings and sculpture, about two hundred
specimens, was mostly executed by resident artists. The three
Richardsons contributed 42 of the number, Carmichael 18, Thorpe
30, Mackneth 14, and Snow 14.
July 2. — The first cargo of coals from Haswell colliery was
shipped at Seaham, when great rejoicings took place. The winning
of this colliery cost upwards of £100,000.
July 9. — That stupendous undertaking, the Hartlepool docks
and harbour, was opened for the shipment of coal and merchandize.
The day being extremely fine great rejoicings took place, The
first shipment of coals was made in the Britannia, of Sunderland.
Havin" taken her cargo on board, she proceeded to sea, amid the
ringing of bells, the firing of cannon, and the acclamations of those
Avho had assembled to witness the ceremony.
1835 (July )— This month, whilst some workmen were opening
out an old pit near Whickhain, county of Durham, which had
closed upwards of eighty years, they found at the bottom,
'28 fathoms, a live toad, which was presented to John Watson,
AVhickham. It is still more singular how the animal could exist
in the foul air, as the men had to erect a brattice to ventilate the
shaft before they could enter.
July 30. — About half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon, the
boiler attached to the extensive worsted and carpet factory of
Messrs. John and William Henderson, Durham, exploded with
tremendous force, carrying away the walls, &c., of the engine-
room, scattering in fragments a large chimney, the factory bell,
clock, and appendages, and doing great damage to the adjacent
buildings. The part of the boiler which was blown away rose in
the air like a balloon, and fell with a loud crash on the opposite
shore of the Wear, a distance of upwards of 100 yards. The
number of workmen in the building at the time was about 170,
but the personal injuries received were confined to nine persons,
who were buried by the falling materials, and three of these
expired shortly after,
July 30. — The royal assent was given to the Brandling Junction
railway bill.
August 17. — The trustees of the Derwent and Shotley Bridge
Turnpike Road, opened that part of the line, which leads from.
Axwell Park Gate to Long Close Gate, near Hamsterley, the
distance six miles. This useful road passes through a hilly and
beautifully wooded district, yet it is in all parts of easy inclination ;
it winds through the most picturesque part of the North of England,
and the traveller on business or pleasure must be highly gratified
by the many splendid views and great variety of delightful
August 21. — A neat Wesleyan Chapel was opened at Edmond-
Byers, in the county of Durham.
August 26. — The very handsome stone bridge across North Tyne,
at Bellingham, was opened to the public, amidst the rejoicings of a
large assemblage of persons from the surrounding country.
A nt/ust 28. — Died, at Eltringham, aged 91, much respected, Mr.
Matthew Johnson. During the great flood in the Tyne, in 1771,
v/n'c/i see, the house in which he resided, near Ovingham boat-
house, was thrown down by the current, when Johnson and part
of his family saved their lives by catching hold of a tree, to which
they clung until the water subsided.
September 14. — This day, Daniel O'Connell, esq., M. P., visited
Newcastle, on which occasion the town presented a very animated
appearance, from the number of persons assembled to witness his
arrival. At twelve o'clock, a number of gentlemen met in St.
Nicholas Square, where a large hustings had been erected, and
shortly after, Mr. J. Fife having taken the chair, an address of
congratulation was agreed upon for presentation to Mr. O'Connell.
The parties then left the hustings, and proceeded with three bands
of music and numerous banners to Gateshead, to meet the learned
gentleman. At about half-past two Mr. O'Connell was met by an
immense concourse of people at Sunderland Road-End, those who
were more immediately connected with the arrangements, forming
themselves into a procession, in which they walked four abreast.
In this order they reached St. Nicholas' Square, where Mr.
O'Connell was hailed with deafening applause. Mr. Fife again took
the chair, and Mr. Larkin presented the address which had been
agreed upon. Mr. O'Connell .afterwards addressed the assembly
at some length amidst great enthusiasm. At five o'clock, about
three hundred and forty gentlemen sat down to dinner in the
Music-hall, in Blackett-street, John Fife, esq., in the chair.
1835 (September 16.) — John Jobling was unfortunately killed
on Lord Durham's railway, near Bishopwearmouth, by several
waggons running over him. What is remarkable, his son lost his
life in the same manner a few years before ; also his son-in-law.
September 26. — As W. A. Mitchell, of Newcastle, was fishing
with the rod from the rocks at the south end of Cullercoats sands,
he perceived a large fish apparently entangled amongst some weeds.
After some efforts, it was forced into a hole amongst the rocks,
and with the skilful aid of another gentleman, the- fish was secured
by means of a spear which was attached to the bottom part of Mr.
Mitchell's rod. It proved to be a fine specimen of the Sophius
Piscatorius, which, by the singular management of the fins, by
paddling the water, and the elevation of the slender horns which
are near its eyes, manages to catch fish by a mode much resembling
angling, and which has procured it the name of " The Angler."
It weighed 441b., and was about a yard and a half long and half a
yard broad.
October 1. — A curious circumstance occurred in the Tyne,
at North Shields. A person in the employ of Messrs. Cornfoot,
Carr, and Co., North Shields, while busy with his daily occupation
on the Low-lights shore, observed an unusual ripple in the water,
when, to his astonishment, he observed a large cod fish, about
three feet long, which having attempted to swallow a sole about
fifteen inches long, and not being able either to swallow or eject
it, had in its agony made towards the shore, and was the occasion
of its capture.
October 3. — Died, in the 31st year of his age, Mr. John
Mackay Wilson, during several years editor of the Berwick
Advertizer, and author of various compositions in prose and
poetry. " The Tales of the Borders," a periodical work, were
projected, and to a considerable extent written, by Mr. Wilson,
and they enjoyed an almost unexampled popularity for some time.
October 8. — At night an immense mass of limestone rock
projecting from the south bank of the river Wear, near Lord
Durham's drops, fell with a tremendous force into the river.
Fortunately no vessel was in the berth at the time or inevitable
destruction must have ensued. The weight of the stone was
supposed to be about six hundred tons.
l,s:55 (October 12.)— About eight o'clock a.m., William Dickson,
esq., of Alnwick, and Mr. T. J. Turnbull, clerk to the magistrates,
had a very narrow escape from serious injury. Those gentlemen
were, in a chaise on their return to Newcastle from Tynemouth, On
reaching the railway upon which the coals are conveyed from the
Cramlington and Seghill collieries to the river Tyne, and which
crosses the road about two miles from Shields, they were alarmed
by observing from the window of the vehicle a train of loaded
waggons coming along the self-acting inclined plane, so near as to
render it probable the chaise would be run down. The driver,
however, whipped his horses and used great exertions, but, not-
withstanding which, the foremost waggon struck the hinder part
of the chaise, broke in the panel, and overturned the vehicle into
the road. The shock was so tremendous as to upset the first
waggon of the train, and throw several others off the railroad.
The driver of the chaise was likewise thrown down with great
violence, and injured in his head and thigh. Had the chaise been
struck in the centre, instead of near the hind part, the consequence
must have been fatal to Mr. Dickson and Mr. Turnbull.
October 22. — The completion of the new markets at Newcastle
by Mr. Grainger was celebrated by a public dinner, at which
nearly 2,000 individuals sat down under one roof, that of the
green market, forming a mere section of the splendid erections.
These markets are the most magnificent in the world. This will
be apparent from a comparative statement of the new markets in
Newcastle with the most extensive in Great Britain. Hungerford
market, in London, in point of grandeur and architectural effect,
is allowed to surpass Covent Garden, and these, with St. John's,
in Liverpool, are the only markets with which any comparison need
be instituted. As regards the space occupied, Newcastle market
is larger than Hungerford in the proportion of 13,906 square yards
to 6,400 square yards, and exceeds St. John's, in Liverpool, in the
proportion of 13,906 to 8,235 square yards. In this calculation
the shops adjoining the market are included, and so far as their
situation and their nature of occupation are concerned, the area
upon which they stand may properly be considered part of the
market. The shops fronting the markets in Clayton-street and
Grainger-street are in length 410 feet each, and in Nun-street and
Nelson-street 312 feet. These erections, during the time of their
progress, were not only objects of great interest to the inhabitants
ot Newcastle and the surrounding towns, but also to strangers
om a distance, including many distinguished noblemen and
gentlemen. The area occupied by the markets exceeds two acres.
! butcher market consists of four spacious avenues, 19 feet 4
s broad, and 27 feet high, extending in length 338 feet, and
Qtaimng m each about 48 butchers' shops, well lighted and
A.D. 1835- | REMARKABLE KVENT3. 41
ventilated. The walls and ceilings are plastered, the latter being
ornamented with intersecting plaster beams, and in the eastern
avenue the rays of light descend from 50 skylights, through the
apertures in the coffer ceiling, with the most imposing effect.
There are in the butcher market, besides these skylights, 3 GO
windows, inclosed with cast iron glazed sashes, to open or shut as
the state of the weather may require. The four principal avenues
are connected by four rows of lofty arcades, 12 feet wide. The
avenues are brilliantly lighted with gas, and the whole comprises a
splendid bazaar of shops, which strikes the stranger on entering
with astonishment and wonder beyond description. The vegetable
market is connected with the butcher market by a continuation of
the four arcades before described, and is entered from the
surrounding streets by four other arcades or passageways, 12 feet
wide, two in Clayton-street, one in Nun-street, and one in Nelson-
Street, over each of which is placed a dome light. This building
is erected in a different style from the butcher market, consisting
of one stupendous hall, exceeding in dimensions the far-famed and
justly-admired hall of Westminster. It is 314 feet in length, and
59 feet in width within the fronts of the fruit shops, which,
surround the interior. It is covered with a cathedral-framed roof,
the timbers of which are planed and exposed to view. It is
upwards of forty feet in height, and is supported by two rows of
cast-iron pillars (to each of which a brilliant gas lamp is affixed),
26 feet high, and is surrounded by a glazed lantern extending the
full length of the hall, giving light to the centre, while the
extremities are lighted by 10 i windows similar to those of the
butcher market. In. mentioning the ornamental and useful conve-
niences of the green market we must not omit to notice the two
magnificent fountains, which in form and dimensions resemble the
beautiful fountain in the gardens of the Borghese palace at Rome.
They are constructed of the finest description of stone from the
quarries at Ken ton, near Newcastle.
When the day was fixed for opening the splendid markets we
have feebly attempted to describe, there was a general wish to
celebrate the event by a public dinner. The stewards of the
incorporated companies agreed upon a plan of operation, and
obtained the sanction of the mayor and the permission of Mr.
Grainger to carry it into effect. A public announcement was
then made that the dinner would take place in the vegetable
market, and to enable those in a humble station as well as those
in the higher walks of life to participate in the festive scene, it
was determined that the price of admission to one end of the hall
should be 2s. each, including dinner and ale, and that the tickets
to the north-east end should be 5s. each, including dinner and
wine. To render the hall as comfortable as circumstances would
admit every avenue except one was closed, the spaces for vertical
windows, which are now enclosed in cast iron glazed sashes, were
covered with canvas, and the magnificent space was brilliantly
lighted up with gas. The effect was indescribably grand. The
partial exclusion of daylight and the substitution of gas lamps gave
the magnificent scene a dioramic effect The spacious roof when
the eye rested upon it for a few moments, seemed to rise into the
air, and the distance from one end of the hall to the other appeared
amazing. Upwards of 2,000 individuals sat down to dinner, and
this immense company congregated at only a few days notice.
The ladies gallery was filled, there being present about three
hundred, including Mrs. Mayoress and many other ladies of dis-
tinction, which gave the hall a gay and cheerful appearance. In
many instances 105. and even 15s. premium were given for a
ticket that had only cost 5s. For this fine building the corporation
paid £36,290., hut from that amount £15,000. was deducted for
the old market, demolished by Mr. Grainger. On the following
Saturday the markets were opened. The quantity of meat on offer
exceeded anything previously seen in the north of England, and in
the green market the flowers, fruit, arid vegetables, were spread
around in almost boundless profusion. It was splendidly decorated
and the fountains playing at intervals had a most striking effect.
The bells rang out many a merry peal, and the occasion was
regarded by every one as auspicious for the town.
1835 (October 2Q.) — Newcastle and the surrounding district
was visited by a severe storm of wind and rain. In many exposed
situations trees were torn up by the roots and other damage
incurred. In the neighbourhood of Bc-rvvick the storm increased
to a hurricane, attended with heavy rain and snow upon the hills.
The Tweed, in the space of eight hours, rose full ten feet ; and
the country was much inundated.
Mr. Briggs, the keeper of Lambton Park, killed two deer with
one shot from a rifle, though the animals were at the time 16 yards
from each other. The ball passed through the head of the nearest
in an oblique direction and hit the second on the side of the head,
•which it nearly penetrated. It was impelled with such force and
precision that bath animals died without a struggle and apparently
at the same point of time.
November 1. — The body of a young man about 19 years of age,
named Thomas Thorsby, was found lying on the edge of a lime
kiln at the Skinners burn, near Newcastle, quite dead, and with
one of his legs completely burned off. He was addicted to intem-
perance, and frequently went to the lime kilns to sleep.
November 2. — As the mail coach was returning from Carlisle
to Newcastle, it was upset at a place called Coastly dean,
about two miles west of Hexham. One of the wheel horses fell
nd the remaining horses with the coach were precipitated into the
ravine, the coach rolling over two or three times, until it was
stopped by a tree. The coachman, John Atkin, was thrown from
a seat and was so dreadfully mangled that he died almost
• mediately. Two outside passengers and the jrnard escaped by
eapmg off the coach. Two ladies and three children who were
nde also escaped uninjured, although they rolled down the bank
The passengers and mail bags were forwarded
to Newcastle in a chaise.
1835 (November 5.) — As the train of railway waggons attached
to the Rapid steam-engine were proceeding to Newcastle from
Hexham, a cow in one of the cattle trucks became alarmed at the
noise made by the engine, and actually leapt over the rails of the
pen with the greatest ease. The poor animal, though she rolled
down the steep bank, escaped without any injury ; and as soon as
she recovered herself, she galloped after the waggons. The
engine was stopped, and the train taken back to the station, where
the cow was re-placed, and properly secured with ropes.
November 9. — A golden eagle was winged, and with some
difficulty secured by Mr. Davies, of Waterloo, near Blyth Link
House, Northumberland. It was two and a half feet long, and the
extent of its wings nearly seven feet.
November 14. — The first number of the " Berwick and Kelso
Warder," a weekly Conservative journal, was published in
Berwick by Mr. Thomas Ramsay, the proprietor.
November 19. — An explosion took place in Burdon Main
Colliery, situated a little to the westward of North Shields, owing
to the carelessness of a boy, who had neglected to close a door, by
which a proper circulation of air had been prevented. A little
after three o'clock in the afternoon, some of the workmen in the
Low Main seam of the middle pit were alarmed at what they too
truly knew to be an explosion of foul air in the adjoining workings,
and on proceeding to the spot, they found that as a deputy named
James Campbell was going his usual rounds, an accumulation of
foul air had taken fire at his candle, and produced the melancholy
accident by which eleven human beings were instantly deprived
of existence. The mine had always been so uncommonly free
from foul air, that the men invariably worked with candles, a
lamp never having been used in the workings. Unlike the
generality of such accidents, the origin of the present explosion
was soon discovered. It was found to have been caused by the
negligence of the boy named Arkley, only ten years of age, and
who was one of the sufferers. This poor lad had neglected to
close a door, which it was his sole business to keep shut, and
which even by standing open fifteen minutes would occasion a
sufficient accumulation of foul air to cause the explosion. The
force of the blast had been so exceedingly powerful that nothing
seemed to have been able to resist its progress. No time was lost
in endeavouring to get at the poor sufferers ; and at considerable
risk from the afterdamp the whole of the bodies were in a short
time recovered.
November 21. — A little before eleven o'clock at night, the
corn and hay-stacks belonging to Mr. Martin Brown, at Scaffold
hill, near Long Benton, Northumberland, were discovered to be on
fire. When the alarm was given, Mr, Brown and his family were
in bed. The whole of the stacks — 5 of wheat, 5 of oats, 3 of hay,
and 1 of tares — were entirely consumed ; and it was only by great
exertions that the adjoining buildings were saved. The fire was
occasioned by some sparks from the chimney of the herd's house.
1835 (November 21.;— In consequence of the great quantity of
rain which fell on this and the preceding day, the river Tync rose
very suddenly, overflowed its banks, and covered the low fields
from near Ryton to the Redheugh. Some men, at the risk of their
lives, saved a considerable number of sheep ; but many others were
swept off the haughs, called the Hassocks, and drowned. Mr.
Henry Gill, of \Villiamstone, was unfortunately drowned
attempting to cross the North Tyne.
November 23.— The branch railway having been completed
froiii South Hetton Colliery, coal was first shipped at Hartlepool
from that pit.
November 25. — A most desperate attempt to escape was made
by three convicts in Newcastle gaol, of the names of Rogers,
Stcrrit, and Legget. About seven o'clock, Smith, the turnkey was
summoning them from the day-room to their usual night apartments,
and whilst they were going up stairs, Legget seized a long brush,
and with a violent blow he cut the turnkey's head. Smith, though
stunned, was not incapable of giving an alarm, and assistance was
soon got, by which the three desperadoes were heavily ironed.
The attack was no doubt a preliminary step to an escape ; for on
searching the room, they found the table broken up, and their
bedding converted into a rope about 40 feet long.
November 26. — An inquest was held at Redlees, in the parish
of Alwinton, in the county of Northumberland, before Thomas A.
Russell, esq., coroner, on view of the body of Mr. James Douglass,
aged 67 years, a Highland stock farmer, residing at that place.
It appeared that the deceased had left home about two o'clock on
the Thursday preceding with two friends. Blind Burn was the last
place they were at, and they left there in the evening; and it being
very wet and dark, and a thick fog setting down upon the hills, a
person guided them so far over the Fell. After leaving them they
lost their way ; but the deceased's two companions arrived at the
Redlees that night, and told the shepherds that their master was
lost upon the Fell. They immediately went in search of him, and
found him the following morning lying at the foot of a precipice,
from 60 to 70 yards high, called Birkey Shank Hill, where he had
gone over with his horse : both were quite dead. The deceased,
though an eccentric character, was well known and much respected
in that part of the country.
November 28. — The new bridge at Alston was opened to the
public, though not quite completed.
This month, the Newcastle and North of England Insurance
Company, with a capital of £300,000, was established. After an
existence of about two years, the interest of the company was sold
to the proprietors of the York and London lusurance Company.
December 1. — The authorities of the extensive parish of Monk-
wearmouth met at nine o'clock in the morning for the purpose of
riding the boundaries, a duty that had not been performed for
forty-two years.
1835 (December 1.) — Died, in South Shields, aged 100, Mrs.
Cecilia Russell, many years employed in the salt pans there.
December 8. — The corporation of Newcistlo perambulated the
ne.v boundaries of that borough according to the Corporation
Reform Act, which comprises the Westgate, Elswick, Jesmond,
Heaton, and Byker. These townships now constitute ;part of the
town and county of Ncwcastle-upon Tyne. At ten o'clock in the
morning the company assembled on the Sandhill, with the right
worshipful John Lionel Hood, esq., mayor, the town clerk, the
sheriff, the stewards of the incorporated companies,*and several
gentlemen on horseback, in number upwards of one hundred, and
returned to the Sandhill about three o'clock. Some of the horse-
men were thrown from their seats, but no accident of any moment
December 10. — The common council of Newcastle agreed to
sell to the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Company two acres
of ground in Featherstone's field, and the Spital for the purpose
of erecting a railway station on the site.
December 16. — In consequence of doubts having been enter-
tained whether Sunderland was a corporation entitled to the
benefit of the Corporation Reform Act, the opinion of the attorney
general was taken upon the point, and he replied in the affirmative.
He also gave it as his opinion that the duties of chief officer, for
carrying the provisions of that act into effect, devolved as a matter
of right upon the freemen. In consequence of this opinion, a
requisition, very numerously signed, was presented to B. Ogden,
esq., the senior freemen, soliciting him to act as chief officer on the
occasion, but, in consequence of his age and indisposition, lie
politely declined the honour, as did also Messrs. 13. Bray, C.
Bramwell, and T, Parker, the next three in succession to Mr.
Ogden. Mr. Spoor, however, the next freemen in seniority,
acceded to the wishes of the reqnisitionists, and a public meeting
was held on the above day, A. Wright, esq., in the chair, at which
the thanks of the burgesses were voted to Mr. Spoor, and a com-
mittee was appointed to secure the benefit of the reform act to
the borough. On the 17th another meeting was held, when Mr.
A. Fenwick, Mr, R. Pemberton, Mr. Win. Featherstonhuugh, and
others agreed that there was no necessity for such a change, as the
act would produce, that the measure was for the reformation of
old corporations, and not the creation of new ones ; and that
Sunderland could not have a legally constituted corporation without
a charter from the king. Messrs. Kidson, Abbs, and others replied,
and their views were adopted by a large majority of the meeting.
A quo warmnto was soon after applied for by the opponents of the
corporation, but, previous to the proceedings upon that writ being
carried out, a clause was inserted in the Municipal Corporation
Act Amendment Bill of the following session, expressly introducing
the name of the town, and prescribing its boundaries. This was
expected to terminate the altercation, but the bill was thrown out
by the House of Lords, August 18, 1836. and the legality of the
corporation was again a subject of doubt. Another quo warranto
was issued September, 1836, against the Mayor (A. White, esq.),
and as the county magistrates refused to acknowledge his aet.3,
his worship sat at one hour and the magistrates at another in the
same hall. After a protracted struggle the opponents of the
corporation at length abandoned the field.
l:-):j5 (December 21.) — A fire was discovered in a stable adjoining
the farmhouse of Mr. William Taylor, of Nettlesworth Hall, about
four miles north from Durham, and though the flames were
prevented from extending, four valuable horses were destroyed.
And on Thursday morning the 24th, as one of the men was leaving
the house after breakfast, he discovered that every one of Mr.
Taylor's stacks were in a blaze. A message was immediately sent
to Durham for the fire-engines, but before they arrived, or other
assistance could be obtained, the entire stock in the yard was con-
sumed, consisting of seventeen large wheat and oat stacks, one pea
stack, and a hay stack, A thrashing machine was likewise burnt,
besides great injury being done to the house and other premises.
The total loss was estimated at upwards of £1,000, only a small
portion of which was insured. No doubt existed that both fires
were the work of incendiaries.
December 25. — A beautiful piece of road leading from Westgate-
street. Newcastle, to the Scots wood-road, near the Infirmary, was
opened. The subscription band of music, under the direction of
Mr. Hudson, played in the front, a chariot, in which were Mr.
Pearson, the surveyor, Mr. Dobson, the architect, &c., and several
thousands followed after, much delighted with the improvement.
This road was afterwards called Neville-street, The Central
Station, with its beautiful portico and magnificent hotel, occupied
by Mr. J. B. Jeffery, now forms one side of it.
December 26. — At Newcastle, the first election of town
councillors under the new Corporation Reform Act took place on
Saturday, the 2Cth of December, 1835, and on the 28th the result
imounccd in the Guildhall by J. L. Hood, esq., the returning
officer. The following are the numbers of votes polled by the
successful candidates :— John Fife, 165 votes; Addison L.
Potter, 151: Thomas Doubleday, 130; Robert Robinson, 121;
George Boyd, 86 ; John Nichol. 85. St John's Ward— James
-<>n, 264; Emmerson Charnley, 234; Jacob R. Feather-
Si; Isaac Burrell, 178; George Bargate, 161; Abraham
)aw8on, 155. All Saints' West Ward— James Sillick, 180;
John Spedding, jun., 1(59; W. B. Proctor, 160; Joshua Johnson,
Benjamin Bradshaw, 102; Alexander Reed, 96. All Saints'
FFord— Stephen Lowrey, 203; Joseph Crawhall, 187;
Anthony Lastcrby, 172; Henry Shield, 170 ; Robert Rayne, 145 ;
illiam Wright, 140. St. Andrew's South Ward— Charles John
'^ge, lir>; John L. Hood, 145; John Brandling, 139; Henry
"11, 132; Anthony Nichol, 114; Christopher Myers, 98. St.
nys North Ward-T. E. Headlam, 218 ; R. P. Philipson,
; ihomas Bell, 174; Edward Lowrey, 132; Thomas Dunn
125 ; James Archbold, 122. Westgate Ward— Jamo.s Finlay, 119 ;
Joseph Lamb, 114 ; George T. Dunn, 99. Jesmond Ward —
Robert Plummer, 113 ; John Ridley, 113 ; Armorer Donkin, 110.
The following gentlemen were elected aldermen : — Charles John
Bigge, T. E. Headlam, John Spedding, James Losh, George
Thomas Duun, Anthony Easterby, Colonel Bell, Armorer Donkin,
John Fife, A. L. Potter, Thomas Batson, John Ridley, John
Fenwick, and James Hodgson. Charles John Bigge, esq., was
appointed mayor, Thomas Dunn, esq., sheriff, and John Clayton,
esq., town clerk.
Great was the excitement manifested by all parties in the
borough of Gateshead for several days previous to the election of
councillors, which took place on the same day, when the following
gentlemen were chosen for the respective wards : — West Ward —
James Pollock, 144 ; Thomas Cummins, 101 ; John Barras, 97 ;
John Fairbairn, 93 ; Edmund Graham, 89 ; John Bell Johnson,
85. East Ward — George Hawks, 143 ; James Hymers, 85 ;
John Abbott, 84 ; John Colman, 79 ; Benjamin Matchett, 78 ; J.
Greene, 73. South Ward — George Sowerby, 94 ; Thomas Wilson,
93 ; William Henry Brockett, 91 ; Robert Davis, 90 ; Michael
Hall, 88 ; Robert Robson, 82. The aldermen appointed were
John Abbott, George Hawks, John Barras, James Pollock,
Michael Hall, and Thomas Wilson. George Hawks, esq., was
elected mayor, and William Kell, esq., town clerk.
The election of town councillors for Sunderland was conducted
with much interest and good order. On December the 29th Mr.
Spoor, the chief officer, declared the following councillors elected: —
Sunderland Ward — John Barry, jun., 100; Joseph Lee, 89;
Thomas Taylor, 73 ; William Kirk, jun., 72 ; Jeremiah Sowerby,
60 ; William Boyes Walker, 58. Bishopwearmonth Ward —
Andrew White, 132 ; Thomas Marwood, jun., 75 ; George Booth,
61; Robert Spoor, 60 ; Thomas Brown, jun., 44; John Aitkin,
39. Monkwearmouth Ward — James Allison, 191 ; Cooper Abbs,
163; Thomas Speeding, 132; Matthew Robson, jun., 121;
George Wilkin Hall, 115 ; George Hudson, 106. West Ward —
Emerson Muschamp, 100 ; Andrew White 99 ; Barnabas Sharp,
92 ; Philip Laing, 84 ; Henry Scott, 63 ; John G. Black, 60.
Bridge Ward— John Coull Carr, 123 ; John Hopper, 101 ;
William Reid Clanny, 89 ; John Hutchinson, 85 ; Errington Bell
Ord, 83 ; William Carr, 82. St. Michael's Ward—'R. White, 88 ;
Robert Burdon Cay, 75 ; John Lotherington, 73 ; Andrew
Godfrey Bahn, 65 ; James Vint, 58 ; William Blackett, 56. East
Ward— Richard Spoor, 146; William Nicholson, 100 ; Thomas
Reed, jun., 98; Thomas Reed, 85; Robert Dixon, 75; William
French, 74. The following gentlemen were elected aldermen :—
Richard Spoor, Thomas Reed, jun., Barnabas Sharp, Philip Laing,
William Kirk, jun., Thomas Taylor, Thomas Brown, jun., John
Atkin, William Reid Clanny, J. C. Carr, James Allison, C. Abbs,
R. White, and John Lotherington. Andrew White, esq., was
elected mayor, and J. P. Kidson, esq., town clerk.
The election for the town council in the city of Durham
excited a irroat deal of interest and bustle during the day. The
polling took place before the mayor and town clerk. There was
little or no canvassing, and the election fell on the following
persons: South I Yard— Thomas Greenwell, 76; Edward Ship-
perdson, (If, ; John Trotter, 65 ; John Barrel!, 50 ; Robert
Rolxmi, 45; George Appleby, 44. St. NiMri Ward—
II. Marshall, 99; George Rob>on, 8i ; William Rippon, 77;
John Henderson, 72; William Darling, 09; William Green, 08.
North Ward— John E, Marshall, 114; Robert Ovington, 111;
K. HoiTirHt, DA; R- Stafford, 88; George Hade, 68 ; John
r.ramwell, GO. The following gentlemen were chosen to be alder-
men : John Bnrrell, Dr. Trotter, John Bramwell, Robert Robson,
II. Marshall, and A. W. Hutchinson. Thomas Greenwell, esq.,
was appointed mayor, and John Hutchinson, esq.. town clerk.
At Stockton the following were elected councillors : —
Chistopher Lodge, Robert Lamb, Christopher Martin, William
Robinson, Thomas Walker, Robinson Watson, Joshua Byers,
George Walton, Thomas Jennett, Robert Jordison, Joseph Wade,
Samuel Braithwaite, George Applegarth, John R. Walker,
William Skinner, sen., Christopher Coales, Thomas Heaviside,
and Joseph Claxton. On the 31st, the councillors elected the
following from their own body to be aldermen : — William Skinner,
sen., Robert Jordison, Christopher Lodge, Robert Lamb, Robinson
Watson, and Thomas Walker. William Skinner, esq., was
elected mayor, and Thomas Henry Faber, esq., town clerk.
The election of councillors took place at Morpeth on the same
day, the choice of the electors having fallen on the following
gentlemen : — A. Charlton, John Creighton, Richard Lewins,
Thomas Jobling, Dr. Hedley, George Hood, William Clark,
Robert Blakey, John Bates, Robert Hopper, Dr. Trotter, and
William Singleton. Aldermen : — Andrew Robert Fenwick, Thomas
Bowser, Joseph Thew, and Thomas Bowman; Anthony Charlton,
esq., was elected mayor ; and William Woodman, esq., town clerk.
Preliminary meetings of the burgesses of Berwick-upon-Tweed
were held, and lists of candidates proposed. The following are
the names of the councillors elected : — North Ward— John Wilson,
George K. Nicholson, George Gilchrist, John Clay, Thomas
Chartres, and John Tait. South Ward— John Millar Dickson,
Robert Marshall, W. Marshall, Richard Reavely, William Young,
and Robert Ramsey. Middle Ward — George Bogue, Joseph
Hnbback, George Johnstone, Patrick Mole, Alexander Moor, and
Thomas Cockburn. The following gentlemen were elected
aldermen: — William Wilson, George Patterson, Thomas Thompson,
Charles Uobson, John Dewar, and Thomas Bogue. John Wilson,
e>([., was elected mayor, John Pratt, esq., sheriff, and Matthew-
Jameson, esq , town clerk.
Subsequent elections were held in each of the above boroughs
to supply the vacancies occasioned by the election of councillors to
the office of aldermen.
1835 (December 31). — The Exchange clock, at Sunderland,
which had been out of use for nearly ten years, was set in motion,
having been repaired and furnished with a new bell, the dials at
night being illuminated with gas.
December 31. — A gold watch was lost in a field near Cramlington.
The field was soon after sown, twice harrowed, once rolled, and
twice weeded, and the watch was found on the 15th of September,
1838, uninjured.
1836 (January \). — The foundation-stone of a new chapel was
laid in Liaskill- street, North Shields, for the Methodist New Con-
January 6. — The Grenville Bay, whaler, of Newcastle, arrived
in the Tyne, an event which was hailed as a joyous occasion at
Tynemouth and North Shields. The colours of the Loyal Standard
and Good Design Associations were hoisted at their offices, and
the sands at the Low-lights and -South Shields were crowded with
spectators, who evinced the pleasure they felt by heartily cheering
the vessel and crew as she gallantly sailed up the river. The
Grenville Bay had three fish and about seventy tons of oil.
Captain Taylor and his crew generally were in good health,
considering the distressing privations they had endured. The
cook, unfortunately, fell overboard on the passage home. The
crew were put upon full allowance on the vessel getting clear of
the ice on the 16th December, and there remained on arrival
about a ton and a half of beef and pork, and sixteen cwt. of bread,
which were calculated to support the crew, on short allowance,
till the beginning of May. Captain Taylor stated, that after the
11 th November, the Grenville Bay, Lady Jane, and Norfolk
continued to drift southward, having the Abram in sight. On the
20th, saw the land, distant about forty miles, in lat. 64. The
prevailing winds being easterly, they continued to drift southward
and set shoreward, and on the 8th of December they were in the
mouth of Hudson's bay, Resolution island bearing east 15 or 20
miles. They were then carried by the current to Green island,
and proceeded a considerable way in Ungava bay ; but, very
fortunately, a current swept them along the land and round
Batten's island, and carried them entirely out of Hudson's straits,
where they were apprehensive at one time they would have to
winter. There were frequent partial openings in the park of ice,
and the ships took advantage to proceed eastward, and heavy
swells aided their escape; but the vessels received some heavy
blows from the ice. When the Grenville Bay got into the water
on the 16th, the Lady June was not in sight, having set by the
current to the westward the preceding day. This was in latitude
58 50, and distant from the Labrador coast 30 miles. Several
whales were seen in about lat. 61 30, and though the attempt
was made to take them, it was unsuccessful, owing, probably, to
the unfit state the crews were in for fishing,
January 6. — A fatal accident occured at the Downs pit, Hetton
colliery. Philip Snooks and Matthew Rutherford, coal hewers,
got into the loop to descend to work, when they fell to the bottom,
a depth of 180 fathoms, in consequence of the loop not being
properly fastened to the chain. Two masons who were working
in the shaft at the time providentially escaped.
1836 (January G.) — According to an admeasurement by the
town surveyor, the streets of Newcastle-upon-Tyne were found to
extend upwards of twenty-eight miles in length.
January !.». — The Norfolk, whaler, of Berwick, arrived off that
port this morning. The long-looked-for vessel anchored in the
bay. The intelligence spread rapidly over the town, diffusing in
its progress unalloyed gratification, and all classes were seen in
groups travelling to the pier and ramparts to obtain a confirmation
of the report. The Norfolk left the ice on the 14th of December,
and arrived at the Orkney Islands on January 8th. The crew
were free from disease, but generally, very weak. They had been
on short allowance from the beginning of October.
January 16. — Died, at Monkend, near Croft, aged 85, Charles
Colling, esq., the original breeder of Durham short-horned cattle.
Of the surprizingly fat individuals of that variety numerous
instances might be produced, but the one most deserving of notice
was the far-famed Durham Ox, which was bred by the above Mr.
Colling, at Ketton, in the year 1796. At an early age he indicated
every disposition to fatten, and the expectations of the best judges
were not disappointed. At five years old he was not only covered
thick with fat upon all the principal points, but his whole carcase
was loaded with it, and was then thought so wonderful an animal,
and so far exceeding whatever had been seen before, that he was
purchased to be exhibited as a show by Mr. Bulrner, of Harmley,
near Bedale, in February, 1801, for £140; his living weight at
that time being 220 stone, (14 Ibs. to the stone). Mr. Buhner got
a carriage made to convey him in, and after travelling five weeks,
sold him and the carriage at Rotheram to Mr. John ' Day, on the
4th of May, for £250. On the 14th of May, Mr. Day could have
sold him for £525 ; on the 13th of June, for £1,000 ; and on the
8th of July, for £2,000, but Mr. Day preferred keeping him, and
travelled with him nearly six years through the principal parts of
England and Scotland, and arrived at Oxford in February, 1807,
where, on the 19th, the Ox, by accident, dislocated his hip bone
when he was obliged to be killed.
Janwmj 21.— The reformed town council of Newcastle-upon-
lyne, decided, by a majority of 25 to 21, that the mansion-
ise, on the system heretofore practised, should be discontinued;
the mayor should receive £1,000 yearly, for the purpose of
:eepmg up certain restricted hospitalities, &c. ; that the judges of
should be lodged at the expense of the corporation, in a
ither taken, built, or purchased, and that the mayor should
Ins own house or have the option of dwelling in the house
ofThe^udlr g hiS may°ralt?' ex<*pting during the stay
/am<«;/23.-About three o'clock in the mornin, the house of
Mr. Dixon, glazier, Tyne-street, Newcastle, was discovered to be
on fire by Mrs. Marshall, a washerwoman. The flames raged
with such fury that in a few minutes the whole house was in a
blaze. Mr. Dixon, his wife and six children, being unable to
make their escape by the door, got out by the window. He had
eight children, and at first hoped all their lives had been preserved,
unfortunately, however, two fine girls, one thirteen and the other
nine years of age, perished before their situation was known.
The house furniture and £100 in money, together with all the
stock in trade, were destroyed, and the whole family who escaped
in their night clothes, lost the rest of their apparel. A subscrip-
tion was immediately entered into for their relief, and the amount
collected ultimately covered the entire pecuniary loss which Mr.
Dixon had sustained. In connection with this melancholy event,
the following incident is worthy of being recorded: — A few days
after the fire, Sir M. W. Ridley, bart., paid a visit to the Broad
and Crown Glass Works, of which he was the principal proprietor,
arid according to custom presented a sum of money among the
workmen to drink his health. This pleasure, however, they
generously denied themselves, and applied the gift in aid of the
subscription for their unfortunate, neighbour, Mr. Dixon. This
having been made known to the worthy baronet he was so much
pleased with it that he repeated his donation as a reward for their
1836 ( January 23J — During the whole of this day, Newcastle and
the northern district generally was visited with a violent storm
of wind from the south west, which did considerable damage to
the buildings in that and the neighbouring towns, by blowing
down chimneys, unroofing houses, &c, A large chimney at
Cowpen Quay salt works was blown down, the buildings were
unroofed, and the walls greatly damaged. At North Shields the
boats for some time were prevented from crossing the river, and
the roofs of several houses were very much injured by the chim-
neys falling. Morpeth and the neighbourhood suffered consider-
able damage, a number of houses were unroofed and chimnies
blown down. Meldon Park, the splendid seat of Isaac Cooksdn,
e*q., was partly unroofed and a quantity of glass broken. At
Shawdon Hall, the seat of Win. Kawson, esq., a magnificent
painted window was totally destroyed. A woman was blown out
of a cart on Alnwick moor and had her arm broken. Throughout
the North and South Tyne the storm raged with great fury. At
Capheaton, walls were blown down and trees of the largest
dimensions were torn up by the roots, one of which falling upon
Miss Isabella Robson, killed her on the spot. At Newcastle, the
steeple of St. John's church was partially blown down, and the
windows of the Baptist chapel, Marlborough-crescent, received
considerable damage About six o'clock in the evening, the
chimney connected with the retorts at the gas works was blown
down and fell upon the roof of the building, under which the
workmen were at the time employed. At the moment of the
accident the greater portion of the roof, together with the west
gable gave way, and fell with a tremendous crash. Six of the
men were covered by the ruins, all of whom were speedily extri-
cated. From the mass of materials blown down their escape with
life seemed almost miraculous. At Berwick, the chapel in Golden
Square was almost wholly unroofed, and the congregation were
unable to meet in it on the following day. At Holy Island fully
one half of the houses were unroofed, a sheet of lead on the church,
weighing about three tons, was rolled up, and in consequence of
the injury done to the building, no service was performed in it
next day. At Sunderland, the entire roof of a house was blown
off, and many similar occurrences took place in different parts of
the country.
1836 (January 26 ) — An inquest was held at the New Inn, Hope-
town, near Darlington, on view of the bodies of Jane, the wife, and
Margaret and William, the two infant children of William Lister,
the younger, white smith, of the above place, who on Monday
afternoon were returning from Darlington, up the depot branch of
the Stockton and Darlington railway, when four very heavily laden
waggons were coming down ; the little girl slept from the footpath
into the main line, and the mother with the other infant in her
arms stretched out her hand to rescue her from danger, when the
waggons, coming instantly upon them, knocked the mother down,
and the whole three were run over and killed upon the spot.
January 28.— An awful explosion occurred in the celebrated
etton colliery, near Houghton-le-Spring, by which twenty
human beings lost their lives. Upwards of one hundred persons
were employed in the pit at the time, but owing to the accident
>emg confined to one of the workings— the Downs pit— the
number was less than might have been expected,
January 28.— A very substantial bridge, of good workmanship,
was finished across the river Wansbeck, at the Morpeth Grange
Ford. This made the fourth bridge across that river, all within a
mile and a half.
1836 (January 29.J— Died, at the advanced age of 91 years,
William Scott, Baron Stowell, of Stowell Park, in the county of
Gloucester, D.C.L., F.R.8., and F.S.A., Master of the Faculties,
and a member of the Privy Council. Lord Stowell was born on
the 17th of October, 1745, at Heworth, in the county of Durham.
His mother was Jane, daughter of Henry Atkinson, hoastman,
and his father, William Scott, a substantial coal-fitter and
merchant, residing in Love-lane, Quayside, Newcastle. Owing to
the rebellion that broke out in 1745, and the alarm then prevalent
in Newcastle, whicli had been fortified against the Pretender, his
mother, when in an advanced state of pregnancy, was lowered
in a basket from the town wall, into a boat which lay in waiting
to convey her to Heworth, on the southern shore of the Tyne.
Here she Avas delivered of a boy and a girl, twins, William,
afterwards Lord Stowell, and Barbara, who died young. William
was educated at the Royal Grammar School, in Newcastle, but at
the early age of sixteen he availed himself of his claim as a native
of the county of Durham to a scholarship in Corpus Christi
College, Oxford, and before attaining his seventeenth year he was
entered as a student in the middle temple. In November, 1764,
he took his bachelor's degree. In the following month, he was
elected probationary fellow of Oxford College, and further, one
of the greatest compliments that could have been paid to his
learning, he was at the age of twenty, appointed college tutor.
In 1767, he took his master's degree, and in 1772, May 30, he
became B.C.L., having determined to follow the civil law as a
profession. In the year 1774, he was elected Camden reader of
ancient history, vacant by the death of Mr. Warneford, and never
were the duties of the professorship so ably fulfilled since its first
institution in 1662, His lectures are said to have been attended
by the largest concourse of academics ever known, who were
equally delighted with the classical eloquence of his style, the
admirable arrangement of his subject, and the luminous informa-
tion conveyed by him. In these particulars they successfully
competed with the course of lectures delivered by the Vinerian
professor, Blackstone, which they equalled in popularity. Of
Scott's merits in this office both Dr. Parr and Gibbon have written
in the highest terms of commendation. Until 1779 he remained
at Oxford ; but in that year he took the degree of D.C.L., and
enrolled himself a member of the College of Doctors at Law,
practising in the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts. Shortly
after settling in the metropolis he became enrolled amongst the
wits in an age that could boast of Dr. Johnson, Sir William Jones,
and Sir Joshua Reynolds. With Johnson, indeed, and Sir Joshua
Reynolds, he was soon on terms of sincere friendship, which
continued till the day of their death. His lordship left a fortune
of nearly £250,000., a sum which, though very large, could hardly
be termed surprisingly so, considering the income he had enjoyed
for so long a period, and his extremely prudent habits. He
carried, indeed, his views on economy so far that he refused to
make his son a sufficient allowance to enable him to marry, and
the disappointment was said to have led Mr. Scott into intemperate
habits, under which his constitution gave way, and he died about
two months before his father. In one thing, however, Lord
Stowell was exceedingly liberal — his love of sights — and many
hundred pounds were expended by him in visiting every exhibition,
however contemptible, which appeared in London. But in his
court the eccentricities of his character were forgotten in the
solidity of his judgments and the inimitable felicity of his language,
and he has left behind him an imperishable name in the records of
English civil law. There is a good portrait of Lord Stowell in the
Guildhall, Newcastle.
1836 (February 7.) — A new chapel, belonging to the Methodist
New Connexion, was opened at Sheriff-hill, near Gateshead, when
the liberal sum of £18. 2s. Gd. was collected.
February 12. — Mr. Mark Scott, overman at Fawdon colliery,
was blown down the shaft of that pit and killed on the spot.
February 16. — A dinner was given to a number of gentlemen,
by Mr. Joseph Armstrong, brewer, in the mash tub of an extensive
brewery which he had just completed in Hanover-square, New-
castle. Sixteen gentlemen were conveniently accommodated in
this singular dining-room.
February 17. — Newcastle and neighbourhood were visited by
a tremendous hurricane from the N.N.E. accompanied by
heavy showers of snow and sleet, there was also a vivid flash of
lightning followed by a loud peal of thunder. The river Tyne
rose to an extraordinary height, overflowing its banks in many
places, and causing considerable alarm in Shields harbour by
forcing several vessels from their moorings. At Sunderland, the
wind being from the N,E. produced the highest tide ever remem-
bered in that port by the oldest inhabitant. At Seaton Carew,
the water flowed through the town like a river, and at Hartlepool,
the sea rose seven feet above the highest tide mark recorded. At
Middlesbro' immense damage was done, the pottery alone suffering
to the amount of £1,000. A very great number of vessels were
wrecked all along the coast.
February 17. — About six o'clock in the evening, a most
alarming lire broke out at Warton farm, near Rothbury, occupied
by Mr. Robt. Dickinson, by which seventeen corn stacks, the barn,
and the thrashing machine were totally consumed. The devouring
element spread with such awful rapidity that in less than half-an-
hour, the whole presented one tremendous blaze. Mr. Dickinson
had fortunately insured his property only a few weeks before.
^ February 20. — A barbarous murder was committed in the
village of Lumley, in the county of Durham, on the person of
Richard Taylor, a shoemaker, in the 76th year of his age. The
deed was supposed to have been penetrated between seven an
eight o'clock in the evening. The body was found by two boys
on the following morning. The head had been beaten till almost ilat,
and the brains were scattered about the ground. The unfortunate
old man, who was of an inoffensive disposition and much respected,
was robbed of between ten and twenty shillings in silver. Two
men were apprehended on suspicion, but were afterwards dis-
1336 (February 21.) — Died, in his 70th year, at Auckland Castle,
the Right Rev. William Van Mildert, the last Count Palatine
bishop of Durham. Dr. Van Mildert was the grandson of
Abraham Van Mildert, of Amsterdam, who settled as a merchant
in London, and resided in the parish of Great St. Helen's. His
son Cornelius, who resided at Newington, Surrey, and died in
1799, had by Martha, daughter of William Hill of Vauxhall,
esq., three sons of whom the second and sole survivor was the
bishop. His first curacy was at Sherburne, Oxfordshire, but in
1812 he was appointed preacher in Lincoln's Inn, and in the
following year Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. In 1819,
he was made bishop of Landaff, in 1820 dean of St. Paul's, and
in 1826 bishop of Durham. His productions as a theological
writer were numerous, and rank in the first order, his edition of
the works of " Waterland " supplying a defect which had long
existed in ecclesiastical literature. His charity was unbounded,
every corner of his diocese bearing testimony to his liberality, but
his munificent donations to the University of Durham were the
most conspicuous evidences of his bounty, and notwithstanding his
princely income his lordship died comparatively speaking a poor
man. Provision for his amiable widow arose chiefly from her
beneficial interest in a life policy to be realised by his lordship's
demise. On the whole it is very difficult to speak justly of this
eminent person without seeming to incur the charge of flattery.
His understanding was vigorous and comprehensive, his learning
accurate and deep, his apprehension quick, his temper highly
sensitive, but generous, kind, and forgiving in the last degree.
Perhaps no man ever lived who could dismiss an angry emotion
more readily from his mind. To forgive injuries was the habit of
his life ; to resent them he was never known. But, after all, the
grand element of this fine character was a deep, habitual, and
pervading sense of religion. This was the foundation-stone of the
whole fabric ; on no other principle, indeed, could such a character
have been formed. The labour of his life and the faculties of his
mind were steadily directed to the maintenance and vindication of
Christian truth. The remains of this excellent prelate were interred
in a vault prepared in the nave of the cathedral church of Durham.
Hitherto no Protestant bishop had been buried there. The funeral
took place on the 1st of March.
February 24. — Berwick-upon-Tweed and neighbourhood were
visited with a tremendous gale. The violent north-east wind
impelled the waves so fearfully upon the shore that they were only
prevented from inundating the streets by the strength of the
ancient walls. In Chillinghara Park upwards of 1,300 trees were
Mown down ; and a venerable tree which had stood 400 years in
the church-yard at Alnwick, and was called the Broom Tree, was
jilso destroyed.
: (March 2.)— At about eight o'clock at night the extensive
•pinning mill of Messrs. Clarke, Plummer, and Co., at the Ouse-
burn, Newcastle, was discovered to be on fire. Seven fire engines
were' speedily on the spot, and a plentiful supply of water being at
hand, the flames were confined to that part of the mill where they
had originated, but the machinery, models, &c., were much injured,
and the total damage did not amount to less than £4,000.
March 12. — About this time an extraordinary mania began to
devclope itself for the establishment of joint stock companies
amongst commercial men and others who dabbled in shares. And
on this day was issued the prospectus of the " Northumberland
and Durham District Banking Company." The capital was
proposed to be Imlf-a-million, in 50,000 shares of £10 each,
upwards of 40,000 shares were subscribed for in less than a month.
The eager anxiety to obtain shares in this undertaking was almost
unparalleled, hundreds of respectable individuals being refused an
allotment. The utmost amount of shares allowed to each
applicant was 100, and one shilling per share to be paid on their
receipt. A few days after the shares had been allotted speculation
rose to a tremendous pitch, as high as five pounds premium being
paid for a share, so that a person with only five pounds could
convert it into five hundred. At a meeting held in Newcastle
on the 12th of May, the company was declared established. On
the 18th May the directors issued a notice that arrangements had
been made with Messrs. J. Backhouse and Co., for the incorpora-
tion of their Newcastle branch with the new establishment, and
the bank was opened for business on the 1st June, under the
management of Mr. Jonathan Richardson in the premises previously
occupied by Backhouse & Co. — See March 1839.
March 16. — The boiler of the engine at Cramlington colliery
burst, and three persons lost their lives by the accident. A young
man named John Dawson, who had charge of the engine, was one
of the sufferers and the other two were boys on their way to school.
March 18. — As Robert and Philip Marshall, and Alexander
Hall, of Hallington, in the parish of St. John Lee, Northum-
berland, were digging for coals near Kirkheaton, they found a
human skeleton in a deep hole under a large flat stone, the head
had been put downwards, and the arms and legs had been bent
upon the body. From the appearance of the remains they were
supposed to have been those of a tall woman, and there was little
doubt from the position in which they were found, and the nature
of the place, that she had been murdered.
March. — This month, in clearing away the sand bank east
of Morpeth Castle, the workmen dug up several cannon balls,
of one and two pounds weight, which were supposed to have been
fired during the siege of that place by Montrose, in the year 1644.
1836 (April \). — A spacious new chapel was opened for worship
in Gateshead, for the use of the Methodist New Connexion.
April 2. — Mr. William Falla, nurseryman, of Gateshead, left
his home, and was never afterwards seen alive. On the first of
May his body was accidentally discovered in a very shocking
state in Ravensworth Wood, near Ladypark farm. It was then
found that the deceased had committed suicide by piercing his
windpipe with a pen-knife, an instrument which he had closed and
replaced in his pocket after committing the act.
April 25. — The bridge across the Tyne at Wylam was formally
opened. It is of wood, supported by stone pillars, and was
built by subscription. It affords great accommodation, being
passable by both foot passengers and carriages, for which a small
toll is charged.
April 27. — This morning, a coble belonging to "Whitburn,
in the county of Durham, containing two men named Curry —
father and son — and two men named Henderson — brothers — put
off to sea, in order to procure some lobster boxes they had placed
near the rock ends the previous evening. A heavy sea unfortu-
nately struck the coble which immediately swamped, and the crew
perished before help could be rendered. The men each left a
widow, and in all sixteen children.
May 1. — The handsome and conveniently situated chapel
belonging to the Methodist New Connexion, in Hood-street,
Newcastle, was opened for divine service, when sermons were
preached on that and the following day, during which was
collected the sum of £166.
May 2. — The Newcastle new police force, under the superin-
tendence of Mr. Stephens, went on duty for the first time, but
they did not appear in uniform dress until the following week.
May 7. — This morning, the shipbuilding yard of Messrs. Adam-
son, of Bishopvvearmouth Pans, was discovered to be on fire.
The flames spread from the joiner's shed, where they originated,
to a large stock of timber and to a ship that was building, the
former was entirely and the latter partially consumed. As soon
as the alarm was given, the populace ran in thousands to the
place. A large malting occupied by Mr. Thomas Taylor, which
adjoined the premises, and which contained upwards of 5,000
bushels of malt was also totally destroyed.
May 9. — An alarming fire occurred at Ilartlepool, on the
premises of Mr. Paddon, druggist, and a large amount of injury
was done before the flames were subdued.
May 15. — That striking, and at all times interesting phenomenon
— a solar eclipse — occurred, and Alnwick being the most favour-
ably situated town in the kingdom for observing it, Lord Prudhoe,
Sir James Smith, and other astronomers, were invited there for
that purpose. The day was as fine as ever shone from the
heavens, not a cloud was visible, and the progress of the eclipse
could be most minutely traced. A temporary observatory was
erected near Brislee Tower, and Lord Prudhoe provided a number
of i, or the use of the public.
(Ma;/ -21).— A prospectus was issued of the "Newcastle
,'rrial' Banking Company." The proposed capital was
,<>00. in 50,000 shares of £10. each, but it was ultimately
;..t .€100,000., of which £75,000. were called up. The
bank was opened in the beginning of August, on premises at the
Bridge-end, and issued its own notes until 1840, when the Bank of
England paper was substituted. In July, 1845, the capital was
reduced to £50,000. by the repayment of £2. 10s. per share to the
shareholders. See August, 1856.
May 23. — A prospectus of the " Newcastle Joint Stock Bank"
appeared. The capital was fixed at £500,000. in £25. shares,
but the latter were afterwards reduced to £10. per share, and a
large number were never subscribed for. The bank commenced
business in the Royal Arcade, on Saturday, July 2nd. See
Janutmj 1846.
'M(t>/ 23. — A prospectus was issued of the " Durham County
Coal Company," capital half -a- million, in £50. shares. The
shares were speedily taken up, and the company soon after leased
royalties at VVhitworth, Byers Green, Gordon, Evenwood, and
M«i/ 24. — A meeting was held between Mr. Grainger, and the
proprietors of the Newcastle Theatre, at the Queen's Head Inn,
at which a final arrangement was made for the removal of the old
theatre, to be replaced by a magnificent new one in Grey-street.
May 28. — A prospectus was issued of the " Newcastle Joint
Stock Brewery," capital £10,000, in 1,000 shares at £10. each,
Same day, a prospectus appeared of the " Sunderlaml Joint Stock
Bank," capital £200,000. in 20,000 shares at £10. each. See
November, 1851.
June 2. — The skeleton of a man was discovered about three feet
below the surface, in the immediate vicinity of Peter Allan's
tavern, at Marsden Rock, near South Shields. The body
appeared to have been interred with care, there being fiat smooth
stones laid beneath the head. A pistol bullet was found in the
chest, and a fragment about three inches in length of a sharp-
pointed steel instrument, had pierced the vertebra of the neck,
from which it_was evident that death had arisen from violence.
June 10. — The Kirkharle estates in Northumberland, which
had been in the possession of the Loraine family for upwards of
six hundred years, were sold by auction in London, for £57,000.
The purchaser was Thomas Anderson, esq., of Benwell Tower,
nephew of the late Major Anderson, of Newcastle.
June 11. — An advertisement was published for the purpose
of obtaining subscriptions to a proposed magnificent suspension
idge, with an approach from near St. Nicholas' church, New-
- across the river, to West-street, Gateshead, thereby
avoiding the steep and dangerous hills, Dean-street and the Bottle
removed to form Gre/ S* part of Site now occupied by Mes^ElfenjpriC':
West^ate Sc Newcastle.
1836 (June 11^. — A. prospectus was issued "for converting the
bank of Messrs. Chapman & Co., into a joint stock company, to be
called the Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland Union Joint Stock
Bank. The capital was fixed at £300,000, in 30,000 shares.
The shares having been quickly taken up, the company com-
menced business on Friday, July 1, and arrangements were soon
afterwards made for the purchase of the banking establishment
of Sir W. Clay tor, bart, & Co., at Sunderland.
June 18. — An awful thunder storm occurred at Durham.
The lightning was terrific, and the rain fell in torrents. One
house in Church-street, near the New Inn, was struck by the
electric fluid, and the bad which two men had just left was
shivered to pieces.
Jane 21. — The Newcastle-upon-Tyne and North Shields
Railway Act received the royal assent.
June 24. — The foundation stones of two new chapels, in
the parish of Newburn, designed by Mr. Green, architect,
Newcastle, were laid, one at Dalton, dedicated to the Trinity by
Edward Collingwood, esq., of Dissington, and the other at Sugley
Field, dedicated to the Saviour, by Charles Bulmer, esq., of
Lemington. Silver coins of the reign of William IV., presented
by Robert Boyd, esq., were placed in glass vessels, and sunk with
the foundation stones, together with suitable inscriptions.
June 24 — The family of William Barnell, tallow chandler, Dur-
ham, were disturbed by the cries of an infant, and on going to the
room from, which the cries proceeded they found that the child had
been severely bitten by a rat, which had knawed the flesh to the
bone from one of the fingers as far as the wrist. It had also com-
menced an attack on the neck, but was disturbed by the family.
June 26. — The last performance in the Theatre Royal, Mosley-
street, Newcastle, took place before a crowded audience, when the
comedy of " Sweethearts and wives" was performed, followed by
a petite comedy entitled " Picturesque." The theatre was first
opened on January 21, 1788, and Mr. Grainger commenced to
pull it down on Saturday, November 5, 1830, when the principal
portion of the site was thrown into Grey-street.
June 28. — That portion of the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway
between Hexham and Haydon Bridge was opened with great
splendour. Two trains, one drawn by the Hercules locomotive,
manufactured by Stephenson, and the second, consisting of six
railway coaches and eleven trucks, drawn by the Samson engine,
manufactured by Messrs. Hawthorn, left Blaydon about eleven
o'clock with the directors and their friends, and the party arrived
at Haydon Bridg.e a little before two. At various parts of the
line flags were hoisted, and discharges of guns took place as the
trains passed, and scarcely a spot on either side of the river which
commanded a view of the procession was without its group of
spectators, who by their acclamations testified the interest they
took in the scene. The numerous company spent a delightful
day without the slightest accident.
183G (/ufyj.— Notwithstanding the five new joint stock banks
and other undertakings established in Newcastle, the following
•ulditional prospectuses were issued:— The Tyne East India Com-
pany, capital £100,000; the North of England Union Sawing
Mill Company, £5,000. ; the Newcastle and Northumberland Coal
Company, £300,000. ; the North of England Marine Insurance
Company, £150,000.; the Tyne Marine Insurance Company,
£150,000. ; the Joint Stock Liberal Newspaper Company, £5,000. ;
the Great North Koad Suspension Bridge Company, for uniting
Newcastle and Gateshead at a high level, £125,000. ; the Grand
Eastern Union Railway Company, from Newcastle to Durham,
£800,000. ; and other schemes.
,/„/,/ 3. — Newcastle and neighbourhood was visited by an
awful storm of thunder and lightning, accompanied by rain.
At Kirkwhelpington, the electric fluid struck a large ash tree, and
shivered it from top to bottom, carrying the splinters, bark, &c.,
to a great distance. At Whitleys, near Blanchland, eighteen sheep
were killed by the lightning. The storm also visited Alnwick and
neighbourhood ; and Mr. Elliott of Shaukhall, near that place, had
a valuable horse killed.
July 8. — Sir John Walsham, the assistant poor law com-
missioner for the district, formed the Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Poor
Law Union.
July 11. — As George Wilkinson, esq., of Durham, was driving
his lady and Mrs. Wilkinson, senior, in the direction of Seaham,
in a phaeton, he attempted to cross the Seaham railway, when
a train of waggons was descending the inclined plane. The
horse became restive, and would not proceed ; in consequence of
which, the foremost waggon struck the phaeton, which, together
with the inmates and horse, were hurried along at a fearful rate
down the incline. A man, who was in the waggon, snatched Mrs.
Geo. Wilkinson from her perilous situation, and placed her in
safety beside himself. Mr. W. soon after fell from his seat, and
the horse became disengaged from the vehicle, which was rapidly
falling to pieces from the violence of the collision. Mrs. Wilkinson,
senior, however, kept her seat, and gently rolled off at the bottom
of the hill when the waggons had almost ceased to move ; after
having been impetuously carried along somewhere about 180 yards.
The carriage was broken into at least 50 pieces ; and, wonderful
to relate, none of the party received any serious injury.
July 15. — Died, at Richmond, Surrey, in his 58th year, Sir
Matthew White Ridley, of Blagdon and Heaton, in the county of
Northumberland, bart., M-P. for Newcastle. He was born August
8th, 1778 the eldest son of Matthew, the second baronet,°by
Sarah, daughter and sole heiress of Benjamin Colburne, of Bath,
esq. He was educated at Oxford, and took his degree of B.A.,
ftarch 9, 1798. He was first elected member for Newcastle on his
father s retirement at the general election of 1812. He sat during
jhtt parliaments, and for the space of 24 years. At the two last
ions he had to encounter a poll, but the result proved the high
esteem in which he was held by his fellow townsmen. His
principles were those of the old whigs ; and in his address at the
last election he declared himself a sincere and practical reformer ;
but in the extreme measures which characterised the later periods
of his political career they inclined to conservatism. Sir Matthew
married, August 13, 1803, Laura, youngest daughter of George
Hawkins, esq., by whom he had six sons and six daughters, A
portrait of Sir Matthew, painted by James Ramsay, esq., has been
published, drawn on stone by W. Taylor.
1836 (July 19;.— The installation of the Right Rev. Dr. Maltby,
who had been translated from the see of Chichester to that of
Durham, took place in the cathedral of his diocese ; the Hon.
and Rev. Dr. Wellesley acting as proxy for the bishop. His
lordship visited the city of Durham on the 23rd of August, when
he was presented with an address by the corporation, and was
afterwards enthroned with the usual formalities.
July 25. — A vacancy in the representation of Newcastle in
Parliament having been occasioned by the death of Sir Matthew
White Ridley, the above day was appointed for the nomination of
candidates, when John Hodgson, esq., of Elswick, was proposed
and seconded by Archibald Reed and Dixon Dixon, esqrs. ; and
Captain Blackett, of Wylam, by T. E. Headlam and John Spedding,
esqrs. At the close of the poll on the 27th, the numbers were for
Mr. Hodgson 1576, and for Captain Blackett 1528. 949 freemen
voted for the successful candidate, and 468 for his opponent.
July 29. — Newcastle and its neighbourhood were visited by
a tremendous storm of thunder, lightning, and rain. The rain
during the afternoon, and indeed throughout the night, was so
violent and continuous as to flood the Tyne and its tributary streams
to such a height as had not been equalled for many years. Many
sheep and other farming stock were carried away. A great
quantity of hay was lost from the lowlands ; and several fields of
potatoes and turnips completely destroyed. Mr. Hall, a farmer at
Newburn, had a thirty acre field of hay entirely lost by a deposit
of sand brought down by the flood.
August 8. — The Brandling Junction Railway was commenced
at the Felling, near Gateshead. The first turf was cut in the
presence of R. W. Brandling, esq., and a party of gentlemen, who
had assembled to witness the first effort to forward this desirable
August 10. — The foundation-stone of the bridge across the Tyne
at By well, was laid by T. W. Beaumont, esq. But the hilarity
of the day was damped by an unfortunate accident. Orders had
been given to blow up one of the piers of the old bridge, and while
two men were in the act of charging a bore with gunpowder, a
spark caught the powder, which blew up, and so dreadfully mangled
one of the men that he died in a few minutes ; the other was
also frightfully torn.
August 11. — The king granted his royal license to John
Hodgson of Elswick House, M.P. for Newcastle, in compliance
with the will of Elizabeth Arthur Hinde, of Ovingham, in the
county of Northumberland, to assume the surname of Hind in
addition to that of Hodgson.
1836 (August 22). — A boy named George Young, about 7 years
of a°-e, while sitting behind his trap door, down one of the Cowpen
pits^a large stone, several tons weight, fell upon him from the
roof and before he was got out life was extinct.
September 13. — A lady residing in Monkwearmouth, had, when
a child about four years of age, two small pebbles put into her
ears by an elder sister in play, which being pressed too far could
not be extracted. The circumstance was attended with slight
pain and swelling of the glands, and one of the stones, about seven
years afterwards, was voided through the same aperture. Lately
the lady experienced a slight pain in the ear, and t<> her astonish-
ment, on this day the other stone appeared within the cavity of
the ear and was with ease extracted after having remained in the
head for upwards of 44 years.
September '25. — A hare, without being pursued, deliberately
ran through the village of Burnopfteld, and sprang through a
window of the constable's house, who exercised his authority in
detaining poor puss, as well on account of her indiscretion as for
the damage.
September 25. — The " Newcastle Courant" was reduced from
7d. to 4Jd.
September 30. — One of the most wanton, cold blooded, and
atrocious murders which perhaps has ever been recorded, was
perpetrated upon a defenceless man named Lee, in the glass house
belonging to Mr. Price, Pipewellgate, Gateshead. Lee lived in
Gallowgate, Newcastle, and belonged to the Northumberland and
Newcastle Volunteer Cavalry, and the occurrence took place during
the performance of the usual eight days duty of that corps. On
the evening of the above day the unfortunate man was intoxi-
cated, and by some means or other had found his way into the
glasshouse, where he fell asleep upon a large box. Here he was
found by three young men, who were partially acquainted with
him. After covering him with straw, they procured hot cinders
from the furnace, and ignited it. At this moment Lee awoke,
but almost immediately relapsed into deep slumber. It would
appear that the first attempt to set fire to the unconscious man
had failed ; they, however, seemed bent upon his destruction.
More straw was collected, with hot cinders from the furnace,
and tossed upon the helpless being. They then ran out, but
suddenly returning were met by Lee himself enveloped in flames,
and crying out " Fire." The poor fellow rushed along the street,
and in his bewilderment and agony rushed back again to the
glasshouse. By this time some of the neighbouring inhabitants
had been drawn to the place by his cries, who ultimately extin-
guished the flames, So awfully was he burnt that he expired in
a few days, and was buried with military honours in St.
Andrew's churchyard. At the ensuing assizes one of the perpe-
trators was sentenced to ten years' transportation, and the two
others to two years' imprisonment, a conclusion that gave general
1836 (October 6). — Messrs. Glynn's foundry at the Ouseburn,
Newcastle, was discovered to be on fire. From the prompt
assistance rendered by the fire engines belonging to Messrs.
Crowther and Smith and the Broad and Crown Glass Company,
the fire was got under. The roof of the office, part of the roof of
the foundry, and the joiners' shop, were destroyed, together with
a large number of models.
October. — Some time during this month, Mr. William Mather,
a respectable builder of Newcastle, came into the possession of an
immense fortune, amounting to between £200,000. and £300,000
sterling. About twenty years previous, Alexander Adams, esq.,
who resided in Northumberland-street, Newcastle, bequeathed
an immense fortune, amassed in commerce, to his natural son,
resident in India. The fortunate devisee did not live long to
enjoy his wealth, but died at Calcutta, a bachelor, leaving all he
possessed to his cousin, Mr. Thomas Naters, who was settled near
New York, in the United States of America. This last-named
gentleman died some time this month, in Switzerland, leaving
under his will those immense riches to Mr. Mather. The Swiss
authorities, however, were loth to part with the money, and put in
an enormous claim for legacy duty, amounting to £50,000. This
produced an official remonstrance from the British Government,
and it being shown that Mr. Katers was not a naturalised subject
of the Swiss Government, the authorities moderated their demands,
and the matter was ultimately settled by Mr. Mather suffering
himself to be mulct of £12,000.
October 8. — William Sample, esq., agent to Sir Edward Blackett,
bart., of Matfen, and his assistants, perambulated, on behalf of
the lion, bart., the boundaries of the ancient and extensive manor
of Willimoteswick, near Haltwhistle. Willi motes wick was the
birthplace of Nicholas Ridley, the celebrated prelate and martyr.
October. — During this month the great west window of St.
Nicholas' church, in Newcastle, which had been for a considerable
time in course of restoration, was completed. The stone was
partially renewed, and the window newly glazed with stained
glass, the arms of the corporation, beautifully executed, occupying
the centre, in compliment to that body for the very liberal manner
in which they contributed towards its repair.
October 29. — A flock of wild geese, thirty-nine in number,
passed close over the tops of the houses in Newcastle.
October 31. — As Thomas Knox, a pitman, employed at Little
Houghton colliery, Northumberland, was hewing, he accidentally
broke into an old working, and the water immediately rushed
upon him, so as to prevent his escape. Knox's son, and others
who were near the shaft, saved themselves, but were unable to
render any assistance to Knox, whose body was not got out until
November 30th.
1830 (November 5>— The body of John Hutchinson, Serjeant in
tl ... Durham militia, was found in the river Tees, about four miles
from Barnard Castle. He had been missing two days, and is
supposed to have fallen into the river. On the day of Hutchinson's
interment an awfully sudden death occurred in Barnard Castle.
A youn" man named Carnell sent a boy to meet the funeral
procession, and requested him to run forward and tell him when
it reached the town. Before the boy returned, however, Carnell
himself was a corpse.
;\o>'(nnfar 6. The chapel at Horton, near South Shields, was
opened for divine service, by the Rev. William Coward,
incumbent of Westoe chapel. The building was erected entirely
by subscription, and stands in a central situation between the
parishes of Jarrow and Whitburn.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs for 1836-7 :— Newcastle— Joseph Lamb, esq., mayor ;
Anthony Nichol, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — Michael Hall, esq.,
mayor. Sunderland— Andrew White, esq., mayor. Durham — T.
Green well, esq., mayor. Stockton — Christopher Lodge, esq.,
mayor. Morpeih — Bobert Biakey. esq., mayor. Berwick — John
Miller Dickson, esq., mayor; William Riddell, esq., sheriff.
November 9. — The following were elected councillors for the
borough of Newcastle :— St Nicholas1 Ward — Mr. J. Nichol,
confectioner, 152; Mr. William Gray, clothier, 152. All Saints'
West Ward — Mr. J. Carr, colourman, 133; Mr. Alexander
Reed, china merchant, 115. All Saints Fast Ward — Mr. J.
Ridley, jun., broker, 180; Mr. R. Rayne, iron merchant, 164.
St. Johns Ward— Mr. William Storey, butcher, 206 ; Mr. George
Bargate, Tanner, 161. St. Andrews North Ward — Mr. J.
Archbold, slater, 204 ; Mr. T. Dunn, 168. St. Andrews South
Ward — Mr. A. Nichol, broker, 94; Mr. J. Anderson, banker, 75.
W<-.<t(i<.itt \Vind — Mr. Isaac Aytoun, corn merchant, 109, Jesmond
]j>/;Y/_Mr. William Armstrong, merchant, 96.
November 10. — Died, in East-street, South Shields, aged 71,
Mr. John Winter. He was supposed to be the last survivor of
the crew who sailed wiih Governor Philips to Botany Bay, iri
1 789, when he was second officer in the boat which discovered
Port Jackson, and was the first European who landed at Sydney
November 10. — The lord bishop of Durham visited Newcastle,
for the purpose of presiding at a meeting of the Natural History
Society. On his arrival in the great room of the Literary and
Philosophical Society, an address from the corporation was
presented to his lordship by the mayor (J. Lamb, esq.), congratu-
lating him on his elevation to the see of Durham.
Xoceiiiber 11. — This day the bishop visited the Infirmary. His
lordship was received in the Governors'-hall by all the medical
officers, the Rev. the Vicar, the Rev, J. Collinson, the Rev.
William Turner, Mr. Potter, Mr. Brumell, and Mr. P. G. Ellison,
members of the house committee. After having inspected the
A.D. 1836.]
hospital, his lordship was pleased to express his warm approbation
of the manner in which it was conducted. On the 13th November
the annual sermon for the benefit of the 'Infirmary was preached
at St. Nicholas' church, by the. bishop, to one of the most numerous
congregations ever seen at that church, when his lordship delivered
a most impressive and highly talented discourse. The collection
amounted to £79. 7s., being a much larger sum than was ever
collected on any similar occasion.
1836 (November 11). — The following gentlemen were elected
councillors for the borough of Newcastle, to supply extraordinary
vacancies caused by some being elected aldermen, disqualifications,
and death:— St. Nicholas' Ward— Mr. W. A. Mitchell, 175;
Mr. Thomas Eltriugham, 165. St. Andrew's North Ward — Mr.
T. W. Keenlyside, 175. St. Andrews' South Ward— Mr. T. M.
Greenhow, 125 ; Mr. F. Sanderson, 97. — St. Johns' Ward — Mr.
Matthew Plues, 208; Mr. H. A. Mitchell, 163. All Saints1
West Ward— Mr. J. T. Carr, 137. All Saints East Ward-Mr.
Charles Rayne, 96. Jesmond Ward — Mr. W. Richardson, 91.
November 16. — It was announced by advertisement that the
Newcastle-upon-Tyne General Cemetery was ready for interments,
and that a considerable number of catacombs under the chapel,
and of vaults in both the consecrated and unconsecrated portions
of the cemetery, were prepared for sale. A company was formed
in January, 1834, to raise the suni of £6,900 by 345 shares of
£20 each, 90 of which shares were taken by the corporation as
the price of the land, which consists of 1 5 acres, situate at a short
distance beyond Carlton-terrace, between the New Road and
Benton Lane. From the road there is a massive archway entrance
betwixt the towers of two convenient chapels, built of beautifully
veined freestone, after a chaste design by J. Dobson, esq., forming
a very ornamental structure at this approach to the town. The
cemetery is laid out and planted with great taste, and enclosed
with a lofty wall. The first interment in this cemetery was that
of Margaret Redford, daughter of Mr. George Hoy, formerly a
grocer in Newcastle.
1836 (November 16).— The Rev. J. Frognall Dibdin, was enter-
tained on his return from Scotland by several bibliographical
friends at a dinner, in the room of the Antiquarian Society of New-
castle, John Clayton, esq , in the chair. Their distinguished guest
enlivened the company with his anecdotes and humorous sallies,
and it is seldom that a more happy and joyous party ever met,
and all departed much pleased with their guest and their
November 19. — A number of fishermen ot Hartlepool were
placed in imminent danger, in consequence of a boisterous wind
having suddenly arisen while they were engaged in their perilous
employment. Twenty-six boats were at sea, each containing
three men, and there seemed at one time little chance of any
of them escaping destruction. The life boat was launched and
manned by a gallant crew, proceeded to their assistance. One
boat was swamped, and her crew, consisting of three brothers
named Davidson, were observed from the shore struggling in the
sea and clinging to their vessel. During this affecting scene the
shrieks of the women, the cries of the children, and the mental
agony of old Davidson, the father of the above named young
men, and who had before lost two sons at sea, were most
appalling. They were, however, happily picked up by some of
the other fishermen, and landed in safety. The remainder of the
fishing cobles also reached the' shore under convoy of the life boat
without having lost a man.
November 23. — A meeting was convened in the Town Chamber,
Gateshead, Alderman Pollock in the chair, when it was resolved
to establish a mechanics' institute for the borough. The meeting,
which was numerous and respectable, was addressed by Messrs.
Rowntree, Brockett, William L. Harle, and others. Upwards
of seventy individuals were immediately enrolled as members, and
several valuable contributions in the shape of books, &c., and cash
to a considerable amount.
November 24. — Married, in London, John Errington, esq.,. of
High Warden, Northumberland, to Anne, daughter of V. Eyre,
esq., of London.
November 20. — The " Newcastle Standard," a newspaper,
edited by Mr. Charles Larkin, was published, but was discon-
tinued April the 15th, 1837.
November. — This month, a singular discovery of a seam of
coal was made in Berwick. While some alterations were being
made in the yard behind Mr. Ralph Smith's house, in Bridge-
street, the workmen dug up a quantity of coal, curiosity dictated
a further search, and at the depth of about six feet from the
surface they came upon a seam of coal, 3 feet 1 inch in thickness.
The quality was put to the test, and pronounced to be excellent,
December. — This month, as a family of the name of Fawcus were
removing from a village near Darlington, they observed a
redbreast following them. On more closely noticing it, it was
recognised as a bird which they had fed before they left the
village. It continued its flight until it arrived at their place of
destination, a distance of about 18 miles, and finally found its
way into the house which the family were about to occupy.
1836 (December 1). — A meeting of the inhabitants of Sunderland
was held at the Exchange Buildings in that town, the Hon. and
Rev. G. V. Wellesley in the chair, for the purpose of promoting the
erection of a memorial in honour of Rowland Burdon, esq., as the
founder of the celebrated iron bridge at Sunderland. Resolutions
were passed and a special committee appointed for the purpose of
carrying them into effect.
December 2. — The inhabitants of Darlington were alarmed by a
special messenger from Sadberge, about five miles distant from
that town, announcing that the house of Mr. Christopher Rich-
mond, of Sadberge, tanner, was on fire. When the firemen
arrived an awful spectacle presented itself, the fire having made
devastating progress. The flames continued to rage with great fury
till about three o'clock in the morning, when they were subdued.
The whole of the furniture, documents, &c., were destroyed.
The family escaped with some difficulty.
December 5. — During a violent gale of wind a woman residing
in Saltwellside, near Gateshead, was unfortunately killed by the
fall of a chimney. The Joint Stock Banking Company's premises
in the Royal Arcade, Newcastle, suffered in the glass domes by
chimneys falling in. Part of a high wall in Percy-street was
blown down, and the river for several hours was completely
impassable. Several persons were thrown down in the streets and
received serious injuries. A scullerman at Shields was driven
out to sea and lost.
December* — Early in this month, a mural monument was
erected in St. Nicholas' church, Newcastle, by order of Lord
Eldon, in memory of his father, the late William Scott. The
monument was designed and executed by Mr. Elger, sculptor,
Park-lane, London. It is studiously plain but very neat, being
surmounted with a beautifully executed vase, partially covered
with drapery, and on the tablet is the following inscription : — •" In
Memory of "Mr. William Scott, Freeman and Hoastman of this
town, who was buried in All Saints' churchj November, 1776.
He left to his family a rich inheritance in the example of a life of
industry unremitting, of probity unsullied, and of piety most pure
and sincere. This tablet is placed here by one of his affectionate
December 14. — The Gateshead Poor-law Union was formed.
The union comprises the parishes and townships of Gateshead,
Heworth, Winlaton, Whickham, Ryton, Woodside, Crawcrook,
Stella, and Chopwell.
December 16. — A letter from America was received at
Houghton-le-Spring directed <' Easington Lane, Hetton, Durham
England," but without any name, and it happened that when the
letter carrier was going his round, a woman named Margaret
Crawford came to him and asked him if he had any letters from
America, and it oddly enough proved to be from her son.
1836 (December 17).— Died, at Haltwhistle, Northumberland, aged
82 years, Elizabeth Cuthbertson, a maiden lady. The deceased
sprung from a very ancient family in Northumberland, was lady of
an extensive manor about Haltwhistle, and possessed property
worth £2,000 per annum. She was well educated, and brought
up in every respect as a lady of good fortune ought to be. On
the death of her only brother and sister, Miss Cuthbertson became
exceedingly strange in her manners, and eccentric in her conduct.
She chose for her abode the second storey of a miserable house in
Haltwhistle, the door of which was nearly constantly locked, and
many of the windows bricked up to keep out the gaze of inquisitive
people. Towards her tenants she behaved in a very peculiar
manner, it was said that some had not paid any rent for a great
number of years, and others had paid a portion of the rent due,
and both these descriptions of tenants she allowed to live upon
their respective tenures, because they owed her money, but those
who paid the whole of their rents she immediately discharged.
During the last few years of her life she declined transacting any
business in the most positive manner, and no inducements or
persuasions could prevail upon her to abandon her system of non-
interference with the world.
December 17. — The friends of Addison Langhorne Potter, esq.,
gave him a dinner at the Queen's Head, Pilgrim-street, Newcastle,
as a compliment " for his active and valuable services in promoting
on all occasions, to the utmost of his power, the Liberal interests
of Newcastle." 165 gentlemen sat down to dinner. The chair
was occupied by John Fife, esq., assisted by Emmerson Charnley,
George Straker, and James Losh, esqrs., as vice-chairmen.
December 23. — A sharp frost set in, with a heavy fall of
snow, and continued throughout that and the two following days
with increasing severity, by which time a prodigious quantity had
accumulated, exceeding, indeed, anything seen in the district since
1823. There being a high wind from the north-east, the snow .
drifted very much, consequently the roads to the north and south
of Newcastle soon became impassable. The greatest obstructions
in the north were between Felton and Alnwick, and from Bucton
Burn to Berwick. The coaches which set out for the north on
the 26th were all stopped, the Highflyer at Weldon-bridge, and
the Chevy Chase near Ponteland. A passenger in the Chevy
Chase furnished particulars of the journey, which reflect great
credit on the activity and perseverance of the guard, John Barren,
and the coachman, Jonathan Bowron. The coach left Newcastle
at eight o'clock on Monday morning, and reached Edinburgh at
ten o'clock on Thursday night. The snow in some parts of
their route was twelve feet high, and it required three days to
perform three stages. Notwithstanding these obstructions the
guard and coachman persevered, and sometimes with four, some-
times with six horses, by diverging occasionally into fields, and
carrying the coach frequently over hedges and ditches, they
contrived to reach their goal in the time mentioned. From the
storm on land only one loss of life was recorded — that of a poor
man who was found dead in the neighbourhood of Stokesly. The
list of casualties on the coasts of Northumberland and Durham
included the loss of many valuable lives and much property.
1836 (December). — This year Lady Ravensworth caused to be
erected at her own expense, at Lamesley, a neat, substantial, and
commodious alrnshouse, containing eight apartments for the recep-
tion of poor and aged females. Her ladyship also endowed the
erection with the sum of £50 per annum.
December* — The quantity of coals shipped from the Tyne in the
year 1836, London and coastwise alone, amounted to 754,961
Newcastle chaldrons. Of the land and water sale of coals on the
Tyne no public entry is made, but it has been ascertained that it
approximates 200,000 Newcastle chaldrons annually. The over-
sea sale is not here taken into account ; so that the Tyne vend of
coals for the year may be safely put down at 770,000 Newcastle
chaldrons of 53 cwt. each, or two millions forty thousand five
hundred tons. Reduced to tons, the vend of the Wear for the
same period is one million fifty-five thousand four hundred and
thirteen, being rather more than half the enormous vend of the
1837 (January*!). — A human skeleton was found about eighteen
inches below the surface of the north-east side of Sunderland
moor, and from its appearance there could be little doubt but
that it had been placed there after a violent death.
January 3, — A swan was shot upon the river at Blyth,
weighing 22 Ibs., by Mr. John Hutton and Mr. James Tate, who
fired together.
January 3. — The sale of the mansion-house furniture, pictures,
plate, &c., commenced this day, pursuant to the decision of the
corporate body on the 7th December, 1836. The proceeding
met the approbation of some but was highly disapproved of by
the mass, who very justly regarded the disposal of property left in
trust for the use of the corporation for ever as an act indefensible,
and the more so when it is remembered that the ultimate decision
was arrived at by the trifling majority of four. The sale was but
poorly attended, and realised only about £2,000.
January. — At a meeting of the town council of the borough of
Gateshead, Mr. Price stated that a large number of lodging-houses
in that town were filled by disreputable characters, driven from
Newcastle by the vigilance of the police. Mr. Rowntree suggested
that it would be better to say nothing about the matter, as it would
serve as an invitation to such persons to seek lodgings there in
greater numbers. Mr. Brockett replied that, having heard of as
many as seventeen being found in one bed, it seemed as if the
lodgings were already full.
January 7. — This day, the winning of the new colliery at
Woodhouse Close, near Bishop Auckland, the property of Messrs.
Flintoff, was successfully accomplished. The main coal seam was
found in great perfection at a depth of seventy-four fathoms.
1837 (January 10).— In consequence of a very rapid thaw,
accompanied vyith rain, the river Tyne became alarmingly swollen.
At Scotswood it burst into two rows of houses, fourteen m
number, and speedily rose to a height of five feet. The Wear
was also extremely high, but beyond the partial submersion of
many houses on the banks of both streams, the damage done was
but trifling.
January 12. — An alarming fire broke out this morning in the
patent rope manufactory of R. Webster, esq., at Deptford, near
Sunderland. The alarm was given by a young woman, and five
engines were soon brought to the spot ; but in consequence of the
dense smoke and the excessive heat, it was some time before they
could be put into operation. As soon as it was practicable the
engines were put to work ; but, notwithstanding every effort, the
whole of the extensive manufactory, with its machinery, &c., was
burned to the ground. The loss was estimated at £60,000., about
two-thirds of which was insured.
January 12. — The body of Mr. William Lawton, woollen
manufacturer, Netherwitton, was found drowned on Morpeth
High Stanners, a little above the chain bridge. It was supposed
the deceased had been washed from his horse, on which he was
returning from Rothbury, the river being very high at the time.
January 13. — This being the day appointed for laying the
foundations of the two great bridges over the Ouseburn and
Willington Dean, on the line of the Newcastle and North Shields
Railway, John Hodgson Hinde, esq., M.P., vice-chairman,
proceeded to Willington Dean, where he was met, at twelve o'clock,
by a number of directors and shareholders, the engineer, architect,
&c. The preliminary arrangements having been made, Mr.
Hodgson Hinde shortly addressed those present, informing them,
that he attended there that day as the deputy of Matthew Bell,
esq., M.P., the chairman of the company, by whom it had been
arranged that the foundation of that stupendous structure should
have been laid, but who, he was sorry to say, was prevented by
severe indisposition from attending. He then read the inscription
on the brass plate to be deposited in the foundation. The inscrip-
tion stated that the foundation-stone of that bridge was laid on the
13th of January, 1837, by M. Bell, esq., M.P., and enumerated
the names of the chairman, vice-chairman, and directors, of Mr.
Green, the architect of the bridge, Mr. Nicholson, engineer to the
railroad, Mr. John Straker, consulting engineer, and Mr. W. Swan,
clerk. The plate, together with several coins of the present reign,
was then placed between glass plates, and plaster being poured
upon them, Mr. Hinde spread it around with a silver trowel. The
stone was then placed on its bed, and the usual ceremonies being
gone through, nine hearty cheers were then given, and the pro-
ceedings terminated. The bridges are of great extent and of
peculiar construction, the arches being formed of laminated timber.
That over Willington Dean is 1,050 feet long, and 76 feet high in
the centre, and consists of seven segmental timber arches, each
120 feet span, supporting a wooden platform, with stone piers and
abutments. The Ouseburn bridge is 800 feet long and 138 feet
high, and has five similar arches of 116 feet span. The erections
were finished in May, 1839, and had a very light and beautiful
~L837(Ja?iua?*y'21). — Died, at Leazes- crescent, aged 56, Mr. John
Sykes, editor of the "Local Records" and several interesting
tracts on subjects connected with the history of the district or
illustrative of local events and character. For some time previous
to his death Mr. Sykes was engaged in the compilation of a third
volume of the " Local Records," and he had also prepared for the
press a history of the printing business in Newcastle, interspersed
with curious notices of the early printers and copies of the title
pages of several scarce works.
January 23. — Died, at Denick, near Alnwick, aged 98, Mr.
John Thew, farmer, the oldest freeman of the borough of
Alnwick, and the last male descendant of a family which had held
land under the house of Percy for upwards of four hundred years.
Few have descended to the tomb who have held a higher character
than this respected individual.
January 31. — Two pitmen belonging to Thornley colliery,
Durham, named Storey and Surtees, engaged to hew coals against
each other for five guineas aside. The wager was won by Storev,
who hewed 33^ tubs, 20 pecks eack, and Surtees 30 tubs, the
former being 10 tons 1 cwt., and the latter 9 tons. The amount
of Storey's earnings would be Us. 2d. and that of Surtees 105.
The time of working was eight hours, and from the extreme
hardness of the seam the performance of each may be considered
January. — At this period there were residing at Shincliffe,
near Durham, under one roof, five generations, viz., Margaret
Wilson, 98 years old ; Ann Emmerson, 74, her daughter; Margaret
Douglas, 43, granddaughter; Ann Leroy, 20, great granddaughter ;
Sarah Jane Leroy, great great granddaughter, four months old.
February 3. — Died, at Morpeth, the Rev, Edward Otter, brother
of the bishop of Chichester, rector of Bothal, and prebendary of
February 4. — The Vesta steamer, belonging to "the Newcastle
Steam Navigation Company," was launched from Messrs. Hopper's
shipbuilding-yard, North Shore, Newcastle, amid an immense
multitude of spectators. It presented a beautiful spectacle. The
vessel went into the river with such ease, so slowly and majestically,
that the people on board were scarcely conscious of her motion.
February. — The manufacture of the largest rope on record, in
one unspliced piece, was finished at the patent rope-works of Mr.
J. Grimshaw, of Sunderland. It was upwards of 4000 yards in
length, seven inches in circumference, and twelve tons weight, and
cost about £400. It was for the use of the London and Birmingham
February 6. — As John Harris, esq., the engineer to the Stockton
[A.D. 1837.
and Darlington railway, was passing over the bridge which
crosses the river Tees at Stockton, a furious beast driving to a
slaughter-house came suddenly on to the bridge, and made an
attack upon him. There seemed for the moment no way of escape
for the unfortunate gentleman, but happily he had the presence of
mind to throw himself over the parapet of the bridge, sustaining
himself in this painful position by his hands until the beast,
defeated in his attack, passed on.
1837 (February 20). — The new Theatre Royal, Newcastle, was
opened for the first time by Mr. Montague Penley, with the
" Merchant of Venice," and " The Young Widow," and was
attended by a very crowded audience, the principal parts being
taken by Messrs. R. Younge, Lacey, Leslie, Corrie, and Miss R.
Penley. An opening address, written by Thomas Doubleday,
esq., was delivered by Mr. Griffiths.
March 1. — That portion of the Newcastle and Carlisle
railway, about 3| miles in length, extending from Blaydon to
Redheugh, was opened by a procession and much rejoicing.
March 6. — The magistrates of Newcastle changed their place
of business from the Mayors' Chamber, Guildhall, to the police
office in the Manors.
1837 (March 6) — About three o'clock in the afternoon a fire broke
out on the premises of Mr. Charlton, timber merchant, Stock-
bridge, Newcastle. The police immediately repaired to the spot,
and through their exertions the fire was speedily extinguished.
March 24. — As a hackney coach belonging to Thomas Spires
was proceeding by Mosley-street to the Quayside, Newcastle,
on arriving opposite the Newcastle bank the horses slipped and
fell. Assistance being at hand they were soon released from the
harness arid got up. The streets being exceedingly slippery the
driver thought it unsafe to put the horses to the carriage again,
and proposed to his passenger to send the animals forward while
he and an assistant would guide the carriage down Dean-street.
The gentleman having remained in the coach all the time, and
assenting to the coachman's proposal, away the carriage proceeded
down Mosley-street, the driver leading by the pole of the coach
and the assistant holding on behind for the purpose of regulating
the speed of the vehicle. On reaching the middle of Dean-street
the coachman fell, and luckily the carriage passed over him within
the wheels, and the assistant also having let go his hold, the car-
riage rushed down the remainder of the street with inconceivable
velocity to the dismay and astonishment of the sp ectators. At last it
came in contact with the shop of Mr. Joshua Alder, cheesemonger,
with a tremendous crash, breaking the whole window frame and
sixteen panes of glass. Mr. Alder, who was sitting in his office
at the time, and who was wounded in the face by the broken glass,
had a narrow escape, the coach pole coming through the window
within half a foot of his head. Mr. Fairless was the gentleman
inside the coach, but he received no injury.
March 29. — A boy about three years of age, son of Mr. G.
Taylor, Hartley Mill, was sent on an errand, and having to pass
along the drawbridge over the cut at Seaton Sluice Harbour, in
consequence of the darkness of the night he did not observe the
bridge to be off, and walked over and fell not less than 45 feet.
In his fall he came in contact with some part of a ship, by which
he severely injured his right arm, and afterwards rebounded and
fell into the water, in which he continued not less than twenty
minutes before he could be extricated.
April 3. — Died, at Byker Bar, near Newcastle, aged 71 years,
" Jackey" Johnson, well known in the neighbourhood as a professor
of the occult sciences. He was struck dumb a few days before
he died, with the cards in his hands, while in the act of divina-
tion, and never spoke afterwards. Not being allowed by the
authorities of the borough to exercise his mysterious calling within
its precincts, he sought and found an asylum in the outskirts of
the town, where his influence amongst a certain class was so
astonishing that in cases of theft the mere visit of the owner to
" Jackey, '' in many instances, caused the restoration of the property.
His death was a severe loss to the votaries of Hymen, who were
the most frequent consulters of his book of fate, whose oracular
responses always promised matrimonial happiness, and were often
their only source of hope to cheer the prospect of their future
1837 (April 9).— About noon a fire broke out m the Morpeth
Steam Mill, occupied by Mr. William Scott, and the flames being
assisted by a strong wind, the whole of the building was destroyed
before it was got under. The mill was insured, but Mr. Scott
sustained a serious loss.
April 14. — A poor widow, residing at Holywell colliery,
Northumberland, bought a small fish of a hawker for a penny, and
on opening it found half-a-sovereign in its stomach.
April 18. — The rope of the shaft at Monkwearmouth colliery,
264 fathoms in length, suddenly broke near the top, and fell upon
five boys at the bottom, killing three of them upon the spot. The
names of the sufferers were Robert Gray, aged 15 ; Francis
Burrell, 12 ; and George Gilroy, 10 years.
April 21. — Died, at the Vicarage-house, New Brentford, aged
66, the Rev. Sir Robert Peat, D.D. The deceased was a native
of the county of Durham, and a knight of the Order of St.
Stanislaus, having had this distinction conferred upon him by the
last King of Poland, for eminent services rendered to that monarch
by a near relative. The deceased knight was also prior of the
Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and chaplain to the Orange
Lodge of England, and being an intimate friend of King George the
IV., the living of Brentford was conferred upon him through the
solicitation of his majesty. Sir Robert married the well-known
Miss Smith, a lady of exceedingly eccentric character, but from a
remarkable dissimilarity of dispositions they had not resided
together for a long time. Sir Robert was highly distinguished for
his accomplished manners and gentlemanly bearing, was an
excellent scholar, and a warm and devoted friend.
April 22. — The five-quarter seam was sunk through at
Crowtrees colliery, laying open about 1,600 acres of the West
Hetton coal-field, belonging to Messrs. William Hedley and Sons.
The seam was in great perfection.
April 25. — A melancholy accident, by which five workmen
were instantly crushed to death, occurred near the high end of
Gateshead. A scaffolding erected over the quarry of Mr. Joseph
Price fell in with a tremendous crash, and upwards of 20 tons of
stone lying on it at the time fell upon the men, killing them on
the spot. Their names were Joseph Irwin, Matthew Welch,
Thomas Baker, George Croyle, sen., and George Croyle, jun.
(father and son).
April.— The Educational Society of Newcastle, Durham, and
Northumberland was established.
May 7.— Died, at his seat, at Craster, Northumberland, in
the 83rd year of his age, Shaftoe Craster, esq. He served the
office of high sheriff of Northumberland in the year 1803, and was
the last male descendant of one of the most ancient and opulent
families in the county, the paternal domain of Craster having been
held by William de Craster in the year 1292. But his revered
character is more highly elevated by his transcendant deeds of
benevolence than any ancestral dignity could bestow. His remains
•were deposited in the family vault, in the northern aisle of
Embleton church, on the 30th of May. The long line of the
funeral procession, extending nearly a mile in length, produced an
impressive effect as it approached the village of Embleton, where
apparently the whole population of the neighbourhood had
assembled to join in the last hallowed rites dedicated to the
venerable and venerated friend and benefactor of humanity.
1837 (May 9). — Died, at Alnwick, in his 73rd year, Sir David
William Smith, bart., chief commissioner to the Duke of
Northumberland for upwards of thirty years. His funeral took
place at Alnwick on the 19th. The bells were tolled at intervals
during the day, and the shops in the town were closed. The rank
and character of the deceased drew together a great concourse of
persons to honour the closing rites and witness the funeral
procession, which surpassed in solemn grandeur any ever witnessed
at Alnwick.
May 11. — Shortly before midnight the attention of a person
passing down the Royal Arcadej Newcastle, was directed to an
unusual light, a crackling noise, and a sulphurous smell issuing
from the shop for fancy goods of Mr. S. Gans, known as the
Fancy Fair. It suddenly burst into a blaze, and in less than two
hours the whole of its contents were reduced to ashes. Mr. Gans
was insured to the full amount of his loss, and shortly after left
the town.
May 15. — Died, at Elemore Hall, Durham, in his 84th year,
George Baker, esq. Mr. Baker was the only son and heir of
George Baker, esq., of Elemore. He succeeded his father in
1774. In his earlier years he was supposed to be one of the best
gentlemen riders in England. About two months before his
decease Mr. Baker announced his intention to present a piece of
plate to be run for at the next Newcastle races. This prize
assumed the shape of a silver coal waggon, and was not run for
until June 25th, 1838, when it was won by Mr. Orde's celebrated
mare Beeswing. Mr. Baker was a candidate for the representation
of the city of Durham in the year 1813, when a severe and
expensive contest, of nine days duration, took place between
himself and the late George Allan, of Blackwell Grange, esq. The
latter was elected by a majority of 80. The deceased had been
for some time in a declining state of health, but was sufficiently
well to receive his rents from his tenantry on the very day he
breathed his last. Having deposited his money in a place of safety,
he signified his wish to retire to rest, and when his servant was in
the act of undressing him he fell back in his chair and expired
without a groan. Mr. Baker devised the bulk of his large property
to his grandson — the eldest son of Colonel Towers, who married
his only daughter — who is directed to assume the name of Baker
upon his attaining the age of twenty-one.
May 19. — As the keel belonging to Messrs. Cookson's bottle
works was going down the Tyne, a large fish was discovered
below Hebburn Quay, struggling on the shore. Mr. Strachan,
the skipper, with other two young men, succeeded at last in
rapturing the monster and killing it. The fish proved to be a
r eel, which weighed 3st. 41b., and measured 6 feet 3 inches
I s:J7 (M^'//29).— The king's birthday— the 72nd— was celebrated
in Newcastle by the usual demonstrations of loyalty and respect.
jlllie 21.— The intelligence of the death of his Majesty
William the Fourth was received in Newcastle a little before
seven a.m. The bells of the several churches commenced tolling,
and continued to do so at intervals during Thursday. The flag
on the castle, and those of the ships in the river, were hoisted
half-mast high, and the shops were partially closed. At
Sunderland, on Thursday, similar signs of grief were manifested
for the demise of his majesty.
June 23. — Queen Alexandrina Victoria the First was pro-
claimed in Newcastle. Pursuant to a summons from the mayor,
the council met in the Council Chamber at 12 o'clock, from
whence they adjourned to the Merchants' Court for the purpose of
drinking her Majesty's health. The clergy of the town and the
officers of the Garrison and Northumberland Yeomanry having
here joined the company, the mayor requested the party to fill
a bumper of champagne, and drink the health of Queen Victoria,
and a long, happy, and prosperous reign to her majesty, which
was drunk with great enthusiasm. The company then proceeded
to the Sandhill, where the town marshal read the proclamation of
her majesty as Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Immediately
after three times three cheers were given by the assemblage, the
band at the same time playing the national air, the guns of the
castle firing a royal salute, and the bells of the churches ringing,
which together had a very imposing effect.
Same day, Queen Victoria was proclaimed at Alnwick by
the under-sheriff, accompanied by Charles W. Bigge, esq.,
chairman of the county, Robert Thorp esq., clerk of the peace,
J. Clutterbuck, esq., Edward Dale, esq., W. Laws, esq., the
Rev. L. 8. Orde, and other gentlemen.
June 23. — At Sunderland, Durham, Hexham, and South
Shields, the same ceremonies were gone through, and all the
corporations in this district presented loyal addresses to her
majesty on her happy accession to the throne.
June 24. — Died, at Monkwearmouth, in the 90th year of
her age, universally respected, Mrs. Barbara Wilson, relict of
Mr. George Wilson. She was a lineal descendant of the ancient
barons of Hylton, formerly of Hylton Castle, in the county of
June 24. — This day, the fourth centenary anniversary of the
invention of printing was celebrated in Newcastle.
June 28. — The proclamation of her majesty took place at
North Shields, accompanied by unparalleled demonstrations of
the most enthusiastic loyalty, alike creditable to the constituted
authorities, and to the inhabitants generally.
1837 (June 30). — This day, the number of christenings solemnized
in St. John's church, Newcastle, amounted to the extraordinary
number of forty-two.
July 5 — The passing of the Warkworth harbour bill was cele-
brated at Warkworth on the evening of the above day, by illumina-
tions and rejoicings. The town presented an animated appearance,
being thronged to excess with people from the adjacent parts, all
of whom seemed to participate in one joyous feeling.
July 8. — The occasion of the interment of the remains of his
late majesty, was observed in Newcastle and all the neighbouring
towns with all the respect and attachment which were due to the
exalted qualities of the deceased monarch.
July. — After the short lapse of ten weeks, Jos. Smith, esq.,
and co., owners of South Tanfield colliery, reached the main
coal scam, five feet 8 inches in thickness. The sinking work was
under the superintendence of Joseph Smith and Joseph Joicey,
esqrs., the two gentlemen by whose skill South Hetton pit was
sunk to the astonishing depth of 180 fathoms, notwithstanding the
difficulties and obstructions they had to encounter, in a time and
at an expense unrivalled in this or any other mining district.
July 12. — Great interest was manifested by a numerous
class of merchants, in Newcastle and the neighbouring towns, on
the occasion of the first public sale of teas at that port, consisting
of from 3,000 to 4,000 chests, the property of Mr. Alexander
George Gray.
July 12 to 16. — The counties of Northumberland and Durham
were visited with dreadful thunderstorms. These visitations
were exceedingly capricious in violence and duration, but the most
awful storms appear to have occurred in the district remote from
Newcastle. On the 14th, at Shawdon Woodhouse, near Glantoii,
Northumberland, Miss Donkin, niece of Mr. Carnaby, of that
place, was struck dead by the electric fluid. It appears that Miss
Donkin had gone into the kitchen, and unfortunately sat down
below a bell ; just at that moment the electric fluid entered the
house, ran along the bell wire, and struck the young lady down
with great violence, killing two dogs that lay near. On the
same day, at Ax well Park, 970 panes of glass were destroyed. At
Ryton, a cow was killed, and at Stella, six sheep shared the same
fate. Mr. James Summers, of Brasside Moor* near Durham, had
a stack of oats burnt to ashes from the effects of lightning. At
Newcastle, on the 1.6th, the storm was truly terrific. The
electric explosions which took place directly over the town were
the loudest ever remembered, and had the vibrating effect of
shaking every dwelling, vivid flashes of forked lightning pursued
their capricious course through the air, careering amidst the storm
of hail and rain, and lighting up the otherwise gloomy scene with
a sublime but awful grandeur. Three houses in High Swinburne-
place, occupied by Mr. Beamont, Mr. Mackreth, and the Misses
Wright were entered, the bells torn down, the wires fused and
destroyed by intense combustion. Mr. Mackreth's servant was
thrown down but not hurt. At Alnwick, several buildings
received partial damage. The lightning passed down^the chimney
of one house and set fire to a piece of paper in a boy's hand, and
another child was thrown down, but they sustained no serious
1837 (July 21). — The James, of Perth, John McLaren master,
lying at the Clarence Staiths, near Stockton, was discovered to be
on fire. The vessel was not much damaged, but four of the crew
were suffocated in the forecastle.
july 24. — Died, at' his palace of Hereford, the Hon. and
Right Rev. Dr. Edward Grey, Lord Bishop of Hereford, and
fourth brother of Earl Grey, of Ho wick. His lordship was
elevated to the bishopric of Hereford in 1832.
July. — In consequence of the death of his late majesty, King
William the Fourth, a general election of members of Parliament
took place this month. The following are the results of the
various contests in Newcastle, Northumberland, and Durham : —
Plumpers, Splits.
William Ord (Whig) 60 1792
John Hodgson Hinde (Con.) 116 1701
Charles J. Bigge, (Whig) 2 1187
J. B. Coulson (Con) 2 1127
A. H. Beaumont (Rad.) 69 290
Total number who voted 3173
George F. Young (Whig) 269
Sir Charles E. Grey (Whig) 253
Total number who voted 522
Plunders. Splits.
Richard Hodgson (Con) 2 357
William Holmes (Con) 3 354
Sir Rufane Donkin (Whig; 206 328
Split Votes.
Hodgson and Holmes 292
Hodgson and Donkin 63
Holmes and Donkin 59
Total number who voted 625.
Plumpers. Splits.
Hedworth Lambton (Whig) 85 2358
Hon. H. T. Liddell (Con.) 1727 2323
Sir William Chaytor (Whig) 9 2062
Split Votes.
Lambton and Liddell 408
Lambton and Chaytor , 1865
Liddell and Chaytor 188
Total number who polled 6282
Plumpers. Splits.
Hon. A. Trevor (Con.) 238 465
William C. Harland (Whig) 105 373
Thomas C. Granger (Whig) 162 371
Split Votes.
Trevor and Harland 143
Trevor and Granger 84
Harland and Granger 125
Plumpers. Splits.
William Thompson (Con.) 332 688
Andrew White (Whig) 75 628
David Barclay (Whig) 37 591
Split Votes.
Thompson and White 214
Thompson and Barclay 151
White and Barclay 367
Total number who voted 1176
Cuthbert Eippon (Whig) 23G
John W. Williamson (Whig) 151
Total number who voted 387
Robert Ingham, esq., was again returned.
Matthew Bell, esq., and Christopher Blackett, esq., were
re-elected without opposition.
August 1. — John Bowes and Joseph Pease, esqrs., were again
August 3. — As John Marchant, servant to Mr. Potts, of Long
Benton, Northumberland, was driving a cart through that village
he was struck by lightning, and killed on the spot. The leading
horse of the cart was also killed, the shaft horse not receiving the
least injury.
August 3. — Mr. Thomas Mather, farmer, Elyhaugh, was
drowned while endeavouring to cross the Svvarland Burn, near
Felton, while it was much flooded.
August 13. — A fire was discovered in Messrs. Fell & Co.'s
pottery, at St. Peter's, near Newcastle, The damage was estimated
at between £500 and £600. The property was insured in the
North British Fire Office.
August 30. — The St. John's chapel of ease, situated at Snod's
Edge, in the parish of Shotley, was consecrated by the Bishop of
Durham, who afterwards preached to a crowded congregation.
Same day, a noble instance of self-devotion in the saving
the life of a fellow creature was witnessed on the Quayside, New-
castle. A boy named Walker, living in Silver-street, fell into the
river, a keelman instantly plunged in and for a few seconds of
intense interest, neither of them appeared. At length the keelman
rose to the surface bearing with him the boy in a state of insensi-
bility. He was taken home, however, and speedily recovered.
The name of the humane and courageous man was William
1837 (August). Early in this month, whilst some workmen were
quarrying stone at Borcum Fell, near Bardon Mill, Northumberland,
near to the Roman Station Vindolana, one of them found a copper
vessel containing 63 coins, 3 of gold and the rest of silver. The
gold coins were one of Claudius Cassar, reverse Nero Claudius
Drusus Germanicus, one of Nero, and one of Vespasian. Of the silver
coins 3 were of Galba, I of Otho, 1 of Nero, 15 of Vespasian, 8
of Domitian, 1 of Nerva, 17 of Trojan, 4 of Hadrian, and 10 of
various Empresses. The gold pieces were separately wrapped up
in a greenish piece of leather or vellum, which was still quite
toun-h, and many of the coins were as fresh as if just from the die.
It was supposed that this treasure had been deposited about the
year 120 — the date of Hadrian's memorable expedition to Britain.
The vessel in which they were contained was in the form of a
basket, about six inches long. The Duke of Northumberland, as
lord of the manor, claimed the coins.
A gold coin of the Emperor Nero, of great beauty and in excel-
lent preservation, was found about this time by a woman, while
hoeing turnips in a field near Durham.
September ±. — The foundation-stone of a Wesleyan Methodist
chapel was laid in Blenheim-street, Newcastle, by William
Nesham, esq. The chapel was opened October 26, 1838, and will
accommodate 1,000 persons, including 300 sittings for the poor.
September 5, — Died, at Bank Cottage, near Durham, in the
99th year of his age, Count Joseph Boruwlaski, the celebrated
Polish dwarf, a native of the province of Pokucia, in Polish
Russia. This extraordinary person, though only thirty-six inches
in height, was perfectly symmetrical in figure, and he enjoyed
excellent health to a very late period in life. His lively genius
and engaging manners caused him to be much noticed when he
arrived in this country, and having been seen by some of the
prebendaries of Durham, he was prevailed upon by that body to
take up his abode in the above cottage, they engaging to allow
him a handsome income, which he enjoyed up to his death.
September 6. — The foundation stone of the splendid Grey
column in Grey-street, Newcastle, was laid by Messrs. John and
Benjamin Green the architects. A glass bottle hermetrically
sealed, containining a drawing of the building, surmounted with a
statue of the noble earl, a list of subscribers to the undertaking, a
collection of silver and copper coins of the Brunswick dynasty,
with several local medals and tradesmen's tokens contributed by
Mr. John Fenwick, and a parchment scroll, was deposited in a
chamber cut in the stone, and encased in plaster of Paris. The
scroll contained the following : —
Was laid on the Sixth day of September, one thousand ei^ht
hundred and thirty- seven,
The Rev. John Saville Ogle, of Kirkley, in the County of
Northumberland, Clerk, A. M., Prebendary of Durham ; Edward
Swinburne, of Capheaton, Esq. ; Thomas Emerson Headlara, of
Newcastle- upon-Tyne, Esq., M. D. ; John Grey, of Dilston,
Esq. ; Thomas Richard Batson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Esq.,
and Alderman ; Armorer Donkin, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Esq.,
and Aldormmi ; Ralph Park Philipson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
Esq., and Town Councillor; John Fenwick, of Newcastle-upon-
Esq. ; James Hodgson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Esq., and
Alderman ; Emerson Chamley, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Esq.,
and Town Councillor."
On the llth of August, 1838, the column had reached its eleva-
tion, and on the 24th of the same month, the statue of Earl Grey
Avas placed upon its summit. The bells of the churches immedi-
ately afterwards commenced a merry peal, and continued at
intervals during the remaining portion of the day. In the first
week of November the scaffolding was removed, and the column
exposed to the full gaze of the public. As a work of art, the
figure is a noble effort of genius, and reflects the highest credit on
its accomplished author, Mr. Bailey, whilst the resemblance it
bears to the venerable nobleman to whom it is intended to do
honour, is all that his most ardent admirers could wish. The
height of the column to the top of the figure is 133 feet, and
the diameter of the shaft at the base, is 9 feet 11 inches. The
architecture is Roman doric, and there is a staircase consisting of
IGi steps to the summit of the capital, from which there is a fine
panoramic view of the town and the surrounding country. The
figure was brought from London by the Newcastle trader
" Halcyon." belonging to Edmund Graham, esq. Mr. James
Purvis, master.
Inscription cut on the column : —
. 1*37 (September 11.;— While Mr. Ralph Wardle and Peter Smith,
ot Colliery Row, were at work in the Aimwell Pit, Rainton
Colliery, the roof of the mine fell upon them, and they were killed
on the spot.
September 11 — The Free and Accepted Masons of Northum-
berland held a Grand Provincial Lodge at the Turk's Head Inn,
Grey-street, Newcastle, for the purpose of installing the Earl of
Durham as Provincial Grand Master of the Lodge. After the
election and the usual ceremonies 110 of the brethren sat down to
a sumptuous dinner, at which his lordship presided.
September 13. — The foundation-stone of the bridge over the
river Pont, at Netherwitton, was laid by R. Trevelyan, esq., in the
presence of a large assemblage of spectators. The bridge was
built by subscription, and is a handsome structure of two seginental
arches of 23 feet span each,
September 20. — Died, in Newcastle, after a few days' illness,
aged 78, Mr. John Rawling Wilson, for many years landing
surveyor in the Customs at Newcastle, and a well known local
antiquary. Mr. Wilson was a gentlemen of considerable literary
and antiquarian research, and from his long residence and extensive
knowledge of the town and neighbourhood, he was generally
referred to in matters connected with its history and inhabitants.
September 21. — Thomas Holburn, 91 years of age, an inmate
of Bedlington workhouse, and who had been completely blind for
12 years, had his sight suddenly restored to him whilst at dinner.
He at once resumed his round in the village, recognising his old
acquaintances and haunts.
October 1. — Died, near Morpeth, aged 100, Mr. Robert Besford.
October 4. — At a meeting of the town council of Newcastle,
the question of building a corn market was discussed. A com-
pany had been formed some years before for the purpose of
erecting a market on the site of the Middle-street, and ia July,
1834, the corporation resolved to pay the company £9,000. on the
completion of the building. Some delay having taken place, Mr.
Grainger made an offer of a new and elegant structure as a free
gift to the town, and it was contended that the resolution of
1834, having never been perfected, was not binding upon the
reformed corporation. The matter caused much excitement,
models of the rival markets were exhibited, and memorials on
behalf of both were very numerously signed. The discussion
this day was on a motion of Mr. Charnley to confirm the minute
of 1834, this resolution was ultimately carried by 32 votes against
17. Mr. Grainger's building is now the Central Exchange News
October 12. — The elegant new church at Earsdon, near North
Shields, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Durham. The
length of the church is about 79 feet, by 30 feet broad, is dedicated
to ISt. Albans, and is of the early English character, from plans
by Messrs. John and Benjamin Green, of Newcastle. The
church being erected on an eminence, its tower has an imposing
appearance for a considerable distance, both by sea and land.
The cost was estimated to exceed £2,000.
1837 (October 18.)— A very rare and extraordinary operation was
performed by Mr. Ward, surgeon, Church-street, Sunderland.
A poor woman of the name of Hall, residing in Spring-garden
Lane, was brought to the period of her accouchment, when
from physical causes it was quite apparent the child could not
be born 'in a natural way. To save the life of the woman was
an object of intense anxiety, and this could only be done by
the performance of the ceasarian operation. Mr. Ward, accom-
panied by some professional friends, undertook the painful
responsibility, and after a quick and dextrous operation pro-
duced a female child, which had been dead for some days, but
the life of the mother was fortunately preserved.
1837 (October 19)— At Manor Wallsend colliery, near South
Shields, a melancholy catastrophe occurred. An old man named
Conway and a young man named Thomson had some words, during
which altercation the latter, in a moment of ungovernable irritation,
took up a pick and struck it into Conway's body, with such fatal
force and effect that he died upon the spot.
October 31. — One of those exhibitions which occasionally
disgrace this kingdom, a prize fight, took place at Middleton
Bridge, near Cambo, Northumberland. The combatants were a
black, who called himself young Molyneux, and a man of the
name of Renwick, who resided at Winlaton, near Newcastle. The
black, who was visiting Newcastle on a " sparring tour," was
challenged by his opponent to fight for £25 a-side. Owing to the
interference of Thomas Anderson, esq., of Kirkharle, the fight did
not commence until five o'clock. The contest lasted an hour and
a half, and an idea may be formed of its severity from the fact
that 87 rounds were fought with half a minute rest between each
round. The black — darkness having come on — in the latter part
of the fight butted his antagonist with his head. He won the
battle, and the Winlaton man was left on the field nearly dead ; he
was dreadfully punished.
November 1. — The new Monkwearmouth wet dock, on the
north side of the Wear, was opened in due form, amid the firing
of guns, ringing of bells, fireworks, &c. During the afternoon the
brig lona, splendidly decorated, having a band of music and a
large party of ladies and gentlemen on board, sailed down the
river and entered the dock in gallant style, amid the loud huzzas
of thousands of spectators. Two other new vessels also entered
the dock. One was built by Mr. Johnson, of Hylton, the other by
Mr. Laing, of Deptford. The dock and basin are nearly eight
acres in extent, and were formed to accommodate about one
hundred vessels. A ball took place in the evening at the New Inn.
November 5. — A man named John Atkinson, who had been
in the employment of Mr. Sorsbie, corn merchant, in a fit of
insanity threw himself out of a window at the foot of the Butcher-
bank, Newcastle, from the height of more than fifty feet. The
unhappy man, who was about sixty years of age, died within six
hours afterwards.
November 8. — A fire broke out in the lower workshops of
Mr, R. Small, turner, Groat Market, Newcastle, by which Mr.
Small and an apprentice, named John Amory, were both severely
burnt. Assistance being at hand, Mr. 'Small and the boy were
both rescued. It appeared that the cause of the fire originated
with the master and the boy, who were engaged in pouring spirits
of wine from one bottle to another.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs : — Newcastle — Thomas Emmerson Headlam, esq.,
M.D., mayor ; John Carr, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — James
Pollock, esq., mayor. Sunderland — Richard Spoor, esq., mayor;
Durham — John Burrell, esq., mayor; Stockton — Robert Lamb,
esq., mayor ; Morpeth — E. A. Hedley, esq., mayor ; Berwick —
George Johnston, esq., mayor; and John Clay, esq., sheriff.
November 20. — A very melancholy accident occurred at the
works of Mr. John Renoldson, engineer, South Shields. A
number of ladies and gentlemen had assembled to witness the
trial of a new locomotive engine, when a defect occurred in the
safety valve, which caused the boiling water to rush out with
considerable force. The youngest daughter of Mr. Renoldson,
about fifteen years of age, and a youtli named Messenger, were
so much scalded as to cause their death shortly after, and one
or two others were seriously injured.
November 24. — Died, at Scone Palace, Perthshire, after a
few hours' illness, Louisa, Viscountess Stormont, third daughter
of Cuthbert Ellison, esq., of Hebburn Hall, near Newcastle.
December 6. — A melancholy catastrophe occurred at Springwell
Colliery, near Wrekenton, four miles from Newcastle, from an
explosion of foul air. The cause of the accident was not dis-
covered, as out of the fifteen men and ten boys not one was saved.
A similar accident occurred in 1833, by which forty-seven
human beings were deprived of life.
December 9. — A boy about five years of age, named Kirkup,
slipped unperceived into Mr. Gallon's paper manufactory at
the Felling Shore, near Gateshead, and climbed upon one of the
wheels. The weight of the boy, it is supposed, set the machinery
in motion, and he unfortunately had both his legs wrenched off.
December 14. — Considerable alarm was occasioned on the
Quayside, Newcastle, in consequence of a loud report being heard
and flames seen issuing from the office windows of Mr. Robert
Procter, broker. It appeared that a young man in the service of
Mr. Procter had been imprudently handling a flask containing
gunpowder, when, by some means it exploded, blowing out the
two front windows, and severely scorching the young man. The
flames were promptly extinguished.
December 18. — The first marriage in a dissenting place of
worship, in Newcastle, was celebrated in New Court Chapel,
Westgate, by the Rev. George Sample. The parties were Mr.
William Detchon and Miss Barbara Hurst.
1837 (December 20^) — Thiswas the gloomiest day ever remembered
in Newcastle, the rain falling incessantly, and in the evening
the wind blew very strong from the north-east, from which the
shipping on the coast suffered seriously. The rivers, m con-
sequence, were greatly flooded, particularly the Wear and the
Brownie. At Sunderland Bridge, three miles south of Durham,
the road was completely overflown, and all passage stopped for a
considerable time. The mail got through with great difficulty,
the horses being nearly carried away. The Wellington and Hero
coaches were detained several hours, and the inside passengers
were obliged to mount the outside for safety, the water reaching
high in the inside. In Sunderland Harbour, the loss sustained by
boats, keels, and timber, drifting out to sea, was estimated at
upwards of £3,000.
December 20. — A boy named Edward Mennim, aged six and
a half years, residing at Biddlestone Edge, in the parish of
Alwinton, Northumberland, was sent on an errand to Biddlestone,
a short distance from his home. Soon after his departure a dense
fog came on, and the boy not returning at the time expected, his
father and others went in search of him, which they continued
until night without discovering the child. The distracted state of
the parents, and the probable disastrous fate of the boy, called
fortli the sympathy of the inhabitants of the district. The
shepherds on the upland sheep farms, in the most praiseworthy
manner, traversed the country in all directions and kept up a
continued search for nearly twenty days, when on the 8th of
January, 1838, they found the body of the poor little fellow among
the moorland hills, at a place called Hockley Dean Law, in the
parish of Alnham, the child having traversed a wild mountainous
country (the southern range of the Cheviot Hills) in a north-
easterly direction from his home. He was found lying upon his
back with his arms firmly thrust into the pockets of his trousers,
his eyes were partially open, and his face retained the freshness
and bloom of life and health, indicating that he had, from the
effect of cold and exhaustion, slept into death. Thomas Clennell,
esq., of Harbottle Castle, whose feelings are at all times alive to
distress, took an active part in the case of the lost child, as also the
Rev. A. Proctor, vicar of Alwinton, the hon. Mr. Stourton, of
Biddlestone Hall, and the Messrs. Grey.
December 23. — William Losh, esq., of Benton Hall, near
Newcastle, received a patent for " improvements in decomposing
muriate of soda (common salt), part of which improvements are
also applicable to the condensing vapours of other processes."
December, — About this time a saline chalybeate well was
discovered on the property of Jonathan Richardson, esq., near
Shotley Bridge. The water having been analysed by an eminent
chemist was found to be strongly impregnated with the sulphates
of soda, magnesia, and lime, as well as with carbonic acid and
oxide of iron. Mr. Richardson having erected an elegant bath
house, and laid out the surrounding grounds with considerable
taste, the place was for some time afterwards much frequented
by invalids. Although the beauty of the rock and woodland
scenery in the neighbourhood is confessedly great, it has never
attained that popularity to which the valuable properties of the
water entitle it.
1838 (January 2). — The first number of a conservative paper
called the " Sunderland Beacon" was published in that town, Mr.
John Kitchen, proprietor.
January 6. — Frost of an extreme intensity prevailed throughout
the northern counties, and the first snow of the winter fell
this day, the wind blowing keen from the north-east, the storm
continued with great severity till the end of the month. All
passage on the river Tyne was stopped, it being frozen for upwards
of five miles below Newcastle, and crowds of skaters appeared
upon it. In no year since the celebrated frost of 1814
had one occurred like the present. In proof of this it may be
mentioned that loaded carts crossed the Tyne, the Coquet, the
Tweed, and other rivers in the north, upon the ice at various
January 10. — W. D. Anderson, esq., was appointed resident
engineer to the corporation of Newcastle. There were 21
applicants for the office.
January 13. — Died, at his house in Hamilton Place, London,
in his 87th year, John Scott, earl of Eldon, high steward of the
university of Oxford, a governor of the Charter House, and a
member of the Privy Council, D.C.L., F.R.S., and F.S.A. The
deceased was the youngest son of William Scott, a respectable
coalfitter and merchant in Newcastle, and was born in his father's
residence in Love Lane on the 4th of June, 1751, the anniversary
of the birth of George the Third. John, like his brother William,
was educated at the grammar school at Newcastle, but at an early
age he quitted it for the university of Oxford. In 1767 he was
elected a fellow of University College, and in 1771 he gained the
chancellor's prize for an English Essay " On the Advantages and
Disadvantages of Foreign Travel." Shortly after this he married.
His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Aubone Surtees, esq., a banker
at Newcastle. The match was a runaway one, and the lady was
carried off from one of the upper windows of her father's house,
on the Sandhill, Newcastle, yet unlike most matches impru-
dently formed it was productive of the greatest connubial
happiness during a period of many years. Lady Eldon was
extremely beautiful, but the qualities of the heart surpassed even
her personal attractions. She would sit up with her husband,
cheering his midnight studies as a lawyer, watching him with
silent affection, and moving about on tiptoe that she might not
disturb the connection of his thoughts. She died in 1831. In
1773 Scott was admitted a student of the Middle Temple, and
never, perhaps, did student burn the midnight lamp with greater
ardour or perseverance. Jn the diligence of his studies he must
have equalled Sir Matthew Hale ; like him, ultimately success was
his reward. In 1776 he was called to the bar, but for some time
his success was so indifferent that he made up his mind to reside
in Newcastle and practise as a provincial barrister, but a certain
circumstance induced him to abandon his intention. In 1777 the
notorious Stoney Bowes became a candidate for Newcastle, and
Mr. Scott was employed in the proceedings which Mr. Bowes
instituted for unseating his successful rival, Sir John Trevelyan.
This was one of Mr. Scott's first retainers, and it was not his last
from the same person, for Mr. Bowes was returned for Newcastle
in 1 780, and again engaged Mr. Scott to defend his seat, which
was attacked by Mr. Delaval. In 1781 Mr. Scott was offered the
Recordership of Newcastle, but declined the offer. In less than
two years he was invested with the silk gown, and was elected
M.P. for Weobly, and though his powers as a debater were never
effective, he soon obtained the notice and patronage of Mr. Pitt.
In 1799 he was raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Eldon
of Eldon, Durham, and appointed Chief Justice of the Common
Pleas. In 1801, in the formation of the Addington ministry,
he was made Lord High Chancellor. This important office
he held until 1806, when Erskine succeeded him under the
administration of "All the Talents." On the 1st of April,
1807, he was re-appointed, and from this time he continued
in office until April 30, 1827, altogether a period of nearly twenty-
five years. The abilities displayed by Lord Eldon in this eminent
position it would be difficult adequately to describe. His judg-
ments, which occupy thirty volumes, are valuable, principally to
lawyers ; but in learning, accuracy, and research, it may be truly
said he has never been surpassed, if he has ever been equalled.
His decisions stand as bulwarks of the law, and the greatest
lawyers subsequent to him have expressed their admiration of them.
Like his elder brother, (Lord Stowell) though addicted to the
pleasures of the table, he was parsimonious to a degree, and, as
might be expected, he left an enormous fortune, far exceeding even
that of Lord Stowell. The personal property alone was sworn
under £700,000, and this was exclusive of very large landed
estates. Lord Eldon, by his countess, had two sons and two
daughters — first, the honourable John Scott, who married
Henrietta Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Matthew White Ridley,
bart., and died in 1805, leaving one son, who succeeded his
grandfather in the earldom. Second, Lady Elizabeth, married
in 1817 to George S. Repton, esq., architect, by whom she had one
son. Third, the honourable William Henry John Scott, barrister
at law, who died in 1802, aged 38. Fourth, Lady F. Jane,
married in 1820 to the Rev. Edward Bankes, rector of Corfe
Castle, she survived her father but a few months. The present
earl of Eldon married in 1831 the hon. Louisa Buncombe,
youngest sister of the present, and daughter of the late Lord
January 16. — The Queen appointed the right hon. John George
earl of Durham to be governor general of the British American
January 28. — An explosion took place in the shop of Mr.
Stout, King-street, South Shields, which set fire to the premises
and did considerable damage. It seems his apprentice was alone
in the shop, and had by some accident set fire to a 51b. cannister
of gunpowder. The boy was very much burnt.
1838( 'February rllj. — Died, at his residence in Sunniside,Bishop-
wearinouth, the Rev. Robert Gray, A.M., rector of Sunderland,
aged 48. He was nephew to the late Dr. Gray, Bishop of
Bristol, and had held the rectory of Sunderland for 18 years. As
a minister of the gospel he was talented and attractive, which
qualities were only exceeded by his practical piety and ardent
zeal, for the general inculcation of Christian knowledge. As a
philanthropist he was unbounded in the promotion and support of
public charities, and in private visitations and relief to the poor of
all ages and sects. His last illness was produced by cold, and
terminated in fever. His death was much lamented, and his
memory will be long cherished in grateful remembrance bv all
who knew him. His remains were committed to the tomb on the
20th, amidst thousands of mourning spectators, the shops in the
town were closed, and business was entirely suspended.
February 20. — An explosion took place at Whitley colliery,
near Tynernouth, by which four individuals were dreadfully
burnt, two of whom died the same day.
February 23. — A fire broke out in the stackyard of Mr. A.
Young, Newton-by-the-Sea. The progress of the flames was so
rapid as to destroy in a short time the whole stackyard, containing
22 stacks of corn.
February 24. — The whole extent of the east coast of Durham
and Northumberland was visited by a heavy fall of snow, with the
accompaniment of a strong easterly wind, which caused the snow
to drift in many places from ten to twelve feet deep. The
Edinburgh mail was completely embedded about seven miles
north of Alnwick, and had to be abandoned by the passengers,
who made their way through the fields to North Charlton, and
were detained there four days. The Otterburn and Wooler roads
were closed for more than a week. Very great damage was also
sustained by the shipping on the coast during the storm. The
Benwell, trader between Newcastle and London, was lost, with a
valuable cargo ; arid upwards of twenty vessels were driven on
shore between Hartlepool and Berwick, many of the crews being
February. — This month a magnificent diamond ring was presented
by the Emperor of Russia to John Thomas Carr, esq., his imperial
majesty's vice-consul at the port of Newcastle.
February- — This month the owners of Radcliffe colliery, near
\Vark worth, succeeded in boring to a seam of coal, between four
and five feet in thickness, of excellent quality, about fifty-seven
fathoms from the surface.
March 21. — A fire broke out this morning in the north end of
the castle, at Durham. An alarm was immediately given, when
it was ascertained that the fire was confined to the apartments of
Mr. Alexander Watson, B.A., who had property consumed to the
amount of £150., and had a very narrow escape for his life. The
fire was accidental.
1838 (March 28>— Died, aged 74, Thomas Morton, esq., one
of the most successful of modern dramatists. He was born in
Durham, in 1 TG4, and is the author of " Town and Country/'
"Columbus," "The Children in the Wood," " Zorinski," " The
Way to Get Married," " A Cure for the Heart- Ache," " Speed
the Plough," "The School of Reform," "A Roland for an Oliver,'7
and several other pieces of high reputation. Mr. Morton left
three sons, one of whom is the author of several pieces, and
another an artist of considerable merit.
March 31. — A boatman, named John Gordon, of the Duke
of Wellington steamer, fell overboard at Newcastle Quay, when
in the act of mooring that vessel, and was drowned. The
same boat on her passage from Shields, not half an hour before,
picked up the body of a man who had been drowned out of a
wherry the same morning. Gordon, who left a wife and six
children, aided in carrying the body of the wherryman to the
dead-house, when he remarked on the uncertainty of life.
March. — The fishermen of Berwick not having been to sea
in the beginning of this month, the fish, singular as the fact may
seem, actually came on shore to them, glad to take shelter, it is
supposed, from the fury of the storm. The shore, under and
north of the Magdalen fields, was literally covered with cod-fish
and haddocks, most of which were taken alive.
April 1. — On the morning of this day Sub-inspector Smellie,
of the police, discovered a fire above the Hare and Hound public-
house, Colvin's Chare, Quayside, Newcastle. On hastening
upstairs he perceived that a bedstead and the flooring of the room
were on fire, and two children lying asleep on the bed. With the
assistance of police-constable Best he got the children safe out of
the house, and afterwards succeeded in putting out the fire.
April 14. — Died, in Newgate-street, Newcastle, aged 62,
Mr. Robert Nichol, much and deservedly respected. Mr. Nichol
was the author of several compositions in prose and verse. Some
of which were printed in the " Newcastle Magazine."
April 24. — Died, at Shillbottle Wood House, near Warkworth,
Sarah, aged 89, and on the 25th, her husband, George
Orde, aged 88. The remains of this venerable couple were
interred in the same grave, in Shillbottle churchyard.
May 5. — Died, at his house in Ridley-place, Newcastle,
aged 69, Nathaniel Winch, esq. Mr. Winch was well known in
the scientific world as an excellent British botanist. He was the
author of " An Essay on the Geographical Distribution of Plants
through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham," and of a
very elaborate "Flora of Northumberland and Durham. He
bequeathed the whole of his extensive Herbarium and his library
of natural history to the Linnean Society, of which he was a
member, and left a legacy of £200 to the Newcastle infirmary, to
ioh institution he acted as secretary for a period of twenty-ona
. — A new winning was commenced upon the Seaton
Delaval estate by Joseph Lamb, esq., and company, which forms
a new feature in the sinking of collieries. Ground was broken
for six pits, exclusive of two engine shafts, all within the compass
of COO yards. About the same date, E. R. Gr. Braddyll, esq., and
partners broke ground at Morton, near Hetton, for two double
shafts, or four pits within forty yards of each other.
May 18. — A fire broke out in a house in the Back Row,
Stockton, which by prompt exertion was soon extinguished, but
a young man named Robert Eden lost his life by suffocation before
an entrance was effected.
May 22, — One of those disgusting and demoralising scenes,
a prize fight, took place on Hedley Common, near the village of
Ryton, in the county of Durham, between Robert Forbister, an
engine wright, and John Brown, a whitesmith, both of Newcastle.
They fought for £20, and their encounter ended in the death of
Brown. Forbister was convicted at the Durham Assizes of the
manslaughter, and was sentenced by Mr. Baron Alderson to four
months' hard labour. Considerable excitement was caused in
Newcastle by the Rev. W. Dodd, incumbent of St. Andrew's,
refusing to allow Brown's body to be interred in the churchyard.
May 30. — Died, at his residence in Sunderland, Solomon
Chapman, esq., aged 88 years. This worthy and exemplary
individual, was a member of the Society of Friends, and a true
and faithful representation of what the ancient gentlemen of
that class of Christians were wont to be, and though firm and
undeviating in his adherence to the usages of his sect, yet were
his kindness and hospitality extended to all whom he esteemed
without reference to their creed.
June- — Early in this month, as the Brunswick, of Sunderland,
was on her passage from London to that port, the crew discovered
that a youth, who was serving on board as an apprentice, was a
female. The circumstance was made known to the captain, Mr.
Hossack, who took her into the cabin and gave her up the use of
his state room to render her situation as comfortable as possible.
June 3 — Died, in the Bethlehem Hospital, for lunatics,
Jonathan Martin, the man who set fire to York Minster some
years ago, lor which act he was tried and acquitted on the ground
of insanity. He was brother of the eccentric William Martin, of
Newcastle, " The Philosophical Conqueror of all Nations," and of
John Martin, the celebrated painter. When he was first admitted
into the hospital, he wus allowed the use of paper and pencil, but
the governors finding that he invariably occupied his time in
drawing sketches of York Minster, and that his doing so threw
him into a state of great excitement, they prohibited his being
supplied with those articles in future. His son Richard committed
suicide on the following August.
June 16. — Mr. John Dickenson, of Eals, in the parish of
Knaresdale, Northumberland, an eccentric character, the father of
eight children, collected together thirty-two of his friends, to
become sponsors for them. The party set out for the parish
church, Dickerison, the father, playing several of his favourite
airs on the violin, at the head of the merry group. They were
met at church by the Rev. Thomas Bewsher, the rector, who, after
putting the necessary questions, christened the eight children, the
rev. gentleman observing, that, in all his ministry, he never before
had had such a presentation.
1838 (June 18). — The Newcastle and Carlisle Railway was opened
throughout its whole extent, from Redheugh, a little to the west
of Gateshead, to the city of Carlisle. The vast number of ladies
and gentlemen who had assembled for the purpose of travelling to
the other end of the line, the countless spectators, and the numerous
bands of music, made up a scene of great animation and gaiety.
At half-past twelve o'clock the signal was given for the engines to
start, when the Rapid was despatched as an advanced guard,
without any train, and was followed by thirteen other engines,
drawing 120 well-filled carriages. The aggregate number of
passengers in all the trains was estimated at nearly 4,000, and the
trains, when close together, above half a mile in length. The gay
procession was received with great enthusiasm along the route,
particularly at Corbridge, Hexham, and Haydon Bridge, and the
whole party reached Carlisle between five and six o'clock The
shades of night had set in before the trains commenced their
homeward journey, and the first did not arrive at Redheugh until
between two and three o'clock in the morning, and many of them
at a much later hour.
June 20. — Died, at Axwell Park, in the 77th year of his age,
Charles John Clavering, esq., senior magistrate of the county of
Northumberland He held the office of high sheriff of Durham
from 1829 to 1833, and of which county he was a zealous and
upright magistrate.
June 22. — At a meeting held in the Guildhall, Newcastle,
T. E. Headlam, esq., mayor, in the chair, to take into considera-
tion what should be done in order properly to celebrate the
coronation of the queen on the 28th of the same month. It was
decided that instead of an illumination a subscription should be
raised and applied to the erection of a building to be entitled the
Royal Victoria Asylum for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb. The
subscriptions soon after amounted to £1,000.
_ June 27. — Mr. James Wilkie, house surgeon to the Newcastle
dispensary, in a. fit of temporary insanity, threw himself from
the window in Miss Bell's boarding-house, Grey-street, in that
town, and died shortly afterwards. The deceased was so highly
respected that up ward's of 1,000 persons followed his body to the
June 28. — This being the day appointed for the coronation of
her ra-ijasty, a general holiday was observed throughout the
kingdom, and nowhere were the loyal feelings of the people more
emphatically displayed than in Northumberland and Durham. In
Newcastle, the churches and every public edifice were ornamented
with flags, among which St. Nicholas' church was especially dis-
tinguished, the steeple being decorated with flags, even to the very
top. At one o'clock a royal salute was fired from the castle, and
the yeomanry fired three volleys after which the mayor called upon
all around him to join in drinking the health of Queen Victoria
with all the honours, the troops at the same time presenting arms,
the band playing the national anthem, and the immense crowd of
spectators joining in loud and continued huzzas. The poor in the
several workhouses were regaled with good dinners, and meat,
bread, &c., were distributed among the out poor in the parishes of
St. Nicholas, St. Andrew, and All Saints, the inmates of the
corporation hospitals had each 5s. presented to them, and the
prisoners in the goal Avere treated with a good dinner at the
expense of the corporation. At Gateshead, Sunderland, North
and South Shields, Hexham, Durham, Stockton, Darlington,
Morpeth, Blyth, Alnwick, and indeed every town and village in
the district the attention to the poor was most considerate, and
unalloyed happiness everywhere prevailed.
1838 (July 3). — Married, at Alnwick, Edward John Clavering,
esq., of Callaly Castle, to Jane, only daughter of John Carr, esq.,
of Bondgate Hall and Broxfield.
July 5. — A quarrel arose between two seamen, on board
the Teviot trader, lying at Newcastle Quay, when one of them
named Cunningham, struck his antagonist, whose name was
Walton, a violent blow on the head, and the hatchway of the
forecastle being open, Walton fell into the hold of the vessel. He
was immediately conveyed to the Infirmary, where he died.
Cunningham was convicted of manslaughter, and imprisoned
three months.
July 6. — A violent thunderstorm passed over Hexham and
the surrounding neighbourhood, in the course of which, a man
and a boy belonging to Ovington, were struck by the lightning
and the former was killed.
July 11. — The foundation-stone of a Jewish Synagogue,
was laid in Temple-street, Westgate, Newcastle, by Mr. Harris,
on which occasion the Rabbi, S. Hoffnung, delivered a sermon in
the Hebrew language. The building is of stone with a polished
ashlar front, and was opened for service on the 19th of September
in the same year, 5,599, being New Year's Day, according to the
Jewish calendar.
July 16. — The Supervisor of the Morpeth district and the
officers of the Long Framlington preventive station, in their route
across the Tossen hills, discovered an illicit distillery in full
operation, very artfully contrived on the side of a great peat
moss called Codley Moss. The officers only discovered one man
(an irishman) in the place, who was committed to Morpeth Gaol
for three months in default of the penalty of thirty pounds.
July 18. — A swarm of bees lighted on a man and a boy
standing near the Pack Horse Inn, in Morpeth, during the market,
their faces were completely covered. A hive having been pro-
[A.D. 1838.
cured and the queen bee placed in it, her subjects were gradually
attracted from their curious resting place, and thus the parties
escaped unhurt, much to the satisfaction of crowds who were
anxiously waiting the result.
1838 (July 25> — Died, in Newcastle aged 100, Mrs. Elizabeth
August 20. — The eighth annual meeting of the British
Association for the advancement of Science was held in Newcastle
during the seven days extending from the twentieth to the twenty-
sixth. For some months previous great and important preparations
had been in progress in order to do honour to the distinguished
body who had accepted the invitation previously given, and nothing
was omitted which could in any way effect this desirable end. The
large influx of strangers which was expected led the local com-
mittee to make some enquiry respecting lodging houses for their
accommodation ; but this resource being found inadequate, many
gentlemen, including the mayor and other distinguished and
respectable individuals, offered the use of beds, some of two and
others of three, four, and even five. The applications for tickets
of membership by residents in the district far exceeded tlie estimate
originally formed, and they at last became so numerous that it was
necessary to withhold any further issue, except the parties
requiring tickets would become life members, or consented to
receive gratuitously at least one stranger into their houses. The
Duke of Northumberland, president of the Association, arrived in
Newcastle with his duchess on the 18th, and took up his residence
with R .Leadbitter, esq., in Westmoreland House, Westgate-street,
A.D. 1838.] REMAllKABLE EVENTS. 95
and his grace's arrival heralded that influx of distinguished visitors
from all parts of Europe which continued up to the time of opening
the proceedings. The various sectional meetings assembled each
day at eleven in the forenoon, in the large rooms of the public
institutions of the town, which had been fitted up expressly for the
occasion. On the evening of the 22nd the Green Market was
opened for promenade conversation and refreshment, and presented
a most brilliant spectacle. On the 26th the concluding general
meeting of the Association took place, ending a week of important
scientific business, unparalleled of its kind. 1,391 tickets had been
issued to resident members, and 895 to strangers, being an
aggregate increase of 446 over the members at Liverpool in the
previous year. The total receipts were £2,410 15s. The Marquis
of Northampton moved a vote of thanks to the mayor and corpora-
tion of Newcastle for the very hospitable reception the Association
had met with in the town and neighbourhood, and after several
other complimentary votes, the chairman announced the termination
of the meeting,
1838 (August 24). — The Durham Junction Railway was opened.
The railway procession, which set off from South Shields, con-
sisted of two trains, capable of accommodating 400 persons,
amongst which were many distinguished members of the British
Association. The sun shone brilliantly, the South Shields band
played the national air, cannons roared, flags waved in the breeze,
thousands of voices sent forth a shout of joy, while the engines
dragged off their respective trains to the magnificent Victoria
Bridge, built at a cost of about £35,000, after designs and under
the superintendence of T. Elliott Henderson, esq., the celebrated
engineer. The bridge has four main arches, respectively of 160,
144, and 100 feet span, having three smaller ones on each side,
the length of the bridge being 270 yards, and its height from the
bed of the river 157 feet. The bridge was designed from Tragans
bridge at Alcantara, and occupied 716 working days in building.
To view this sublime object the company descended to the valley,
where the eye could take in the whole at one view. Indeed, a
scene better calculated to give an elevated opinion of the triumph
of genius over nature can scarcely be conceived. The company
again took their seats and proceeded about six miles further on
the railway, when 100 waggons of coals from Black Boy pit (the
property of the marquis of Londonderry) were attached to a
locomotive, and the whole procession then returned to Shields.
All was pleasurable excitement until the Victoria Bridge was
reached, when the engine of the second train ran into the carriages
attached to the first, and some serious injuries were sustained by
the passengers. At South Shields, a splendid cold collation was
provided, Robert Ingham, esq., in the chair, after which success
to the undertaking was drunk with much enthusiasm.
August 24, — Mr. Brown, the aeronaut, of Sheffield, made
an ascent from the enclosure in Green-court, Newcastle, in his
splendid balloon " The North Star." The gas was supplied from
Clayton-street and Newgate-street. The process of inflation was
completed soon after three o'clock, and the cords loosened which
restrained its aerial flight. The balloon cleared the houses
beautifully on rising and then proceeded in a south-easterly direc-
tion, in full view of thousands of spectators who watched its
progress with intense interest.
1838 (August 26). — As an appropriate sequel to the gaiety and
splendour of the previous week, a magnificent entertainment was
given at Ravensworth Castle, by Lord and Lady Ravensworth. to
upwards of five hundred distinguished individuals, including all
the nobility and gentry of the district, the learned foreigners, arid
other eminent members of the British Association. The prepara-
tions were on a most extensive and splendid scale, three spacious
and elegant apartments having been fitted up expressly for the
occasion, in which was exhibited every delicacy of the season, on
massive and beautiful plate in princely profusion.
August 28. — The master and brethren of the Trinity -house,
Newcastle, presented the freedom of that corporation in silver
boxes to Captains Sir George Back and J. C. Ross, R.N., for their
humane attention to the crews of the whaling ships frozen in the
ice during the inclement season of 1837.
September 1. — An accident occurred at the Howdon Pans
colliery, by the bursting in of a large quantity of water, by which
three men and four horses lost their lives.
September 2, — The boiler of the steam- tug Vivid, belonging
to a family named Greener, of North Shields, exploded in the
Tyne, at that place, by which two young men, sons of the owner,
were dreadfully scalded and died shortly after in great agony.
September 2. — Thomas Robson, jun., of Newbottle, whilst
bathing near the village of Ryhope, got into a quicksand. His
brother and a companion who witnessed the distressing scene,
having in vain attempted to rescue him, applied to the inhabitants
of the village for assistance, which however did not arrive before
life was extinct.
September 4. — The first exhibition of the Sunderland Polytechnic
Society was opened, and was visited during that and subsequent
days by most of the leading families of the district. The
exhibition embraced numerous works, by modern artists, archi-
tects, and mechanics, of paintings in every branch of the art,
models of monuments, bridges, churches, &c. ; and also of many
excellent mechanical inventions. There were also in the exhibi-
tion numerous specimens of stuffed animals, birds, shells, minerals,
&c., of the most interesting description to the naturalist. In
short, the exhibition of the Sunderland Polytechnic Society,
differed from every other, inasmuch as it was an epitome of the
best and most captivating, of every thing that could be brought
September 4. — Thomas Cowley. a pipemaker, of Gateshead,
undertook, for a trifling wager, to leap from Newcastle bridge
into the Tyne and was drowned. A more successful act of folly
of the same kind was perpetrated in September, 1850.
1838 (September 4). — It having been determined to erect the Corn
Market, on the ground occupied by the Middle-street, Newcastle,
about July this year, the old houses were removed, and on the
above day the foundation-stone was laid by the mayor, T. E.
Headlam, esq , in the presence of the sheriff and most of the
subscribers. The new building having been completed, it wag
occupied by the farmers for the first time, on Saturday the 31st of
August, 1839. The architects were Messrs. John and Benjamin
Removed in order to erect the Corn Market and Town Hall Buildings.
September 7.— The Forfarshire steamer, of about 400 tons
burden, under the command of John Humble, formerly master of
the Neptune, of Newcastle, left Hull for Dundee on the 5th of
September in a very unseaworthy state. On the 6th, when in.
Berwick Bay, having encountered a heavy sea, she was forced to
put back, the boilers shortly after becoming so defective that she
was left to the mercy of the storm. An attempt was made to run
the vessel between the Farn Islands, but she refused to answer her
helm, and at three o'clock on Friday morning, the 7th, she struck
with tremendous force against the Harkers Rock, about half a mile
from the Longstone lighthouse, on the Farn Islands. A portion
of the crew, intent only on self-preservation had lowered the
larboard quarter boat and left the ship. Amongst them was the
first mate, James Duncan, who has since published his own version
of the affair, which was contradicted by the evidence of some of
the witnesses on the inquest, and reflects small credit on himself as
a seaman. The stroke of the vessel on the rock was regarded as
the signal of death. The master lost all self-possession, and his
wife, who was on hoard with him, sought in cries of anguish and
despair the protection which, alas, he could not extend. The
cries of females on deck mingled with the roaring of the ocean and
the screams of the wild fowl, disturbed from their resting place,
whilst the men clinging to the vessel awaited in silence their
inevitable fate. Most of the cabin passengers were below, and
many of them asleep in their berths. As soon as the vessel struck
the steward ran down and gave an alarm, but one passenger only7
Mr. Kuthven Ritchie, of Ruthven Hill, Perthshire, was saved.
On being awoke, he arose instantly, and siezing his trousers,
rushed upon deck, from whence, observing the sailors leaping into
the boat, he, with an extraordinary effort, by means of a rope,
swung himself into it. and was thus miraculously preserved. The
uncle and aunt of Mr. Ritchie made a desperate effort to get into-
the boat, but in attempting to leap on board they fell into the sea
and perished in his sight. The escape of the boat was remarkable.
There was only one outlet by which it could escape being dashed
by the breakers against the island, and that outlet was taken
without the parties being aware of it. The vessel struck aft the
paddle boxes, and not above three minutes after the few survivors
had rushed on deck a second shock separated her into two parts,
the stern quarter deck and cabin being instantly carried away,
with all upon them, through a tremendous current called the Piper's
Gut. The captain stuck to the wreck till washed overboard with
his wife in his arms, and both were drowned. The situation of
the few passengers who remained on the fore part of the vessel
was perilous in the extreme. Placed on a small rock surrounded
by the sea, which threatened to engulph them, they were clinging
to life whilst all hope of relief was sinking within them, and crying
for help, but the tempestuous billows drowned their feeble shrieks,
and defied their puny efforts to escape. Their cries, however, were
not unheard. Their shouts of distress fell upon the ear of Grace
Horsley Darling, who, with her father, William Darling, occupied
the outer Farn lighthouse. And now one of those heroic actions
occurred which for their romantic daring are remembered for
generations with admiration, and produced a burst of enthusiasm,
throughout Europe for the humble girl who performed it. She
awakened her parent, and no other help being nigh, those two-
heroic persons proceeded, in a tempestuous sea to the spot. It is
impossible to speak too highly of this unparalleled act of humanity,
bravery, and disinterestedness. Danger presented itself in a
thousand forms on every hand — there the current running with
fearful impetuosity, or the eddy whirling and engulphing all within
its reach— mountains of water bursting in wild confusion, or the
tempest sweeping the spray from the billow as it rolled along.
This perilous achievement, unexampled in the feats of female
fortitude was witnessed by the survivors in silent wonder, and
down the weather-beaten cheek of one old seaman stole the big
round tear when he beheld from the wreck the noble, exertions of
a young female, of slender appearance, buffeting the storm and
perilling her life for their preservation. By a dangerous effort the
father landed on the rock, and the frail boat was preserved from
being dashed to pieces by being rowed to and fro among the awful
abyss of water by the noble-minded girl. At length, at the risk
of instant destruction, they succeeded in removing five of the crew
and four passengers — all that were left alive — and the exhausted
sufferers were safely carried to the lighthouse, where, for three
days and three nights, their wants were administered to by the
brave family to whom they owed their lives. The captain — John
Humble — his wife, and about forty-eight others, perished with the
vessel, and for some time afterwards the bodies of the sufferers,
with portions of the wreck, were thrown upon different parts of
the coast. The vessel and cargo were valued at £20,000. The
heroic conduct of the Darlings excited universal admiration, and
meetings on the subject were numerous ; subscriptions and presen-
tations of monies and medals flo'wed from all quarters. The
magnanimous girl, however, did not live long to enjoy the fruits
of her heroism. She expired from consumption on October 20th,
1842, aged 26 years, and was interred in Bamborough churchyard.
September 10. — An accident occurred this evening, in the
shop of Messrs. Turnbull & Co., saddlers and ironmongers, in the
Bigg-market, Newcastle. A little boy, son of one of the partners,
was playing with an unloaded gun, when a spark from the flint
fell into a drawer containing gunpowder and exploded, it blowing
out the windows with tremendous force, and dashing every square
to atoms. A boy in an office above was so alarmed that he
jumped out of the window and broke his arm.
September 12. — Died, at Sweethope, in the parish of
Thockrington, Northumberland, aged 101, Violet Ridley, a very
eccentric character.
1838 (Septemlcr 17).— Died, at Castle Eden, in the county of
Durham, Rowland Burdon, esq., in his 82d year. He was repre-
sentative of that county in parliament from 1790 to 1806. To his
genuine patriotism that magnificent structure, the Sunderlarid
bridge, owes its existence. Mr. Burdon's share of the total cost
(£34,000) having been no less than £30,000. The bridge, then
considered a marvel in mechanics, and which, even at this day,
can never be beheld without surprise and admiration, was opened
for traffic on August 9th, 1796.
September 29. — An explosion took place this morning on board
the Charlotte, Captain John Asterman, when lying at Seaharn,
owing to an accumulation of coal gas from the cargo. Six men
were°very seriously burnt, and two of them died shortly after.
September. — One day this month, a remarkably fine colley
do0" followed the union coach from Cockburnspath to Newcastle.
With the field running the animal was computed to have run not
less than 130 miles.
October II. — The town and neighbourhood of Newcastle was
visited by a gale of wind, which was attended with considerable
destruction of property and loss of life. A large chimney in course
of erection at the soda works of Messrs. Kidley and Co., Ouseburn,
Newcastle, was blown down, and the materials falling upon a
house unoccupied, buried the whole in a mass of ruins. At St.
Peter's Quay, nine men in the employ of Mr. Wallace, builder,
Newcastle, were engaged in covering a shed in Messrs. Shields
and Co.'s factory, the wind caught the roof and tore it completely
off, carrying with it two of the men, one named William Red-
head died shortly after, and the other had an arm and a leg
broken. At Willington, a large piece of timber was blown from
the railway viaduct, and fell upon a blacksmith's shop, 100 feet
below, passing through the roof and breaking the handle of a
hammer with which the smith was working. Instead of expressing
surprise, the eccentric occupant named Wardle coolly took up
another hammer and struck the iron whilst it was hot. A great
number of serious losses occurred at sea. The northern yacht
steamer sailed from the Tyne for Edinburgh with ten passengers
and a crew of thirteen, the gale which had blown during the
whole of the day becoming more violent, one of the passengers,
Mr, Reay, artist, North Shields, was put on shore at North
Sunderland, after which the vessel proceeded through the Farn
Islands, and was never more seen. On the 13th there was a
heavy fall of snow, and as much of the harvest still remained in
the fields, a portion of the crop was never gathered at all.
October 14. — A coble belonging to Shields, with five pilots, left
Cullercoats, and on trying to make Shields harbour the boat upset
and they were all drowned. The shrieks of the sufferers were
heard by the sentries on duty at the battery, but they could not
render any assistance. Their names were Martin and Peter
Lawson (brothers), a father and son named Nevins, and a youth
named Philips.
1838 (October 23).— Married, at Harrington Hall,*Robert Eden
Buncombe, eldest son of R. E. D. Shaftoe, esq., of Whitworth
Park, Durham, to Charlotte Rosa, daughter of the late Wm.
Baring, esq., of Lulvvorth.
November 8. — Ralph Stanley, a pitman, belonging to Holywell
colliery, died from the effects of a wound in the abdomen, inflicted
during a quarrel with Joseph Purdie, a farm servant. It appeared
that Purdie was returning from Morpeth fair, where he had pur-
chased a sword stick. Several others of his friends were with
him. When they arrived at the Astley Arms public house, near
Cramlington, they were joined by the deceased, who had some ale
with them. After leaving the Astley Arms a quarrel ensued, and
Stanley wished to have possession of the stick. During the quarrel,
Stanley received a wound in the abdomen, extending to the depth
of six inches. He was observed to strike twice at Purdie before
he fell. Verdict — Manslaughter against Purdie, who was acquitted
at the following assizes.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs: — Newcastle — John Fife, esq., mayor; William
Brownsword Proctor, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — John Barras,
esq,, mayor. Durham — Thomas Greenwell, esq., mayor. Sunder-
land — Joseph Simpson, esq., mayor. Stockton — Thomas Jennett,
esq., mayor. Morpeth — Thomas Jobling, esq., mayor. Berwick —
Robt. Marshall, esq., mayor ; John Wilson, esq., sheriff.
November 9. — Newcastle, and the North of England generally,
commenced receiving benefit from the newly opened railways
between London, Liverpool, and Manchester, by additional
facilities being afforded in the transmission of letters per mail.
The departures and arrivals being twice each day instead of once
as heretofore.
November 10. — There were, at this period, 117 vessels building
on the river Wear at Sunderland, the average tonnage of which
it was calculated would equal 250 tons.
November. — Died, at Brompton, near London, aged 63, Mr.
Charlton Nesbit, wood engraver. Mr. Nesbit was a native of
Swalvvell, and one of the earliest pupils of the late celebrated
Thomas Bewick. He was highly distinguished in his profession.
November 11. — Died, at Bishop wearmouth, aged 103, Mrs.
Susannah Davis.
November 24. — Died, at his house, in Cumberland-row,
Newcastle, aged 43, Mr. George Blythe Butler, for many years a
favourite comedian on the Newcastle boards.
November 24. — The body of a woman, named Eleanor
Brownlee, 103 years old, well known at Gateshead Fell and the
surrounding districts, was found in Ravensworth woods, in a state
of advanced decomposition. She had long travelled the country
with a basket containing pots and nuts, and it was supposed she
had died on the 10th inst., on which day she applied at a farmer's
house in the neighbourhood for a lodging during a heavy rain, and
was refused.
1838 (December 7). — About two o'clock this morning a fire was
discovered in the waiting room of the Savings Bank, in the
Arcade, Newcastle, but the fire-engines being promptly brought
to the spot, the flames were subdued with but trifling damage.
The police, on proceeding to examine the premises, were horror-
struck to find the body of a man lying extended on the hearth ru^
in front of the fireplace. Lights having been procured, a sickening
spectacle presented itself. On turning over the body, which was
that of Joseph Millie, assistant clerk of the institution, the features
were found to be knocked in, the left jaw and cheek bone were
broken, and the skull bore no less than twenty distinct wounds,
some of them several inches in length. There were three large
gashes on the left temple, and the skull was literally smashed to a
jelly. The hearth rug was saturated with blood, and blood, brains,
and hair bespattered the wainscotting and walls. A poker con-
siderably bent was lying beside him, and the pockets of the
unfortunate man were stuffed with several pounds weight of coal
and paper, apparently the more readily to destroy by fire all traces
of the horrid deed. On the other side of the room was next
discovered the body of Archibald Bolam, the actuary of the bank,
who was reclining on one arm, apparently half insensible, with a
plaid wrapped round him, and blood slowly trickling from a wound
in his neck. Surgical aid having been procured, he was conveyed
on a chair to the house of Mr. Glenton, Pilgrim-street, and shortly
after he gave the following account of the shocking affair. He
stated to Mr. Alderman Dunn and William Woods, esq., that he
had lately received one or two anonymous letters, threatening
bodily harm, at his dwelling at Gateshead, and that on Thursday
evening one had been put under the bank door. In consequence
of this he went over to Gateshead, leaving the bank unoccupied,
Millie having gone to tea. When he returned, he found the door
as he had left it, and on entering the room saw Millie lying on the
hearth rug. This, he said, did riot surprise him, as Millie also had
a key, and he imagined that he had laid himself down to sleep.
He went towards his own desk, but while in the act of opening it
he was struck, as with a fist, on the right temple, and turning
round found the blow had been dealt by a man with his face
blackened and otherwise disguised. He then rushed shouting to
the window, when the man threatened him with the same fate as
that of Millie. Continuing his outcry, the man knocked him
down and he felt a cutting at his throat. He then became
insensible, and on recovering he heard the footsteps of a man in
the waiting room, but durst not make any outcry, and shortly
after the smoke again deprived him of consciousness. The news
of this extraordinary tragedy soon spread through the town,
creating an unparalleled excitement, and long before the time of
the inquest the Blue Posts, in Pilgrim-street, and all approaches
thereto, were crowded to excess. At this examination,* Bolam,
the eldest son of Millie, and others, were examined. Bolam's
statement was but an amplification of that before elicited, but it
A.D. 1838.]
appearing so incredible he was confined in the gaol. On the
succeeding morning (Saturday), the publication of the evidence
produced a general approbation of the measures adopted by the
coroner, and the current of suspicion set in strongly against the
accused. The country people attending the markets thronged in
great nnrnbers to the scene of the murder, and handbills were
posted, offering a reward of £100 for the discovery of the
perpetrator of the deed. Public opinion, too, was in full sway,
and various rumours were afloat respecting the present and past
life of Bolam. On Wednesday, December 12, the inquest was
resumed and the examination of witnesses was continued on
Thursday and Friday, when the jury at length returned a verdict
of " Wilful murder against Archibald Bolam," the statements of
his housekeeper, Mary Walker, had been so contradictory that
she was given into custody, and afterwards examined privately
by Alderman Batson, but no new facts were obtained, and she
was in conseqence discharged. About a month after, however,
she was again apprehended and committed to prison as an
accessary after the fact, but was eventually liberated. The
greatest excitement prevailed during the period of preparation for
the trial. March at length arrived, and on the morning of the
fourth, at half-past six, the prisoner was conveyed from the gaol
to the Guildhall. Long before the hour of trial the populace had
place in any part of the court was left unoccupied
Mr fcL and Mr. Knowles, the prisoners waned, occupied
fl e ri ht of the judge's seat, the prosecuting counsel placed
themselves on the left. Close by were Mr. Swinburne, the
solicitor for the prisoner, Mr. J. T. Hoyle, the solicitor for the
crown, Sir Gregory Lewin, the public prosecutor, Dr. Lynch, the
medical adviser, and other functionaries of import. Precisely as
the clock of the court struck nine. Baron Parke, the presiding
judge, took his seat, accompanied by his colleague Baron
Alderson, with the mayor and sheriff of the town. In a few
minutes the accused, dressed in a suit of black, was brought into
court, attended by the officers of police. He slowly ascended the
steps leading to the bar, where, shrunken, subdued, and alter-
nated, he bowed low to the tribunals. The prisoner's counsel
having applied for the postponement of the trial until the summer
assizes, when the prisoner would have the benefit of a jury selected
from distant parts of the county, and when the excitement would
probably in some degree have subsided. After some discussion
with the counsel for the prosecution (Sir G. Lewin, Mr. Wortley,
and Mr. Granger), the postponement was granted, and Bolam
having pleaded at the Moot Hall, was transferred to Morpeth
goal. Precisely at a quarter- past nine on the morning of the
30th of July, 1839, this extraordinary case come on for trial before
Baron Maule, the counsel being the same as on the previous
occasion. The prisoner was then placed at the bar, and bowing
respectfully took up a position with both hands resting on the
front of the dock. The evidence brought forward was purely
circumstantial, but the points which bore most strongly against
the prisoner were the trivial nature of the wounds and blows he had
received compared with those of Millie, his pretended insensibility but
real watchfulness and cunning when found in the premises, theincom-
patability of his statements on the morning of the murder,
with all the known facts of the case,the want of correspondence
between some cuts on his coat with those on his waistcoat, and of
both with several superficial scratches on his body winch he stated
,a.l been made by the « black man," the remarkable fact that no
c ts were to be found in his plaid, though it covered his body
when found, and had never, he said, been removed since he
returned to the bank, the utter absence of blood upon the spot
where he said he had been lying for several hours; the appearance
of blood upon the sleeve of his C9at, and the clear evidence that it
had been attempted to be removed by water, the prevarications ot
Mary Walker as to the hour at which he visited his house on the
evening previous to the murder, her admissions as to him sponging
his sleeves, and many other points, in which his or her statements
were contradicted by others. The whole of the evidence having
been gone through, the court was adjourned until the following
morning at nine o'clock, when the prisoner was again placed at the
bar. Profound silence reigned in the spacious hall, while Mr.
Dundas addressed the jury for the defence, in a speech of upwards
of two hours and a half duration, in which the most forcible facts
adduced by the prosecution, were attempted to be explained away.
On the conclusion of the defence, the prisoner seemed much
affected, and, indeed, the impassioned eloquence of the speaker had
not failed to produce very material effect upon everyone in court.
The judge then proceeded to sum up, and in a manner so highly
favourable to the prisoner, as to excite considerable surprise amongst
both the bar and the public. Indeed, his whole address was more
like a speech for the prisoner than a review of the evidence. The
jury then retired, and after an absence of three hours, brought in
a verdict of manslaughter. On the following day he was brought
up for judgment, and after a solemn asseveration by him of his
perfect innocence, he was sentenced to transportation for life.
The prisoner's only remark was " My Lord, I regard that sentence
as my death." The trial created a greater sensation throughout
the Kingdom than any case since that of Burke at Edinburgh.
Bolam was shortly after removed to the hulks, and sailed for
Australia on the 16th October, 1839.
1838 (December 19). — A serious explosion occurred this evening
in Wallsend colliery, near Newcastle. The disaster fortunately
occurred at a period when few workmen were in the mine, but the
whole of them, eleven in number, perished.
December. — During this month, a person in the employment of
Mr. Bedlington, brewer, of Ovingham, was driving his horse,
which was a blind one, from that place to Wylam. The road is close
to the river — in some parts dangerously so — and the horse and
cart, by some accident, were overturned into the river down a
steep bank, the stream running strong at the time. The man,
however, perceiving his horse and cart right side up, began to pilot
his blind companion out of his dangerous position ; this he accom-
plished as he walked along the bank with the well-known " heck"
and " gee," and, after guiding his steps for a quarter of a mile
along the river, he had the gratification of landing him safely on
shore, nothing the worse for his extraordinary adventure. It is
remarkable that a little boy, who was riding in the cart at the time
of the accident, and was found amongst the bushes on the bank,
received no injury, beyond a few scratches.
1839 (January 7). — The North of P^ngland was visited by a
tempest, which, as regarded resistless fury and appaling magnitude,
had not been equalled in this part of the country, and which bore
a closer resemblance to a west Indian tornado than the storms
which, however fierce, visit the temperate regions of our globe.
Soon after midnight, the wind shifted from S. to W.S.W., and
gradually increased in fury until about six o'clock in the morning,
when its violence was perfectly frightful. It is impossible to
describe the sensation felt during this period. Impenetrable
darkness veiled the face of nature, and when a sudden crash
awoke the inmates of a dwelling, they knew not where to look for
shelter amidst the ruin which surrounded them. At length morning
dawned on a scene of devastation, such as few have witnessed.
Bricks, slates, and tiles, in broken fragments, lay scattered over
the streets in every direction, as if the town had stood a siege.
No one ventured abroad that could possibly avoid it, and every
thoroughfare was literally deserted. The injury done to public
buildings in Newcastle was very great. The Infirmary had three
stacks of chimneys blown down. The roof of the west wing was
almost stripped, and twelve large trees in the garden were
uprooted. At the Museum, a sheet of lead weighing nearly two
tons Avas torn from the roof and carried for upwards of 100 yards.
St. Thomas' Church had four pinnacles destroyed. Much appre-
hension was at one time entertained for the safety of the beautiful
steeple of St. Nicholas, but it withstood the tempest admirably.
The balustrades of the Royal Arcade were completely destroyed,
and the glass domes on the roof were more or less broken. The
Grey Monument was observed to rock to and fro when the storm
was at its height, but it suffered no injury. A tall chimney attached
to the brew- house of Mr. Strachau, Ba.rras- bridge, betvveeen fifty
and sixty feet in height, fell with a fearful crash upon the work-
shops of Messrs. Burnup and Co., much to the consternation of
the men, who however escaped. A tall chimney at Elswick Lead
Works, another at Mr. Burt's Steam Mill, in Thornton-Street, and
a third at Mr. Davidson's, Tobacco Manufactory, in the Side,
were blown down. The bark mill of Mr. Beaumont, in Darn
Crook, also received much injury, the wands of the mill being
torn off with great violence, and after hovering a little time in
the air, fell into St. Andrew's church-yard with a tremendous
crash. A shed, upwards of three stories high, belonging to Mr.
Arundel, skinner, Gallowgate, was completely demolished. A
sheet of lead, weighing 18 cwt. 2 qrs. 14 lb., was torn from the
top of Mr. Baird's house in Northumberland-street, passed a few-
inches above the head of a person near the spot, and was driven,
with such violence against the house of Mrs. Coward, on the
opposite side of the street, that the glass frames and shutters of
two windows were shivered to fragments. The inmates, who were
in the parlour, perceiving the lead coming, rushed out and escaped
unhurt. At Byker, owing to the high position of the village, the
damage to property was very great, and a little girl was killed by
the overturning of a waggon. The river presented an extraordi-
nary spectacle, and it may be noticed as one of the most striking
evidences of the violence of the wind, that at the proper time of
high water, the tide had not risen more than six inches above
low water mark. The Fox steamboat was blown from its
moorings, driven against the bridge, and sunk. It is truly
wonderfuly that in such a scene of devastation as the town
presented, so few injuries should have been sustained by indi-
viduals. A female, however, of the name of Hodgson had her
arm broken in consequence of being driven by the wind against
a wall, and a man na-ned Hugh Hutchinson was thrown down and
rolled over and over like a ball for some distance. There were
several other persons thrown down during the day in various parts
of the town. In G-ateshead the storm raged with even more
serious effects than in Newcastle. Nearly every house upon the
Fell was unroofed or otherwise injured. The beautiful chimney
of the Brandling Junction Railway Company, 115 feet in height,
was blown down, and a man named Henry Hawks had one of his
legs broken. A chimney at Messrs. Abbot and Co.'s, 75 feet
high, fell with a fearful crash, and a man named John Errick was
killed, while another person narrowly escaped. Scotswood bridge
was impassable throughout the day, and a man who attempted to
traverse it on his hands and knees was blown against the chains and
had his arms broken. The destruction of trees in the country was
prodigious. At Chopwell, upwards of 20,000 trees were uprooted.
Capheaton, Blagdon, Woolsington, Fenham, and many other seats
were extensively injured. The most distressing accident occurred at
the house of Mr. Orange, stationer, Bedford-street, North Shields.
Mrs. Orange and the servant were in the kitchen, and what is
remarkable, almost an instant before the catastrophe, she inquired
whether the servant remembered the wind that occasioned the fall
of Mr. Spence's chimney three years ago, and before an answer
could be given, a stack of chimneys fell upon the roof, carrying
down the upper story and burying Mrs. Orange in the ruins. She was
quite dead when got out ; the servant escaped. In Sunderland,
the large chimney attached to Mr. Richardson's steam mill, was
blown down, and two men named Robson and Moore (brothers-in-
law), were killed on the spot, and a third had his leg broken. At
Morpeth, the hurricane did considerable damage, unroofing many
houses, blowing down chimneys, &c. The Royal Victoria Pavilion,
belonging to u Billy Purvis," standing in Oldgate-street, was
shivered to pieces, the scenery, dresses, &c., blowing about the
streets in all directions. Upwards of 250 trees were uprooted in
the park and grounds about Alnwick Castle, It is impossible to
enumerate the whole of the disasters which occurred during this
fearful hurricane, the foregoing being but a few of the more striking
1839 (January 7). — The storm had scarcely ceased to vent its
fury on the town of Newcastle, when a fire broke out in the
shop of Mr.Cowper, grocer, Grainger-street, which completely
destroyed the stock and fixtures, but the property was saved by
exertions of the the firemen.
January 7. — Married, in London, Rowland Errington, esq., of
Sandhoe, Northumberland, second son of Sir T. Massey Stanley,
bart.. to Julia, eldest daughter of General Sir John MacDonald.
January 7. — Died, at his residence, Old Brathey, Windermere,
aged 70, Thos. Stamp, esq,, post captain in her majesty's royal
navy. Captain Stamp was a native of Sunderland, a gallant
officer, and conspicuous in most of the engagements during the late
war. Whilst on a cruise in the Mediterranean he had a tame lion
on board, which used to follow him in his walks on the quarter
deck like a lap dog, without any apprehension of danger by the
January 15. — An alarming fire took place at the Wear Glass
Works, Sunderland, Messrs. Hartley's manufactory, which
destroyed one of the pot rooms and large packing room, and con-
sumed about £2,000 worth of property in glass and pots.
January 15. — That portion of the Brandling Junction Railway,
extending from Redheugh to the depot at the east end of Hillgate,
Gateshead, was opened amidst a great concourse of spectators.
February 15. — An explosion of gunpowder took place in the
ancient Keep of the Castle, of Newcastle. It appeared that the
occupier, Mr. Shipley, had been casting bullets for an acquaintance,
when some powder became ignited and exploded with considerable
violence, knocking down the partition wall and setting fire to a
number of muskets belonging to the yeomanry corps, and other
things in the apartment. By the assistance of the police, the fire
was got under without much damage. Mr. Shipley escaped
comparatively unhurt.
March 4. — On Monday night, about half-past eleven o'clock,
a dreadful alarm of fire was created in the neighbourhood of
East Percy-street, North Shields. A lady was retiring to rest,
when she saw the flames ascending, and supposing it to proceed
from a garden-house, the property of Mr. Robinson, brewer, she
sent her servant out who awoke several of the neighbours, and
amongst them some of Mr. Robinson's men, when it was dis-
covered that a stack of hay, the property of Messrs. Pow and
Falcus, was on fire, which burnt with unabated fury until it was
consumed. The fire was supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
March 19. — A dreadful accident occurred on the Clarence
Railway. The passenger train from Crowtrees to Stockton, had
reached the curve on Mainsforth Carrs, near Bishop Middleham,
when the engine was thrown off the line, and precipitated over
the embankment. The passengers escaped uninjured, but the
engineman, fireman, and guard were killed by the engine rolling
upon them. Assistance had to be obtained to dig the sufferers
out from beneath the ponderous machine, when their bodies were
found so horribly mutilated as to render it a task of considerable
diiliculty to remove them.
1839 (March 20). — This day the banking house of Sir Matthew-
White Ridley, bart., and Co., was incorporated with the North-
umberland and Durham District Banking Company. The
Newcastle bank was the second provincial bank established in
England, having followed that of Pease, Liddell, and Co., of
Hull, and had been established eighty-four years. Few institutions
of the kind had obtained a higher degree of public favour and
confidence. The senior partner, Sir Matthew White Ridley, bart.,
having retired, the other members of the firm, Mr. C. W. Bigge,
Mr. W. Boyd, Mr. C. J. Bigge, Mr. R. Boyd, and Mr. Spedding,
became large proprietors in the united establishment. The notes
of the old bank were withdrawn, and the circulation became
exclusively that of the bank of England.*
March "22. — One of the boats belonging to the Grenville
Bay whaler, of Newcastle, was manned under the direction of
Captain Taylor, and proceeded to the Narrows, at the mouth of
the Tyne, to make experiments with some guns which were con-
structed by Mr. William Greener, of Newcastle, for the purpose
of harpooning whales. The result of the experiment showed that
a harpoon of 12 Ibs. weight can be propelled to a distance of 40
yards with certainty, having a f inch rope attached, consequently
a fish may be thus secured when it would be impossible to strike
it with the hand.
April 8. — Died, in the Circus-lane, Forth, Newcastle, Serjeant
William Fraser, who had served 23 years in 6th Dragoon Guards,
and 20 years in the Newcastle and Northumberland Volunteer
Cavalry. He was interred with military honours in the burial
ground of St. Andrew's church. The deceased claimed to be heir
male of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, beheaded in the Scotch
rebellion. Had his claim been taken up in time and by influential
parties, it is possible that the title might have been obtained for
April 10.— As the train on the Newcastle and Carlisle
Railway was passing Hallowell Dean, near Hexham, a cinder
from the chimney of the engine fell on a thatched cattle shed
belonging to Mr. Bell, of that place, and although immediate
assistance was given, the shed was completely destroyed.
April 19. — The first number of the " Port of Tyne Pilot"
newspaper was published at No. 7, Dean-street, South Shields.
It was discontinued on December 30, 1842.
April 20. — Two stacks of hay and one of straw, belonging
to the Rev. Robert Goodenough, vicar of Whittingharn, were
destroyed by fire, and there was every reason to believe that it
was the act of an incendiary.
April 22. — An explosion of fire damp took place at Whitley
colliery, and one man named Thomas Harding was severely
* See Sykes, August 22, 1755.
1839(-4/>n726). — The merchant vessel Ida, Captain John Currie,
the property of Messrs. Johnson and Cargill of Newcastle, arrived
in the Tyne from the East Indies with a valuable cargo of sugar,
sulphur, hides, rice, &c. This was the first vessel that had ever
been bound direct from India to Newcastle, and her arrival excited
much interest among the mercantile community. The bells of
St. Nicholas rang a merry peal in honour of the event.
April 30. — As police constable No. 17, Robert Bartram,
was on duty near the Postern about 3 o'clock in the morning, he
heard cries as of a female in distress, and on approaching the grate
of a common sewer, he saw a woman underneath. Implements
having been obtained, the grate was lifted, and she was extricated
in a most deplorable condition. Her name was Margaret Scott,
and she must have wandered through the sewers for a considerable
April. — This month "The Newcastle and Hamburg Steam
Shipping Company" was established. One of the company's
vessels named the Clyde, the first steam vessel direct to
Hamburg and Rotterdam from Newcastle, sailed from, the Tyne
on May the 6th.
May 5. — Died, in Hallgarth-street, Durham, Mrs. Margaret
Gent, aged 100.
May. — There was living at North Shields at this time, an
ancient dame, named Hannah Conner, in her 100th year, possessing
her memory and enjoying good health.
May 20. — For some time previous to this date occasional
meetings had been held in Newcastle and Gateshead, by a body of
men calling themselves Chartists. Their object was the advocacy
of universal suffrage, annual parliaments, vote by ballot, no pro-
perty qualification for members of parliament, and the payment of
representatives. Those meetings at last were so numerous that it
would be impossible to notice them separately, but the assemblies
which took place on the above day were of too important a character
to be omitted. .They were held by command of the National
Convention, (a body which had been elected from each town and
district in the previous Nevernber, and was still sitting in London).
About 10,000 persons met upon the Town Moor, Newcastle, the
greater bulk was from the collieries, Newcastle having furnished
very few. Mr. Thomas Hepburn was in the chair, and the prin-
cipal speakers were Mr. Hume, Mr. Ayre, Mr. Charlton, Mr.
Cooke, Mr. Cockburn, Mr. Stokoe, Mr. Rewcastle, Mr. Blakey,
Mr. Harney, Mr. Mason, Mr. Currie, Mr. Knox, Mr. Devyr,
Mr. Duncan, Mr. Lowrey, Dr. Taylor, and others. The language
of several of those persons was highly inflammatory. A similar
meeting was held at Sunderland, at which about 15,000 persons
were present ; Mr. Williams in the chair. These assemblies, as
well as those in other parts of the country, had engaged the
attention of the government, and on the 15th of May a large
quantity of ammunition arrived in Newcastle from the stores at
Tynemouth, an order too was issued that sixty rounds of ball
cartridge should be supplied to the troops throughout the country.
Meanwhile, the people were acting on the suggestion of their
leaders in every particular, money was withdrawn from the savings
banks, and invested in a manner which they persuaded themselves
was more profitable. The manufacture of '• caltrops" and " pike
heads" was becoming more and more the staple of those whose
employment it was. Immense numbers made by the Winlaton men
for 4d. and 6d. a piece, were sold to brothdr Chartists for Is. Gd.9
and men who formerly made less then 3s. a day, could now obtain
15s. by this illegal calling. The begging box, too, as it was called,
was carried amongst the shopkeepers, and those who refused to
contribute were soundly threatened and entered in a black book as
marked men. Bands of sturdy beggars were continually prowling
about the counties of Northumberland and Durham, committing
petty thefts and felonies, accompany injury with insult. In one
instance four sturdy rogues took down some fish from the wall of
a farm house, and entering the kitchen coolly demanded that
they should be cooked. In some instances the most brutal threats
were uttered when not readily assisted with money and provisions,
and a great degree of alarm was created among the inhabitants of
lonely places.
1839 (May 21). — That portion of the line of the Newcastle and
Carlisle Railway between Blaydon and the company's depot,
near the Elswick Shot Tower, Newcastle, was opened with some
ceremony. The opening for passenger traffic did not take place
till the 26th of October.
May 22. — Died, at Denton Hall, Northumberland, in his
60th year, Richard Hoyle, esq., merchant, of Newcastle. Mr.
Hoyle was a native of Rippendon, in the west riding of Yorkshire,
where his family had been settled for many centuries, and enjoyed
extensive possessions. He was educated at Emanuel College,
Cambridge, and pursued the study of chemistry with some
success. In 1801, in conjunction with the late Dr. Stancliffe,
he prepared a course of lectures on that subject for the new
institution of the Literary and Philosophical Society at Newcastle,
and his attainments in this branch of science enabled him to adopt
many improvements in the process of various manufactures in
which he was engaged.
May 23. — A fire broke out in one of the cottages on Mr.
Younghusband's farm at Elwick, near Belford, which, owing to
being thatched, threatened destruction to the whole of the
buildings, but by the kind assistance of his neighbours, Messrs.
Berwick, Hall, Bromfield, Bolam, Scott, and others, he was
enabled to get the fire reduced, though not till four of the cottages
were entirely destroyed.
May 28. — The first coals from Garmondsway Moor colliery,
the property of Thomas Richmond Gale Braddyll, esq., and
partners, were shipped at Hartlepool.
May 31. — A most destructive fire occurred on the premises of
Mr. John Atkinson, coach-builder, in Newcastle. The fire was
supposed to have originated in the smith's department, but at the
time of their discovery, one o'clock, the flames were proceeding
from the " fitting-up shop," and long before anything could be
attempted to arrest their violence they had spread with great
rapidity over the adjacent buildings. In less than half-an-hour
every street in the neighbourhood was crowded with persons, who
stood watching in utter amazement the destructive progress of the
devouring element. About two o'clock the fire was at its height,
and from its immense body it presented an awful appearance,
while the high wind which prevailed caused the utmost anxiety for
the premises adjoining. The fire engines were speedily brought
up, but for more than half-an-hour there was little or no water in
the pipes, and the destructive progress of the fire was consequently
unchecked for so long a period that all subsequent efforts to save
the workshops were rendered futile. The efforts of the firemen
were at last successful, though the dyehouse of Mr. Fenwick was
entirely burnt down. The show rooms of Mr. Atkinson's premises
contained a number of finished carriages, but by the timely arrival
of a body of soldiers from the barracks, with two engines, it was
preserved from injury, and the fire was got under about three
o'clock, and by half-past three all danger of its spreading further
had ceased. It is impossible to describe the scene of distress that
presented itself on every hand during the progress of the conflagra-
tion. Every house in the neighbourhood was deserted, beds,
bedding, and furniture of all descriptions were piled together in
the middle of Pilgrim-street, and along Hood-street and Market-
street, even extending into Grey-street and Blackett-street.
Women and children were to be seen in their night clothes, taking
shelter beside their little all, whilst fathers and husbands rushed
into the apartments they had quitted the moment before, in order,
if possible, to save something out of the general wreck. As to the
extent of the damage, there was much difficulty in forming an
adequate estimate. Mr. Atkinson's loss was immense. The entire
destruction of property, including the whole of the workmen's
tools, was supposed to amount to £22,000; the greater part of
which fell upon the proprietor himself. Mr. Atkinson afterwards
commenced an action against the Water Company for the deficient
supply of water, but the matter was privately arranged.
1839 (June 13). — The body of a man was found in the river Wear,
at Sunderland, attached by a rope to a large stone. The skull
was fractured into numberless pieces ; and the body was naked,
save a flannel shirt and stockings. The body was removed to the
workhouse at Monkwearmouth, where it was identified by two of
the crew of the Phoenix, of Stettin, as that of their captain, Johann
Friedrich Berckholtz, who was about fifty-five years of age. No
doubt being held as to the deceased having met his death unfairly,
instant search was made, and the cabin was found to bear evident
marks of the deed. Subsequent investigation led to the committal
of Jacob Friedrich Ehlert, the mate of the ship, and Daniel Muller,
aged 19, the cabin boy, and they both confessed being accomplices
in the murder, but mutually charged each other with_ the deed.
At the ensuing assizes at Durham the same assertions were
reiterated, but from the statement of the boy, who was admitted
a witness for the crown, it appeared that on the night of the llth,
the mate, after giving him some spirits, induced him to go into
the cabin where the captain slept, and while he (the boy) held a
lantern the mate struck the unfortunate master three heavy blows
on the head with a hammer, by which death was caused
immediately. He then drew the body up to the deck, and with
the assistance of the witness let it drop into the river by a line
attached to it. They then got into a boat and rowed near to the
bridge, dragging the body after them, and the mate having
procured a stone, he tied it to the body, and let both sink into the
middle of the stream. There were several circumstances in the
boy's story corroborated by the crew and others concerned in the
matter. The jury found Ehlert guilty, and he was executed at
Durham on the 16th of August, persisting in his innocence to the
last. He was a native of Barth-Pomerania.
1839 (June). — About the middle of this month, a curious discovery
was made in the old tower of Durham Castle, which was then
being restored for the purposes of the University. Amongst the
rubbish in the lower crypt several bones of a whale were dug out,
consisting of about 15 vertebra, 20 ribs, and the lower jaw bones.
From a letter written by Bishop Cosin to his steward, Miles
Staplyton, dated London, 20th June, 1661, in the possession of the
Rev. James Raine, of Durham, the particulars of this discovery
are clearly made out. as it there appears that this animal being
cast ashore near Easington, the bishop ordered the skeleton to be
prepared and placed in the old tower, where it was found. From
the form of the jaws the species was conjectured to be the great
spermeceti whale, which has seldom been observed on the British
shores, only one taken in the Frith of Forth in 1769, being
distinctly recorded.
June 17. — The Newcastle Central Exchange and News
Room, one of Mr. Grainger's most splendid erections, was opened
by a public dinner. The magnificent interior of the exchange was
tastefully fitted up on the occasion, seven large tables were laid
out on the promenade for dinner, an excellent band played appro-
priate airs, an admirable bust in marble of the duke of Northum-
berland, by Tate, and several other busts, presented by Messrs.
Robson, Farrington, Barrow, Dodds, &c., were placed in various
parts of the spacious building, and the dinner party, consisting of
360 gentlemen, forming altogether a scene of the most gratifying
description. The chair was ably filled by the mayor of Newcastle
(John Fife, esq.), and the vice presidents were Dr. Headlam, John
Brandling, John Clayton, and Armorer Donkin, esqs.
June 17. — The Queen Victoria steamer, the property of Mrs.
Strong, Milburn-place, North Shields, left the Tyne at five o'clock
in the morning on a pleasure trip to Warkworth, with a numerous
party on board. At about half-past eleven in the forenoon, when,
a hearty country dance was in progress, the vessel struck with
great violence on Hauxley Head, a few miles south of Warkworth.
The effect of the shock was tremendous. Many were thrown on
their faces, and all was confusion on board. The screams and
cries of the women were truly heartrending, while some of the
men were calmly imploring for mercy. One gentleman had
seized a piece of timber with which to spring into the sea. A few
young men were standing, waiting the " parting heave," with their
clothes unbuttoned ready to throw off ere they jumped into the
deep. The boat by this time had nearly filled, the helm was
seized by one of the passengers, and the vessel was forced as high
upon the rock as she would go. It would be superfluous to state
the joy that beamed from every face when six fishing boats came
in sight and were in a minute or two alongside the steamer. The
passengers were soon taken out and landed safe on the shore. In
speaking of the gratitude of the party to the fishermen, one
creature deserves notice who had been most lusty in the expression
of woe in the hour of peril. He demurred to give his preservers
(as the others did) one shilling, observing that sixpence from each
was plenty. But possibly he estimated himself at his proper value.
The passengers were brought home in six carts, and reached
Shields at five o'clock on the following morning, in a miserable
l839(June IS). — Being the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo,
that portion of the Brandling Junction Railway which connects
South Shields and Monkwearmouth, was opened with due ceremony
and rejoicing.
Same day the Newcastle and North Shields Railway was opened,
and both towns celebrated the event by the ringing of bells, the
firing of cannon, the display of flags, and the usual demonstrations
of rejoicings. The ladies and gentlemen invited by the directors
were conveyed to Shields in two trains, drawn by the Wellington
and Hotspur engines. The procession excited great interest all
along the line, the sides of which were crowded throughout with
the neighbouring inhabitants ; and the party arrived at Shields
amidst the hearty cheering of thousands assembled. A liberal
entertainment was provided for the company by the directors, in
a tent at the rear of the residence of Abraham Dawson, esq., who
had kindly lent his mansion and grounds for the day. Upwards
of six hundred persons partook of the dejeuner, Richard Spoor,
esq., of Sunderland, in the chair, with John Fife, esq., mayor of
Newcastle, on his right. There were arrangements, under the
direction of Captain Potts, for races on Tynemouth Sands, but it
was found impossible to adhere to punctuality, and the people
were induced by symptoms of a storm to return to the village.
There were a few who disregarded the threats of the heavens, and
these paid the penalty of their audacity. The thunder began to
peal, and big drops of rain to fall. The sporting lingerers fled
for refuge to niches in the rocks, which afforded so little refuge
from the storm, that in a short time they were wet to the skin, with
a delightful compound of soft water and yellow sand. Meanwhile
the inveterate racers ran the race, three in number, the spectators
looking from their holes in the cliffs on the sport afforded by three
jockeys on racehorses, splashing through torrents of rain in the
inidst of thunder and lightning.
Between four and five o'clock in the afternoon, the storm
commenced at Newcastle. Rain continued to descend with the
utmost fury for nearly two hours, during which time, the quantity
of water which fell, and the amount of damage done, was almost
incredible. In many of the streets, even in elevated situations,
the water flowed to the depth of three or four feet, and rushed
forward with all the impetuosity of a cascade. The rush of water
down Dean-street, the Side, Butcher -bank, and the narrow gorge
leading thence to the Sandhill, was tremendous. Three or four
persons, who were carried off their feet, were washed a considerable
distance, and narrowly escaped being floated into the Tyne. The
lower part of Gateshead was flooded to a great depth. The
water poured down tlie Bottle-bank like a cataract ; and near the
bridge chairs, tables, cradles, &c., were floating to and fro. Cellars
were filled, and in that of Mr. Atkinson, grocer, damage was done—
chiefly in the melting of sugar — to the extent of at least £60.
Walls were thrown down by accumulated water in various places ;
and at Tantoby, John and Catherine Teasdale, and one of their
children, were killed by the lightning, another child was injured ;
while a third, which lay in the cradle, was unhurt. At Beamish,
six or seven men were thrown upon their backs by the lightning,
but escaped without injury. An excavator named James Taylor,
of Byers Green, was struck dead by the lightning ; and more or
less damage was sustained throughout the district, either from the
lightning or the flood.
1839 (June 26). — Newcastle Races. — Wednesday, the Northum-
berland Plate was won by Mr. Lambert's br h St. Bennett (Lye).
Thursday, the 27th, the Gold Cup was won by Mr. Orde's b m
Beeswing (Cartwright).
June 28. — At nine o'clock this morning, an appalling explosion
took place in the west workings of the St. Hilda colliery, the
property of Messrs. John and Robert William Brandling, at South
Shields. Upwards of 150 persons were at work at the time in the
pit, and their dwellings being contiguous or closely adjoining, the
most agonizing scenes took place as soon as the calamity became
known. It was certainly a most harrowing spectacle to behold
the groups of people assembled, amongst whom could be easily
recognised relatives of all ages of the unfortunate creatures who
had been exposed to the appalling dangers of this frightful explo-
sion. Fortunately about 100 of the men were engaged at some
distance from the west workings, and were enabled to escape.
Several of these were nearly exhausted from the effects of " choke
damp," but in a short time many of them rallied, and by their
generous efforts fifty lifeless corpses were with difficulty discovered
and brought up, some dreadfully mutilated. The viewer of the
pit, William Anderson, esq., was at the scene of destruction soon
A.15. 1839.] REMARKABLE EVENTS. 117
after its occurrence, and went down into the mine where he
remained till nearly one o'clock. Shortly after noon, Mr. Jobling,
viewer of Heworth colliery, went down in order to render assist-
ance. Mr. Mather, wine merchant, also descended the pit at an
early hour, and administered to the brave fellows engaged in
searching for the dead bodies such remedies as they stood in need
of from prolonged exertion in the suffocating atmosphere. Among
the sufferers was Joseph Argyle, aged 45 years. He descended
the pit to look for his son, and was brought up a corpse. The
brother of this poor fellow was with him when they were
overtaken by the choke damp, and urged him to retire, but he
persevered in seeking for his son and fell a sacrifice to parental
affection. The pit had been worked about fifteen years, and
during the whole of that time no serious explosion had taken
place, although the men invariably used candles, and it was
supposed the accident had taken place from some person having
needlessly gone with an open light into a disused part of the mine.
A large subscription was raised for the relief of the unfortunate
widows and orphans, in number more than sixty.
1839 (July 7). — Great sensation was created in the Chartist
Camp by the news that Dr. Taylor, one of their leaders, had been
apprehended for sedition, at Birmingham. Crowds of people
assembled at the corners of the streets, in deep and earnest
discussion, and written placards were exhibited calling a public
meeting in the New Lecture Room, Nelson Street, Newcastle,
at six in the evening. By the hour of meeting the room was
filled, and before the speakers arrived, it was crowded to excess.
The speakers inculcated the purchase of arms, robbery, and
instantaneous cessation 'from work. Such language as this
brought George Julian Harney under the arm of the law, and
near midnight two police officers arrived at Bedlington for his
apprehension. He was found in bed at the house of Mr.
Henderson, surgeon, and was quickly conveyed southward, passing
through Newcastle at five o'clock, a.m., and proceeding to Carlisle
by the first train. On the afternoon of the next day, two delegates
(Keeves and Watson), burning with the news of Harney's arrest,
arrived at Thornley Colliery, Durham. For some time past the
workmen of this district had been in a most unsettled state, and
the harangues of those persons found ready auditors. The arrest
of a political leader in times of excitement is always a matter of
popular interest, and doubly so when ingeniously embellished by
these orators, who related that " he had been torn from his bed,
from the arms of his wife, without time being allowed him to dress
and dragged to a gaol." In less than half-an-hour they had got a
large body of men together, who proceeded to South Hetton and
Haswell, forcing men into their ranks, or brutally threatening
their being "marked" if they refused. It was 10 p.m. when
they arrived, tired and wet, at Sunderland Moor, in the expecta-
tion of being at the meeting, which was held there at night, but
all was over when they arrived. From this date till the end of the
month, meetings took place almost nightly in the Forth, Newcastle,
and other places, and the most violent language was indulged in.
Pikes began to be seen in the streets, and a Mr. Mason announced
that 10,000 of these weapons had been ordered. The great
recommendation of the speakers was that the Chartists should
hold themselves in readiness for the " Sacred Month," which was
fixed by the National Convention to commence on the 17th of
August, and which, it was expected, would revolutionize the
country. The excitement seemed to increase with the number of
the meetings. On the 20th, shortly after midnight, a fight
occurred at the Head of the Side, a great crowd gathered round
the pugilists gradually increasing to several hundreds, who began
to manifest indisputable signs of mischief. The policeman on
duty, Cuthbert Eidley, interfered and was very roughly handled,
he sprung his rattle and displayed his truncheon in self-defence,
but he was soon overpowered, thrown down, and kicked -in a
savage and brutal manner. Four other policemen came up at the
time and shared a similar fate. An active officer, named Leslie,
was seriously injured about the head. A prisoner, named Bruce,
whom he had in custody, and who was rescued by the mob, was
the means of saving his life, by having him conveyed home in a
state of insensibility. The mob then commenced an attack upon
the lamps which were all put out, and next upon the Union Bank,
in St. Nicholas'-square, the shutters and windows of which were
nearly all destroyed. Then then moved down Mosley-street, and
Dean-street, not a house escaping damage from brickbats and stones,
but the " Tyne Mercury" office, in the latter street, was a notable
instance of their vengeance, the window frames and glass being
completely knocked to pieces. The re'spectable inhabitants of
these streets were dreadfully alarmed for the triumphant yells set
up after each successive act of demolition, were truly appalling.
The police force by this time mustered strongly, and, with the
mayor at their head, they soon succeeded in dispersing the rioters.
On the 22nd, Messrs. Williams and Binns, of Sunderland, who
had been at the head of the Chartists in that town, and had
distinguished themselves by seditious language, were also appre-
hended and committed for trial. At the following assizes they
were sentenced to six months'* imprisonment.
On Monday, July 22nd, Archibald White, Peter Flannaghan,
John Sutheron, John Thompson, William Campbell, Peter Devine,
Peter Brown, Barnard Flannaghan, and Thomas Owen, were
brought up before the Newcastle magistrates for examination.
Sutheron was discharged, as he had only fought in self-defence.
Peter Flannaghan was ordered to pay a fine of 20s. and 2s. 6d.
costs, and in default to be imprisoned for a month. The remainder
of the prisoners were remanded, on account of the non-attendance
of Leslie, who was in a very precarious state. They were again
brought up on the following day and committed for trial at the
ensuing assizes, when a verdict of guilty was returned against
Flannaghan, Devine, and White ; Flannaghan was sentenced to
Removed to form Neville Street. See Sykes, vol. l,page 110.
18 months', Devine 12 months', and White 6 months' imprisonment
with hard labour, the other prisoners were acquitted. On the
above day, the councils of Gateshead and Durham passed resolu-
tions for the swearing in of special constables, with a view of
putting a stop to the riotous assemblies which prevailed. On the
23rd, a meeting was held in the Forth, Newcastle ; but on the
24th, the mayor (J. Fife, esq ) issued an order for the dispersion
of any future meetings held in the town, and invited the peaceable
inhabitants to come forward as special constables ; 600 persons
immediately responded to the request. Notwithstanding the
repeated cautions which were issued by the authorities, a number
of men from the country marched to the Forth on the 30th, and
expressed their determination to hold a meeting. As soon as this
was known the mayor and Dr. Headlam left the Manors on horse-
back. On reaching Collingwood-street, they came in collision
with a body of Chartists, when the mayor seized hold of a banner
and the banner bearer, commanding an instant surrender, but he
refusing a sharp struggle ensued, in which a tailor from Whitting-
ham received a wound from a sword in the abdomen, and was
instantly conveyed to the Infirmary. Dr. Headlam and two
gentlemen passing, came up and assisted the mayor, but being
overpowered the man broke away, and the whole body was allowed
to proceed. The mayor and Dr. Headlam rode towards the Forth,
and made another attempt to disperse the mob, the only effect of
which was to cause a cowardly assault upon both of them with
stories. The riot act having been read four times without success,
the police were ordered to march forward, which they did
with great effect, seizing upon all the banners of the mob,
and capturing several of the most active amongst them.
The rioters next attacked the police with repeated volleys
of stones, by one of which Dr. Headlam was slightly in-
jured. But about this time a troop of dragoons arid some
infantry, under the command of Colin Campbell (afterwards
Lord Clyde), which had been sent from the barracks, speedily put
an end to the affray. The cavalry galloped along the streets, up
passages and lanes, the affrighted people rushing in all directions
to find shelter. One dragoon, whether from design or in the
excitement and heedlessness of the moment, rushed down the
Arcade at full speed, and without pulling up flew down, horse and
man, the steep and lengthy flight of stairs leading into the Manors,
and what is remarkable, neither received any injury. Mr. Dunn
and Mr. Plummer, with a strong body of police, proceeded down
the Side and other places, clearing the streets as they went. Before
midnight about thirty rioters had been captured and lodged in the
gaol. The next day, the 31st, the mayor issued a bill cordially
thanking the special constables for their assistance on the preceding
night, and strongly recommending that the peaceable inhabitants
should either become special constables or remain in their own
houses after nightfall, as by swelling the crowd they exposed
themselves to danger, and materially increased the difficulties which
the authorities experienced. The system of exclusive dealing was
carried to a laughable extent in Newcastle about this time. A
Tontlemnn who had long been in the habit of paying a visit to a
barber's shop in Blackett-street on calling one morning found the
" hall deserted," and on looking round the following notice caught
his eye : " Any person frequenting this shop and acting as special
constable will refrain from coming here in future. Signed G-.
Smith." The Chartist fiat had gone forth, " Special constables
shall henceforth shave themselves or be content to wear their
beards." Shortly after Smith was brought up for being drunk,
and Mr. Inspector Little described his conduct as being " very
aristocratical " The police went through all the cookshops in the
town to get him something to eat, but he refused to eat anything
but roast beef. After this period the proceedings of the Chartists
are almost wholly unworthy of notice.
1839 (August 3). — A seam of roal, three feet ten inches in thick-
ness, was come at in Wingate Pit, the property of Lord Howden.
The seam is at the depth of 66 fathoms from the surface, and of
first- rate quality.
August 7. — Died, at Alnwick. suddenly, Edward B. Blackburn,
esq., many years chief judge in the Mauritius, and late first
commissioner to his grace the Duke of Northumberland. This
melancholy event was deeply deplored by all classes of society,
although his residence in the neighbourhood had been of short
August 19. — Dr. Clanny, of Sunderland, read an important
paper in the hall of the Mechanics' Institution, South Shields, to
the members of the Committee for the Investigation of Accidents
in Mines. It is due to this talented and scientific gentleman to
state that he was the first to meet the difficulties of the mines by
human ingenuity, and a lamp of his was in existence and used in
some of the mines on the Wear long ere any attempt was made by
any other person. The great principle of this safety lamp is that
the admission of air is wholly from above the flame, so that the
influence of currents acting laterally is in a great measure
prevented. Another source of safety is that the wire gauze
cylinder contains 1,296 meshes, while the " Davy" contains only
700 meshes to the square inch.
August 30. — The opening of the Brandling Junction Railway,
from Gateshead to Monkwearmouth, took place, when sixty-one
waggons of coal, from South Beaumont Colliery, were conveyed
along the line and shipped on board a vessel lying at Monkwear-
mouth Docks. This vessel the " Jane," of Aberdeen, Captain
Goldie, was most fantastically dressed out with flags of various
colours and designs, which floated in the breeze, giving an air of
much animation and rejoicing to the scene. A sumptuous
entertainment was prepared on the occasion, at the expense of the
Wearmouth Dock Company, at which Sir Hedworth Williamson,
bart, presided. On the 6th of September following, the entire
line, from Gateshead to South Shields and Sunderland, was opened
for the conveyance of passengers and goods, when the distance
from Gateshead to Morikwearmouth was performed in forty-six
minutes, arid the return trip in forty-three minutes.
1839 (August 31^). — A man, named John Henry Mooney, was seen
falling head foremost from the third storey of a house of ill- fame in
Silver-street, Newcastle, and was so severely injured that he died
soon after, leaving a wife and family to mourn his wretched end.
This outrage, it seems, had been committed by two men, named
D wyer and Spark, who, with the aid and counsel of some abandoned
females, had given rise to a quarrel, and during the scuffle he had
been thrown out. Dwyer and Spark were tried at the next
assizes, before Mr. Justice Coleridge, and sentenced to fifteen
years' transportation.
September 1. — Three boys were observed from the heights of
Tynemouth in a boat, a long way out at sea, with a strong south-
west wind, an ebb tide, and a good deal of Upper on the bar.
Every moment increased their peril as they drifted further off ;
and as no means of rescue appeared at hand, Mr. James Mather,
of South Shields, who had on former occasions distinguished himself
in a similar manner, hastened down into the Haven, where, having
found a pilot coble, and two men in it, and having prevailed on,
another man to join them, he caused the boat to put to sea. They
at last got sight of the poor little fellows about two miles off. The
coble bore down upon them, and on nearing the boat, the cries of
the boys, who had given themselves up for lost, were truly heart-
rending. An attempt was made to tow the boat, but it was found
impossible ; the boys were therefore taken into the coble, and the
boat abandoned. After great exertion and a good wetting, a
landing was effected at Hartley Baits. Much praise is due to Mr.
Mather, who liberally remunerated the men for their exertions ;
and also to his intrepid companion, who were the means of rescuing
the boys from a watery grave. The thanks of the committee of
the Royal Humane Society, inscribed on vellum, was shortly after
presented to Mr. Mather, through the medium of the president,
his grace the Duke of Northumberland.
September 9. — The foundation-stone of a new church was laid
at Tynemouth by M. Bell, esq., M.P., who appeared as the
representative of his grace the Duke of Northumberland, who was
unavoidably absent through indisposition. The site on which the
church is built was presented by his grace, together with a donation,
of £200 towards the endowment. Messrs. John and Benjamin
Green, of Newcastle, were the architects for the building, which is
a great ornament to the village of Tynemouth. The style of
architecture is of the 15th century. There is a tower at the west
end, surmounted by a spire, 95 feet in height. There are 500
sittings on the ground floor, 250 of which are free.
September 15. — The rivers of Northumberland were flooded
to a fearful extent, in consequence of the heavy rain which fell on
the preceding day. The Coquet presented such a scene as tha
oldest living man, never witnessed. The rain, to use a commoa
saying, " fell whole water, " and a gale from the east gave it »
character of the roost fearful description ; yet no apprehensions
were entertained that the river would so far overflow its boundaries
as to cause that destruction which was done. The appearance of
the majestic stream from Felton Bridge was singularly picturesque,
rushing from the deep woody recesses of Felton Park covered with
autumnal spoils, and bidding defiance to the puny arm of man tc*
rob it of trophies. For two hours it presented an unbroken stream
of sheaves of corn, hay, trees, gates, and a great number of sheep,
Mr. Spearman, of Warton, Mr. Story, of Caistron, and Mr. Arm-
strong, of Thorney Haugh, suffered severely. A poor hare was
seen below Weldon Bridge sailing down upon a sheaf of corn, her
frail bark was cast upon a savage shore, and the timid navigator
fell a prey to barbarians. The corn grounds upon the Till were
inundated, and the vale of Wooler was one sheet of water. The
Wansbeck rose three feet higher than in the great flood of Feb.,
1831. Mr. Leightley, of Bothal Haughs, lost a stack of hay about
3 tons weight, which, after being carried out to sea a few miles ^
was finally landed quite whole upon Newbiggen sands-. The Reed
and the other rivers flowing into the North Tyne were enormously
swollen, but perhaps none so much as a small rivulet that winds
its course close past the eastern side of the village of Otterburn.
Every house in that village, with but two exceptions, was more or
less flooded with water, and in many the inundation was several
feet deep. At Hexham, the tan-yard of Mr. John Ridley was-
completely overflowed, and considerable damage done to the bark
liquor in the pits. The houses in the neighbourhood were so much
flooded, that the chairs and tables floated in the rooms. Among the
various articles washed down the Tyne, were large quantities of
bobbins of cotton thread. Many of these were picked up at Blyth.
1839 (September \1).— The port of Seaton Sluice was a scene of
great rejoicing, in consequence of the welcome dinner given to Mr.
James Thompson, the landlord of the Melton Constable Hotel,
lately erected there, it being more than half a century since any
improvements had been made in that town. The harbour there is
one of great curiosity, having been cut through a solid rock, the
entrance into which being 52 feet deep-, 30 feet broad, and 90O
feet long, and is well worthy the attention of the stranger.
September 26. — The foundation stone of an Episcopal chapel
at West Herrington, near Houghton-le-Spring, was laid by
the Rev. R. Shepherd, curate of Houghton. The Rev. E. S.
Thurlow, rector of Houghton, erected the edifice at his own
expense. This was the third chapel erected in the parish by Mr.
Thurlow, in less than fifteen years. The chapel was consecrated
September 8th, 1840, by the Bishop of Durham.
September 28.— Died, at Witton Gilbert, near Durham, the
Very Rev. Richard Richardson, D.D., in the 88th year of his age.
He had held the perpetual curacy of Witton Gilbert for upwards
of fifty-nine years and was also precentor of St. David's, rector of
Brancepeth, and chancellor of St. Paul's, London.
1839 (October 14.). — Died, in East Holborn, South Shields, aged
103, Mrs. Jane Brown.
October 19. — A frightful accident occurred at the ironside
pit, a few miles distant from Whitburn. Six of the workmen
were sitting in the engine room, when the boiler exploded with a
terrible crash, bursting the walls of the building, and burying
the men in the ruins. Only one was got out alive, but so severely
injured that his recovery was doubtful. Two of the deceased
were brothers of the name of Russell, another was named William
Hine, who left a widow and family.
October 23. — His royal highness the Duke of Sussex arrived
at Lambton Castle on a visit to the Earl of Durham, On
November 4th he visited Durham, accompanied by Lady Cecilia
Underwood, the Earl and Countess of Durham, and the ladies
Lambton, when he received a congratulary address from the
corporation, and was entertained in the college by the Rev.
Prebendary Ogle. On the following day, at a Provincial Grand
Lodge of Freemasons, held at Chester-le-street, a similar compli-
ment was paid him. On November 7th his royal highness visited
Newcastle. A few minutes before twelve o'clock a salute from
the castle announced the arrival of the duke. He was accom-
panied by the Earl of Durham, in a carriage drawn by four
splendid greys. His royal highness and friends proceeded to the
Assembly Rooms, where they were received by a guard of
honour, composed of the officers of the garrison and the splendid
band of the 98th regiment. Immediately after alighting his royal
highness, as grand master of the ancient order of free masons,
proceeded to hold a lodge, and was met by about 300 free masons
of the united lodges of the town and neighbourhood. The
anniversary of the Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts was
then held in the same building. The Earl of Durham presided,
with the royal duke on his right, and was supported by a number
of distinguished individuals of both sexes. Mr. Lockey Harle,
one of the secretaries, read the committee's report, and the meeting
was subsequently addressed by William Ord, esq., M.P. ; Mr.
Easthope, M.P. ; Mr. Hutt, M.P. ; Mr. Hawes, M.P. ; Mr. C.
Buller, M.P. ; the Duke of Sussex, the Earl of Durham, and
others. After the meeting his royal highness partook of a splendid
dejeuner a la fourchette, prepared by Mr. Haigh, the keeper of the
rooms, in a style of magnificence corresponding with the occasion.
His royal highness, in the course of the afternoon, paid a visit
to the Royal Exchange News Raom, where he was received by
John Brandling, esq., as chairman of the committee, who also
introduced Mr. Grainger to the royal visitor, Mr. Benjamin
Green had also the honour of being presented to his royal highness
for the purpose of explaining his plan of a projected high level
bridge from Newcastle to Gateshead. The duke and his noble
f rien Is then took their departure. After sojourning about a
month at Lambton Castle, the royal duke proceeded on a visit to
Earl Grey, at Howick.
1839 (November 2).— Died, at South Shields, aged 105 years,
Mrs. Ann Brown.
November 9.— The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs :— Newcastle— John Carr, esq., mayor ; Robert
Boyd, esq., sheriff. Gateshead— William Henry Brockett, esq.
Durham— A. W. Hutchinson, esq. Sunderland— Joseph Brown,
esq, M.D. Stockton —Thomas Jennet, esq. Morpeth— John
Creighton, esq. Berwick— George Gilchrist, esq., mayor ; John
Miller Dickson, esq., sheriff.
November 12. — His royal highness the Duke of Sussex paid
a visit to the town of Sunderland, when he performed the
interesting ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of a large
building, to be called the Athenaeum. His royal highness was
escorted to the ground by the Earl-and Countess of Durham, the
Earl and Countess of Zetland, Sir Hed worth and Lady Williamson,
&c. A grand masonic festival was held on the same evening, in
the Bridge Hotel, at which the Earl of Durham presided. The
plans of the building, which is in the Ionic style, were by Mr.
Billington, and include a capacious hall for public meetings, a
large lecture room, a library, a museum, and a number of other
apartments. The building was opened the 1st of June, 1841.
November 29. — A horrible event was discovered on board
a vessel lying at Berwick Quay — the Martha, schooner, of
Cockenzie, William Ovens, master. At night, the crew after
putting the hatches on, went to bed, the captain and mate in the
cabin and the three seamen in the forecastle. In the morning,
the mate, seeing none of the men stirring, went to call them,
when he was horrified at discovering two of them lying dead,
and the third nearly so. They had been suffocated by the fumes
of the stove. The man still in life was removed to the dispensary,
where means for his restoration were successfully applied. Dr.
Edgar attempted to bleed the other two, but in vain.
November 30. — The foundation-stone of "The Corporation
Hall," Stockton-upon- Tees, was laid by Thomas Jennett, esq.,
mayor, in the presence of a numerous assemblage of the inhabi-
tants. The building, which was opened on the 23rd October
following, contained a justice-room, news-room, and other offices.
November. — A. G. Potter, esq., of Walbottle House, with
his brothers, presented to God and his Church, at Newburn, a
beautiful and elegant painted window, executed by Mr. Wailes, of
^Newcastle, in a style which does great credit to his taste and
skill, and which was placed in the north transept of that sacred
December 9. — A man named Barnet, whilst engaged in
painting the under part of Sunderland Bridge, accidentally dropped
from a plank and fell into the river. Strange to say, he was not
at all injured by his fall, and was picked up by a boat.
December. — During this year, no fewer than 310 vessels were
built and registered at the port of Sunderland, many of them
upwards of 000 tons burthen.
1840 (January 1), — A public meeting was held in the Long
Room, Commercial Hotel, Howard-street, North Shields, to take
into consideration the propriety of incorporating the borough of.
Tynemouth. T. Young, esq , was called to the chair, who briefly
stated the object for which the meeting was called, and was
followed by A. Crighton, esq., who moved the first resolution.
Dr. Lietch seconded it, and, in an able address, showed the neces-
sity, importance, and advantage to be derived by the town being
incorporated. Same day, a meeting of the ratepayers of South
Shields was held for the same purpose, when a resolution in favour
of the incorporation of that borough, was carried by a majority of
46 votes to 41. The Privy Council did not comply with either of
the applications.
January 5. — The body of a female was discovered in the
river Skerne, a few hundred yards from Black well mill, by Mr.
John Chisman and Mr. Rutter, who were walking on the shore on
the way to Darlington, The young woman's name was Susan
Dagley, a native of Coventry, who had worked at Messrs. Pease's
mill for about nine months, and was missed from her lodgings at
Priestgate, in Darlington, about five weeks previous. On examina-
tion, it was clear she had been murdered and thrown into the
river, but nothing was ever elicited to explain the mystery.
January 6. — An inquest was held at Paston, in the parish of
Kirknewton, on the bodies of two boys, sons of Ralph Turnbull,
of Paston, who were unfortunately drowned in the river Beaumont
on the preceding day. It appeared that the deceased and another
boy named William Martin, had gone down the river side, where
a plank about fifteen inches is laid across, and that the children
having hold of each others hands attempting to go along the plank,
all fell into the river. The two Turnbulls were carried a consider-
able distance down the stream, but the other boy providentially
got out. The bodies of the deceased were soon" afterwards found,
but life was quite extinct.
January 29. — Died, at Bedlington, aged 110, Mary Lorimer.
She perfectly remembered the rebellion of 1745, at which time
she was in service at the High Church, Morpeth.
February 1. — A dreadful collision took place in the river
Tyne, near Friar's Goose. The London Merchant Steamer was
going down the river on her voyage to London, and the brig Good
Intent, from Lynn, laden with flour, was sailing up, towed by
the steam-tug Margaret, when they came violently in contact
with each other. The Good Intent was struck on the larboard-bow,
and in a few minutes went down. The crew had just time to save
their lives.
February 9. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 59, Mr. Luke Clennell,
the celebrated p linter and engraver. As a practical wood-engraver
Clennell possessed great abilities ; but it is to his works as a
designer and painter that we are to look more especially for the
evidences of his genius. His powers in delineating rustic as well
as marine scenery were very great; and it is only necessary to
advert to his painting of the Allied Sovereigns when in England,
and the great price it brought in an unfinished state — through his
lamented indisposition — to class him as a first-rate artist; and to
shew to what extent his talents were appreciated. Mr.Clennell was
one of the most distinguished of Bewick's pupils, and his illustrations
of Roger's Poems are unequalled as wood-engravings. In his
youth lie evinced unwearied industry, and was indefatigable in
his exertions to attain that excellence in the higher walks of his
profession, to which he ultimately arrived. His remains were
followed to the grave by most of the artists of the town. A
handsome marble tablet, by Davies, was placed in St. Andrew's
Church, to the memory of the deceased.
1840 (February 10). — This being the day appointed for the
celebration of the marriage of her majesty the Queen with Prince
Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emmanuel of Saxe Coburg
Gotha, business was entirely suspended in Newcastle, and every
appearance of rejoicing was observable throughout the district.
Flags were hoisted from the church steeples, and the ships in the
harbour had a most animated appearance. The corporate body
met in the Guildhall, and at one o'clock a company of the
Newcastle Yeomanry, under Captain Loraine, took up their
station on the Sandhill. The bells of the various churches rang
merry peals, and the castle guns fired a rojal salute, which was
answered by a feu de joie from the volunteer corps, the whole
concluding with three hearty cheers. At half-past four a public
dinner was held in the Central Exchange, at which 241 gentlemen
sat down to a most sumptuous entertainment, the mayor, John
Carr, esq., in the chair. Numerous dinner parties were held in
the various inns, and in the evening, by order of the mayor,
there was a grand display of fireworks on the parade ground. At
night a fancy dress ball was held in the Assembly Rooms, and a
very brilliant gathering took place. At North and South Shields,
Sunderland, Durham, and all the towns and villages in the district,
similar rejoicings took place, and the poor were everywhere
most plentifully provided for. Upon the greatest Roman work in
Britain, Sewingshields Crags, near Haydon Bridge, and one of the
wildest spots in the scenery of Northumberland, a bon-fire was
lighted, and cast its ruddy glare over a vast expanse of country.
February 22. — For the first time in thirty-eight years, two
competing candidates were in the field to represent the borough of
Morpeth, in the room of Viscount Leveson, resigned — the Hon.
E. G. G. Howard, son of the earl of Carlisle, and Major Hodgson
Cadogan, of Bririkburn. The former was proposed by Mr. Petrie
and seconded by Mr. Hood, the latter was proposed by Mr. Brewis
arid seconded by Mr. Thompson. Bjth gentlemen addressed the
electors, but as Mr. Cadogan declined going to a poll, his opponent
was declared to be elected.
February 23. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 71, Sir Robert
Shaftoe Hawks. The deceased was knighted by the Prince Recent
in April, 1817.
1840 (March §). — The foundation stone of a new Wesleyan
chapel, with sittings for 500 persons, was laid at St. Lawrence,
near Newcastle, by Mr. John Reay, of Carville. At this time, the
Wesleyan body had within half a mile on each side of the river,
between Tynemouth and Hexhara, 88 chapels, capable of accom-
modating 17,300 persons, which cost in building £28,300. 4,650
Sunday scholars were also connected with them.
March 7. — A fire broke out this evening in the house and
shop occupied by Mr. William Cousins, tailor, Long Row, South
Shields, and in a short time the whole of the premises, as well as
the adjoining public house of Mr. Samuel Yates, were completely
destroyed, and some other houses received considerable damage.
In addition to this calamity a little girl named Frances Place
perished in the flames. The sufferers lost all their clothes and
furniture. A public meeting was held on the llth, and a sub-
scription was entered into for their relief.
March 14. — A fire broke out this morning in the cabinet
workshops of Mr. John James, situated between Pilgrim-street
and Erick-street, Newcastle. An immediate alarm was given, but
the workshops which were formed of three stories, being filled with
furniture and dry wood, nothing could check the progress of the
flames, until the destruction of the buildings and their contents
was completed.
March 20. — A dinner was given at the Blue Bell Inn, New-
castle, to Mr. Peter Gibson, Dean-street, commemorative of his
having rescued three persons from drowning. A silver snuff box
and a memorial narrating the circumstances, were also presented to
Mr. Gibson.
March 20. — The first iron ship seen on the Tyne, arrived at
Shields. The vessel which belonged to Hartlepool, was called the
" John Garrow," John Wilson, master, and was 800 tons burthen.
Her unusual appearance excited much curiosity.
March 21. — The Thornley Coal Company, Durham, completed
a sinking to a seam of coal never before worked in that district.
It lies at a distance of eighty fathoms below the five quarter
seam, and is four feet thick. This important discovery, which
affected all the colliery districts of Durham, gave rise to much
April 1. — A dreadful boiler explosion occurred at St. Anthony's
Oil Mill, near Newcastle, by which two young men named
Robert Wilson and Benjamin Giles lost their lives. Previous to
commencing work they sat down in the boiler shed, when, unfor-
tunately, one of the boilers burst, carrying away the door and part
of the shed front, with the two poor fellows into the river, a
distance of fifteen yards. The engineman happily escaped with
trifling injury.
April 2. — A fine vessel, named the Bucephalus, was launched
from the dock-yard of Messrs. T. & W. Smith, St. Peter's, near
Newcastle. The vessel was named by Miss Werge, and was the
largest which had ever been built on the Tyne.
1840 (April 7). — A Polytechnic Exhibition, for the benefit of the
North of England Society for the Promotion of the Fine Arts and
the Mechanics' Institutes of Newcastle and Gateshead, was opened
by a soiree. The exhibition, which was of the most extensive
character, was entered by the Academy of Arts, Blackett-street,
and consisted of a suite of eleven rooms, some of them of consider-
able size. This magnificent collection of every branch of art,
science, manufacture, and articles of vertu, every species of
machinery, apparatus and experiment, every kind of handiwork,
civilised or savage, every production of nature, whether terrene or
marine, forming a concatenation of objects of value, interest,
rarity, or curiosity, perhaps never before brought together, had
been principally contributed by the neighbouring nobility and
gentry, and by tradesmen of the town. The surpassing interest
and brilliancy of the exhibition may in a great measure be
attributed to the continued and extraordinary exertions of Messrs.
Thomas Burnett and Henry Brady, the secretaries, Mr. John
Hancock, the eminent naturalist, Mr. Albany Hancock, Mr.
Joshua Alder, Mr. George Burnett, Mr. Joseph Watson, and
others. So completely did the exhibition ensure the purpose for
which it was intended, and so fully did the inhabitants appreciate
the boon which had been conferred, that although originally
opened for three months the exhibition lasted for five, closing in
the midst of its popularity, and boasting in the aggregate little
short of two hundred and fifty thousand visits by the holders of
season tickets and others. To attempt anything like a detail of
this wonderful and interesting collection would be in vain. A
few of the more remarkable can only be mentioned. Magnificent
paintings, microscopes, and other optical instruments, English
manufactures in porcelain, bronze, steel, and glass, a series of
beautiful coats of mail, and a great variety of ornithological
specimens by Mr. Hancock. Mr. Orde's racing trophies, by
Beeswing, &c., &c. But the great centre of attraction was the
New Music Hall, an immense room devoted to practical and
experimental science and machinery. The centre of the hall was
occupied by a large fountain and circular canal, in and by the sides
of which swam shoals of gold and silver fishes, and worked mills,
syphons, pumps, steamboats, locomotives, screws, diving bells,
rams, air forcing, and water pumps, and indeed every imaginable
appliance of pneumatic, acoustic, hydrostatic, and electric science.
One one side of the fountain and canal stood a beautifully
polished steam engine of four horse power, manufactured on
improved principles by Messrs. Hawthorn of Newcastle, driving a
power-loom for weaving merino, another for ribbon, and an iron
planing machine. There were all kinds of mathematical,
geographical, and astronomical apparatus, and the room rang with
the ceaseless din and clatter of engines, machines, looms, and
printing presses. This brilliant exhibition was finally closed by a
soiree on September 2nd, when the receipts were found to have
reached £4,458 15s. Id., and after the liquidation of the necessary
expenses, left a sum for division of upwards of £1,500.
A.D. 1840.]
1840 (April U).— Died, at Edinburgh, aged 38, H. J. W.
Collingwood, esq., of Lilburn Tower, Northumberland, a seat
which had been finished but a short period before, at an enormous
Mr. A. Spoor, builder, having obtained the consent of the
corporation of Newcastle for the removal of White Friar Tower
and a portion of the town wall adjoining it on the south, in order
to the formation of a new street, the first act of demolition took
place early in April, by the breaking of a large hole in the wall
immediately beneath the tower, for the purpose of obtaining a
passage for carts, which has since formed the roadway of Hanover-
street, extending from the brow of the hill, near Hanover-square,
to the Skinner's-burn.
April 28. — The first steeple chase ever run in the county of
Northumberland came off at Morpeth. The interest excited was
very great. Four horses started, and the race was won by Mr.
Lamplugh's Mischief. Norma was second, and Locksley and
Donald Caird were not placed.
1840 (May 7).— The supervisor of the Morpeth district and the-
ridin" officers of the Felton and Rothbury stations discovered an
illicit0 still, most artfully constructed, in a sort of cavern at the
foot of the Tosson Hills, near Rothbury. The distillery was
capable of producing 100 gallons of spirit per week.
May 13.— Died, at Lemington, near Newcastle, aged 104 years,
Mrs. Jane White.
^ay i4._The foundation-stone of a chapel of ease to the
church of St. John, Newcastle, was laid, at Arthur's-hill, by the
Rev. H, W. Wright, incumbent of St. John's. The chapel, which
is dedicated to St. Paul, is 62 feet long inside and 40 feet wide,
and has accommodation for 700 persons.
May 19. — Died, in Eldon-place, Newcastle, suddenly, of angina
pectoris, aged 73, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends, Mr.
Richard Farrington, one of the firm of " Richard Farrington and
Brothers." He was a man of great attainments as a sculptor,
modeller, and draughtsman, and had been engaged upon a monu-
mental design, to the memory of his late brother, a few hours-
before his death.
May 22. — Died, aged 58, Charles Newby Wawn, esq., of New-
castle-upon-Ty ne. Mr. Wawn practised for many years the profession
of a surgeon-dentist, and at one time spread the influence of his
name as a most skilful and talented operator from York to-
Edinburgh, and from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea. His
manners were highly polished and refined, his intelligence varied
and extensive, his benevolence unbounded, and his whole life
regulated by the pure principles of religion. He cultivated music
and the languages, and was extensively conversant with the Hebrew
and its cognate tongues, with those of the two polite nations of
antiquity, and with most of the languages and dialects of modern
Europe. He wrote and spoke with great fluency. His style was
rather ornate, distinguished by sweeping and accumulated epithet.
Notwithstanding the extent of his practice, his labours in the
cause of religion and humanity were untired and multitudinous.
He published a series of well- written papers on colonial slavery,
under the signature of " Eleutheros," which produced a consider-
able impression upon the public mind. Mr. Wawn occasionally
courted the muses, and some beautiful poetical effusions are the
product of his pen. His writings, which are very numerous, are
principally anonymous, and are scattered over the monthly and
other periodicals of the time. Mr. Wawn died rather suddenly, at
Tynemouth, to which village he had retired about two years
May 25. — During a fearful gale, the Ann and Elizabeth, of
Sunderland, Captain Hall, took fire off the Girdleness. Fortu-
nately, the Volunteer, of Charleston, Captain White, came up in
time to take off the crew, as the ship was going down.
June 1. — As a workman was removing the pavement in Silver-
street, Sunderland, the skeleton of a human being was discovered
by some boys, a few inches below the surface.
&.B. 1840.] REMARKABLE EVENTS. 131
1840 (June 2). — As a fishing boat, having two men and a boy
on board, was returning from crab and lobster fishing, she was
struck by a sea when off Holy Island, and all hands perished.
June 4. — About half- past one o'clock this morning, the police
of South Shields heard a crash of glass near the market-
place, and, on proceeding to a house occupied by Mr. John Shotton,
grocer, Mill-dam, they discovered the premises to be on fire. The
family, on being aroused, made their escape, and by vigorous efforts
the flames were subdued.
June 12. — One of the boilers at the Birtley Ironworks,
about five miles distant from Newcastle, burst with a tremendous
explosion. Twelve of the workmen were severely scalded, and
one of them died from the effects of his injuries. The boiler
(weighing no less than 50 cwt.) rose in the air, one portion of it
being carried to the distance of 200, and the other 150 yards.
Few of the houses of the village escaped injury from the explosion.
June 12. — Married, at Alnham Church, by the Rev. Gr.
Wood, William, second son of Mr. Michael Thompson, long
shepherd and topsman to Adam Atkinson, esq., of Lorbottle
House, to Ann, third daughter of William Taylor, head shepherd
to the late Mr. Crisp, of Prendick, and then holding the same
situation under his nephew, Mr. H. Crisp. Mr. Crisp regaled the
bridal party, consisting of upwards of twenty couples, to break-
fast, and, after the ceremony, a keenly contested race for the
" spurs" took place, from the church to the bridegroom's house,
which was won, in grand style, by a lady, although matched against
some of the most celebrated sportsmen of the county.
June 16. — A goods train, on the Stockton and Darlington
Hailway, took fire, when near the former place, and a quantity of
merchandise was destroyed. Teas, coffees, silks, flax, stationery,
soap, charts, nutmegs, bibles, boxes of pills, &c., &c., were strewn
in all directions. The loss was estimated at £1,000.
June 18. — A frightful accident occurred to the first class
train from Stockton. A man, named Prest, was driving a laden
wood waggon on the turnpike road, at a point where the railway
crosses, near Darlington, just at the time when the train was
coming up. The gates were closed when the man came
up ; but, notwithstanding the engine was in sight, and the
whistle was sounding, he persisted in passing through. The
person in charge of the gate endeavoured to prevent him, but he
got through and was partly across when the train came up, and
a dreadful concussion took place. The three horses were killed,
the waggon smashed to pieces, and the timber scattered in all
directions. The waggoner, as well as the men on the engine, and
the passengers, escaped uninjured.
June 29. — While an old man, servant of Mr. Collingwood,
of Murton Farm, near North Shields, was in the act of taking a
bull to its stall, it turned furiously upon him and mutilated him
in a shocking manner, and such was the furious state of the bull
as to bid defiance for some time to all attempts to secure it.
1840 (June 29> — At the sessions held at Durham this day, Robert
Taylor, alias Lord Kennedy, described as aged 19, was tried and
convicted on a charge of bigamy. Up to the period of his trial,
six of his marriages had come to the knowledge of the police, and
it was believed that the number was much larger. He was
sentenced to two and a half years' imprisonment.
June 29. — The Newcastle Races — Mr. Orde's Beeswing won
the Craven Stakes, beating Col. Cookson's Dr. Oliver, after
running a dead heat. The St. Leger was won by Col. Cradock's
Gallipot. The Northumberland Plate was won by Col. Cradock's
br c Provost. The Gold Cup was won by Lord John Scott's
Lanercost, iMr. Orde's Beeswing second. The Marquis of Water-
ford, one of the stewards, rode his horse, Redwing, for the
Hunter's Stakes, which were won by Captain Richardson's
Centurion. His lordship's patronage of the sports attracted a
large number of strangers to the town, and contributed greatly to
the prosperity of the meeting.
June 30. — Died, at his house, in Brandling- pi ace, Newcastle,
aged 32, George Richardson, son of Mr. T. M. Richardson. The
deceased was one of the most rising landscape painters of the day,
and his untimely death deprived the town of one that was likely
to become its most celebrated artist. He was buried in the
Jesmond Cemetery.
June. — About the middle of this month, a workman con-
nected with the St. Helen's Colliery, in the county of Durham,
repaired to the bottom of the shaft for the purpose of being drawn
up, not finding the rope at the bottom, he actually commenced
ascending the conductors of the shaft, which is 390 feet in depth,
and in a very short time gained the bank. The individual who
performed this rash and daring act, was named Nixon, 'and,
although of dwarfish stature, effected what probably not one man
in a thousand would dare to attempt.
July 1. — The Queen was pleased to confer the honour of
knighthood upon John Fife, esq., of Newcastle, as a mark of
approbation of the manner in which he had sustained the office of
chief magistrate during the Chartist agitation.
.////// 2. — A vessel called the Archimedes, arrived in the Tyne
from Leith, and was the first vessel propelled by Mr. Francis S.
Smith's new patent screw. Her novel appearance attracted great
attention, being rigged as a three-masted schooner, with not a sail
set, nor paddle-wheel cases, and yet she was winding her way
steadily and with great speed, easily passing numerous craft in her
course. The engines were of eighty horse power, and the average
speed of the vessel was nine knots an hour.
July 6.— Died, at Great Malvern, Worcestershire, aged 58,
the Right Rev. John Banks Jenkinson, D. D., Lord Bishop of St.
Davids, and Dean of Durham. His lordship was son of Col. John
Jenkinson, brother of the first Earl of Liverpool, and was appointed
to the deanery of Durham in 1827. By his death the revenue of
the deanery, which then amounted to £9,000 a year, was divided,
£3,000 a year being paid to the future dean, and the surplus to the
Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
1840 (July 8> — Died, at Gateshead, aged GO, Mr. James Charlton,
a gentleman who honourably and creditably discharged for a
great number of years, the arduous duties of master of the
Anchorage School, in Gateshead. The deceased, who had the
merit of founding the Gateshead Dispensary, was the author^ of
many elementary works of great ability.
July 12. — The Oliver, two-mast ship, captain John Lamke,
from Bremen, laden with timber, entered the Don, a tributary of
the Tyne, which embouches in Jarrow Slake, and was piloted up
by Matthew Rutledge, of Howdon. On reaching the eastern
boundary of Messrs. Hindhaugh and Co.'s quay and timber dock,
she was drawn to her berth by the numerous spectators, amid
much cheering. Some years ago, two vessels, the King and the
Don, of about 300 tons burthen each, were built in this river, and
consequently sailed down the Don ; but it is not on record that
any vessel had sailed up the Don since the anchoring of King
Egfrid's fleet in that river in the year 671.
July 19. — The Queen steamboat left Newcastle, on a pleasure
trip to Warkworth, with a large number of persons on board.
After spending a few hours amid the surrounding scenery, the
party returned, at three o'clock, to take their passage home.
Three boat loads were conveyed to the vessel in safety, but on
going the fourth time, just as the boat reached the steamer, the
latter gave a lurch, which overthrew one of the men, and in the
attempt of others to save him from going overboard, the boat
overturned. A most painful scene ensued, but eventually sixteen
persons were rescued ; two others, William Keay and Sarah
Rutherford, were drowned,
July 21.— One of those remarkable natural phenomena, a
water spout, was observed about a mile south of Barnard Castle.
The air seemed to be much charged with electricity, and the rain
descended in torrents during the remainder of the day.
July 28. — Died, at- Cowes, Isle of Wight, aged 49, John
George, Earl of Durham, Viscount Lambton, &c. From the
hour of his lordship's arrival at Cowes, there appeared no hopes
of his recovery, and he had been daily getting weaker, but his
medical attendants considered he was not in immediate danger,
and that the acute disease with which he was afflicted had been
changed .into chronic. His lordship had not eaten anything for a
week past, excepting a little fruit, and had only taken beef tea.
His lady was his sole and constant attendant night and day, no
one else even entered the room. On Tuesday morning, he was
taken worse, and Mr. Day, of Cowes, was called in ; he immediately
pronounced him dying — that he could not live five hours. At ten
minutes past nine his lordship expired. The noble earl succeeded
to the family property when only five years of age, on the death
of his father. Soon after attaining his majority, in 1813, he
became a candidate for a seat in the House of Commons, a
vacancy for his native county having been caused by the death of
Sir H. V. Tempest, he was returned without opposition. From
that until he was called to the House of Lords, he continued to
represent the county. In 1820, Richard Wharton, esq., was
brought forward in opposition to him, but, after an exciting
contest, Mr. Lambton was returned by an overwhelming majority,
the numbers being Lambton, 1,731; Powlett, 1,137; Wharton,
874. Previous to this election, Sir Thomas H. Liddell (after-
wards Lord Ravensworth) wrote to Mr. Lambton, strongly
condemning his political sentiments. The letter concluded with
the following: — " Your conduct, both in parliament and in the
county of Durham, appear to me so dangerous and likely to do
such incalculable mischief, that, even were you my own brother, I
should oppose you by all the means in my power." Mr. Lambton
returned the following answer : —
Dear Sir Thomas,— In answer to yours, I beg to say I feel gratitude for
your frankness, compassion for your fears, little dread of your opposition,
aud no want of your support. Yours truly,
In 1821 he propounded a scheme of Parliamentary reform, by
which the country was to be divided, for electoral purposes, into
districts containing 25,000 inhabitants each, by whom one member
was to be chosen. In 1828 he was elevated to the peerage as
Baron Durham, and in 1833 was created a viscount and earl.
Shortly after, he went on a special mission to St. Petersburgh, to
attempt to alleviate the sufferings of the people of Poland. In
1835 he was appointed ambassador to Russia. In 1838 he was
sent to Canada as Lord High Commissioner, but he returned after
a very short sojourn, not feeling satisfied with the support he
received from the Government. His lordship married, first, on
the 1st of January, 1812, Miss Harriet Cholmondeley, who died
in 1815; and secondly, Lady Louisa Elizabeth Grey, eldest
daughter of the Earl and Countess Grey. He had issue by his
first marriage three daughters, all of whom are dead, and by his
second five children, two sons and three daughters. His eldest son,
Charles William, having died at the age of 13, his second son,
George Frederick, succeeded to the family honours. The news of
his death created a profound sensation^ and, on the arrival of his
remains at Sunderland, on the 3rd of August, all business was
suspended, and nearly every house exhibited some token of
mourning. The 10th of August being fixed for the interment of
his lordship's remains, a deep and melancholy interest was excited.
At Chester-le-Street, Durham, Sunderland, and South Shields, the
shops were entirely closed, and the bells of Newcastle and Gates-
head tolled from eleven to three o'clock. The preparations at the
castle for the sad event were on the most ample scale. Refresh-
ments were set out in the grand saloon, and as the company
entered through the great hall hatbands and gloves were presented
to them. In the great dining room the remains of the noble earl
lay in state. This apartment presented a most impressive appear-
ance, and great numbers were admitted to view the solemn scene.
The outer coffin was of the richest description, being formed of
the finest Genoa crimson velvet, relieved with gold ornaments.
At half-past two the procession was formed, 140 of the tenants
and agents of the estate preceding the hearse and four mourning
coaches, about 300 Freemasons and 175 carriages following the
body. The procession was upwards of a mile in length. The
pall bearers were the Marquis of Londonderry, Sir Hedworth
Williamson, bart., C. W. Bigge, esq., H. T, M. Witham, esq.,
Lord Ravensworth, W. T. Salvin, esq., Dr. Headlara, and Colonel
Tower. The funeral service was read by the Hon. and Rev. F.
R. Grey, and made a deep impression on the assemblage. The
earl made his will in September, 1837, previous to his leaving this
country for Canada, bequeathing the whole of his property, of
every description, to the Countess of Durham, leaving her, also,
sole executrix, a striking proof of his affectionate esteem and
confidence in her.
1840 (July 29). — The Wesleyan Methodist Conference commenced
its sittings at Brunswick Place Chapel, Newcastle, on the morning
of this day, being the 97th annual assembly of this body of
ministers, and the first ever held in that town. The Rev. Robert
Newton was elected president, and the Rev. Dr. Hannah secretary,
after which the usual business connected with the conference was
proceeded with. Two Ashantee princes were present during the
proceedings, and excited much interest. The Rev. J. B. Freeman,
a Wesleyan missionary at Cape Coast Castle, a man of colour,
gave a deeply affecting account of a visit he had lately made to
Coomasse, the capital of Ashantee, and a mission in that town
was determined upon. During the sittings of the conference Mr.
H. P. Parker, artist, of Newcastle, presented to that body his
historical Wesleyan centenary picture, representing the rescue of
the founder of Methodism, from the fire of the parsonage house at
July. — About this time the Heaton estate, long the property
of Sir Matthew White Ridley, was purchased by Addison
Langhorn Potter, esq , alderman of Newcastle.
August 19. — At a meeting of the Town Council of Newcastle,
Mr. Alderman Donkin, on behalf of Admiral Thomas, presented
to that body a lock of Lord Collingwood's hair, enclosed in the lid
of a snuff-box made from the transom of the Royal Sovereign.
August 24. — The Queen was pleased to present the Rev.
George Waddington, M.A., to the deanery of the cathedral
church of Durham, void by the death of Dr. Jenkinson, late bishop
of St. David's. On September the 23rd, Mr. Waddington received
the degree of D.D. from the University of Durham, and on the
25th, he was formally installed at the cathedral. On entering
upon his office, the very rev. gentleman presented the widow of his
predecessor with a sum of between £2,000. and £3,000., derived
from new leases, on the ground that Dr. Jenkinson could have
signed the documents before he died.
Augmt 25.— This day the New Quay, erected by the corpora-
tion of Newcastle, in continuation of the old one, was opened by
the mayor (John Carr, esq.), accompanied by the members of the
borough, William Ord and John H. Hinde, esqs., the members of
the council, the corporation of the Trinity House, the stewards of
the incorporated companies, and a large body of the leading
merchants of the town. The party walked in procession from the
Guildhall to the termination of the works, at the North Shore.
The length of the New Quay is about 1500 feet, being 45 feet
more than the Old Quay, and the whole of these extensive works
had been completed to their then state in about thirteen months,
under the direction of W. D. Anderson, esq., engineer to the
September 3.— Two girls, aged 7 and 14, daughters of Thomas
Wilson, of Stockton-on-Tees, were sent to a pond for water,
and not returning in due time, their mother went in search of
them. She found the pail, but could see nothing of the children.
Shortly afterwards, a person passing, who had heard of the circum-
stance, looked into the pond and perceived their dead bodies.
September 29, — As an engineman of Cramlington Colliery,
named Patterson, was examining the safety valve of one of the
boilers at that place, he felt a peculiar pricking sensation in the
fingers. After several repetitions of the same sensation, he per-
ceived that every time the feeling was accompanied by the issue
of a spark from the metal. Mr. H. Lee Pattinson, a well-known
practical chemist, having been made acquainted with the pheno-
menon, examined the apparatus, and found that the whole boiler
was an immense electrical machine. W. G. Armstrong, of
Newcastle, the originator of the celebrated Armstrong Gun,
obtained exactly similar results from experiments made upon a
locomotive engine, and he subsequently constructed a " hydro-
electric generator" in the form of a small boiler, by which extraor-
dinarily powerful results were produced.
September. — This month, as two men, Edward Henderson and
John Robson, were making a drain upon the farm of Mr.
Forster Charlton, of Bog Hall, in the chapelry of Kirkheaton,
Northumberland, the property of Calverly B. Bewicke, esq., they
found, about two feet below the surface, under some large flat
stones, the bones of a human body, which had been deposited in a
large earthen jar. The remains must have lain a number of years,
as the bones, on being exposed to the air, immediately mouldered
into dust.
September — This month the old and highly-respectable banking
house of Lambton and Co., Newcastle, withdrew their own notes
from circulation, and thenceforth issued Bank of England paper.
September. — Near the end of this month a singular circumstance
transpired in Sunderland. A man of the name of Thomas Burn,
who was in a public house in that town, asked another person,
whose name was Cadell, to drink with him. The latter, on
recognizing the person who addressed him, exclaimed, " What,
drink with my brother's murderer?" Burn immediately threw the
contents of the glass in CadelPs face, and would have escaped, had
Cadell not readily obtained the help of a policeman, by whom he
was apprehended, and conveyed to the town where themurder was
1840 (October 1). — A very large hay stack, belonging to Mr.
Grahamsley, standing near the Sunderland Road End, Gateshead,
was almost entirely destroyed by fire. The length of the stack
was upwards of 36 yards, and it contained about 260 tons of hay.
October 8. — Married, Richard Hodgson, esq,f M.P. for Berwick,
to Catherine, daughter and co-heiress of the late Anthony
Compton, esq., of Carhatn Hall.
October. — Died, in London, aged 65, Colonel Sir Horace David
Cholwell St. Paul, bart., of Ewart Park, near'Wooler, Northum-
berland. The deceased was succeeded by his only son, Horace,
M.P. for Worcestershire. The late baronet was the grandson of
Horace St. Paul, esq., who was an officer of distinction in the
service of Austria during the seven years' war, and was created a
count of the Holy Roman Empire.
October 13. — A fancy and full dress ball, upon a scale of unusual
magnitude and splendour, was given by the mayor of Newcastle
(John Carr, esq ), at the Assembly Rooms, in that town. Up-
wards of a thousand cards of invitation were issued, and the
brilliant assembly was graced by the presence of nearly eight
hundred ladies and gentlemen. The whole affair passed off in the
most admirable manner. All appeared delighted with the amuse-
ments of the evening, and all felt no less obliged to the worthy
mayor and mayoress for having provided so splendid an entertain-
ment. The fancy dresses were numerous and elegant, and upon
the whole interesting. They embraced the costumes of France,
Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Tyrol, Naples, Poland,
Albania, Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Persia, China, Circassia,
Arabia, Canada, and Africa. Nor were the Highlanders, brigand
chiefs, courtiers, Robin Hoods, Huntsmen, Hamlets, old English
gentlemen, &c., allowed to be forgotten.
October 23. — A fatal accident occurred at Farnacres Colliery,
near Ravens worth. The banksman, shortly before one o'clock in the
morning, hearing a loud noise in the pit, threw a stone down the
shaft, and found that it fell amongst water. He then shouted, but
received no answer, and in a few seconds the shaft, which is 20
fathoms deep, was completely filled. The workmen, five in num-
ber, perished in the mine. A steam engine, capable of pumping
740 gallons in a minute, was immediately set to work, but it was
nearly a month before the first body, William Wilkinson, was
found, and the water was not got fairly under, and the other men
found, until several months after the accident. The names of the
unfortunate men were James Rankin, James Heslop, William
Wetherby, and Andrew Evans.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors and
sheriffs : — Newcastle, John Ridley, esq., mayor ; James Archbold,
esq., sheriff ; Gateshead, William Hymers, esq., mayor ; Durham,
John Bramwell, esq., mayor; Sunderland, Richard White, esq,,
mayor ; Stockton, William Skinner, jun., esq., mayor ; Morpeth,
Thomas Bowser, esq., mayor ; Berwick, George Johnston, esq.,
mayor ; Thomas Hogarth, esq., sheriff.
1840 (November 13). — Died, at Alnwick, aged 93, Mr. Thomas
Bamburgh, blacksmith. He was deprived of a leg by the bursting
of a cannon, fired on the Duke of Northumberland's birthday, in
1785, and the Percy family liberally provided for him till his
December 4. — A traveller for a Newcastle house, lost his
pocket-book, containing £300, between Hexham and Alston. He
returned in the llp&e that it might be recovered. On the road he
met a gentleman, named Baty, and enquired if he had seen the
pocket-book ; Baty replied in the affirmative, and produced it with
the money safe. £5 having been offered to him for the restoration,
he enquired if the traveller were a principal in the firm, and on
finding that he was not, he refused to accept the offered reward.
December 14. — An eagle was shot on the sands near Hadstone,
by Samuel Taylor, gamekeeper to A. J. Baker Cresswell, esq.,
which measured, from tip to tip, eight feet, in height, three feet
two inches.
December 31. — Died, at the Vicarage House, Newcastle, in
his 72nd year, the Rev. John Dodd, for sixteen years vicar of that
town. The interment of the deceased took place on the 6th of
January, in St. Nicholas* Church, on which mournful occasion,
every mark of respect was paid to departed worth by the clergy
of the town and neighbourhood, as well as by the public at large.
December. — An event, displaying the extreme point to which
certain impressions can be carried, took place within a few miles
of Haydon Bridge. Ann Laing, housekeeper with Thomas
Errington, an agent to the lessees of Stublick Colliery, retired to
rest, nothing being perceived in her appearance, denoting that she
was labouring under any mental infirmity. Errington awoke
about two o'clock in the morning, by his housekeeper shaking him.
violently, and telling him that she could not succeed in cutting her
legs off with the axe, so that he must get up and take them off
with the saw. On examination, it was found that the unfortunate
woman had inflicted on one of her legs no fewer than thirteen
cuts, the bone being splintered in several places. Her other leg
was likewise severely injured. On enquiring into the cause of her
so injuring herself, the only reason which she assigned was, that
she could not enter heaven with her feet on.
1840 (December), — Died, this month, at Norton, near Stockton,
aged 105, Mrs. Mary Wilkinson.
1841 (January 18J. — One of the heaviest disasters, that ever
befel the shipping of the river Wear, occurred on the morning of
this day. After a long continued frost, which had covered the
upper part of the river with ice several inches thick, a sudden thaw
took place, accompanied with heavy rain, and the ice having been
broken up by the flood, was brought down the river with great
impetuosity. As the front sheets came down they met with
obstacles at every turn of the river, the pieces behind were driven
either under or upon them, and thus huge unwieldy masses were
cemented together, to the depth of several feet. At length the
barrier of ice yielded to the increasing pressure of water, and the
mingled torrent rushing down with irresistible force, tore away
whole tiers of ships from their moorings at the Hetton and Lamb-
ton Staiths, hurried them rapidly under the bridge, breaking their
masts in the passage, and then dashing them against the vessels
below, swept away tier after tier, and huddled them into a mass
of wrecks, extending from one side of the river to the other. All
who witnessed this scene of destruction, admit their utter inability
to convey anything like an adequate idea of its terrors. The
shouting of men, the shrieks of terrified sea boys, who had been
aroused from their sleep by the noise of the ice rushing against the
ships sides, the breaking of bowsprits, masts, and bulwarks — and
all in darkness — formed a chaos of horror enough to appal the
stoutest heart. When morning broke, it revealed such a picture
of havoc as only such a night could have made. A number of
ships had been carried out to sea, and were picked up by the
pilots of Hartlepool and Seaham, others were sunk in the harbour,
among which were the Newby, the Pilgrim, the Rosebud, the
Kirton, the Seaflower, the Victoria, Les Deux Amis, the Caroline,
four steam-tugs, and above thirty keels. The spectacle presented
by the crowd of vessels, immediately above the more unfortunate
craft just named, literally beggared all description. Scarcely a
vessel in the harbour escaped without damage. So sudden and
tremendous a blow to the very vitals of the commerce of the port,
seemed almost to have stupified, for a while, those most deeply
interested, but, rapidly arousing themselves from their temporary
lethargy, the shipowners applied themselves rigorously to the rescue
of their property, and, with the aid of steamboats, which had, luckily,
taken shelter in the Wearmouth Docks, a passage was effected,
and the ice went to sea. It could scarcely be expected that so
frightful a destruction of property would occur without the loss
of life. A boy belonging to the Richard, and a young man
named Davison, belonging to the Newby, were drowned. The
loss arising from the disaster was estimated at about £100,000.
1841 (January 20). — Died, at the Grove, near Durham, aged 78,
Elizabeth, relict of Stephen George Kemble, esq. The deceased
was the daughter of Mr. Satchell, and, in early life, was one of the
first actresses of the day, her appearance in Newcastle being
always hailed with great satisfaction by the audience. In almost
every range of character she was eminently successful, she was
allowed to be the best Ophelia on the stage, and she was equally
excellent in Mrs. Haller, Portia, Nell, Beatrice, Cowslip, Cicely,
Home-spun, &c. Her remains were interred on the 28th, by
the side of her late husband, at the Nine Altars, in Durham
January 24. — Sunday afternoon, during a heavy squall of
wind, then veering to the E., accompanied by a severe drifting
fall of snow, the schooner Mariner, of Perth, which had sailed
from the Tyne on Friday, the 22nd, made her appearance again
at the bar, and, as is too frequently the case in such emergencies,
to escape from the danger of Tynemouth rocks, she kept too far
south and ran upon the Herd. The steamer Advance attempted
to approach the schooner to render assistance ; the sea at this time
was dashing half-mast high over the vessel, when a sea swept the
decks of the sleamer, putting out her fire, and carrying two men
overboard ; one was got back, but the other, George Goolock, was
drowned : he attempted to swim to the schooner, and approached
near to her, but there the crew had taken to the rigging, and no
one could throw a rope to the perishing man, whose yells and cries
in the agonies of death were audible to the crowds of spectators
on both sides of the river, but his appeals were in vain : he
evidently had been accustomed to swim, and buffeted for some
minutes with the furious sea ; nature at last became helpless, his
piercing cries became less audible, and he sunk to rise no more.
Meantime this disaster was enacting, the South Shields life boat
was speedily manned, and proceeded to the Herd ; the crew of
the schooner were taken from the rigging, and soon after landed
safe in the harbour. The schooner was afterwards got off the
Herd, and brought into the harbour.
January 29. — A fire broke out this morning, in the naptha
manufactory of Mr. Thoburn, at the Felling Shore, near Gates-
head, and the building was soon almost entirely destroyed.
February 6. — A severe snow storm prevailed at this period,
during which the rivers Wansbeck and Blyth were visited by
flocks of aquatic birds. On the above day, at the High Pans,
North Blyth, Mr. William Curry shot a swan, which was five feet
long, and eight feet broad (from tip to tip of the wings). The
length of the neck was about three feet, the weight of the bird
about 281b.
1841 (February 8). — The body of Mr. John Wingate, of Newcastle,
who had been missing for six weeks, was found in the Team,
near Dunston. An inquest was held before Mr. Michael Hall,
coroner, when, there being no evidence to show how he got into
the water, the jury returned a verdict of " Found drowned.'*
Previous to the body being found, a remarkable instance of the
sagacity of a Newfoundland dog occurred. For two or three days
before the body was found the animal had been observed running
to and from the place to the ironworks, barking and howling each
time, but no one was induced to follow it. At length it was
supposed the dog was mad, and, in consequence, it was shot ; and
in about an hour afterwards the body was discovered, when the
cause of the poor animals excitement was made apparent.
February 19. — This morning, a fire broke out in the ship-
building yard of Messrs. J. arid C. Alcock, at Sunderland, which
raged with great fury for three hours. Several fire-engines were
put into operation, and, there being a plentiful supply of water,
the flames were at length extinguished, after doing damage to the
amount of about £1,200.
February 19. — About half-past eleven o'clock this evening,
a fire was discovered to be raging in the magnificent and princely
family mansion of the Marquis of Londonderry, at Wynyard
Park, in the county of Durham, and, nothwithstanding the utmost
exertions of the servants, almost the whole building was consumed
before the fire was subdued. It would be impossible to enumerate
the immense quantity of valuable articles of furniture, &c., which
fell a prey to the flames, but we may mention the several glass
chandeliers, together with some immensely large mirrors, and
beautiful stained glass windows, with numerous exquisite works
of art, in statuary and paintings, amongst which, were portraits of
Queen Anne, George III., and Queen Charlotte, and the whole of
the Tempest family pictures, not any of which were saved. The
conservatory contained a number of camelias, 15 feet high, and a
fine specimen of the Norfolk Island pine, together with 25 orange
trees, in full growth, formerly the property of the Empress
Josephine, with a number of other rare and choice exotics, all
of which were totally destroyed. The damage was estimated at
£150,000. The cause of the fire was never ascertained. The site
of this mansion was formerly occupied by a hall, of the same
name, which was the residence of the late Sir Henry Vane
Tempest, the father of the then Marchioness of Londonderry.
The building was commenced in 1822. The whole of the stone
of this fabric was brought 26 miles, from a quarry on the family
estate at Penshaw, Philip W. Wyatt, esq., architect. From the
above it will be seen that the late hall had been upwards of
nineteen years in building. At the time of this calamity, it was
fast approaching towards completion, being expected to be finished
in about another year.
1841 (March 15;.— As some men were repairing the shaft of
Cowpen Colliery North Pit, a fall of a large mass of old materials
from the sides took place, which, descending upon the cradle, in
which the men were suspended, precipitated four of them to the
bottom of the pit, killing them on the spot. Another man caught hold
of some timber attached to the shaft, and escaped unhurt. The
sufferers were Joseph Wright, aged 37, who left a wife and three
children ; Francis Reay, who left a wife and five children ; James
Reay, who left a wife and six children; Stephen Heron, unmarried;
William Heron, the rescued pitman, was the brother of Stephen,
and had a wife and young family.
March. — Died, in London, aged 29, Christopher Tate, sculptor,
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, much and deservedly respected. The
deceased served his apprenticeship with Mr. Davies, marble
mason, and afterwards became an assistant to Mr. D unbar, at that
time residing in Newcastle. His talents as an artist were of a
very superior character, and his first great effort was the royal
arms, which grace the tympanum of the theatre in Grey-street.
It is allowed to be a work of great merit, of which the people of
Newcastle may always be proud as the production of a local artist.
He likewise executed statues of " Blind Willie," the Duke of
Northumberland, Mr. G. Straker, the Rev. J. Worsick, D.
Urquhart,esq.,&c. For some time prior to his leaving Newcastle, he
was engaged upon a full length portait of the Duke of Northum-
berland, intended to be erected on the area in front of the Master
Mariners' Asylum, at Tynemouth. The state of his health was
such as to render it imperative on him to leave his work
unfinished, in order to proceed to a warmer climate. He took his
departure from his friends, never to return, and to those who knew
him, nothing was left but the melancholy consolation to be derived
from the remembrance of his distinguished talents and many
amiable qualities. The statue of the duke was finished by Mr. R.
G. Davies,
Narch 25. — During the night, a man named James Robinson,
a joiner, who had been confined in the lock-up at Stockton,
for examination on several charges of felony, pulled down the
fire-place of the room where he was confined in, made a hole
through the wall with one of the iron bars, and walked off without
March. — This month Mr. Benjamin Green, of the firm of
Messrs. John and Benjamin Green, of Newcastle, received a vote
of thanks from the Institution of Civil Engineers, in London, for
a paper, accompanied by eight illustrative drawings, on arched
timber viaducts, on the laminated principle, which Messrs. Green
have so successfully employed in the stupendous viaducts of the
Newcastle and North Shields Railway.
March 30. — That important national undertaking, the Great
North of England Railway, was opened by the directors, the
shareholders, and a limited party of friends, travelling the entire
distance from Darlington to York, where they were received by
the authorities of the North Midland Company, who had pro-
vided an elegant luncheon for the party. In the afternoon, the
trains returned to Darlington, where a dinner took place at the
Queen's Head Inn, to celebrate the event of the day, G. H.
Wilkinson and Thomas Meynell,esqrs., chairman and vice-chairman
of the board of direction, presided in the like capacities at the
table, and George Hudson, esq., and many of the directors of the
North Midland Company, were among the guests.
1841 (April). — The Sunderland Herald records the following : —
On the first of April, 1835, the wife of Mr. George Ormston, grocer,
High-street, in this town, gave birth to a daughter. Exactly two
years after, on the first of April, 1837, she produced another
daughter, and two years afterwards, viz., on the first of April,
1839, she again presented her husband with a girl. The thing had
now become so regular that on this occasion Mr. Ormston informed
some friends, who had met to drink the good lady's health, that if
they would call on him that day two years they should have a
similar pleasure. This promise came to the lady's ears, and, in
order that her lord and master should not look like " an April
fool," she obligingly gave birth to another daughter on Thursday,
the first of April, 1841.
April 8. — A distressing and mournful suicide was committed
at Trewhitt North Moor, near Rothbury, Northumberland, by
Mr. Henry Boag, relieving officer to the Board of Guardians of
the Rothbury Poor Law Union. From the evidence given at the
inquest held on the body, before Thomas Adams Russell, esq., it
appeared that some circumstances which had occurred in connection
with the situation of the deceased had preyed upon his mind, and
threats which had been used, that he would be watched, and, if
possible, punished, produced such an impression on him, that on
the night of Tuesday, the 6th, after a stormy meeting of the Board,
he had never slept, but wandered about his room in great distress.
The next day he had gone to Elsdon, in the performance of his
duties, when he saw the Archdeacon of Northumberland, of whose
kind feelings he afterwards expressed himself very warmly. On
his return from thence he wrote a long letter to the clerk of the
Union, from which the following are extracts : —
My dear Sir, — I do not see how I can get out of this business. The rector
and Charlton will appear against me. Mr. Pye owns with having got the
money up to the 25th of December, 1839, and it seems that I have carried
the sum on in my books for three quarters more. 1 declare to my Maker
that I was not conscious of it. The way we keep the books one can never
see how the money stands. I declare I am innocent The only thing I
regret is in leaving my poor little children. Give my regards to Sir John
Walsham, Mr. Orde, and all my friends. I am sure Sir John and Mr. Orde
would do me justice. My eldest daughter is 18 years of age, and, therefore,
can do for herself ; the boy about 13 years; the next girl goes to her aunt,
where she will be well off ; the next is a little darling, clever boy, about
six years old ; the next about three years, but, poor little fellow, he is not
right in his mind ; the youngest is one and a half years. I hope some of my
friends will assist them. You have been one of the best friends I ever met
with. I regret leaving William Forster and his brother, and many, many
dear friends. I am writing in as good spirits as ever I did in my life. I am
perfectly reconciled to my fate. I have paid Chavlton, of Tod Hill, £2 2s.
too much. You will find the accounts right to the 25th of March. I would
not, on any account, have the rector or Thompson, the curate, to bury me.
I do not care where I am buried. I am perfectly happy, and trust, prepared
to die.
I am, mv dear Mr. Woodman, very sincerely yours,
After entering his own death in the register book, he left his
house on horseback, about two in the afternoon, and was seen to
look earnestly back towards it. He left his house at Warton,
went to two or three places, till about six in the evening, when he
had gone to a hovel upon Low Trewhitt estate, which was
formerly his own property, and from whence he could look down
upon the house where he had spent the greatest part of his life.
He then swallowed an ounce of laudanum, after which he wrote
in pencil, the following, upon the back of a letter : — " I have
taken about a wine glass of laudanum, at the shed on Trewhitt
North Moor. God bless you all, except the rector and George
Selby Thompson. It is getting nearly dark. I die at peace with
all mankind, except the above. God bless you all ; good night."
He had afterwards strangled himself with a rope fastened to the
lintel. The jury found a verdict of " Temporary insanity." The
remains of Mr. Boag were interred at Alnwick Church, and were
accompanied to their last resting place by a great number of the
Guardians of the Union, and his other friends, who voluntarily
attended to testify the respect they entertained for him. who,
while living, alike in his prosperous days as in adversity, had
gained the good opinion of all who knew him.
1841 (April 15.) -*A melancholy case of stabbing occurred in
Newcastle, which terminated fatally. The person whose life was
thus suddenly cut short was John Donkin, aged nineteen, an
apprentice with Mr. Henry Robson, shoemaker, Eldon-lane,
Percy-street. On the forenoon of the above day, the deceased was
at work in his master's shop, where three other workmen were
employed, namely, Henry Stokoe, Thomas Heppel, and William
Cattermole. There were also three strangers in the shop, named
Robert Oxley, Fenwick Chambers, and a man named Cruddace.
William Cattermole was a person of weak intellect, and was often,
made the object of " fun" by his fellow workmen. A little before
noon the deceased snatched off Cattermole's cap and tossed it
across the room, when Cattermole quickly seized a knife and
stabbed Duncan in the thick part of the thigh. Mr. Turner
attended to Donkin's wound, and he appeared to be doing well till
the 18th, when mortification took place, and he expired on the
19th, Cattermole was tried at the Newcastle Summer Assizes,
found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to one months' im-
prisonment, with hard labour.
April 17. — Two splendid windows of stained glass, executed
by Mr. Wailes, of Newcastle, were placed in the parish church
of All Saints' in that town, The principal figures were St. Peter
and St. Paul, which were surrounded by twenty-four coats of arms
of the subscribers to this improvement.
1841 (April 19J. — A melancholy explosion occurred atWillington
Colliery, the property of Matthew Bell, esq., M,P., by which
thirty-two poor fellows were suddenly hurried out of existence,
whilst only three, out of thirty-five who were down the pit at the
time, were saved. The first intimation of danger was a tremendous
noise, accompanied by a dense cloud of smoke issuing from the
shaft mouth, and a violent shock in the neighbourhood, resembling
what might be supposed to proceed from an earthquake. This
noise was heard at a great distance, and in every direction,
spreading dismay and terror amongst the friends and relatives of
those who were employed in the pit. The remains of the
sufferers were recovered two or three days after, many of them
being very much burnt and mutilated. The cause of the calamity
was attributed to the neglect of a poor little boy, a trapper, who
left the trap-door in the north headway, to which it was his duty
to attend, to play with two other boys close by.
May 10. — A grand military review took place on the Town-
moor, Newcastle. The 98th regiment of foot, commanded by
Colonel Campbell, were presented with new colours by General
Sir Charles Napier. The gallant general addressed the regiment
at some length, and concluded with these words, " Colonel Camp-
bell, use your colours, and stand by them." In the evening, the
officers of the regiment gave a grand ball and supper in the
Assembly Rooms, to 250 ladies and gentlemen.
May 17. — As some workmen were employed in a quarry on the
Kirkharle estate, Northumberland, they discovered a worm
embedded in the solid freestone. After exposing it to the air for
three or four minutes it died.
May 18. — Sir Jacob Astley, of Melton Constable, Norfolk, and
of Seaton Delaval, in the county of Northumberland, bart., was
summoned to the House of Peers, as Baron Hastings, he being
one of the heirs of Sir John de Hastings, summoned to parliament
by the above title, in the 18th year of the reign of King Edward
the first. On the 2nd of June, his lordship's tenantry at Seaton
Delaval, celebrated the event by a dinner at Mr. Reay's, the
Queen's Arms, Seaton Sluice.
May 23. — Died, at Sandhoe House, Northumberland, aged 77,
Edward Charlton, esq., a gentleman, whose hospitality and
generosity were almost proverbial. His funeral took place on
the 31st, at the Catholic Cemetery, Hexham, when the shops, &c.,
were closed as a token of respect and regret.
May 29. — A sad accident occurred at Derwent Crook Colliery,
near G-ateshead, the property of Lord Ravensworth and Partners.
Between four and five o'clock in the afternoon, the men connected
with the works were sitting in the engine-house, taking their
" allowance," when they became suddenly aware that the boiler
was exploding. They had but a moment for flight. The body of
the boiler, weighing about four tons, became separated from the
bottom, and was lifted entirely over the engine-house alighting
on the opposite side. Mr. Michael Almond, engineer to the
colliery, was caught by a large detached portion of the bottom
plate, which severed his arm from his body, tore the flesh from
his side, and took off one of his legs. He expired in a few
moments. Ten of the workmen were severely scalded, three of
them afterwards died from the injuries they received.
1841 (May 31). — Died, at Morpeth, aged 103, Mrs. Jane Stoney.
jum 7. — Andrew Hudson, of Little Bavington, while working
in a limestone quarry at Cocklaw Walls, in the parish of
Thockrington, Northumberland, found the bones of two human
bodies amongst a quantity of loose stones. The bones were col-
lected and deposited in Kirkheaton Churchyard.
june 7. — The following are the returns made by the enumera-
tors of the population of Neweastle-upon-Tyne : — District of
St. Nicholas, including part of the parish of St. John : 2,957
inhabited houses, 111 uninhabited, 52 building: Population —
males, 7,558; females, 7,503; total, 15,061. District of All
Saints, comprising the whole of Pilgrim, Pandon, and Quayside
wards, and that part of Sandgate ward which lies west of the
Ouseburn: 4,479 inhabited houses, 328 uninhabited, 50 building:
Population— males, 9,203, females, 9,779 ; total, 18,982. District
of St. Andrew, which comprises about five-sixths of the parish :
2,655 inhabited houses, 93 uninhabited, 24 building : Population —
males, 6,102, females, 7,222 ; total, 13,324. District of Westgate,
which includes Elswick, Benwell, and Fenham : 2,863 inhabited
houses, 183 uninhabited, 103 building : Population — males, 6,627,
females, 7,158 ; total, 13,785. Byker district, including Byker,
Jesmond, Heaton, and that part of the parish of All Saints east of
the Ouseburn: 2,381 inhabited houses, 157 uninhabited, 22 building.
Population— males, 5,276, females, 5,413 ; total, 10,689. Grand
total — 15,345 inhabited houses, 872 uninhabited, 251 building :
Population — 71,841. Increase over the census of 1831 — 16,850.
The borough of Gateshead, according to the new census, contained
19,000 inhabitants, being an increase of about 4,000 over 1831.
June 7. — On the evening of this day, the inhabitants of
Sandgate, Newcastle, witnessed such a scene of riot and outrage as
had not been exhibited there for several years. A number of the
men belonging to the 87th regiment, stationed at the Barracks,
were drinking at several public houses in Sandgate, and, early in
the afternoon, were attracting the attention of the inhabitants and
of the policeman on duty. No open rupture, however, took place,
until somewhere about eight o'clock, when Mrs. M'Gallon, the
hostess of the Green Tree, where there were three soldiers drink-
ing, found her company getting so uproarious, that, to save her
articles from being broken, she called on the police to clear the
house. One soldier who was lying drunk on the floor, was lifted
up and assisted into the street, with a view of setting him on his
way home. The soldier being seen thus accompanied, gave rise to
an idea that he was in custody, and some person called out that
A.D. 1841.]
they were taking a soldier to the station house, when five of the
corps, who had been drinking in the same public house, rushed out
and insisted upon having their comrade, the policemen wishing to
have the man out of the street, refused, when one or two of them
were knocked down, and the others took out their batons and
defended themselves as well as they could. The soldiers struck
resolutely both with their fists and their canes, the populace, now
greatly excited, took part with the soldiers, and a regular riot
ensued. At one time at least 5,000 people were assembled, and it
was with great difficulty the disturbance was quelled. In conse-
quence of the behaviour of the soldiers, the regiment was shortly
after ordered to proceed to Hull.
1841 (June 8). — A trout was caught with the rod in the Coquet,
near Rothbury, by Mr. W. G. Armstrong, of Newcastle, which
measured 23| inches in length and 12| in girth, and weighed
4 Ib. 7 ozs. He was taken in fair angling, in the middle of the
day, and in a state of the water unusually low and clear. The
exhibition of such a trout created no little sensation in Rothbury.
June 15. — A fire broke out this morning, in Mr. R. Harrison's
skin-yard, Stepney-bank, Newcastle, and, so rapidly did the flames
extend, that, notwithstanding every exertion, the whole of the
premises were consumed.
1841. — In the early part of this year was discovered amongst
the ancient records of the city of London, at the Guildhall, a con-
tract between King Charles I. and the members of his privy council
on the one hand, and the city of London on the other, by which
the monarch seems to have made over to the corporation of London
certain large tracts of land within the bishopric of Durham, by
way of mortgage, as security for loans of certain sums of money,
amounting in all to £300,000 of the money of that day. That the
lands so mortgaged must have been bishop's lands is manifest
enough, inasmuch as the crown neither had, nor could have, lands
of its own within the bishopric which it could so pledge, under any
colour of law, unless it were some of the forfeited manors of which,
after the Reformation, the crown deprived the prince bishop, who
claimed them as palatine. This document is quite perfect and
bears not only the signature of the king, together with the royal
seal, but also the signatures and seals of the Duke of Buckingham
and other members of the privy council of that period. It appears
that, the king never being able to repay this loan, these lands were
afterwards sold by the corporation of the city of London, and form
now portions of the estates (leasehold or freehold) of some of the
great proprietors of coal in the county of Durham. The corpora-
tion of London at that time could not, of course, have the most
remote idea of the mineral wealth that lay under the surface of
these apparently poor lands, which, in modern times, would
probably in a single year have paid off the whole of the royal
June 21. — The Newcastle Races commenced. — The Craven
Stakes were won by Lord Zetland's Charles the XII., beating Mr.
Orde's Beeswing by half a head. 22nd— The St. Leger Stakes
were won by Mr. Bell's gr g The Squire (Heseltine). 23rd—
The Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. St. Paul's b f Calypso
(Templeman). 24th— The Gold Cup was won by Mr. Orde's
Beeswing (Cartwright) ; Calypso, 2nd; Lanercost, 3rd. This was
the 18th cup which this wonderful mare had won and the 41st
prize. The north country friends of the mare sacked large stakes
on the occasion.
June. — Parliament having been dissolved on the 23rd of June,
writs for the new elections were issued, and the proceedings in
Durham and Northumberland were as follows : —
Newcastle — Mr. J. Cookson, jun., proposed, and Mr. S. Parker
seconded, John Hodgson Hinde, esq. ; Mr. Alderman Potter
nominated, and Mr. E. Charnley seconded, William Ord, esq. ; Mr.
Atkins proposed, and Mr. Edgar seconded, James Bronterre
O'Brien (Chartist), the last named gentleman, however, withdrew
from the contest, and Messrs. Ord and Hinde were re-elected.
Gateshead— William Hutt esq., was returned without opposition.
South Shields — The nomination of candidates took place on the
29th, before Mr. R. Anderson, the returning officer. Mr. Wawn
polled 240; Mr. Ingham, 207; Mr. Fyler, 34.
Durham City — Mr. Granger and Capt. Fitzroy were elected
without opposition.
Morpeth — The Hon. Captain Howard was again elected.
Berwick, June 29. — The poll resulted as follows: — Mr. Forster,
394 ; Mr. Hodgson, 343 ; Mr. Weeding, 335.
Sunderland, June 30. — Messrs. Barclay and Thompson were
declared elected.
Tynemouth, July 1.— Mr. Mitcalfe, 295 ; Mr. Chapman, 218.
South Northumberland, July 5. — Matthew Bell, esq., and Saville
C. H. Ogle, esq., were returned without opposition.
North Northumberland — The poll, which took place on the
9th and 10th, was as follows: — Lord Ossulston, 1,216; Mr.
Cresswell, 1,163 ; Viscount Hovvick, 1,101.
South Durham — The nomination took place at Darlington, on
the 6th of July, before William Russell, esq., high sheriff, and, at
the close of the poll on the 10th, the numbers were — Lord H.
Vane, 2,547; Mr. Bowes, 2,483 ; Mr. Farrer, 1,739.
North Durham, July 7. — Hedworth Lambton, esq., and the
Hon. H. T. Liddell, were elected without opposition.
1841 (July 1Q). — In consequence of the great number of work-
men who were out of employment, a meeting of the inhabitants of
Newcastle, was held in the Guildhall, where it was decided to
place in the hands of the Town Improvement Committee, the sum
of £500, to be expended in the construction of such works, as the
committee should deem most useful. About 500 men were
immediately set to work, and various improvements were effected
by them, particularly at the Cattle Market, Neville- street, and
Stepney-bank, and in the drainage of the Town Moor, each man
receiving 12d. and a roll daily. By the end of October, the
demand for employment had diminished, the treasurer, Mr. Robert
Robinson, notified a balance of a little more than £12 remaining
in his hands, after having expended £431 10s. 7d., in 8,411 days
work, 7,325 penny rolls of bread, shovels, hacks, spades, and
other necessary expenses.
July 19. — A violent thunder-storm visited Sunderland and
the neighbourhood, doing considerable damage. A portion of
a potatoe field, near Deptford, the property of Mr. Gordon
Black, was completely ploughed up by the lightning. During
the storm, the steamer Sun, of Newcastle (with upwards of 200
persons on board, who were on an excursion of pleasure), was
proceeding up the river Wear, near Hylton, about four miles
above Sunderland, when she struck upon an anchor, and. received
such damage, that she filled with water and sunk. A keel took
the passengers on shore in safety.
July 25. — While some boys were bathing at the Short
Sands, on the north side of Tynemouth Castle, two of them, named
Logan and Inness, were taken out of their depth by a receding
sea, and would have inevitably been drowned, but for the timely
assistance of Mr. Charlton, Mr. Gare, Mr. Edward Wilkinson,
Mr. John Blakey, and other persons from Newcastle, who,
plunging into the sea, succeeded in saving them. They were
taken to the warm baths and restored to life after much difficulty.
1841 (July).— For manyyears past the state of the Abbey Church,
at Hexham, has been a subject of reproach to the inhabitants
of the town, and a matter of regret to contemporaneous writers, who
did not hesitate to point out and denounce the bad taste which
could allow this noble building to be deformed by masses of
rubbish, and behold its sacred precincts appropriated to the vilest
purposes, without an effort to rescue it from such degradation.
During this month, two of the houses, which had so long encum-
bered and disgraced the eastern front of the Abbey Church, were
being taken down for the purpose of being reconstructed in an
improved style, when it was discovered that the back of the erection
had been built against the " Ladye Chapel," and five elegant
perpendicular windows were discovered. No sooner were the
beautiful architectural features of the building discovered, than
the interest of the well-informed inhabitants was irrepressibly
excited, and a desire became prevalent to procure the permanent
non-occupancy of the sites, and, if possible, to effect the repair of
a structure so long hidden from view — so long appropriated to the
vilest of uses. A meeting was convened by the secretary, Joseph
Crawford, esq,, and held in the Moot Hall on the third of August,
Edward Glynn, esq., deputy-bailiff, being in the chair, when
preliminary steps were taken to purchase the adjoining property.
In a few months £1,500 was raised by subscription, and a further
portion of the old houses was removed, but it was not until August,
1856, that the whole of the property was secured.
August 5. — A melancholy and dreadful explosion took place
at Thornley Colliery, Durham, belonging to Sir W. Chaytor
and Partners, by which one man and eight boys lost their lives.
The accident was clearly traced to the negligence of one of the
boys, who had inadvertently left open a trap-door. Upwards of
forty men were at work in another part of the pit, but they
escaped unhurt.
August 5. — Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, of Middles-
borough, brought their new iron works into partial operation.
About 2 o'clock a lump of iron, in a state of fusion, was conveyed
on a proper carriage to the " squeezer," where it was kneaded
(as a gentleman observed), like an old woman working a loaf.
This squeezer is of great power and weight — upwards of 20 tons.
Its shape and action may be compared to the head of a huge
crocodile, and some one had humorously chalked an eye on each
side, and a row of large teeth on the jaw, which gave it the appear-
ance of a mighty monster chewing red-hot iron. After the mass
had undergone this process, it was quickly conveyed to the rollers,
when Mr. Vaughan seized it, with a proper pair of pincers, and
passed it through the rollers, amidst the loud and long continued
hurrahs of the workmen and the company present. The different
departments are so arranged that the huge masses of wrought iron
can be moved from one part to the other for the necessary opera-
tions, and finally shipped at the door, with the greatest facility
and economy of labour.
1841 (August 9). — As three Middlesbro' gentlemen, Messrs.
Garbutt, Thomson, and Lunn, were sailing up the river Tees, the
boat unfortunately upset. They succeeded for some time in
holding by the mast, two of them attempted to reach the shore by
swimming, Mr. John Garbutt and Mr. James Thomson, and, after
struggling for a short time, both disappeared. Mr. Lunn, the
gentleman saved, was picked up by the Eliza steam-tug, after
clinging to the mast for an hour and a half The sufferers being
so well known, the accident spread the greatest gloom in the
August 10. — Died, at the West Wall Cottages, aged 77, Mr.
George Brown, schoolmaster, a well-known teacher of navigation,
and author of the Tide Table, published in his name for many
years, by Messrs. Mitchell, proprietors of the Tyne Mercury
August 11. — This morning, as a man, named Bell, was
passing along the Quayside, Newcastle, he discovered the body of
an unfortunate woman, named Jane Anderson, lying in Blue
Anchor-chare. Life was quite extinct, and it was evident that
the woman had come to a violent death. The mystery was never
August 12, — Great rejoicings took place among the colliers
of Murton, near Dalton-le-Dale, by whose exertions and zeal,
guided by the indomitable perseverance and undoubted ability
and energy of Mr. Edward Potter, the viewer and engineer, the
South Hetton Coal Company had conquered difficulties considered
insuperable, and succeeded in sinking through the sand at their
extensive winning of Murton. Of all the mining operations which
have engaged the patience and funds of the capitalist — the ability
of the engineer — or harrassed and disappointed every exertion in
order to the overcoming of difficulties apparently wholly insur-
mountable, perhaps we may not be wrong in stating it to be the
most remarkable on record. It was in the autumn of 1838 that
the sinking of five pits was commenced, and immediately there
sprung into existence a host of smoky buildings, lofty chimneys,
and mighty engines groaning and hissing in their ceaseless labours.
A busy crowd of swarthy miners hurrying to and fro, all ready
to obey the master hand, and to undergo any exercise of their
peculiar vocation calculated to advance the marvellous work.
Shrouded in an atmosphere perturbed and dark, and filled with
noisome stench, day and night, laboured the mechanical powers,
and, certainly not in a less degree, the sturdy miners. The operations
went on satisfactorily until June, 1839, when a " feeder" of water
burst out with extraordinary violence. So prodigious was the
force of the eruption, that the limestone, four feet in thickness,
which intervened between the bottom of the shaft and a stratum,
of sand, was completely forced up, and the quicksand instantly
rose to the height of fifteen fathoms in one of the pits. It soon
became apparent that unusual exertions would be required to over-
come the water, which was discharged from the quicksand in
enormous quantities. In June, 1840, the pumping power at work
was equal to 1,500 horses, and the quantity of water delivered at
the surface amounted to 11,000 gallons per minute, which created
for itself a channel, where water had never run before. Thirty-
four large boilers, consuming one hundred tons of coal daily, were
employed to furnish the necessary power; and, owing to the
effect of the sand upon the pump buckets, it was stated that the
leather required for them cost for some time £l 1 5s., hour by hour ;
and three tan-yards but served to supply the requisite quantity of
leather. April 17, 1843, the proprietors succeeded in reaching
the Hutton seam, at a depth of 248 fathoms, and the cost of sinking,
up to that date, was estimated at upwards of a quarter of a million
1841 (August 19). — Died, at Villa-place, Newcastle, Sarah Dick-
enson, aged 88. She was born on Gateshead Low Fell, where she
lived till within a very few years of her death. Her mother (Sarah
Fen wick) and herself were " doctr esses'* there for nearly one
hundred years ; and, during that time, they nursed upwards of one
hundred children, principally from Newcastle. Sarah Fenwick
died upwards of 90 years of age ; and her daughter, Dorothy
Wilson, also died at a very advanced age. They were all
respectable in their several situations of life, and rendered great
benefit to a poor laborious population for many miles around.
August 31. — The Bishop of Durham consecrated the church
of St. Paul, Arthur's-hill, Newcastle. His lordship also visited
the Infirmary, in his capacity of Grand Visitor, and was received
in the governors' hall by the medical officers and P. G. Ellison,
J. L. Loraine, Emerson Charnley, George Brumell, Hedley Vicars,
George Clementson, and John Bulman, esqrs., members of the
House Committee. His lordship minutely inspected the wards,
and made a highly eulogistic entry in the visitors' book as to the
manner in which the institution was conducted.
September 3. — At Charente, in France, a man fell into the
river there, and must have been drowned, but for the prompt
assistance of Mr. John Wardropper, of Sunderland, captain of the
Marquis of Bute, who sprang overboard, and, at the imminent risk
of his own life, after a severe struggle, ultimately succeeded in
restoring the poor fellow to his friends. This was the third person
who owed his preservation to the bravery of Captain Wardropper,
exclusive of his rescuing the crew of a French vessel from
September 15. — Sunderland was the scene of a contested
election, consequent upon the resignation of Mr. Alderman.
Thomson (who became a member for Westmoreland to the intense
disgust and indignation of his former constituents). The can-
didates were Viscount Howick and Mr. Wolverly Attwood. On
the above day the nomination took place, on hustings erected in
front of the exchange, The 16th was the polling day, and, on the
morning of the 17th, the mayor, R. White, esq., made an official
declaration of the poll from the hustings, the numbers being for
Lord Howick, 705, Mr. Attwood, 463. After the company had
left the hustings, Lord Howick's chairing procession was formed,
when his lordship, seated in an open carriage, drawn by four
horses, with music, flags, and a very large assemblage of friends,
proceeded through the principal streets of Sunderland. On
arriving at the Reform Tavern, Monkwearmouth, the scene was
quickly changed into one of dangerous riot and confusion. Stones
were thrown from the house, as large as half bricks, one of which
struck Lord Howick, and this having exasperated the crowd
accompanying him, they returned the attack, and broke some of
the windows of the premises. The landlord, Mr. Edward Liddle,
became much excited on observing the damage, and snatching up
a fowling-piece, he presented it out of the window and pulled the
trigger, but the gun fortunately missed fire. The house, in conse-
quence of this rash proceeding, was almost completely gutted by
the mob, and some injury was also done to the Bridge Inn and
other taverns. On this serious disturbance taking place, Lord
Howick was driven to Whitburn, the seat of Sir Hedworth
Williamson, and endeavours were made to prevent mischief, but
it was some time before hostilities ceased. Liddle was afterwards
fined five pounds for his breach of the peace.
1841 (September 16). — A melancholy catastrophe occurred at Long
Newton, near Darlington. A bull, which had lately become
unruly, was placed in a stable and chained to the manger, his
horns also fastened thereto with a rope, by the son-in-law of Mr.
William Stonehouse, of the above place, farmer. The latter
person on going into the stable, and observing the bull tied by the
horns, set to work to unloose the rope, not perceiving that the
animal had got rid of the chain by having torn it from his nostrils.
The bull, on finding himself at liberty, immediately attacked its
defenceless owner, and, throwing him down, gored him in the most
frightful manner. The son-in-law, hearing the cries of his father,
flew to his assistance, and succeeded, in the most miraculous
manner, in securing the animal, but too late to save his parent's
life, as Mr. Stonehouse expired shortly after the unfortunate
September 17. — Died, at Lee Moor, near Alnwick, aged 69, Mr.
Straughan ; on the 18th, aged 26, Miss Shanks, his niece ; and on.
the 19th, Mrs. Straughan, his wife, all greatly respected, and all
in one house.
September 21.— Sir Matthew White Ridley, bart., of Blagdon,
Northumberland, was married at Ampthill Church, Bedfordshire,
to Cecilia Anne, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Baron Parke.
September 23. — The Northumberland Agricultural Society held
its sixth anniversary for the show of stock, implements of hus-
bandry, seeds, plants, dec., in the Bull Park, at the north entrance
to Newcastle, when the attendance was very numerous. The band
of the 61st regiment was in attendance, and played several fine
airs during the day. There was a first-rate show of horses, both
in quantity and quality. Two grey ponies, the property of Mr.
Atkinson, coachmaker, were much admired, as were a brown colt,
the property of Mr. Lee, of Stockstield, and a grey colt, the pro-
perty of the Rev. Mr. Robson, of Ponteland. A brood mare, sent
by Mr. G. H. Ramsay, of Derwent Villa, attracted much notice.
Amongst the short-horned cattle there was a number of beautiful
animafs. Amongst the bulls, Mr. W. Ord, M.P., had a very fine
one ; Mr. Angus, of Bromley ; Mr. Ridley, of Arbour House ;
Mr. Scott, of Cambois ; and Mr, Crofton, of Holywell, each
exhibited beautiful animals, Mr. C. H. Bainbridge, of Lumley
Park, sent a cow which had already taken three prizes ; and
amongst the steers and heifers there were some superior animals
shown by Mr. Swan and Mr. Brown, of Newcastle ; Mr. Stobart,
of Epperley, and others. The show of sheep and pigs was
extremely good, there being a number of first-rate animals exhibited.
There was a large collection of agricultural implements, and several
of them showed great skill in their formation. The varieties of
turnips, potatoes, carrots, onions, &c., were in great profusion.
Altogether the exhibition gave the utmost satisfaction.
1841 (September 29). — While the wind was blowing hard from the
south-west, Joseph Hutchinson, a ship carpenter, was coming
down the river Wear, in a boat laden with sandstone, and had on
board his son and daughter, who had been assisting him to load
the frail bark. Between Claxheugh and Pallion Quay, the boat
struck with violence against a raft of timber, and almost instantly
sunk. Their situation was observed from the shore, but before
assistance could be afforded they all perished.
September 30. — The Highland Agricultural Society held their
annual meeting at Berwick-upon-Tweed, which was thronged with
strangers from all parts of the country. Sir Charles Gordon, the
secretary, stated that the entries were numerous beyond precedent.
There were entered for competition — Cattle, 175; horses, 90;
sheep, 653 ; pigs, 33 ; in all, 962. This was the largest show-
ever held by the society, or, as far as he knew, by any other
society. A dinner took place after the show, at which the Duke
of Richmond presided, the Marquis of Tweeddale being croupier.
The Dukes of Northumberland, Roxburgh, and Buccleuch, the
Earls of Buchan and Countown, Lord Howick, Lord Ossulston,
Lord Templemore, and nearly all the landed proprietors of the
district were present, the number of guests being 1,918.
September 30. — The ancient corporation of Hartlepool, which
had been for some time in a dormant state, with its fine property
open to the aggressions of the unprincipled, was restored to life
and vigour, her majesty the Queen having been pleased to grant a
charter under the great seal for its re-incorporation. This charter
was brought down from London on the above day, by Mr. Toase,
the London solicitor to the corporation, and was read before the
committee that night, when it was found that William Vollum.
esq., was appointed mayor, and Messrs. H. S. Shearman, W. G.
Vollum, Johnson Worthy, John Winstanley, Cuthbert Sharp,
William Manners, George Sheraton, Thomas Powell, Stephen
Horner, Christopher Davison, Joseph Mellanby, and Thomas Bell,
chief burgesses. Mr, Vollum's mayoralty was of short duration,
as the charter appointed Monday, October 4th, for the appointment
of a new mayor. A court of common-council was held on that
day, when W. John Vollum, esq., was chosen as successor to his
father, — Stapylton, esq., recorder, and Thomas Bell, esq., clerk
to the corporation.
1841 (October 4). — One of the most extraordinary achievements
of modern times — the removal of the lighthouse, at Sunderland, in
an entire state, from the site on which it stood for forty years to
the eastern extremity of the pier — was brought to a successful
conclusion, in the presence of a great number of spectators. At a
meeting of the Commissioners of the river Wear, the pulling down
and re-erection of this lighthouse at the extreme end of the pier,
which had been lengthened and improved, was fully discussed,
when Mr. Murray, the talented engineer, proposed to remove it
entire a distance of near 500 feet. His plans having been approved
of, the masonry at the base, which was fifteen feet in diameter, was
cut away, and timbers were inserted through the building and
extending seven feet beyond it. Above, and at right angles to
them, another tier of timber was inserted, so as to form a cradle,
or base, 29 feet square, and this cradle was to be supported upon
bearers, with about 250 wheels, of six inches in diameter, to
traverse upon a railway laid for the purpose. The building,
which was about 80 feet high, and weighed about 300 tons, was
to be tied together with bands, and its eight sides supported with
timber braces, from the cradle upwards to the cornice. The
necessary preparations having been effected, the work of removal
was commenced, and, having been first taken several yards in a
northerly direction, the rails were laid to convey it forward to the
eastern extremity of the pier, and from that time the operations
were continued until the lighthouse was removed to its intended
site on the new pier head. The rate of movement varied from
1 to 2 feet per minute, and the whole work was concluded without
the slightest injury to life or property. The lighthouse being
lighted up every night, as usual, great credit was awarded to Mr.
Murray for his ability and success. The entire cost of the removal
was £827, the estimated cost of pulling down and rebuilding
October 7. — On this and the three previous days an almost
incessant rain fell throughout this district, in consequence of
which, the rivers in Northumberland were flooded to an alarming
extent. The Tyne was so high that many of the cellars on the
Quayside, at Newcastle, were filled with water, and, at the Stock-
bridge, considerable damage and inconvenience ensued from the
bursting of the sewers. All the rivers ift. Northumberland were
very high. The wild running streams, descending from the
Cheviots, presented an imposing appearance, coming down with
almost irresistable force, sweeping away embankments, and
flooding the adjacent low lands for miles. The damage done by
the Glen, in its mad career, to dykes, caulds, bridges, and corn in
stook, between Newton and its confluence with the Till, was
immense. At Blanchland and Allensford, the bridges were nearly
all destroyed, the Derwent having risen to a greater height than
was ever known, with the exception of 1771.
1841 (October). — Early in this month, Mr. George Bates, inn-
keeper, Ponteland, vomited an asp, between two and three inches
long, which he supposed he must have swallowed, or some of the
spawn, while drinking water out of a ditch.
October 19. — Between seven and eight o'clock this morning,
a most determined act of suicide was committed, between Stockton
and Norton, by a man named Robinson, and which occasioned
considerable excitement in both places. As a Mr. Harrison, a
grocer in Stockton, but who lodged at Norton, was on his way
from the latter to the former place, he was met by Robinson, when
an altercation took place, which was abruptly concluded by
Robinson demanding the loan of £5, and Harrison replying " of
course not," the latter proceeded on his way, when, on looking
round, he was startled at seeing Robinson close to him, with a
pistol in his hand, which he instantly presented and drew the
trigger, fortunately it missed fire. Harrison struck him a blow on
the arm and hurried away, with the intention of obtaining the
assistance of the police. Robinson almost instantly left the foot-
path, passed the end of the " Brown Jug" public house, on the road
leading to Fogs brick-yard, and, discharging a pistol into his own
breast, gave a sudden spring, and then fell apparently dead. He
was taken up and conveyed into the public house, where he
expired before medical aid could be procured. Three pistols, all
loaded with ball, were found upon him, and, it is supposed, he had
tried them all upon Harrison.
October 27. — A magnificent bazaar, in aid of the funds of the
Northern Asylum for the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb, for
which great preparations had been making for several weeks, was
held in the Music Hall, Newcastle, being under the special and
illustrious patronage of Her Majesty Queen Adelaide and Her
Grace the Duchess of Northumberland, as well as a very numerous
body of distinguished ladies connected with the northern counties.
The greatest interest was created on the occasion, and the town
was literally thronged with visitors, who had come to give their
support to the meritorious object contemplated by the undertaking,
and to witness the pleasing and animated proceedings amidst the
galaxy of rank, fashion, and beauty, that were assembled in the
room. Stalls were occupied by the Countess of Hardwicke, Lady
Ravensworth, the Hon. Mrs. Liddell, Lady Williamson, &c., &c.
The total proceeds of the bazaar exceeded £934.
October 28.— This morning, during a heavy sea, the Blyth
Lifeboat Committee held a meeting at that place, when it was
arranged to launch the boat for practice. The brig Sibsons was
off the port at the time, and Mr. Hodgson, the owner of the vessel,
and a crew of eleven men, embarked in the boat, Mr. Hodgson
offering the men £3 if they could reach his ship, but they had
scarcely put off, when a heavy sea struck the boat and capsized it.
Mr. Hodgson and one of the crew clung to the bottom of the boat
and were saved, but the others were all drowned, in the sight of
hundreds of people, who were totally unable to render any assist-
ance. The sufferers were Wm. Dixon, aged 60 ; Dan Dawson,
25 ; John Hodgson, 28 ; John Hepple, 22 ; Jas. White, 45 ; Peter
Bushel, 21, all seamen ; Edward Wood, carpenter, 35 ; Thomas
Grieves, trimmer, 40 ; Robinson Burn, pilot, 44 ; and Henry
Debord, shipowner, 56.
1841 (November 2). — The annual election of mayors and other
corporate officers took place. The following were the chief
magistrates appointed in this district: — Newcastle — James Hodgson,
(John Thomas Carr, sheriff). Gateshead — George Sowerby,
Durham — John Bramwell. Sunderland — Sir H. Williamson, bart.
Stockton — Robinson Watson. Morpeth — William Clarke. Berwick —
Alexander Cahill, (Ralph Forster, sheriff).
November 10. — The intelligence of the birth of an heir to the
throne, on the ninth, arrived from the metropolis, and was received
with inexpressible joy and gratification, by all classes of the com-
munity. Bell ringing and other signs of rejoicing everywhere
prevailed. The Corporations of Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland,
and other towns, afterwards voted congratulatory addresses to her
November 14. — An alarming fire was discovered at Friar's
Goose Colliery, near to Mr. Clapham's alkali works, South Shore,
by which an extensive range of sheds, screens, &c., and a number
of waggons were entirely consumed. The damage was estimated
at £800.
November 26. — Died, at Genoa, Louisa Elizabeth, Countess
of Durham, relict of the Right Hon. John George Lambton,
Earl of Durham, whom she survived only sixteen months. The
remains of the countess were interred in the family vault, at
Chester-le-street, on December 28.
November 29. — The Tweed Bank at Berwick stopped pay-
ment. The transactions of the bank were very extensive,
particularly in Berwickshire and the northern part of Northum-
berland, and its suspension caused great consternation in the
district. The partners were William Smith Batson, John Wilson,
and John Langhorne. A first dividend of 5s. in the pound was
paid in July, 1842, a second of Is. 5d. in January, 1843, a third
of 3s. lie?, in July, 1843, a fourth of 6d. in February, 1845, and a
fifth of 3d. in January, 1850.
November. — Early in December, Mr. James Beadling, of
Painsher, departed this life at the venerable age of 92. His wife,
to whom he had been married 68 years, was then living, and was
9 7 years of age. He left behind him sons and daughters, 14;
grand-children, 75 ; great grand-children, 46 ; total, 135. Think
of providing a Christmas dinner for such a family.
1841 (December).— -In the latter part of this year, the Rev. Robert
Green, incumbent of All Saints', Newcastle, had the sepulchral
brass of Roger de Thornton taken from its position in the vestibule
of the church, and, on examination, found it seriously corroded.
After a judicious cleansing, repair, and lackering, Mr. Green had
it securely placed in a frame- work of wood, and, by hanging it in
the vestry, a reasonable hope is afforded that this interesting relic
will yet exist through many years. Mr. Green had intended to
have defrayed the expenses incurred, amounting to £15, by a
subscription, but was prevented by the liberality of Mrs. Witham,
of Lartington, Mr. Salvin, and Raleigh Trevelyan, esq., of Nether-
witton (three descendants of the great and good man), who
preferred paying the expenses themselves.
December 10.— William Hutchinson and John Green, of
Wingate Colliery, Durham, were brought before the Easington
magistrates for a violent assault upon Edward Floordon, on the
above day. It appeared that Green fastened a rope to Floordon's
foot, Hutchinson took the other end of the rope and put it round
the pit rope, which was going at the time. Floordon was
instantly tossed head foremost down the pit, when, wonderful to
relate, after descending about 16 yards, he caught hold of an
ascending rope, turned himself upwards, and was brought safely
to the surface. The magistrates convicted Hutchinson in the
penalty of £5, and Green in the penalty of £1 and costs.
1842 (January 6). — Died, at Alnwick, aged 82, Mr. William
Tarn, a native of Newcastle, and one of the oldest freemen of
that borough. His gentlemanly manners and kindness of heart
endeared him to all who knew him.
January 8. — That immense undertaking, the Spital Tongues
Colliery Tunnel, belonging to Messrs. Porter and Latirner,
was opened from the colliery to the river Tyne, near the Glass-
house bridge. The extreme length of the tunnel is 2^- miles, total
descent from the entrance at the colliery to the spouts for shipping
the coals, 222 feet. This line of railway is worked by a stationary
engine, the loaded waggons taking after them the rope to draw
the empty waggons back. Twelve keels could be shipped in an
hour. The waggons are of an improved form, invented by W.
E. Gillhespie, the engineer who had the whole management of
this stupendous work. The tunnel, from end to end, is arched
with bricks, and has an inverted stone arch at bottom. The
workmen, to the number of two hundred, were regaled with a
substantial supper and strong ale, supplied by Mrs. Dixon, the
worthy hostess of the Unicorn Inn, Bigg-market, Newcastle.
The Albion band attended, and enlivened the joyous occasion with
their music. The tunnel was commenced in 1839, and it is a
remarkable circumstance that the whole of the strata worked was
composed of nothing but solid clay.
1842 (January 10). — A terrific boiler explosion took place at
Jarrow Alkali Works. The engine-house was completely blown
down, and two men were killed — Thomas Eobinson and John
Smith. Other seven men were scalded and otherwise seriously
January 20. — Mr. Cresswell, M.P. for Liverpool, and brother
of A. J. Baker Cresswell, esq., M.P. for Northumberland, was
appointed one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in
the room of Mr. Justice Bosanquet, resigned.
January 25. — Being the day appointed for the baptism of
Albert, Prince of Wales, the event was celebrated throughout
the country with suitable demonstrations of joy. At Sunderland,
Barnardcastle, Darlington, North and South Shields, &c., distri-
butions of meat and other necessaries were made to the poor.
The dismounted troop of the Northumberland and Newcastle
Volunteer Cavalry fired &feu dejoieon the Sandhill. After firing,
the troop repaired to St. Nicholas'-square, to break up, where a
rather serious affray took place. A mob which had collected
attacked the Volunteers with snowballs as they dispersed, causing
great confusion and uproar in the streets for some time after.
January 25. — The church of St. Patrick, at the Felling, near
Gateshead, was opened with the usual formula of the Catholic
ceremonial. A sermon was preached by the Eev. William
Eiddell, by whose zeal the erection of the building was principally
January 26. — Mr. Robert Simpson, of Newport- on- Tees,
farmer and merchant, was returning home from Middlesbro', at a
late hour, when he observed three men proceed from the rear of
his granary to the wharf, with well filled bags on their backs, and,
concluding that they were carrying on a " free trade" in corn at
his expense, he roused his servants to the rescue of his property.
The suspected parties, hearing the alarm, threw down their bags,
and ran off in opposite directions. The bags having been examined,
were found to contain leaf tobacco. Subsequently several
additional bags were found, and, with the three already seized,
were conveyed to the Custom House, at Stockton, when the total
quantity was ascertained to amount to 5,94;81b. The duty upon
this seizure would have been £934.
January 26. — The weather at this period was extremely severe,
with heavy falls of snow, and a tremendous wind blowing from
the south-west. Coaches and conveyances of every description
were almost entirely stopped, and the mails were also unable to
maintain their time. Many disasters occurred at sea, and several
lives were lost. The snow remained till the 29th, when a gradual
thaw set in, in the course of which two boys were drowned at
January 29. — Died, at his residence in St. James'-square,
London, aged 75, the Right Honourable William Henry Vane,
Duke and Marquis of Cleveland, Earl of Darlington, Viscount
Barnard, and Baron Raby. The deceased was the only son of
Henry, second Earl of Darlington, and Margaret, sister of the late
and aunt of the present Earl of Lonsdale. In September, 1787,
he married Lady" Katherine Margaret Powlett, second daughter
and co-heiress of Henry, the sixth and last Duke of Bolton, by
whom his grace had issue eight children. He married, secondly,
in 1807, Elizabeth, daughter of R. Russell, esq., by whom he had
no issue. In 1827 he was advanced to the title of Marquis of
Cleveland, in 1833 he was created a duke, and in 1839 he was
elected a Knight of the Garter. His devotion to field sports was
almost unparalleled, and his stud of race horses was one of the
best, as well as the most successful, ever known on the turf. His
grace was buried, with strict privacy, at Staindrop. The entailed
estates of the family devolved on his grace's eldest son, who, as
Lord Barnard and Earl of Darlington, had sat in the House of
Commons for the counties of Durham and Salop, and the boroughs
of Tregony, Saltash, and Totness. The unentailed property was
left to his grace's younger sons, Lord William Powlett and Lord
Harry Vane, The personal property was sworn under one million
1842 (February 3). — Died, in New Bridge-street, Newcastle,
aged 82, the Rev. Moses Manners, rector of Thelverton, Norfolk,
and perpetual curate of St. Ann's, Newcastle. The deceased
succeeded the Rev. John Brand, the historian of Newcastle, as
usher of the Royal Grammar School in 1784, and was presented to
the above curacy in 1786, and to the rectory of Thelverton, by his
townsman, Lord Eldon, in 1813.
February 14. — A singular contrivance, to evade the payment
of excise duty, was discovered on board the Vesta steamer,
which sails between Newcastle and Edinburgh, by an officer of the
excise. It appears that in examining the cargo of the steamer, he
observed a large doll, dressed up in the gay attire of those which
are usually sold in toy shops, but, on account of its being of extra-
ordinary dimensions, he, after examining it minutely, perceived
that the lady's head easily separated from her body, and that her
neck formed nothing less than the neck of a large whisky bottle,
the contents of which had, no doubt, been previously extracted.
February 20. — Died, at Felton Vicarage, John Reed, esq.,
of Prestwick, and formerly of Chipchase Castle, aged 83, and on
the 28th, at the same place, Miss Reed, his sister, aged 85. Mr.
Reed was distributor of stamps for Northumberland and Durham.
His remains and those of his sister were interred in the family
vault, at Bell's Close, in the parish of Newburn, near Newcastle.
February 21. — At the meeting of the Natural History Society
of Newcastle, several trophies and objects of interest from
China, brought home by Captain Gustavus Coulson, of the Royal
Navy, son of Colonel Coulson, of Blenkinsopp Castle, and whose
services in the Blonde frigate in the Chinese expedition, were
handsomely noticed by his superiors, were presented by that
gentleman, consisting of bows, arrows, a matchlock, shield, helmets,
caps, banner, umbrella, magic lustre, &c. These have been
tastefully put up in the museum by the curator, in one of the
compartments, and attract much of the notice of visitors.
1842 (February 22.) — James Liddle, foreman in the chain and
anchor manufactory of Messrs. Edward Lumsdon and Son, Strand-
street, Monkwearmouth, was this day remonstrating with a
workman, named James Robertson, for neglecting his work, when
the latter lifted up a sledge-hammer, weighing about 61b., and
struck the foreman a tremendous blow on the head. Liddle was
carried home, and surgical aid procured. His skull was found to
be fractured, and the brain ruptured. He lingered insensible till
five next morning, when death terminated his sufferings. Mr,
Liddle was deservedly respected wherever he was known ; he had
been 28 years in the service of Mr. Lumsdon, and was considered
one of the best workmen in the north. Robertson was tried at the
Durham Summer Assizes, before Lord Denman, and was sentenced
to transportation for life.
February 26. — This day, was launched from Messrs. Smith's
dock, St. Peter's, near Newcastle, the fine ship the Ellenborough.
The vessel went off in grand style amidst the cheers of several
thousands of spectators. She was declared by the best judges to
be by far the most beautiful and best built, as well as the largest
vessel ever launched into the Tyne.
February 26. — Died, at Lesbury, near Alnwick, aged 80, John
Herdman, M.D. The deceased was the author of several medical
works, and practised as a physician many years in London, with
great success, having been appointed one of the physicians to
H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. He, however, relinquished his
profession from conscientious motives, his opinions having become
quite anti-medical, and were rigidly carried into practice. He
considered that to minister to nature, and to conform to her
operations by sobriety and regularity of life, were the only safe
means to secure health; and he entirely rejected the aid of medicine,
as tending to derange and debilitate the system, declining assistance
during his last illness, and declaring that he desired only to die a
natural death. After his retirement from the medical profession,
he entered into holy orders, and preached occasionally in Alnwick,
Howick, and the adjoining parish churches. The doctor was a
native of Fifeshire, and, by his marriage with Miss Hay, daughter
of the late C. Hay, esq., of Lesbury, he succeeded to great wealth,
which he diffused with a generous hand. He was a liberal supporter
of public institutions, a munificent patron of the fine arts, and a
kind benefactor to the poor and the distressed.
February 27. — Died, at Mitford Castle, Northumberland,
in his 65th year, Bertram Osbaldiston Mitford, esq., the lineal male
descendant of the very ancient family of Mitford.
March 9. — As Mr. George Watson, a butcher at Stockton,
was driving a fat cow from the market, the animal turned
into a passage in William-street, and, one of the doors being open,
she proceeded up stairs and unceremoniously took possession of a
room, occupied by a man named Franklin, a flax dresser, who was
at work, his wife and children being with him. They were, of
course, both surprised and alarmed at the extraordinary intrusion.
Mr. Watson soon came to their relief, and the cow was forcibly
ejected. The damage done did not amount to five shillings, which
the worthy butcher cheerfully paid.
1842 (March 13). — Died, at Alnwick Castle, aged 58, the Rev.
Thomas Singleton, D.D., chaplain to His Grace the Duke of
Northumberland, Archdeacon of Northumberland, rector of
Elsclon and Howick, in the same county, and a prebendary of
Worcester. He was the only son of Thomas Anketell Singleton,
formerly governor of Landguard Fort, by a daughter of Francis
Grose, esq., the celebrated antiquary. The three celebrated letters
on Church Reform, written by the Rev. Sydney Smith, were
addressed to Archdeacon Singleton, who was an intimate friend of
the witty canon of St. Paul's. Sir Henry Hardinge was his
almost daily correspondent, and he usually spent a week at
Tamworth with Sir Robert Peel during his residence as canon of
April 1. — The ship Georgia, of Newcastle, an Indiaman,
Captain Mitchell, bound to London from Calcutta, was lost by
fire, attended with a deplorable sacrifice of human life. The ship
was valued at £7,000, being splendidly fitted up for the accomo-
dation of passengers. She had a rich cargo on board, consisting
of jewellery, merchandise, and other valuable property, which
perished with the vessel, and which was estimated at £20,000.
The Georgia was the property of Messrs. Anthony Hood and Co.,
of Newcastle.
April 11. — A splendid running match of 440 yards, for
200 sovereigns, came off near Lambton Castle, between the
" Doctor," of Newcastle, and Atkinson, of Durham. The distance
was accomplished by Atkinson in fifty-four seconds, his rival being
a few yards behind him. At least 10,000 spectators were present.
April 18. — The Queen held a levee at St. James's, when
James Hodgson, esq,, mayor of Newcastle, was presented to her
majesty by Mr. Ord, M.P. Mr. Hodgson presented the con-
gratulary address of the Newcastle Corporation, and had the
honour of kissing hands. On Thursday his worship presented an
address to Prince Albert.
April 27. — A public entertainment was given in the
Assembly Rooms, Newcastle, to Sir John Walsham, bart.,
assistant poor law commissioner, by the gentlemen comprising the
various boards of guardians of the northern district, as a mark of
their approbation of the manner in which he had discharged his
arduous duties during a period of six years, and of regret at his
departure from the district. J. C. Jobling, esq., of Newton Hall,
presided, and J. L. Loraine and J. Tinley, esqrs., acted as vice-
chairmen. On the president's right was Sir John Walsham, bark,
the guest of the evening, and Charles William Bigge, esq., of
Linden ; Charles John Bigge, esq. ; Charles A. Monck, esq. ; John
Brandling, esq. j William Thompson Greenwell, esq. ; Charles
Bacon Grey, esq. ; Dr. Headlam ; the Mayor of Newcastle ; the
Rev. the Vicar, and other distinguished individuals in his imme-
diate vicinity. After dinner, the worthy baronet made the
following observations on the comparative cost of working the
old and the new poor law. He said — " Last year it fell to his
lot to compare the average of thirty unions in Durham, Northum-
umberlaud, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, the old averages of
which were £190,000 a-year. The new averages were .£156.000,
showing a decrease in favour of the new of £34,000."
1842 (May 3).— Died, at St. Petersburg!!, aged 62, Sir Robert
Ker Porter, K.C.H., the celebrated traveller. The deceased was
a brother of the well-known authoresses Anna, Maria, and Jane
Porter, and was born at Durham in 1780, being descended mater-
nally from two families long connected with the county of North-
umberland. In early life he manifested considerable ability in
drawing, and, although having a strong preference for military life,
it was deemed proper to cultivate his talents as an artist, and, about
the year 1790, he became a student of the Royal Academy, under
the auspices of Mr. West. -In 1804 he was invited to Russia, and
appointed historical painter to the Czar. During his residence at
St. Petersburgh he gained the affections of the Princess Mary,
daughter of Prince Theodore de Sherbatoff, whom he married.
Sir Robert accompanied Sir John Moore into Spain, and shared
in the hardships and perils of the campaign, which ended in the
battle of Corunna. In 1807 he was created a Knight of St. Joachim
of Wurtemburg, and, on his return to England in 1813, he received
t'.e honour of knighthood from the Prince Regent. In 1819 he
was created a Knight of the Lion and Sun of Persia. The deceased
was the author of " Sketches in Russia and Sweden," 1808 ;
*' Letters from Portugal and Spain," 1809 ; " Narrative of the
Late Campaign in Russia," 1813; "Travels in Georgia and Persia,"
1821, &c., &c. In the diplomatic service his last appointment was
that of Consul of Venezeula, from whence he returned in 1841.
May 23.—* A very ancient grave was discovered at Brooin-
house, near Angerton, Northumberland, while getting materials
for the new mansion erecting there for J. H. H. Atkinson, esq.
It contained the remains of a female, placed in a sitting position,
with short knives of bronze and flint, and ornaments of coal, the
whole enclosed with flat stones, and was 45 inches broad and 27
high. It was supposed to belong to a period about 600 years
before the Christian era. Many similar graves have been found
•on the Angerton grounds, and one of the same character was
discovered about a month after this date, at Sweethope, upon the
May 25. — A terrific thunder storm occurred at Barnard
Castle and its vicinity. At Scargill the farm-house of Mr.
Bowi'on was struck by the lightning, when part of the west gable
was thrown down, nearly every window in the house blown out,
several of the doors thrown off their hinges, the whole of the
vessels in the dairy destroyed, the ceiling of some of the rooms
and part of the roof forced off. The escape of Mr. Bowron was
most remarkable. He had just arrived at home, and had sat down
to smoke his pipe, when suddenly the chair on which he sat was
shivered to pieces, his gaiters singed, and he himself unhurt. It
is impossible to describe the devastation the lightning occasioned.
1842 (May 25). — The boiler of a locomotive engine, on the Stan-
hope and Tyne Railway, at Annfield Plain, suddenly burst, when the
engineman, named Thomas Shevil, and the brakesman, Edward
Ri'ddell, were killed on the spot.
june 8. — Died, at Newbiggin, Northumberland, aged 104, Mr.
John Armstrong, mariner. He served in his majesty's navy at
the commencement of the American war.
June 20. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
St. Leger Stakes were won by Mr. G. Clarke's Master Thomas
(Holmes). The Northumberland Plate was won by Major
Yarburgh's b c Heslington (Joy). The Gold Cup was won by
Mr, Orde's Beeswing (Cartwright), beating Mr. Saville Ogle's
Charles the XLI. Betting : 12 to 1 on Beeswing, who won easily
by four lengths. This celebrated mare had then won 23 gold cups
and 50 prizes, and had proved herself superior to some of the first
horses in the kingdom.
July 10. — At an ordination held this day, at Auckland Castle,
one of the successful candidates was Mr. Blythe Hurst, till lately
a blacksmith in the village of Winlaton, Durham. After the
toils of his laborious trade were daily concluded, he acquired,
without any assistance, an acquaintance with English, Greek,
Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, French, and Sanscrit, and also
taught himself to write. At a time when socialism was making
much progress in the village, Mr. Hurst published a little pamphlet,
entitled " Christianity no Priestcraft." This work having fallen
into the hands of the Bishop of Durham, his lordship caused
inquiries to be made concerning Mr. Hurst, as to his mode of study,
and desired Mr. Douglas, the rector of Whickham, to pay the
blacksmith a visit. Mr. Douglas found him toiling the whole day
to support his family, pursuing his studies while at work, having
his lessons on his flame stone. Mr. Douglas conversed with him,
and subsequently made a report to the bishop, who eventually gave
the poor scholar the means of following that course of life for
which he had long pined. Mr. Hurst passed his examination with
the highest credit, and remained some days on a visit to the bishop
at Auckland Castle, shortly after which he entered upon his
ministerial duties as curate of Garrigill, near Alston.
July 10. — This day, Mrs. Isabella Carnaby, landlady of the
Duke of Cumberland public house, Close, Newcastle, threw
herself out of the attic window into the street, from the effects of
which she died shortly after.
July 11. — Died, at Darlington, aged 108, Mrs. Elizabeth
July 16. — A match, for £150 a-side, between the crew of the
St. Agnes, a four-oared boat, manned by a crew of brothers,
named Clasper, and a London crew, named Newell, Coombes, and
J. and R. Doubledee, came off. The race was from Newcastle
Bridge to Lemington, which was won easily by the London rowers.
1842 (July 18;.— A foot-race, for £150 a-side, took place
near Durham, between two men, named Atkinson and Whitehead.
About 15,000 persons were present. Atkinson fell about 20 yards
from home.
July 26. — The body of a young woman was found on
the sea shore near Hardwicke, Durham, under circumstances which
left no doubt that she had been murdered. It was at first
supposed that the deceased was the daughter of a person named
Dixon, resident at Wolviston, that she had been seduced by a
young man, who, having since been married to another woman,
had murdered the deceased and fled. During the inquest a some-
whatsingularillustrationof the dangerous tendency of circumstantial
evidence was adduced. The brother, father, and sister of the girl
missing from Wolviston swore to the deceased being that individual,
and their evidence was corroborated by a woman who swore 'that
the stays which were produced, and which were taken from' the
body, were made by her for the girl in question. After this
apparently conclusive evidence the coroner consented, on the
application of the father, to give up the body to him for interment.
Before, however, it had reached its intended resting-place, a police-
officer, who had been in quest of the supposed murderer, arrived
with the information that both he and the missing girl were alive
and well at Lofthouse, in Cleveland, whither the father, by the
direction of the coroner, immediately proceeded, and actually found
his daughter. The body was then brought back, and the inquest
was adjourned till Friday, when it was clearly proved that the
deceased was Jane Jackson, the daughter of a respectable man at
Easington. No further particulars could be ascertained, but the
conviction was strengthened that the unfortunate woman had been
brutally murdered.
August 25. — The marriage of Lord Prudhoe, second son of
Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland, to Lady Eleanor, eldest
daughter of Earl Grosvenor, and granddaughter of the Marquis of
Westminster, was solemnized this day at St. George's Church,
Hanover-square. At the same time, Lord Parker, eldest son of
the Earl of Macclesfield, was united to Lady Mary Frances
Grosvenor, second daughter of Earl Grosvenor." His Grace the
Archbishop of York officiated at both marriages, in the presence of
a very distinguished circle of the relatives and friends of the
Northumberland, Westminster, and Macclesfield families.
September 7. — An American seaman, named Michael Smith,
aged 23, proposed to leap from the east side of Sunderland Bridge
into the Wear. His intention was announced by handbills, and
at the time fixed thousands of persons assembled to witness this
daring and novel exploit. On arriving at the centre of the bridge,
he was preparing to throw himself off, when he was seized by the
police, who conducted him to the station-house, to the great
disappointment of the spectators. Next day he was brought before
the magistrates and bound over to keep the peace. About six
o'clock in the evening of the same day, determined not to be
diverted from his purpose, Smith went privately on to the bridge,
and despatched his companions to apprize certain parties who had
befriended him of his determination to leap. Having perched
himself on the summit of the lamp-frame, from whence, waving his
cap gallantly, he sprung into the river, a height of upwards of 110
feet. On reaching the water he struck out, and swam like a " sea
bird" to a keel, from whence he saluted the spectators on the
bridge and on the heights in the style of a true Jack Tar, which
was immediately returned by a round of hearty cheers from the
astonished multitude. Smith took another leap on the 15th, which
was witnessed by 30,000 spectators, and was performed success-
fully, though Smith's body was slightly bruised by its sudden
contact with the water, the high wind then blowing having thrown
him into an angular position whilst falling.
1842 (September 15J. — The celebrated racing mare, Beeswing, the
property of William Orde, esq., of Nunnykirk, closed her
wonderful career on the turf by winning the Doncaster Cup. This
was Beeswing's fifty-first victory, and the twenty-fourth gold cup
which she had won, a number quite unprecedented. After having
eight foals — four colts and four fillies — several of which proved
themselves worthy descendants of " the Pride of the North,"
Beeswing died March 4th, 1854, near Chester, aged 21.
September 23. — John Thompson, a tailor, of Sunderland, in a
drunken freak, declared that he would that night rival Smith, the
diver, by jumping off Wearmouth Bridge, which rash act he
performed. He was picked up, a few minutes after, quite dead.
September 27. — A grand musical festival commenced in
St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle, for the benefit of the several
charitable institutions established in the counties of Northumber-
land and Durham. The instrumental performers were 64 in
number, and the chorus consisted of 163 voices, the whole being
tinder the direction of Sir George Smart. Amongst the principle
vocalists were Madame Caradoni Allan, Miss B. Hawes, Miss
Birch, Miss Pyne, Mr. H. Phillips, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Machin, Mr.
Ashton, &c., &c. The church was fitted up with galleries for the
accomodation of the patrons of the festival, as well as for the
performers, and the arrangements, generally, were considered
admirable. The performances on the first morning were of a
miscellaneous character, on the 28th Haydn's *' Creation," and
Rossini's " Stabat Mater," with passages from Handel's " Israel
in Egypt," and on the 29th Handel's " Messiah" occupied the
whole morning. On each of the three evenings there was a
concert at the Theatre. The festival concluded on the 30th with
a grand fancy dress ball in the Assembly Rooms, which was
attended by nearly 600 of the nobility and gentry. The ball was
led off by the Marchioness of Londonderry and M. Bell, esq.,
M.P., and, from the extraordinary magnificence of many of the
dresses, the scene was one of the most brilliant ever witnessed in
the town. Unfortunately, the musical festival, with all its merit,
turned out to be a failure in a pecuniary point of view. The total
receipts for the church and theatre were £1,865, while the
expenses amounted to about £2,665. The deficiency was made
up by the subscribers to the guarantee fund.
1842 (September 30). — A grand bazaar, in aid of the Natural
History Society and the Society for the Promotion of the Fine
Arts, was held in the rooms of the Literary and Philosophical
Society and the Museum, Newcastle. During the day, the bazaar
was visited by two thousand five hundred persons, who paid for
admission, and, if accommodation could have been afforded, it
would have been visited by at least a thousand more. There were
two stalls in the Museum, the Marchioness of Londonderry
attending at one and the Misses Brandling attending at the other.
In the library the stalls were arranged on each side, the centre
being left for the promenade. These were attended by Mrs.
Mayoress, Mrs. J. T. Carr, Mrs. Joseph Watson, Mrs. W. L.
Harle, Mrs. Barnett, and Mrs. Swinburne. The exhibition of
Chinese curiosities, furnished by Captain Coulson, R.N., was
highly attractive. The gingalls, cannons, flags, shoes, caps,
swords, deities, chairs, bows, arrows, musical instruments, as well
as figures, excited much admiration. The total proceeds of the
three days amounted to upwards of £800. A balance of £530
remained at the disposal of the society.
October 6. — A splendid vessel, the longest ever built on the
banks of the Wear, was launched from the building yard of Mr.
John Watson, at Pallion, near Sunderland. She was built for
Richard Greenwell, esq., and was called " The Castle Eden," in
commemoration of the successful winning of the colliery of that
name, of which that gentleman is one of the principal proprietors.
October 7. — Died, at Darlington, Jonathan Backhouse, esq.,
of Polam House, head of the banking firm of Backhouse & Co ,
Darlington, aged 63.
October 8. — Saturday, Mr. Henry George Liddell, eldest son
of the Hon. H. T. Liddell, M.P., having attained his 21st year,
his noble grandfather, Lord Ravensworth, entertained his tenantry
at dinner on that day, in celebration of the happy event. It was
not, however, until Wednesday, the 12th, that the grand celebration,
so long previously determined on, took place. On this latter day
between 400 and 500 visitors were present, including Her Royal
Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, His Imperial Highness the
Archduke Frederick Ferdinand of Austria, Lady Caroline Legge,
Lord and Lady Chelsea, the Earl of Scarborough, Lord and Lady
Barrington and Miss Barrington, Lord and Lady Hardwicke, Lord
George Seymour, Lord and Lady Prudhoe, Miss Wynn, and Miss
Percy, Sir C. Monck and Mrs. Monck, Matt. Bell, esq., M P., and
Mrs. Bell, Sir Edward and Lady Blackett, and, in short, most of
the principal families in the counties of Durham and Northumber-
land. For some days past the public mind had been kept in a
state of considerable excitement, in consequence of the royal and
distinguished personages who were expected to be present. The
Duchess of Gloucester had come into the north in order to be
present at the festivities, and the Duke of Cambridge had also
returned, after his recent visit to Wynyard, with the same object.
His Royal Highness and the Duchess of Gloucester paid a visit to
the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, at Alnwick Castle, and
proceeded as far north as Haggerston. The royal duke, after
returning to Ravensworth Castle, visited the Marquis and
Marchioness of Londonderry, at Wynyard, and proceeded thence
to Raby Castle, on a visit to the Duke of Cleveland. From Raby
his royal highness was expected to return to Ravensworth Castle,
first paying a visit to William Russell, esq., of Brancepeth Castle,
who had made great preparations for his Royal highness's recep-
tion, but he was unexpectedly called to London, and he left Raby
Castle for the south. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of
Gloucester returned from Alnwick Castle on Monday, and on
Tuesday she drove out to Lambton Castle, where she remained a
short time, and then returned to Ravensworth. The Archduke
Frederick of Austria was also in the neighbourhood, and it was
hoped would join the festivities — a hope which it will be seen was
realized. The royal and distinguished party began to assemble at
Ravensworth Castle shortly after three o'clock on Wednesday
afternoon, but long before that time the grounds were covered
with gay and festive parties, who had determined to enjoy a
holiday on the occasion. Indeed, the whole road through the
grounds to the castle was crowded by parties anxious to witness
the arrival of the company. The grounds, however, appeared
decidedly to advantage, the autumnal hues of the variegated copse-
wood contrasting with the greea sward of the delightful parks.
The preparations at the castle for the reception and entertainment
of the company were on an extensive scale. The billiard-room
was set apart as an ante-room, where the visitors deposited their
hats, cloaks, &c., and then they proceeded to the gallery, where
they were received by Lord and Lady Ravensworth, and the
different members of the family. The excellent band of the 61st
Regiment was stationed on the lawn in front of the castle, and a
number of choristers were engaged to attend in the gallery, where
Mr. Ions presided at the organ. Shortly after the company began
to arrive, the band commenced playing. On the entrance of Her
Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, the choristers sang the
national anthem, and when His Imperial Highness the Archduke
of Austria entered, the grand German national hymn of " God
preserve the Emperor," was given in most effective style. During
the arrival of the company several beautiful pieces were sung.
" Gloria in Excelsis," from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, was finely
executed ; and '-Thy Marvellous Works," from the sacred oratorio,
" The Creation," was sung in most excellent style by Lady
Williamson solo, and chorus. The " Inflammatus," from the
" Stabat Mater," was also sung by Lady Williamson solo, and
chorus ; besides a number of other selections of sacred music, the
effect of which was beautiful. About half-past five, the company
sat down to dinner which had been set out in the library, saloon,
and drawing-room and dining-room. The royal party dined in
the library, where the tables were laid for about forty. Lord
Ravensworth presided, and was supported by the Marquis of
Normanby, the Hon. H. T. Liddell, M.P., Lord and Lady Chelsea,
Lord and Lady Barrington, Lord Prudhoe, Miss Wynn, and Miss
Percy, the Earl of Scarborough, Lord George Seymour, His
Imperial Highness Archduke Frederick of Austria, and suite, Her
Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, and Lady Caroline
Legge, and a number of other distinguished individuals. The
gorgeous display of massive silver plate on the principal table had
a most magnificent effect, and the whole of the apartments were
set out in a style of princely grandeur. After the cloth had been
withdrawn, Lord Ravensworth rose and proposed the health of the
Queen, which was enthusiastically responded to. The health of
Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Royal, the
Queen Dowager, the Duchess of Gloucester, and the rest of the
royal family, were also given and responded to in loud and
enthusiastic plaudits. Lord Hardwicke, who had acted as
toastmaster, then called for a bumper, and the Marquis of
Normanby rose to propose the health of the Archduke Ferdinand
of Austria, and in doing so paid a high compliment to his imperial
highness. His imperial highness, being unable to speak fluently
in English, begged of Lord Ravensworth to acknowledge the
compliment which had been paid him, and his lordship did so in
happy and appropriate terms. The noble president next proposed
the health of Mr. Henry George Liddell, whose majority they
were then met to celebrate, and expressed his gratification at his
having been honoured by the company of so many noble and
distinguished personages. The toast was drank with great
enthusiasm. Mr. H. G. Liddell returned thanks, and concluded
by proposing the health of Lord and Lady Ravensworth, which
was received with rapturous applause. The Duchess of Gloucester
and suite then retired, and the tables were soon deserted for the
gallery, which formed a most delightful promenade. The archduke
and suite retired to the saloon. The drawing-room tables were
cleared in a few minutes, and the apartment converted into a
splendid promenade, coffee and tea being served up in the library
and dining-room. His imperial highness repaired to the gallery
about 8 o'clock, and the Duchess of Gloucester entered soon,
afterwards. A quadrille band from Newcastle had been engaged
for the evening. The ball was led off by his imperial highness
the archduke and the Hon. Miss Liddeli. Dancing was kept
up with unabated spirit till a late hour. His imperial highness
and suite left shortly after ten o'clock, and before twelve all
the principal company had taken their departure. Parties who
were present describe the entertainment as having been of the
most magnificent description ; while the urbanity and kindness
of Lord and Lady Ravens worth were
unfeigned admiration.
[A.D. 1842,
spoken of in terms of
(October 12).— Died, at
Albion-place, Newcastle, aged
54, John Trotter Brockett, esq.,
F.S, A., one of the council of the
Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle,
and secretary of «the Literary
and Philosophical Society. Mr.
Brockett received his education
under theVenerableand Rev. Wm.
Turner, then the preceptor of a
limited number of young gentle-
men, and selecting the profession
of the law as the object of his
pursuit. After the usual course
of study, he was admitted an
attorney. He practised as such
many years in Newcastle, with distinguished ability and
success. But his praise as a professional man is, that his
practice was marked by the strictest integrity and liberality, and
he descended to the tomb, amid the regrets of those numerous
friends, who reposed with implicit confidence, their concerns to
his guidance and direction. He collected a library of scarce and
curious books, which were sold by Mr. Sotheby, in London, in
1823. He also formed a splendid cabinet of coins and medals,
which were offered to the public by the same gentleman in that
year. For those gems he had the gratification of seeing the most
gifted men of the day in competition. On the dispersion of his
library and museum, he started the pursuit de novo, and he left
behind him books and coins, and medals, which may vie with those
of any private gentleman in the kingdom. But Mr. Brockett was
not a bare collector. He knew the value of his books in the
intelligence and wisdom infolded in their pages, and the use of his
coins and medals for the purposes of history. Few men, indeed,
studied Numismatics with greater closeness or more success than
Mr. Brockett, and in this very rare attainment he pre-eminently
stood forth. Mr. Brockett, as a writer and editor, is extensively-
known ; but the works by which he is most distinguished are,
" Inquiry into the Question whether the Freeholders of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne are entitled to vote for Members of Parliament for the
County of Northumberland," and, his " Glossary of North County
Words." The first of those publications received the high
commendations of Mr. Hopper Williamson and other constitutional
lawyers; and the latter is appreciated wherever the English language
is known.
October 13. — Lord and Lady Prudhoe arrived at Alnwick
Castle, on their nuptial visit to their noble relatives, the Duke and
Duchess of Northumberland, and their entrance into the town was.
hailed with the utmost enthusiasm, and accompanied with every
A.D. 1842.]
demonstration of public rejoicing. The Percy tenantry, to the
number of nearly 500, met them at Harapath Bank, near Nevvton-
on-the-Moor, and escorted them to the castle. As they entered
the town, they were saluted by the cannon on the castle, the shops
were closed during the procession, and, as the noble lord and his
bride drove through the town, they graciously acknowledged the
greetings with which they were received. The tenantry and
other inhabitants of the town were bountifully regaled at the
castle. Dinners were provided at the different inns, and the day
was kept as an entire holiday in the neighbourhood.
1842 (October 14> — Died, at Saltwell House, near Gateshead,
the residence of William Caley, esq., aged 27, the Rev. John
Lewis Eyre, of Newcastle. He had officiated as assistant catholic
priest with the Revds. James Worswick and William Riddell, for
the last sixteen months. In September, he was seized with the
prevailing complaint of influenza and fever, of which he died. His
remains were privately conveyed to the Catholic Chapel on the
night of Tuesday, the 18th, and on Wednesday morning a solemn
service was performed over the body, which was enclosed in a
leaden coffin, and rested on a bier at the foot of the altar. The
chapel was crowded to excess. His remains were afterwards
interred at Jesmond Cemetery.
1842 (October 16).— Died, at Mor-
peth, aged 69, William Orde, esq., of
Nimnykirk, Northumberland, univer-
sally and deservedly respected. The
deceased, who was widely known as
the owner of the celebrated Beeswing,
Tomboy, and other racers, as well as
by some little eccentricities of dress
and deportment, was honoured, not
only in Great Britain, but on the Con-
tinent, for a character which few have
acquired — an honest and honourable
sportsman. He was at the great fete
at Ravensworth, and promenaded a
considerable time on the lawn. He appeared in good spirits, and
conversed freely with all around.
October 20. — Died, at Bam burgh, aged 25, Grace Horsley
Darling, the heroine of the Farn Islands. She had been in a
delicate state of health for some time, and her medical attendant
recommended her removal from the sea. She, in consequence,
went to reside with a friend at Wooler, and afterwards removed
to Ainwick, where lodgings were engaged for her and her sister
by their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, by
whom the greatest attention was paid to the amiable girl. Her
complaint having assumed the form of decided consumption, and
all hope of recovery abandoned, her father anxiously desired that
she should return amongst her family, atid she was accordingly
removed from Ainwick to Bamburgh only about ten days before
her death.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs: — Newcastle— Thomas Dunn, esq., mayor, and Joseph
Hawks, esq., sheriff. Gateshead —Robert Davies, esq., mayor.
Sunderland — Andrew White, esq., mayor. Stockton— Charles
Trotter, esq., mayor. Morpeth — William Trotter, esq., M. D.,
mayor. Berwick — Joseph Hubback, esq., mayor, George Johnson,
esq., sheriff. Hartlepool — Thomas Rowell, esq., mayor.
November 26. — Lady Peat, widow of the Rev. Sir Robert
Peat, the chaplain and companion of George the Fourth, died this
day, at her house, in Villiers street, Bishopwearmouth, aged 90.
Her eccentricities, as Miss Smith, of East Herrington, and the
firing of her house, and murder of her servant girl, by some
criminal yet unknown, are, no doubt, familiar to some still living.
The fire and murder took place on the 28th of August, 1815, and
three men — Eden, Wolfe, sen., arid Wolfe, jun. — were put on
their trial for the offences. The two former were found guilty
and sentenced to be hanged, but were afterwards pardoned, an
alibi having been proved to the complete satisfaction of the judges,
and a witness against them, of the name of Lincoln, was afterwards
tried and found guilty of perjury.
1842 (November 28). — Died, at Egglescliff, Durham, at the ad-
vanced age of 89, the Rev. John Brewster, for sixty-six years a
minister of the Church of England, and successively incumbent of
Greatham, Stockton, Redmarshall, Boldon, and Egglescliff, all in
the county of Durham. In 1796 he published his " Parochial
History and Antiquities of Stockton-upon-Tees,"a highly-esteemed
topographical work. He had previously published a work t: On
the Prevention of Crime, and the Advantages of Solitary Imprison-
ment," in which he enunciated principles greatly in advance of the
age. The deceased was born in Pilgrim-street,. Newcastle, on the
18th of January, 1754, his father being at that time curate of St.
December 13. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 76, Archibald Reed,
esq., many years an alderman, and six times mayor, of New-
castle* His remains were interred on the 19th, in the Cemetery
at Jesmond, the melancholy procession consisting of a hearse and
four mourning coaches, besides a number of private carriages, the
funeral being attended by the stewards of the incorporated com-
panies, and a great number of individuals anxious to show their
respect to the deceased. In politics Mr. Reed was a Conservative;
and all acknowledged his amiable disposition, kindness of heart,
and liberal hospitality. Indeed, few individuals have been so
fortunate in securing the esteem of their fellow-townsmen, or have
departed this life more deeply and deservedly regretted.
1843 (January 13J — A tremendous storm of wind passed over
this country, and inflicted serious damage. In Northumberland
and Durham the injury effected by the storm was much less severe
than in the southern counties, but several vessels were wrecked
upon the coast. At Tynemouth two ships went to pieces on the
rocks, and Captain Hair, of the Percy, with two of his crew, were
January 31. — As Robert Owen, the well-known socialist, was
lecturing in the Lecture Room, Newcastle, an Irishman attempted
to reply to the statements of the lecturer. He was, however,
ejected, upon which he collected a number of his countrymen,
who commenced an attack upon the doors of the building with
sticks, broken bed- posts, chair legs, &c. In a short time they
forced an entrance, and soon compelled the audience to retreat
through the doors and windows. The Irishmen were satisfied
with this victory, and did not commit any serious personal injury.
February 2. — A man named Chapman, who was committed
to Newcastle Gaol for trial, contrived to escape from that
building. After scaling the wall of the prisoners' yard, he
fastened two short ladders together with some rope used for drying
clothes, by which he reached the top of the outer wall. He then
lowered himself down with the remainder of the rope and escaped.
Five others, who attempted to perform the same daring feat, were
captured in the garden.
1843 (February 3).— A tremendous storm of wind arose this even-
ing, and continued during the night, doing great damage. A stack
of chimneys was blown through the roof of Mr. Elliott's house
in Eldon-street, Newcastle, doing considerable damage to the
furniture. The houses of Mr. Penman, Percy-street, Mr. G.
Hodgson, Forth, and Mr. Dixon, Blandford-street, were partially
unroofed. At Arthur's Hill, in Edward-street, a chimney, belonging
to the house of Mr. Holmes, was blown down, and the materials
broke through the roof, and buried Mrs. Holmes — who was sitting
at breakfast— in the ruins. Two of her ribs were broken, and she
was otherwise much bruised. At South Shields, in King-street, a
woman named Bell was killed by the falling of a signboard ; and
a chapel in Cuthbert-street was almost totally destroyed. At
Brockley Whins the extensive wooden sheds of the Brandling
Junction Railway were completely carried away by the violence of
the wind. In Dockwray square, North Shields, a chimney fell
through the roof of the house of Henry Dale, esq., causing the
utmost alarm and confusion. The shops were closed until near
twelve o'clock, and the streets were deserted from dread of the
falling missiles. At Spital Tongues the end of a house was com-
pletely blown in ; and a house in Church-street, Gateshead, was
levelled with the ground. The destruction of trees throughout the
country was exceedingly great, several hundreds being uprooted in
Hulne Park, Alnwick, alone, Indeed, every town and village in
the two counties suffered more or less during the gale. Two
vessels, the Rob Roy and the Blucher, were blown on shore at
Newbiggen, and every soul on board of them perished. The
fishermen's boats at Hauxby were completely destroyed, and much
damage was done to shipping all along the coast.
February 6. — The fiftieth anniversary of the Newcastle Literary
and Philosophical Society was celebrated by a dinner in the
Assembly Rooms. Dr. Headlam presided, and Mr. J. Clayton
and Mr. J. Adamson officiated as vice-chairmen.
February 13, — A silver snuff-box, containing £3 105., was
presented to William Wheeler, by the members of the North
Shields district of Oddfellows, in testimony of their appreciation
of his heroic conduct in rescuingiour seamen, wrecked in the brig
Percy, on Tynemouth Rocks. Wheeler also received presents
from several Courts of Foresters.
February 13. — An extraordinary case of dropsy of the uterus
presented itself in a cow, the property of Mr. Hopps, Bent
House, near Durham. This day the animal was operated upon
by Mr. C. J. Hubbick, veterinary surgeon, when water to the
amount of 28 gallons was taken from her.
February 18.— Died, at South Shields, aged 104, Mrs. Sarah
A.D. 1843.]
1843 (February 21). — William Kussell,esq.,of Brancepeth Castle,
gave a splendid entertainment to the nobility and gentry of that
neighbourhood. There was a dinner party, to which 170 sat
down, after which there was a grand fancy dress hall. The ball
was opened with a quadrille costumee, composed of eight couple,
in the national dresses of as many different countries, which had a
very imposing effect.
February 28. — Married, fit Shrivenham, the Hon. Thomas
Liddell, second son of Lord Ravensworth, to Caroline, daughter
of the fifth Viscount Barrington.
March 10. — A melancholy case of stabbing occurred in the
neighbourhood of Rothbury, which occasioned the death of
William Weatherstone, of Forest Burn Bar. The deceased, in
company with George Hindhaugh, of Coldside ; George Brown,
of Ward's Hill ; James Gibson, of Hesleyhirst ; and Thomas
Arkle, of Crook, all tenants of the Duke of Northumberland, left
Rothbury on their return home, having previously indulged rather
freely in certain fluids. On arriving at a place called Garby
Bank, about a mile and a half from Rothbury, Weatherstone and
Hindhaugh commenced fighting. After a few blows had been
exchanged, Hindhaugh was seen by Brown to draw a knife and
strike Weatherstone in the thigh, who immediately fell. Brown
then interfered, and lifted the deceased, who was bleeding from a
fearful wound in the groin. Whilst he was in the act of doing
this, Himlhaugh, who had gone forward a few yards, returned,
and cut Brown severely in the thigh. Weatherstone almost imme-
diately expired from loss of blood. Hindhaugh was tried at the
ensuing assizes, and sentenced to seven years' transportation.
l&±3(April5). — An explosion of fire-damptook place at Stormont
Main Colliery, Wreokenton, near Gateshead, the property of
J. Grace, esq., and Partners, by which twenty-seven men and
boys lost their lives. It appeared that there had been much foul
air in the pit for some days previous, and the men had been advised
to use extreme care. A subscription was entered into for the
widows and children left destitute by the calamity, and a consider-
able sum raised for their support.
April 7. — The following remarkable occurrence, in which
a steamer was stolen and afterwards wrecked — attended with
loss of life — took place at Tynemouth, near North Shields. At
daybreak, some pilots, on the look-out at the entrance of the river,
discovered a vessel amongst the rocks called the Black Middens,
which proved to be the Charles Williams steamer, belonging to
Messrs. Richardson and Co., coal merchants, South Shields. The
alarm was instantly raised, and the lifeboat was manned, when,
before arriving alongside, much surprise was evinced at finding
only one man on board, who was safely taken out of the wreck
and conveyed ashore. Immediately on landing he attempted to go
away without giving any account as to the manner in which the
steamer was wrecked, but the Customs officer detained him, and,
after being in custody some time, he admitted having, with another
man, stolen the steamer from her moorings in the Tyne. The
other man, he said, jumped overboard to swim to the rocks, but he
suspected he had been drowned, for he saw nothing more of him.
The man supposed to be drowned was a discarded son of the owner
of the boat.
April 12. — A commission de lunatico inquirendo, under the
authority of the great seal, was opened at Alnwick, for the
purpose of inquiring into the state of mind of Miss Elizabeth
Gallon. The cause created great interest, and, after a protracted
investigation, which lasted five days, the jury returned their
verdict — "That Miss Gallon was of unsound mind, and had been
so since January the 1st, 1812." The lady was 75 years of age,
and possesed of considerable property.
April 20. — Married, at Chester-le-Street, Henry, eldest son
of Sir John Fife, of Newcastle, to Lucy, eldest daughter of John
Cookson, esq., of Whitehill, Durham. Great rejoicing took place
at Chester-le-Street on the occasion ; banners were hung from
almost every house in the town, and nearly 2,000 of the inhabitants
joined in the marriage procession.
April 22. — Hexhain and its neighbourhood were visited by a
thunderstorm of considerable violence. A farm-house, at Grind-
ridge, about four miles from Hexham, occupied by Mr. Walter
Dodd, was struck by the electric fluid, which destroyed the furni-
ture and window frames, the house being also much shattered and
left almost in ruins. The family escaped unhurt. A goose, which
was sitting upon some eggs in the back kitchen, had the eggs and
the nest entirely destroyed, but was itself uninjured.
1843 (April 24). — This morning, it was discovered that a sailor,
named William Ferry, residing on the Quayside, Monkwearmouth,
had murdered his wife, Hannah Ferry, and daughter, aged 14
years. The unfortunate man had been for some time confined in
a lunatic asylum at Gateshead Fell, but had escaped two days
previous to the occurrence.
May 3. — This afternoon, a Scotchman, of the name of Robert
Crombier, precipitated himself into the Tyne from the topsail
yard of a vessel lying opposite the Custom House. The height
was about 80 feet. This daring feat was accomplished without
any injury being sustained, and was repeated on the following day r
May 13, a similar feat was accomplished in Shields Harbour, by a
Scotch seaman, named James Soulsby, who smoked a pipe
throughout the performance.
May 25.— Died, suddenly, at his residence, Hengate, Dar-
lington, aged 38, C. Wetherall, esq., solicitor. He weighed 33
stones when thirty years of age, and his coffin, which was 7 feet
6 inches long, 2 feet 5 inches deep, and 3 feet 2 inches across the
breast, weighed, with the body, fifty-eight stones. Before this
immense burthen could be removed for interment, it was necessary
to take out a large bow window in the deceased's house.
June 26. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. Ramsay's br h Moss-
trooper. The Gold Cup was won by Mr. Cuthbert's br f Queen
of the Tyne.
July 1. — A fire of a most alarming description broke out
near midnight in the extensive raff-yard of Messrs. R. Todd and
Company, in Pandon, Newcastle, Vast crowds from all quarters,
in and around Newcastle, came rushing towards the blazing mass.
People from the market-places, from the busy streets, full of their
Saturday evening throng, from the theatre, from the " shows,"
and, more than all, from the public-houses and taprooms, hurried,
in the wildest consternation, in the direction of the flames. The
timber-yard is the lowest point of a large extent of ground, and
surrounding it, in almost every direction, are considerable heights,
standing on which a full view could be obtained of all that was
going on below — the wild ocean of fire heaving and roaring as if
no human effort could ever stay its fury — while a brightness like
that of noonday lay on the houses and the whole wide space
around it. Eight houses in New Pandon-street were also set on
fire by the intense heat, and completely gutted, and the destruction
of the whole of that street appeared so probable, that it was deter-
mined to pull down a house in order to arrest the progress of the
flames, when, fortunately, the wind changed, and further danger
was averted. Between twelve and one o'clock was the time when,
the fire might be said to have been at the worst, and its strength
was not much spent till past two. About the former period the
spectacle presented was terribly beautiful; the brilliancy of the
flames, the reflection of which was seen in every direction for
twenty miles, exceeded that of any previous fire in Newcastle ; and
the singular scene presented by the many thousands of spectators
assembled as in an amphitheatre on the heights which surround the
spot, had a most remarkable effect. Eight public and private fire-
engines were on the spot at an early period, but it was not until
four o'clock that the fire was subdued. No less than ninety-nine
persons were rendered nearly destitute by the loss of their clothing
and furniture in this sad catastrophe. It was, indeed, a most
lamentable sight to see the poor people rushing out of their houses
in New Pandon-street and along Pandon-bank — half-naked
children, turned out of their beds, and screaming in the wildest
terror, and their hastily-dressed and scarcely less affrighted mothers
running and crying in every direction, while the men, nearly as
much confused, ran about trying in the best manner they could to>
save their little property. The premises had been used as a timber-
yard for 150 years, and their contents at the time of the fire were
yalued at £2,000. The total damage was estimated at £12,000.
Mr. Pringle, the chief clerk of the establishment, was a very great
sufferer, inasmuch as himself and sisters lost all they possessed.
On the fire being discovered they had to leave their house, in order
to save their lives, without the necessary clothing. Mr. Pringle
enjoyed the respect and confidence of his employer, and was
generally esteemed. He had been in the establishment for 29
years, and his father was a servant in the same office for the long
period of 50 years. A public meeting was held, and the sum of
£387 was subscribed for the relief of the sufferers.
184S (July 7.> — Died, at his house in Pilgrim- street, Newcastle,
the Rev. James Worswick, aged 73> for forty-eight years minister
of the Roman Catholic Chapel in that town. He was the son of
an eminent banker at Lancaster, but preferring to labour for others
rather than aggrandize himself, he renounced the means of
accumulating wealth, and made choice of the priesthood, that he-
might spend his life in the service of his church. His liberal
expenditure amongst the poor, extensive acquirements, and pre-
possessing manners, made him beloved and respected by all who
knew him. July 13, his interment took place, in the then
unfinished church in Clayton-street, and was attended by many
thousands of persons, who walked in procession from Pilgrim-
street to the place of sepulture.
July 12. — The 37th Regiment of Infantry, stationed at
Newcastle Barracks, was reviewed on the Town Moor by Sir A.
Duff, general of the district, who was accompanied by Lieutenant-
Colonel Higgins and a splendid staff. After the review the
regiment formed into square, in the centre of which were the
General, Colonel Sir J. M. Wallace, Lieutenant-Colonel Bradshaw,
Mayor, &c., &c., and new colours having been consecrated by
the Rev. W. Dodd, they were presented to the regiment by the
general in an appropriate address. The regiment was raised in,
A.&. 1843.] REMARKABLE EVENTS. 179
1702, and embarked for Holland 1703, and joined the Duke of
Maryborough's army; fought at the battle of Schnotterbugh on the
2nd of July, 1704, and at the battle of Blenheim on the 13th of
August, 1704; served at the memorable battle of Ramillies, 23rd
May, 1706 ; formed part of landing brigade at the battle of
Oudernarde, llth July, 1708, and particularly distinguished
themselves on that occasion ; were engaged at the siege of
Tournay, in 1709; and at the sanguinary battle of Malplagnet,
llth of September, 1709; formed part of the expedition against
Lubec in 1711 ; served in Flanders in 1712, under the Duke of
Ormond ; were at the battle of Dettingen, 1 743, under King
George the Second and the Earl of Stair ; were at the battle of
Fontenoy in 1745 ; highly distinguished themselves at the battle
of Minden, 1st August, 1759, and, in consequence, had the word
Minden inscribed on their colours ; were at the battle of Kirch
Denkern, 15th July, 1761 ; were at the battle of Grabenstein in
1762; were at the capture of Lond Island,. in America, 1777;
served in North America during the whole of the war and after
the peace in 1783; embarked for Holland, 1793; served under
the Duke of York, 1793 and 1794 ; were at the battle of Monora,
17th and 18th May, 1794 ; highly distinguished themselves in an
action fought near Tournay, on the 22nd of May, 1 794 ; and, in
consequence, had the word Tournay inscribed on the colours ; in
short, all throughout the Peninsula War, and up to this^time,
the 37th Regiment has uniformly distinguished itself in a very
exemplary manner.
1843 (July 20). — This afternoon, at three o'clock, the Martello,
Hull and Leith Steam Packet Company's steamer, arrived at the
Granton Pier, bringing the sad tidings of the total loss of the
Pegasus, Hull steamer, belonging to the same company. The
vessel struck on the Goldstone Rock, near the Farn Islands, and
not far distant from the spot where the Forfarshire experienced a
similar fate about six years previously (see page 97). The sudden
shock experienced, at a time when every one on board, from the
calmness of the evening and the smoothness of the sea, felt the
most perfect security, at once made them alive to the imminence
of the danger. The boats were immediately lowered, but were soon
swamped by the crowd of persons who rushed into them About
five o'clock a.m., the Martello descried the wreck, and succeeded
in saving six persons, the only survivors who were floating about
on pieces of timber, &c., much exhausted. At the time of the
accident, there were twenty-three steerage and eighteen cabin pas-
sengers, besides a crew of fourteen men, in the ill-fated vessel,
consequently forty-nine persons lost their lives. A Mr. Baillie,
one of the passengers saved, stated, that previous to the foundering
of the vessel, Mr. Mackenzie, a minister, called on those around him
to engage in prayer, which we all did most heartily. One lady was
standing near me at the time with two children, I heard her calmly
resign her soul to the Almighty, while her two little children, about
four years of age, were prattling together, evidently ignorant of
any danger. I could stand this scene no longer, the ship was just
sinking, so I sprang into the sea. Mr. Brown, the mate, stated,
that he was drawn under the water with the suction of the ship,
and when he rose again he saw the master swimming. The sea,
at this time, was covered with the sufferers in their last mental
agony, contending with the waves, and he described the scene as
most fearful, shrieks and prayers were heard on every side, and
ever and anon, some wretched sufferer disappeared, and was
swallowed up in the great inexorable. The Pegasus was quite
out of her track, but from what cause was not ascertained.
1843 (August 7). — The long talked of Tyne Regatta took place
at the Low Lights, North Shields, and the weather being fine, the
sports drew together an immense concourse of spectators. Mr.
Joseph Straker was commodore and Mr. T. Garbutt conductor.
The amusements concluded on the 8th, by a ball at the Golden
Lion Inn, South Shields, which was led off by Mrs. Eddowes and
R. Ingham, esq.
August 19. — A piece of very handsome plate, manufactured
by Messrs. Reid and Sons, Newcastle, was presented to Mr.
Thomas Teasdale, by the miners, workmen, and Mends of the
Silver Tongue Mine Adventure, at Greenhead Derwent.
August 24. — The tide was so low at the mouth of the Tyne,
that a pilot, named Robert Young, waded across the Bar, from the
north to the south side. Another very low tide occurred September
6th, 1846, when three pilots walked across the river, from the north
to the south side. See Sykes, August 26th, 1824.
October 10. — Died, at Wallsend, in the county of Northum-
berland, in the 70th year of his age, John Buddie, esq. The
deceased was born at Kyo, near Tanfield, Durham, his father
being then the schoolmaster at that place, though ultimately the
manager of the celebrated Wallsend Colliery, a situation in which
his son succeeded him in 1806. As a mining engineer and colliery
manager, Mr. Buddie had long stood in the front rank of his
profession, and the extensive and varied scientific knowledge which
he possessed, and the almost unrivalled skill and judgment with
which he applied that knowledge to actual practice, procured for
him the highest professional reputation, not only in this country,
but abroad. His sterling honesty and unaffected kindness of
heart caused him to be loved and respected by his friends, and the
liberality with which he privately bestowed large sums in acts of
charity will be long and gratefully remembered by those numerous
individuals who were the objects of his unostentatious benevolence.
Mr. Buddie left a fortune of not less than £150,000, as a monu-
ment of his skill and enterprize. October 16th, the remains of the
deceased were interred at Benwell. Sixty gentlemen on horseback
preceded the hearse, which was followed by nine mourning
coaches, upwards of sixty private carriages, and a great number
of workmen from various collieries.
October 21.— The pitmen of Northumberland and Durham
held a meeting at Shadon Hill, for the purpose of presenting
Thomas Slingsby Buncombe, esq., M.P., with an address expres-
sive of their high admiration of his zealous and unwearied
advocacy of the interests of the people. At least 25,000 persons
were present on the occasion.
1843 (October 27). — This morning one of the boilers attached to
the Spital Tongues Colliery exploded, when the engineman was
thrown a considerable distance and shortly afterwards expired.
November 3. — Three massive doors were completed in New-
castle for the York Minster, and sent off this day. The three
were alike, and measured sixteen feet in height and six and a half
feet in breadth. They were executed by Mr. James Wallace,
builder, and Mr. R. S. Scott, carver, both of Newcastle, and their
elegant workmanship was admired by all who saw them.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected chief
magistrates of the boroughs in Northumberland and Durham ; — •
Newcastle — Sir John Fife; William Cookson, esq., sheriff.
Gateshead — William Kenmir, esq. Sunderland — Robert Burdon
Cay, esq. Durham — Robert Henry Allan, esq. Stockton —
Charles Trotter, esq. Morpeth — Robert Hawdon, esq. Berwick —
Patrick Clay, esq, ; George Johnston, esq., sheriff.
November 21. — One of the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway
omnibusses was standing at the station, having three inside
passengers, the driver being absent. All at once the horses bolted
off and galloped along Marlborough-street, Clayton-street, Market-
street, and Grey-street, taking all the turns with care, and, although
it is well known that the entrance to the yard of the Turk's Head
is so narrow as to require, cautious driving to take in a carriage,
yet the horses at full speed entered the yard, and made a full stop
at the stable door, without doing any material injury. It appears
they took a wide sweep, so as to bring the carriage almost parallel
with the yard, before entering.
November 23. — Died, at Wingates, near Morpeth, Mr. Thomas
Hume, aged 87. The deceased and his forefathers had been
tenants upon the same farm for 439 years, an ancestor having held
it in 1411, when the estate was purchased by Roger de Thornton.
December 7. — The members and other friends of the Master
Mariners' Asylum, at South Shields, assembled at the Seamen's
Hall, R. Anderson, esq., in the chair, and after the statement
of their accounts were read, they walked in procession, preceded
by a band of music, amidst a large concourse of spectators,
to an eminence near the sea, where the foundation-stone of the
asylum was laid by Mr. Anderson. The site, more than an acre,
was presented by R. Ingharn, esq , and Dr. Winterbottom supplied
the society with funds for building four cottages. A collation was
provided for the Master Mariners' Society and their friends in the
Seamen's Hall, Fowler-street, to which the party returned, after
the ceremony. In 1846, seventeen additional cottages had been
built at the expense of Dr. Winterbottom, who has long been a
munificent friend to all the institutions in the neighbourhood.
Matthew Popple well, esq., also became a liberal subscriber to the
(Daxmttr 27;.— The brethren of the St. Hilda Lodge
292, of Free and Accepted Masons, Sonihaie^^tto anniver-
sary festival, in their lodge room, at Brother Towers', Golden Lion
Hotel, Kins-street, when the following officers were duly installed
foV^msm^Tyear:- T. B. Qyston, esq. W.AL ; R. Anderson,
«so-, > Gregory, esq- J. VT. : K. >L Kelly, esq., treasurer;
J CumminV secretarv*: G. D. Hall, S.D. ; W. Ripon. J.D. : J.
Marshall, J.G. ; W. "Preston, SJS. ; H. Hewison, J.S. ; and J.
Fancor, trier. The ceremonies of the day being concluded, a
namerow company sat down to an excellent dinner and wines of
l&U (January 23).— As Wilfiam Thompson, a man in the
employment of Mr. Thomas Muers, of Warkworth Mills, was
proceeding home, he was attacked by three men, who were
secreted in the wood nearly opposite the Hermitage. It being
exceedingly dark he could not identify the party, but set to work
in earnest to defend h • mag tf and succeeded in pitching one of them
into the river Coquet. The other two took to their heels shouting
tor Thompson to take their companion out of the water or he
be drowned. Thompson, with die assistance of a branch,
drowned man
ashore, when it tamed out to be
of the name of Smaiks, who had, with another
youth nsmH Wear, been pursoaded to the spot by a notorious
tObw rf :- BHM rf T mi Itmfe, vna had ^en :ie ic.-ror of
for some time.
Died, in Newcastle, Mr. Joseph Welch. The
the Grey Column, in Newcastle, the Ouse-
Viadnct, the Beffingham Bridge on the Tvne, Ac. His
Jaxvary 29. — This evening, a fire broke out in the stack-yard
::" M \- :.--.- .: >-v .". . .". . '•:- -• •':. : . ^.-~ ••-. <..i5:r jr.-.ir.
lift :::r had svilmmlff b-^- :he work of aa
A:: ;. al hW
Oxley, was transported for fife for the
16.— Died, at Heworth, Durham, in his 88th year,
Anthony Basterby, esq. He
trader La the'to^n of Neweaatia,
with his late partner, Mr. George Doableday, the
have si ace been carried to so great an extent on the Tvne, On
the passing of the Municipal Reform Bill in 1855, Mr. Easterby
of the Town Council, and subsequently an
for the town and county of Newcastle,
for a few years, increasing age
Jfarca 14.— A murder of a most revolting
perpetrated in Blandford-street, Newcastle, by
•amed Mark Sherwood, on the body of Ann Sherwood, his wife.
The parties occupied two underground rooms in
••4 the eril of porerty in coamoon was aggraTated by the<
habits of Sherwood. It appeared that he had been a soldier in the
Artillery, and enjoyed a small pension ; and having thus frequent
means of gratifying hi? propensity, there was little domestic peace.
The parties were heard quarrelling on the previous day. and the
woman then used language which would aggravate the most placid
and least jealous of husbands. This morning, suspicion being
excited by the silence which prevailed in their apartments, Ann
Sutherland, niece of the murdered woman, borrowed a key of
Walter Ormston. who lived in an adjoining house, with which she
succeeded in obtaining an entrance, when the woman was found
lyin^ dead upon the floor, her head nearly severed from her body,
and beside her lay Sherwood, also apparently dead, but in reality
only insensible from the effects of whisky. Terrified as she was,
Sutherland managed to alarm the neighbours. Information was
communicated to Inspector Little, at the Westgate Police-station,
and in a very short space of time police were on the spot, almost
directly followed by Messrs. Carr and Taylor, surgeons. Ann
Sherwood, the wife, on examination, presented an appearance truly
horrifying. In her throat were two deep and frightful gashes,
from which blood had necessarily flowed in profusion. Two other
dreadful wounds were in the left jaw. These had apparently been
inflicted in the midst of a struggle, for that there had been a
struggle was proved by the cuts and blood which were on the
hands, the thumb of one of which was nearly severed. Attention
was next turned to Sherwood himself. He was still alive, but in
a state of drunken stupefaction so complete, and in such a scene
so shocking, that death seemed for a time to have the mastery.
The stomach-pump was applied with vigour, and drew off an
almost incredible quantity of whisky. On the suggestion of Dr.
White, mustard blisters were applied to his legs and feet, and this
application was followed by immediate good results. At the
Summer Assizes, before Chief Baron Pollock, Sherwood was tried
and convicted of the murder, and sentenced to be executed, but
certain circumstances in the case led several influential persons in
the town and neighbourhood to petition for a commutation of the
sentence to transportation for life. Their applications, however,
were not successful and the execution took place on the Town
Moor on the 23rd August following. On examining the premises
the police found in the adjoining room a still, with every apparatus
necessary for the illicit manufacture of spirit.
l^ii (March IS). — An incendiary fire occurred in the stack-yard
of Mr. George Dodds, at Coxlodge, near Newcastle, when the
whole of the stacks were destroyed. Another attempt to set
fire to the farm buildings was made on the 27th, but without
effect. A reward of £200 was offered for the discovery of the
April 5. — The bonds by which the Northumberland and
Durham pitmen were engaged to their employers expired this day,
and the men, generally, refused to renew them. On the 8th, a
meeting, held at Black Fell, was attended by upwards of 30,000
pitmen, and it was then determined to adhere to the terms offered
to, but refused by, the masters. One of the most singular
conditions demanded by the men, was, that they should be secured
work yielding 15s. for every week throughout the year, but that
they should not, on any account, be required to work for more
than 3s. per day. This self-imposed restriction, they supposed,
would equalize the demand for labour throughout the district and
prevent, in future, any portion of their body from being thrown
out of employment. According to a return published at the time,
the following were the numbers of men employed in the several
districts, nearly all of whom " struck" :— the Tyne, 15,556;
Blyth, 1,031 ; the Wear, 13,172 ; the Tees, 4,211 ; Total, 33,970.
This disastrous " strike" continued during five months and caused
great and general depression in the trade of the town and neigh-
bourhood. The colliers finally resumed employment without
obtaining the objects for which the " strike" was commenced. The
loss to the district was estimated at upwards of half a million
1844 (April II). — Died, at Berwick, at the extraordinary age of
119 years, James Stewart, better known in the neighbourhood
as Jamie Strength. The deceased was born in America, but
arrived in England at an early age, and was present at the battle
of Preston Pans. Shortly after he enlisted in a Highland regiment,
and was at the capture of Quebec by General Wolfe. He
afterwards entered the navy, and was with Rodney in his great
victory over the Comte de Grasse. After obtaining his discharge
he came to Berwick, and continued ever after to reside in the
neighbourhood, supporting himself by his fiddle and by exhibiting
feats of almost supernatural strength. He had had five wives and
twenty-seven children, several of whom died in the service of their
country. His death was caused by a fall, which severely injured
his vertebra,
April 13. — As Humble Lamb, esq., a highly-respected magis-
trate of Northumberland and Durham, was walking in Pilgrim-
street, Newcastle, he was suddenly attacked with a fit of apoplexy
and died instantaneously. He was in his 71st year.
April 17. — Mr. William Maughan, aged 39, a respectable
farmer, residing in Westoe, hung himself under a shed belonging
to Mr. Tony Walker, at Barn.
April. — Sixty years ago a pair of bluecaps built their nest in
a large stone bottle, which had been left to drain, between the
lower boughs of a fruit tree, in the garden of Mr. Callinder,
farmer, near Stockton. Every year since that period a pair of
bluecaps have regularly built a nest and reared their progeny in
the same bottle, and during this month the little creatures were
again busily employed in constructing a nest in their old domicile.
April. — About the end of this month the "Scotsman" an
Edinburgh newspaper, stated that a large vessel was then loading
coal at Leith for Newcastle, in consequence of the pitmen's strike,
and "duff," very small coal, which had hitherto been nearly
worthless, rose to a high price.
1844 (May 22>— Died, at Birling, near Warkworth, aged 82,
Henry Cramlington, esq., the last of an ancient Northumberland
family. Mr. Cramlington was three times mayor of Newcastle.
May 27, — The annual Oddfellows' procession took place in
Newcastle, with the usual display of banners and paraphernalia,
and was attended by deputies from nearly every town in the
kingdom. James Mansfield, esq., Grand Master, presided at the
meeting held in the Spital. The order was stated to have 240,000
members, with an annual income of £270,000. On the 28th the
Music Hall was comfortably filled by members of the order, who
sat down to a substantial supper. Sir John Fife, the mayor,
presided, with George Crawshay, esq., Gateshead, as vice-
May. — During this month the Emperor of Russia presented to
John Thomas Carr, esq., Russian Vice-Consul for this port,
another splendid ring, as an acknowledgment for his activity and
skill in superintending the building of vessels in this country. The
ring is of a most superb and costly description, being very large,
and composed principally of diamonds, several of which are of
great size and brilliance. In the centre is the imperial N, set on
blue enamel.
June 12. — Mr. Belaney, a surgeon, who had for some time
resided at North Sunderland, and who was well known in the
North of England in connection with the revival of falconry as an
amusement, was this day taken into custody, in London, under
suspicion of having poisoned his wife, a young and lovely woman,
of very respectable connections. This suspicion was intensified by
the fact that Mrs. Belaney's mother, Mrs. Skelly, died very
suddenly a few months before, whilst residing with Belaney, at
North Sunderland, and that Mrs. Skelly's property, which was
considerable, then passed to her daughter. Belaney stated that
he had been in the habit of taking prussio acid for some peculiar
derangement of the stomach, that in taking a dose he had broken
the bottle containing it, and had, in consequence, poured a portion
of the liquid into a tumbler in his bed-room, and that his wife, in
his absence in search of another bottle, had poured water into the
glass and drunk of the contents. The most suspicious circum-
stances against him were that he had written letters to his friends
in the North, informing them that Mrs. Belaney had been taken
suddenly and seriously ill, and that she was not expected to
recover, when, in fact, she was in her usual health ; and these
communications were followed by others stating that Mrs. Belaney
could not survive the night, and that she was attended by three of
the first medical men in London, when, at the same time, she must
have been dead some hours. A Captain Clark, when questioned
by one of the jurors at the inquest as to his opinion of the matter,
said that the silence which Mr. Belaney preserved up to the
Monday night with respect to the prussic acid would have tended
to excite his suspicions, did he not know that gentleman to be most
kind and humane, as he had seen him mourn with unaffected grief
A 1
the death of a favourite falcon, which had been presented to him
by the Duke of St. Albans. He thought it impossible, and contrary
to human nature, that one so kind and good could wilfully
administer poison to a wife so kind and gentle, and to whom he
appeared so deeply attached. Captain Clark wept as he bore this
testimony to the disposition of his friend. The coroner's verdict
resulted in a verdict of wilful murder, but, at the conclusion of the
trial, August 22nd, a verdict of not guilty was returned. The
public feeling in North Sunderland, to which Mr. Belaney returned
after the trial, was evinced in the most marked and emphatic
manner. On September the 16th, a great crowd of persons,
carrying an effigy, assembled in front of his house. This annoyed
him so much that he fired a pistol amongst them, and then made
his escape by the back of the premises. The result was the total
destruction of his house and furniture, the mob having sacked the
house, broken up the furniture, and then set fire to the whole.
1844 (June 18). — This day will henceforth be a day doubly
memorable. Long associated with one of the most brilliant
triumphs of British arms and courage, it will now be remembered
as the anniversary of the more praiseworthy success of skill and
industry. The Newcastle and Darlington Railway, the last link
hi the railway communication between London and Newcastle was
this day opened to the public. At nine o'clock in the morning
three trains, each containing six carriages, started from the
Brandling Junction, at Gateshead, and arrived at Darlington at
twenty minutes past eleven. At twenty minutes to one an
imposing train of twenty-one carriages arrived at York with Mr.
Hudson and a numerous party of directors and shareholders.
Almost immediately afterwards several of the directors of the
London and Birmingham line, the Hon. H. T. Liddell, M.P., and
other influential gentlemen, reached the station in a special train
from London, having left Euston-square about five o'clock the
same morning. An hour and a quarter were consumed by
stoppages, so that the whole distance was actually accomplished in
six hours and forty-five minutes. The party brought down several
copies of the " Morning Herald," containing an important debate
in the House of Commons, which had concluded at half-past one
o'clock the same morning. One immense train was then formed,
headed by three powerful engines, and, at one o'clock, the proces-
sion moved towards Newcastle, and arrived at Gateshead at
twenty-four minutes past two in the afternoon, amidst the firing of
cannon and the greeting of assembled thousands. The route was
over 83 miles of the London and Birmingham Railway, to Rugby ;
49| miles of the Midland Counties Railway, to Derby; 63£ miles
of the North Midland Railway, to Normanton ; 23| miles of the
York and North Midland Railway, to York ; 45 miles of the Great
North of England Railway, to Darlington; 27| miles of the
Newcastle and Darlington Railway, to Washington ; 5^ miles of
Ppntop and South Shields Railway, to Brockley Whins ; and 6 J
miles of the Brandling Junction Railway, to Gateshead. In the
evening about 350 gentlemen dined in the Assembly Rooms, under
the presidency of George Hudson, esq., chairman of the line, tho
vice-chairs being occupied by Messrs. N. Plews, R. Davies, E.
Oxley, and C. Tee. It was stated during the evening that the new-
line had cost only £20,000 a mile.
1844 (June 24J. — TheNewcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. H. Johnstone's br c The
Era (Lye) ; Best of Three, second ; Bay Momus, third, and
Queen of the Tyne, fourth The Gold Cup was won by Mr. M.
Bell's b m Alice Hawthorne (Templeman), beating Mr. J. Bell's
ch c Winesour.
June 26, — At the time that the horses were gathering for
the Northumberland Plate a most frightful accident took place,
by which the limbs of several individuals were fractured. A
wooden stand, near the winning chair, gave way, whilst crowded
with spectators, when a dreadful scene of confusion followed. It
would be impossible to give anything like a correct account of the
numerous bruises and fractures received. The following are a
few of the sufferers that were conveyed to the Infirmary, and
instantly attended to by Dr. Taylor the house surgeon : — Mr.
George Oliver, agent, New Bridge-street, Newcastle, had his
thigh bone broken ; William Ballance, Blaydon, had his leg
broken; John Hall, Lisle-street, Newcastle, had his right arm
and left leg broken ; Henry Stephenson, Manor-chare, Newcastle,
had his left leg broken ; Thomas Hodgson, Albion-street, New-
castle, had his right leg broken ; William Rowell, Thornton-street,
Newcastle, had his right leg broken, and Thomas Lowthin,
Gallowgate, Newcastle, had his right eye knocked out.
June. — During this month, the following appeared in the list
of patents : — John Lee, esq., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for
improvements in obtaining products from sulphurets and other
compounds containing sulphur, sealed the 30th of May, 6 months
for enrolment ; Mr. Joseph Cowen, of Blaydon Burn, near New-
castle-upon-Tyne, merchant, for improvements in making retorts
for generating gas for illumination, sealed 4th June, 6 months for
August 28. — The Earl of Zetland, Grand Master of the Free-
masons of England, laid the foundation-stone of a monument
to the late Earl of Durham, on Pensher Hill, with great ceremony.
The attendance of spectators was immense, at least 30,000 being
present. The monument is of the Grecian order of architecture,
and, in design, is an approximation to the Temple of Theseus.
It is 100 feet long by 53 wide, the height being about 70 feet.
September 10. — The Queen and royal family sailed past the
Durham and Northumberland coasts, on their way to Scotland,
and the royal squadron was distinctly observed by crowds of
spectators. The passage from London to Tynemouth (320 miles)
was accomplished in twenty-nine hours, the quickest passage then
lSU(September 28).— An appalling explosion of fire-damp occurred
at Haswell Colliery, in the county of Durham, this day, when
ninety-five human beings were deprived of life. The explosion
took place in the Button seam, almost immediately after a fall
of stone from the roof which had liberated a vast quantity of
gas. The number of men and boys usually employed in this part
of the pit is about one hundred, and, when the explosion took
place, there were ninety-nine down. The other four would also,
without doubt, have perished had not the course of the explosive
current been intercepted by some waggons laden with coals.
Thirty-five of the men were married, and many of them left large
families. On the 30th, 60 of the bodies were removed to South
Hetton, and, in the church-yard of that village, consigned to the
grave. On the following day, several others of the sufferers were
interred at Easington and other villages. The pit — the property
of Messrs. Plummer, Taylor, and Co. — had been seven years at
work, and was considered a very safe one. Humanity immediately
suggested the commencement of a subscription for the relief of
the sufferers, and the sum received amounted to £4,265.
September. — About this time, H, G. Surtees, esq., purchased the
manor and estate of Dinsdale, near Darlington, from the trustees
of the Earl of Durham, for £40,000. The estate, which had
formerly belonged to the family of Surtees, was purchased by
W. Lambton, esq,, in the year 1770, for £15,000.
October 8. — A frightful accident occurred this morning, on
the Brandling Junction Railway, near Brockley Whins. It
arose from the collision of two engines, one of them attached to a
carriage full of passengers (principally butchers), on its way from
Shields to Gateshead. About two miles from Shields, an engine
(the Leopard) was observed coming in an opposite direction, but,
at so short a distance, owing to the curvature of the line at that
part, that a collision appeared inevitable. The enginemen at
once reversed the engines and leaped off, and, immediately after,
the engines came into violent collision. Most of the passengers
were stunned by the shock, all of them being thrown with great
force against the partitions of the carriages. The next moment
they found themselves careering away towards Shields at a
tremendous rate. On arriving at the station in that town the
empty carriages standing there were knocked to pieces, and the
engine came in contact with a wall, the shock scattering .the
passengers in all directions. Two men were killed, seventeen
others received most extensive injuries.
October 20.— During the last session of parliament, an act
was passed entitled, the "Detached Parts of Counties Act,"
which came into operation this day. By this enactment, Island-
shire, Norhamshire, and Bedlingtonshire, in Northumberland,
and the parish of Craik, in Yorkshire, were detached from the
county of Durham and annexed to the counties in which they
were locally situated. This alteration added 64,369 acres and a
population (in 1861) of 24,903 to Northumberland, at the expense
of her neighbour.
1844 (October 28).— Mr. W. G. Thompson, for 20 years reporter
to the " Newcastle Chronicle," was, this day, found dead in the
water closet attached to the Literary and Philosophical Institution
in Newcastle, with his throat shockingly cut. He, had been
missing from his home during the previous week, in thercourse of
which, entrance to the closet was prevented by his having secured
the key. The parties connected with the library repeatedly sent
to the Chronicle office for the key, and it was only on finding
that his friends had not seen him for so many days; that a
suspicion of the painful fact entered the librarians mind. Besides
very great professional ability, Mr. Thompson possessed consider-
able poetical talent and literary attainments, and his contributions
to various periodicals, both in prose and verse, were very generally
admired. In one or two instances Christopher North paid a
tribute to their worth by copying them into the pages of " Black-
wood." He was 48 years of age.
November 9. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs in Northumberland and Durham: — Newcastle —
Addison Langhorne Potter, esq., mayor ; John Featherstone
Aytoun, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — Thomas Cummins, esq. Dur-
ham— Robert Hoggett, esq, Sunderland — James Allison, esq.
Stockton — William Skinner, esq. Morpeth — Thomas Jobling, esq.
Berwick — John Ker Nicholson, esq., mayor ; George Gilchrist,
esq., sheriff.
November 11. — General Tom Thumb, a dwarf, was exhibited
in the Music Hall, Newcastle, on this and the four following
days, and there, as elsewhere, drew immense crowds of spectators.
The child, who was 25 inches in height and weighed only about
15 lb., was drawn about the streets in a very handsome chariot
of most diminutive dimensions. He was represented to be in his
thirteenth year, by his exhibitor, Mr. Barnum. One of the most
accomplished social humbugs existing at that time, although, in
reality, he was only in his fifth year, which Mr. Barnum
unblushingly acknowledged, afterwards, when lecturing in New-
castle on " Humbug."
November 20. — As Mr. Hernaman, proprietor of the " New-
castle Journal," was proceeding from his residence in Lovaine-row
towards his office in Grey-street, he was accosted, near theBarras-
bridge, by Mr. Addison Potter, jun. (eldest son of the then Mayor
of Newcastle), who produced a copy of the journal of the previous
week, and demanded the name of the author of a grossly offensive
paragraph, which unjustly reflected on some part of Mr. Potter's
family. Mr. Hernaman replied that this was not the place to
answer such a question. Mr. Potter then introduced himself by
name, and repeated his demand for the author to be given up to
him instantly. Mr. Hernaman having again refused to comply
with the request, Mr. Potter immediately began to apply a whip
to the shoulders and legs of the former, whose cries attracted to
the spot two or three gentlemen who were passing near, one of
whom, in interfering, received an inadvertent cut or two. Mr.
Potter apologized to the gentleman for the accident, at the same
time observing to Mr. Hernaman that in case he should hereafter
publish any insinuations respecting his (Mr. Potter's) family, he
would punish him again in a similar manner. It is, however,
proper to add that the authorship of the paragraph in question was
generally supposed not to be with Mr, Hernaman.
1844 (November 21> — Died, in London, aged 87, Adam Askew,
esq., of Redheugh, Gateshead, and Ellington, Northumberland.
December 9. — Mr. Hugh Ross, of the Victoria Inn, Balmbro',
and Catherine Simm, his servant, after being present at a wedding
party, fell into an open draw well, in a field near their house, and
were drowned. The bodies were discovered on the following day,
and this singular accident created much excitement in the neigh-
December 10. — The body of William Jacklin, one of the
gamekeepers at Haggerstone, Northumberland, was found at the
foot of Kyloe Craggs, over which he had fallen. Death had
apparently been instantaneous.
December 18. — A skiff match took place on the river Tyne,
for £100 a-side, between Robert Coombes, the champion of the
Thames, and Henry Clasper, the champion of the Tyne, the
distance being from Newcastle Bridge to Lemington Point.
Clasper ran foul of a keel near the Skinner Burn, but though he
lost much ground, Coombes only won at last by six boat lengths.
The boats were built for the occasion, Coombes' weighing 43 lb.,
and Clasper's (which was built by himself) 49 lb. On the
following day the friends of Coombes proposed that he and Clasper
should, in the following week, try their skill again in another skiff
race, and they offered to stake £200 on behalf of Coombes to
Clasper's £100. The challenge was accepted, and £20 was at
once deposited with Mr. Joseph Hair, Quayside, by Coombes, and
£10 by Clasper. The whole of the money was to be deposited
within three days. Clasper's friends were ready with their money,
but the other party failed to fulfil their part of the agreement,
although the challenging party, and the result was that, after
some disputing, the Clasper party claimed and obtained the
forfeited £20.
18A5 (January 3> — A fatal and melancholy accident occurred
at Arthur's-hill, Newcastle, on the evening of this day. Miss
Dodds, of Richmond-street, was proceeding up William- street, at
Arthur's hill, accompanied by a daughter of Mr. Belough, builder.
At the top of the street there is an extensive stone quarry, entirely
unprotected, and the night being dark, Miss Dodds was led to
suppose the ground was solid, from the appearance of some lights
immediately opposite. She unfortunately stepped over the edge,
and was precipitated a depth of fifty feet. She was found at the
bottom of the quarry, quite dead.
1845 (January 13J. — Mr. Edward Wood, a person who had
performed the character of clown in the Christmas pantomime at
Newcastle Theatre, sailed from the King's Meadows to Tyne Bridge
in a washing-tub, drawn by four geese. The exhibition attracted
an immense concourse of spectators.
January 21. — The Mayor of Newcastle (A. L. Potter, esq.)
and Mrs. Mayoress gave a grand ball at the Assembly Rooms,
which, for splendour and numbers, had not been equalled in this
town since the meeting of the British Association. Up to near
midnight parties continued to arrive, and before supper was
announced 917 ladies and gentlemen were present amongst whom
were the leading families of the town and neighbourhood. On the
supper-room being opened, every requisite was presented to the
guests in the greatest profusion. Indeed, the whole of the enter-
tainment was got up on the most sumptuous scale.
February 25, — A company, which proposed to supply Newcastle
and Gateshead with water from Whittle Dean Burn, purchased
the works of the previously existing Water Company for
£55,000, being equal to a premium of £10 on each £25 share.
The Whittle Dean scheme, which was projected by Mr, Grainger,
received the royal assent June 30th, 1845, and the company took
possession of the old reservoirs on the following August.
March 21. — The death of Mr. Alderman Batson took place
this day, under very afflicting circumstances. Mr. Batson had
driven his wife to Bellingham Church in his phaeton, and was
returning to his residence, at Reedsmouth, when the horse became
restive and overturned the vehicle down a precipitous hill, on the
south side of the river Reed. Mr. Batson's head came in contact
with a tree, and he was killed on the spot. Mrs. Batson, though
bruised, sustained no serious injury.
March 29. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 83, the Rev. Edward
Moises, M.A. The deceased was educated at the Grammar School
in Newcastle, to the mastership of which he was appointed in 1787,
on the resignation of his celebrated uncle, the Rev. Hugh Moises.
He also held the office of morning lecturer of All Saints', and after-
noon lecturer of St. Andrew's. In 1806 he succeeded his uncle in
the mastership of the Virgin Mary Hospital, and in 1811 Lord
Eldon presented him to the Vicarage of Hart. In the Oriental
language few scholars have ever surpassed Mr. Moises. His
"Persian Interpreter," published in 1792, and the "Arabic Bible,"
printed at the Newcastle Chronicle office in 1811, are striking
proofs of his diligence and learning.
April 3. — Another of those calamities which from time to
time occur in the colliery districts happened this evening, about
six o'clock, in the West Moor Pit, near Newcastle, the property of
Lord Ravensworth and Partners, which resulted in the sacrifice of
ten human beings. At the time of the explosion there were twelve
men and boys in the mine, two of whom survived, although severely
1845 (May 12).— Died, in Newcastle, aged 63, John Brown, esq.,
for upwards of thirty-five years clerk to the magistrates of that
borough. Same day, in Gateshead, aged 51, Thomas Swinburne,
esq., clerk to the magistrates ; and on May 15th, at Jersey, aged
65, John P. Kidson, esq., clerk to the magistrates of Sunderland.
May 26. — Married, in London, Lord Lovaine, eldest son of
the Earl of Beverley (now Duke of Northumberland), to Louisa,
eldest daughter of Henry Drummond, esq., of Albury Park,
june 9. — This afternoon a violent explosion of gunpowder
took place in the shop of Mr. Steele, grocer, Claypath, Durham,
the consequences of which, though of a serious nature, are yet of
a less dreadful character than might have been apprehended. It
appeared that Mr. Steele had been in the habit of keeping a
quantity of gunpowder on hand, which he sold to colliers and
others. A shop boy having placed a candle near to a package
containing about 30 Ibs. of that commodity, it became ignited, and
exploded with a terrible crash, the effects of which were felt in
every part of the city, and the windows of the shops and houses
in the immediate neighbourhood were almost entirely destroyed.
The front of the house in which the calamity occurred, and all the
floors and furniture, were blown into the street. A young woman,
named Ann Robson, who fell with the second storey, was seriously
injured, and the apprentice who had caused the disaster was killed.
Mrs. and Miss Steele were also buried in the ruins, but were
extricated very little injured.
June 10. — This evening an affair occurred in Church-street,
Durham, which created a great sensation in that city. It appeared
that Mr. Louis Henry Goule, one of the superintendents of rural
police, detected his wife in company with a gentleman, under
circumstances which caused him to fire two pistols at her, breaking
her arm in two places. He then attacked the intruder, Mr. Walter
Scruton, deputy clerk of the peace, with the butt end of the pistol,
inflicting considerable injury on the head. In a few moments,
however, the man was taken into custody and removed to the gaol,
where he made an ineffectual attempt to cut his throat with a
penknife. On the 16th, Mrs. Goule died from the effects of the
injuries she had received, and her husband was tried for the
murder, before Mr. Baron Rolfe, at the following assizes, and
acquitted on the ground of insanity.
June 12. — The Rev. John Hodgson, the celebrated historian of
Northumberland, died at Hartburn, aged 66. The deceased was
appointed incumbent of Jarrow in 1808, and it was on that classic
ground that he first conceived the idea of his well known history.
The work was received with great favour by all persons of taste and
literary acquirement, and Bishop Barrington marked his approba-
tion by voluntarily conferring upon its author the vicarage of
Kirkwhelpington, following up that with a present of £200.
Successive portions of the History appeared in 1827, 1828, 1832,
1835, and 1840, but just towards the completion of his labours he
was seized with a serious illness, which incapacitated him from
future mental exertion, and his noble work consequently remains
in a fragmentary state. In 1833 he was appointed to the vicarage
of Hartburn by Bishop Van Mildert, and he then resigned his
other preferments, to the great regret of his parishioners.
1845 (June 23> — The Newcastle Races commenced this day.
The Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. Meiklam's br m.
Inheritress (Lye) beating Merry Andrew and Lightning, with
fourteen others. The Gold Cup was won by Mr. Bell's ch h
Winesour (Bumby), beating Mr. Ramsay's br h Midlothian and
Colonel Craddock's br h Pagan. The Gold Cup, manufactured
by Messrs. Reid and Sons, from a drawing by the late Mr.
Benjamin Green, architect, consisted of a silver group repre-
senting a scene from Mazeppa, Mazeppa, bound to a horse, which
lies exhausted on the ground, is surrounded by wild horses and
vultures and rescued by a female.
July 8. — A suit in chancery, which had been pending since
August, 1836, between the Corporation of Newcastle and the
Master and Brethren of the Jesus Hospital, in that town,
terminated this day. The hospital was founded by the corpora-
tion, in 1G81, for the support of forty freemen and freemen's
widows, and it was then endowed with two small estates, at
Whittle and Etherby, purchased at the time for £3,610, and
producing about £100 per annum. In 1720, however, the
corporation sold the estates, and, with the proceeds (£3,815) and
various other moneys, they purchased the Walker estate for
£12,224. From time to time the payments of the corporation to
the hospital were increased to about £640 yearly, but the inmates
of the hospital contended that the endowment should bear the
same proportion to the rental of Walker estate as the £3,815 had
borne to the original purchase money. This would have increased
the funds of the hospital to nearly £1,500. In 1842, Lord
Langdale, Master of the Rolls, made a decree in favour of the
hospital, but the corporation appealed and counsel were addressing
the House of Lords, this day, when the Lord Chancellor (Lynd-
hurst) interposed, praised the "great generosity" of the corporation,
and recommended, as a compromise, a future payment of £800 a
year. To this the corporation agreed on condition that ten
additional brethren should be appointed, and an Act to carry out
this agreement received the royal assent, August 26, 1816.
July 17. — Died, at Ho wick Hall, Northumberland, in his
82nd year, Charles, Earl Grey, Viscount Howick, Baron Grey,
K.G., &c. The first of the family of Greys mentioned in ancient
records as belonging to the manor of Howick is Sir Ralph Grey,
of Chillingham. The more direct ancestor of the late lamented
nobleman was Baron Grey, of Werke, who was ennobled in the
reign of James the First. The title then became dormant for some
generations. His lordship, who was born at Falloden on the 13th
of March, 1764, was elected one of the representatives of North-
umberland on the 13th of March, 1786. His maiden speech was
B 1
delivered on February 21st, 1787, on the subject of Mr. Pitt's
commercial treaty with France, and gave presage of the extraordi-
nary talent for debate by which his long parliamentary career was
subsequently distinguished. Although a mere stripling, the
extensive and correct knowledge of oar foreign mercantile relation*
which it displayed, the forcible arguments by which he sustained
his attack upon the ministerial policy, and the ease, elegance of
style and delivery by which this speech was distinguished, showed
that a luminary had appeared in the political horizon, whose course
was likely to shed lustre on the legislature and the country. The
estimation in which he was held at that early period of his career
is best proved by his having been chosen one of the twenty-four
managers of the celebrated impeachment of Warren Hastings, and
his speeches on that subject and on the Regency Bill in the
following year were long remembered as powerful efforts of
eloquence and reasoning. " He professed himself,'* he said, " as
ready to support the real splendour of the royal family, as any
slippery sycophant of the court, but he thought there was more
true dignity in manifesting a heart alive to the distresses of millions,
than in all those trappings which encumber without adorning
royalty." On the accession to power of Mr. Fox on the death of
Mr. Pitt in 1806, Mr. Grey (who had then become Lord Howick)
was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, and on the death of
Mr. Fox, in the following year, his lordship became his successor
as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and leader in the House
of Commons. The death of his father, which took place shortly
after, removed him to the Upper House of Parliament. His
lordship now took the title of Earl Greyy by which appellation he
was known to the present generation. The abortive attempt of
George IV., whilst Prince Regent, in .1812, to induce him and
Lord Granville to join the Perceval Administration, illustrated the
integrity of his principles and the consistency of his conduct, and
throughout his long public life, he continued the able and uncom-
promising advocate of civil and religious liberty. The important
question of Parliamentary Reform had occupied his lordship's-
attention from almost his entrance into Parliament, and he re-
peatedly brought it forward in the House of Commons. In 1830,
on the dissolution of the Wellington Government, Earl Grey was
empowered by William the IV. to form a ministry, having "Peace,
Retrenchment, and Reform" as the basis of its policy. Accord-
ingly, on the 1st March, 1831, the Reform Bill was introduced
into the House of Commons, and after an arduous and protracted
struggle, almost amounting to a convulsion, it was eventually
carried through Parliament and received the royal assent on the
seventh of June, 1832. When Earl Grey ceased to hold office, in
July, 1834. spontaneous tokens of gratitude sprung up in every
quarter. On the 19th of August, 1834, Earl Grey attended a
monster meeting in the Guildhall, Newcastle, when addresses were
presented to him from Tyneniouth (by Henry Metcalfe, esq.), from
{South Shields (by Bryan Abbs, esq.), from Newcastle (by the Rev.
J. S. Ogle), and from the stewards of the Incorporated Companies
{by William Garrelt, esq.) All the addresses concurred in con-
gratulating his lordship on his return to his native county, and in
expressing the high sense they entertained of his great public
services. The noble earl also received similar expressions of good
feeling from his friends in Hexham, Sunderland, Alnvvick, Felton,
Morpeth, Olendale Ward, and Berwick. In his speech at Berwick
his lordship said—" It is an easy matter to say go onward,
persevere, push forward reforms ; do not temporize, but apply at
once a severe remedy wherever an evil exists — -never mind whether
the constitution of the patient is able to bear such a severe remedy
or not. Such language may be popular, but such will never be
the language of a good and a wise statesman." Few public men
Lave enjoyed a larger amount of popular respect. His strongest
political opponents never imputed to him an over-eagerness for
office, nor dared to question the integrity of the motives by which
he was actuated. He was the last of the historical statesmen, his
name being associated with Burke, Pitt, Fox, Sheridan, &c. A
description of the personal appearance of Earl Grey in the vigour
of his days will not be uninteresting to those who only knew him
when advancing years began to affect his frame. His port and
bearing were strikingly dignified, high birth was legible in every
lineament of his features, and his whole exterior was decidedly
patrician. His figure was stately and commanding, his action,
graceful and animated, his forehead lofty and well developed, and
his voice strong, flexible, and sonorous. As an orator, he was
ready and correct, his style classically pure and void of affectation,
his delivery such as to fix, and even fascinate, the attention, while
his arguments were couched in diction which evinced the well-
educated and well-disciplined mind. The remains of the noble
carl were interred in a strictly private manner, in the family vault,
at Ho wick Church. The body, which was borne by six members
of his household, was followed, on foot, by his afflicted family and
relatives, consisting of Lady Caroline Barrington, Lady Georgiana
Grey, Lady Mary Wood, Miss Barrington, Earl Grey and five of
his brothers, the Earl of Durham, Sir George Grey, bart., Mr.
Elice, Mr. C. Wood, and Mr. Barrington, and a number of his
admirers from the surrounding district also joined the procession
on its way to church. The coffin bore the simple inscription —
"CHARLES, EARL GREY. K.G. Born March 13, 1764; Died
July 17, 1845." His lordship married, November 18th, 1794,
Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of Lord Ponsonby, by whom he
had a family of ten sons and five daughters, twelve of whom, as
well as her ladyship, survived him.
1845 (July 31J. — At the Northumberland Assizes, before Mr.
Justice Cress well, Mr. Addison Potter, son of the Mayor of
Newcastle, was charged with an assault on Mr. John Hernaman,
proprietor of the " Newcastle Journal." The assault was com-
mitted with a riding whip, on the 20th November, 1844, in the
streets of Newcastle, and occurred in consequence of an article
which appeared in the "Newcastle Journal" of the 16th November.
Mr. Potter was found guilty and sentenced* to two months
imprisonment in Morpeth Gaol.
1845 (August I).— An alarming fire broke out this evening in the
Pudding-chare, in the premises occupied by Mr. Perry, treacle
manufacturer. The upper floors of the building, which was of
great height, were filled with corn and basket rods, and the whole
was speedily in flames and completely destroyed. The premises
were the property of Mr. Humble, basket maker, whose loss was
very great.
August 9. — Two dreadful murders were perpetrated this
evening, at Barnard Castle, under very remarkable circumstances.
Joseph Yates, a tailor, had been drinking with three young men,
named George Barker, Thomas Routledge, and John Brecken,
who, having discovered that Yates had a little money in his
possession, determined to force it from him. About midnight,
when he was in company with a female, named Catherine Raine,
the three men, with a girl, named Ann Humphreys, followed him
to a place on the banks of the Tees, and, after a short scuffle, they
took the money from him, and then threw him into the river,
where he was drowned. On returning over the bridge into the
town, the men threatened vengeance on the girls unless they would
swear to secrecy, but, as Raine refused to accede to their request,
she was seized, thrown over the parapet wall, and the river being
much swollen, she was carried away and was drowned. Humphreys,
having sworn to keep the matter a secret, was permitted to go
home. The bodies were found a few days after, and strong
suspicion rested on the above parties ; but Humphreys kept her
oath for nearly a year, and when she at last disclosed the horrible
affair her unsupported testimony could not be relied on, and the
men were accordingly acquitted of the murder at the York Assizes,
in August, 1846. Further evidence was, however, obtained to
corroborate the girl's testimony, and the three ruffians were
arraigned for the robbery only, on the 16th of March, 1847, and
were clearly convicted of the crime. The Judge sentenced them
to fifteen years' transportation, expressing his heartfelt regret that
the law had failed to reach them on the capital charge. The two
trials cost the county of York £1,500.
August 13. — A vacancy having occurred in the representation
of Sunderland, by the elevation of Lord Howick to the House
of Lords, the nomination of candidates took place, before the
Mayor (J. Allison, esq.) Mr. Joshua Wilson proposed, and Mr.
Joseph Hill seconded, Colonel Perronet Thompson. Mr. J. J.
Wright proposed, and Mr. Richard Spoor seconded, George
Hudson, esq. The show of hands was in favour of Colonel
Thompson, but the result of the poll on the following day was as
follows :— Hudson, 626 ; Thompson, 498. Shortly after the close
of the poll, Mr. Bright, Mr. Moore, and Colonel Thompson
addressed an immense concourse of people from the balcony of
tho Bridge Hotel. They attributed the result of the election to
a want of union, and to several of tbe leaders, who formerly
marshalled the electors, having taken a neutral, if not an opposite,
position. The greatest order prevailed throughout the day.
1845 (August 13). — Died,in the Bigg-market, Newcastle, aged 63,
Mr. Emerson Charnley, bookseller, and a member of the Town
Council. He was a member of the Old Common Council, and
was returned to the new body on the change which succeeded the
passing of the Municipal Reform Act. Connected with an old
established firm, taking an interest in the principal institutions of
the town, and being of a peculiarly accessible friendly and homely
disposition, no man was better known in Newcastle and the
neighbourhood than Emerson Charnley.
August 15. — An alarming railway collision occurred on the
line between Sunderland and Brockley Whins, about half-past
three, p.m. The mail-train, after leaving Sunderland, came in
contact with the train from Newcastle, both proceeding at a quick
pace at the time. The collision was fearful. The mail-train
passengers included Mr. Charles Tee, a railway proprietor, of
Barusley : Mr. Brunton, town clerk, of Sunderland ; Mr. Richard-
son and Mr. Gutch, solicitors, of York, who had been assisting in
the election of Mr. Hudson ; Mr. Falvey, of the Anti-Corn Law
League ; several other gentlemen, and about half-a-dozen ladies.
Not a single person travelling by the train escaped injury. Mr.
Richardson and Mr. Gutch were both sadly bruised, especially the
latter gentleman whose face was painfully disfigured ; Mr. Falvey
sustained a contusion on the leg ; the stoker had his arm broken ;
while the engine-driver, seeing his danger, saved himself by leaping
off the engine ; a boy, named Hogarth, was frightfully bruised
and cut ; all the women were severely stunned, and the iron of the
engine and tender was shattered to pieces. The occurrence took
place at the junction of two lines, where there is only a single
row of rails, and where the signal flags for the Newcastle train
to stop were actually hoisted at the time. When the engine-
driver was asked why he did not stop he was unable to give a
satisfactory answer.
August 20. — In consequence of the rain which fell on this
and the two days preceding, the river Aln rose to a greater
height than at any former period within memory, and vast
quantities of hay and corn on the banks of the stream were
carried away. Several sheep and goats were also lost, and, at
Bolton, a farm steward and his son, named Cook, were drowned
whilst endeavouring to save some sheep. The Till was also very
much swollen, and serious damage was done in many places.
August 21. — A fearful explosion occurred this afternoon, at
Jarrovv Colliery, the property of D. Brown, esq. Mr. Jobling,
the viewer, in company with Mr. Brown, were walking towards
the pit at the time when they observed an unusual amount of
smoke, and on reaching the heap the accident immediately became
apparent. About seventy-five men and boys were at work at the
time, thirty-six of whom were employed in the Low Main Seam,
where the explosion took place, and of these only one man was
saved. The other men were working in the Bensham Seam, 1 60
feet above the others, and, owing to the air-courses being partially
destroyed they suffered severely from after-damp, and three men,
named James Stewart, Benjamin Robinson, Robert Fairgreave,
and a boy, named Baird, died. A brave man, named Defty, an
overman, also lost his life in endeavouring to rescue others. A
subscription was commenced for the benefit of the sufferers and
nearly £1,800 was collected.
1845 (August 30). — Died, in Blenheim- street, Newcastle, in his
80th year, William Anthony Hails. The deceased belonged to that
class of self-educated men whose ardent pursuit of knowledge
raises them above the obscurity and difficulties of early life. He
was to trade a ship-carpenter, but afterwards became an eminent
teacher which profession he followed in Newcastle for upwards of
30 years. He was a most laborious and indefatigable student,
and his mind was well stored with a fund of knowledge on almost
every branch of science, but his chief study and for which he
became most eminent was a knowledge of languages. He culti-
vated, more particularly, an acquaintance with the Eastern
tongues, and there were few, if any, his superior in a critical
knowledge of Hebrew, and was a frequent correspondent of the
" Critical Journal" in which he successfully encountered some of
the first Hebrew scholars of those days. He was the originator,
and for many years the most active supporter, of the Benevolent
Society, the precursor of the present Sick and Indigent Society,
and was also one of the most early supporters of the Bible Society.
He was the author of some valuable essays on the Unitarian
Controversy, but his principal work was his reply to " Volney's
Ruin of Empires," a work of great research and erudition.
September 4. — Married, at Lamesley Cliurch, the Hon. John
A. Douglass, Envoy Extraordinary at St. Petersburgh, and
eldest son of Lord Bloornfield, to the Hon. Georgiana Liddell,
youngest daughter of Lord Ravensvvorth. Great rejoicing took
place at Ravensworth, where the grand entrance hall was thrown
open for the first time,
September 4. — The discussion between the Rev. W. Cooke
and Mr. Joseph Barker, on the question, " What is a Christian
and his principles ?" was brought to a close this evening, after
extending over a period of three weeks. The room was crowded
every evening, and, considering the excitement that popular
discussions invariably create, order was pretty well maintained
throughout. On each occasion Mr. Cooke was allowed an hour
and a half to state his sentiments, and Mr. Barker was allowed
an equal time for reply. Mr. Cooke defended the fundamental
principles of Christianity, basing his arguments on the Scriptures,
and calling to his aid such other evidence as was necessary to
maintain the truth and support the dignity of the Gospel. Mr.
Barker, on the other hand, denied the authenticity of the chapters
in the New Testament containing the account of the miraculous
conception, and, as a necessary consequence, rejected from his
creed the whole doctrine of the Trinity. In closing the discussion
Mr. Cooke answered some of the statements of his opponent, and
charged him with having misquoted his sentiments. He then
entered on the subject of the personality and Godhead of the Holy
Spirit, and proceeded to defend the Trinity as a doctrine of revealed
religion. As the discussion progressed, and more especially at the
conclusion, the feelings and judgment of the audience were
manifestly in favour of Mr. Cooke, and if the question had been
put as to which system was true, there would have been at least
twenty to one on the side of the orthodox faith.
1845 (October 3), — Owing to heavy rains the river Tyne was
greatly flooded, and much injury was done to the shipping lying at
Newcastle and Shields. Large quantities of hay and corn were
swept from adjacent lands, and timber, keels, and other craft were
drifted down the stream, the rapidity of the current preventing
any effort to stop their progress. The King's Meadows and
several miles of the Carlisle Railway were quite under water. An
immense quantity of agricultural produce was likewise destroyed
on the Tweed and Wear.
October 15. — Several of the scholars of Dr. Cowan's Academy,
Bishopwearmouth, were bathing in the sea, at Ilendon, in
company with five of their teachers, when a strong current swept
several of the party into deep water, and one of the teachers, named
Special, two youths, sons of Sir David Baird, bart., Newbyth,
East Lothian, and Robert M. Leny, son of J. McAlpine Leny, esq ,
of Dalwinton, Dumfriesshire, were unfortunately drowned.
October 22. — Mr. John Fram, aged 49, was found dead this
morning, about seven o'clock, in a water tub, on his own premises,
at Ridley-villas, Newcastle. It appeared that the deceased had
been recommended by his medical adviser, Mr. Tullock, to bathe
his head frequently in water, and whether in attempting to do so
he had fallen in, or whether he had intentionally thrown himself
into the tub, could not be ascertained.
October 28. — A dinner was given at the George Inn, New-
castle, to Henry Ingledew, esq., deputy-recorder, by the members
of the legal profession resident in that town, to mark their sense
of the able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office.
The chair was taken by John Fenwick, esq , the vice-chair by
William Kell, esq., and thirty-three members sat down to a
sumptuous repast.
October.— About the end of this month a skeleton was found,
in perfect preservation, in a yard attached to Sir Matthew White
Ridley's glass-works, at the Ouseburn, Newcastle. It was
supposed to be the remains of a member of one of the three
families who originally introduced the manufacture cf glass into
this district, and who were known to have had a private burial
October 28. — A purse of forty guineas was presented to the
Rev. George Heriot, as a testimony of their affectionate regard,
and as an acknowledgment of his services since his appointment
as their minister, by the congregation of St. Anns Chapel,
1845 (November 1).— The workmen in the employ of Mr. W.
Wailes, glass-stainer, Newcastle, entertained Mr. Francis W.
Oliphant to dinner at Mr. Lowes, Thornton Arms, Thornton-street,
Newcastle, on which occasion Mr. W. Wailes, Mr. -G. Wailes, and
Mr. Oliphant, were the invited guests. The chair was filled by Mr.
Campbell, supported by Mr. J. Rodgers. After the usual toasts
of the evening, Mr. Oliphant was presented with an elegant chased
silver box, manufactured by Messrs. Reid and Sons, of Newcastle,
and drawing instruments, as a slight mark of their admiration and
regret at his leaving Newcastle for London.
^November 10. — The ninth of November having fallen on a
Sunday, the election of chief magistrates for the boroughs in the
counties of Northumberland and Durham took place this day, with
the following result : — Newcastle— Thomas E. Headlam, M.D. ;
Matthew liobert Bigge, sheriff. Gateshead — Thomas Cummins.
Durham — John Bramwell. Sunderland — Robert Brown. Marpeth—
Nicholas Wright. Stockton — John Crossby. Berwick — Thomas
Hogarth ; William Smith, sheriff.
November 22. — Died, at Ravensworth Castle, in her 73rd
?ear, Maria Susannah, wife of the Right Hon. Lord Ravensworth.
'he whole of her ladyship's family, with the exception of the
Marchioness of Normanby, the Hon. Mrs. Villiers, and the Hon.
Mrs. Bloomfield, who were residing abroad, were present on the
melancholy occasion. The account of her ladyship's death was
received with sorrow throughout the entire neighbourhood, as she
was well known for her amiable disposition and Christian
benevolence. The deceased was the third daughter and co-heiress
of John Simpson, esq., of Bradley Hall, Durham, by Lady Ann,
daughter of Thomas, eighth Earl of Strathmore, and by the death
of her last surviving sister, in February, 1844, she eventually
became sole heiress of the extensive possessions of the ancient
families of Simpson and Anderson, of Bradley. The deceased, in
March, 1796, married Thomas H. Liddell, esq., afterwards a
baronet, and eventually Lord Ravensworth, and she left a family
of seven sons and as many daughters, most of whom she had the
happiness to see connected by marriage with some of the noblest
families in the kingdom. Possessed of great means of doing good,
Lady Ravensworth was never known to fail in making use of
them, and the almshouses built and endowed by her for the
deserving poor of the Ravensworth and Eslington properties, will
long remain a proof of her munincence'and charity.
November 25. — The skiff race, for £100 a-side, between
Clasper, of Newcastle, and Pocock, of London, took place on the
Tyne, in the presence of several thousands of spectators, Clasper,
at the termination, being at least a quarter of a mile in advance.
November 25. — Died, at Chimney Mills, aged 49, Mr. William
Andrew Mitchell, formerly editor and proprietor of the " Tyne
A.t). 1845.] REMARKABLE EVENTS. 201
Mercury," which journal he conducted, after the death of his
father, upwards of 25 years. The deceased was also the editor of
the " Newcastle Magazine," a periodical started by himself, and
carried on with an energy rarely found in the provinces. He was
also the author of " Tim Tunbelly," " Peter Putright," a drama
called " Crohore of the Billhook," " Essays on Capacity and
Genius," " Thoughts of One that Wandereth," and many fugitive
pieces. Through life he was an able and consistent advocate of
Liberal principles, and few men have descended to the grave
more regretted by their friends.
1845 (November 26). — A tremendous boiler explosion took place
at the Bishopwearmouth Ironworks, causing a great injury to the
premises and sacrifice of life. About sixty workmen were in the
building at the time, and, from the prodigious force of the
explosion, nearly the whole of them were buried by the falling in
of the roof or scalded by the steam which filled the place. Four
men were dead when extricated, two more died soon after, and
upwards of thirty others received very serious injuries. The
property adjoining was also greatly damaged, large pieces of iron
being propelled in all directions.
December 5. — Robert A. Davison, esq., solicitor, of Sunderland,
and clerk to the trustees of the county of Durham turnpikes,
committed suicide by hanging himself in his greenhouse. At the
inquest, a person named Rermison, who resided next door to Mr.
Davison, was examined. He stated that he observed the deceased
go into his greenhouse, when shortly afterwards he heard a scream
from the servant girl, on which he ran to the greenhouse, where
he saw the body of Mr. Davison hanging by the neck to a beam,
with the feet on the ground, and the knees bent in a drooping
position. He was quite dead. No reason was assigned for the
rash act.
December 8. — A splendid white woodcock was shot in Harehope
Wood by O. A. B. Cress well, esq. Perhaps so rare a bird has
seldom or ever been seen in those parts.
December 11. — The secluded village of Netherton, in Coquet-
dale was the scene of great bustle and social harmony on this
day, it having been the place where Walter Selby, esq., of
Biddlestone, was to receive a testimonial of his neighbours'
gratitude. When Mr. Selby came into possession of the Biddle-
stone estates he found that his predecessor had accumulated many
heavy debts, for which the contractor alone was responsible, and
for which he (Mr. Selby) was not legally liable. He, however,
immediately put into operation a system of the most rigid economy,
and, after some years of self-denial and sequestration, he accumu-
lated sufficient to pay every one in full. This highly honourable
conduct was the occasion of the presentation. At two o'clock Mr.
Selby arrived in his carriage, in company with his sister, Miss
Selby, the lady of the Vicar of Whittingham, Mrs. Goodenough,
and Mr. Riddell, of Felton Park. As they drew up to the Star
Inn the welkin rang with peals of cannon and the huzzas of the
c 1
assembled multitude. After a few minutes' stay in the inn, Mr.
Selby accompanied Mr. Burrell, of Broome Park, into an open
carriage, when a massive silver shield, value 100 guineas, with a
representation of Sir Walter de Selby of yore, in victorious combat
with David, King of Scotland, was placed near Mr. Burrell, who
then addressed Mr. Selby as follows :— " My dear Mr. Selby, I
have been desired by the committee of gentlemen, who have
solicited the honour of your attendance on this occasion, to present
you with a memorial of their respect and gratitude for a kindness
of a very distinguished and particular nature. It has given me
the greatest pleasure to accede to their request, not only because
it entails on me the duty of recording their honourable feelings,
but because it gives me an opportunity of expressing my achairation
of the conduct which drew forth those feelings. For what you,
sir, are pleased to consider a simple act of justice is, in truth, one
of the most disinterested generosity — a voluntary sacrifice for the
benefit of others, a gallant assumption of responsibility where no
real or actual responsibility existed. There are many persons who
in your case would have gladly taken advantage of the immunities
which the law provides for them. But not so with you. You
could not enjoy life with the reflection that any one, however
remotely or incidentally, should suffer a loss which it was in your
power to redress. I must be permitted to add that my gratifica-
tion in discharging this pleasing duty has been greatly enhanced
by the thought that the whole act in question has been performed
by a neighbour and a friend, by the descendant of a race of gentry
which, for more than 500 years, have flourished on this spot where
we are met to commemorate the worth which attaches here to the
soil and endears him to its inhabitants. I must take the liberty
of calling your attention to the embossment of the shield, which
represents a gallant achievement of one of your family in ancient
times and to which you were not likely at any time to have drawn,
public attention." After the ceremony, 160 gentlemen sat down
to dinner, William Burrell, esq., presiding. The chairman was
supported upon the right by Mr. Selby, Mr. Riddell, of Felton
Park, the Rev. Mr. Hoggett, and Mr. Thomas Selby ; upon the
left by Mr. Clavering, Callaly, Captain Collingwood, Glanton,
Rev. Mr. Goodenough, Whittingham ; Jasper Gibson, esq., of
Hexham, filled the vice-chair, supported by the Rev. Mr. Proctor,
Vicar of Alwinton, Dr. Henry Crea, Wittingham. and the Rev.
Thomas Ord, Callaly.
1845 (December 9). — A man, named Robert Joicey, 57 years of
age, died suddenly at Cockle Park, near Morpeth, and, in conse-
quence of suspicious circumstances, his son Ralph, who lived with
him, was soon after apprehended in Newcastle, at the residence of
William Joicey, Hutton's-court, Pilgrim- street, another son of the
deceased. The prisoner immediately admitted his guilt, and, from
his statement, it appeared that about two months before the
occurrence he bought a quantity of arsenic, in Morpeth, of Mr.
Creighton, chemist, and having mixed a portion of the poison in
some jalap, he disguised himself and left the packet at a public
house where medicine for his father was frequently left by his
medical attendant, Dr. Hedley, of Morpeth. The packet bore the
following inscription : — " I make you a present for Joicey. Take
this large powder in a glass of ale or a glass of wine, and the
smaller one in a little honey or jelly, the one at night the other
in the morning." The contents of the packets were given to the
old man, who immediately after became ill and died. The prisoner
was tried and convicted before Mr. Justice Coleridge, February
26th, 1846, and was executed at Morpeth on the 18th March
1846 (January 8). — A dreadful accident took place this after-
noon close to the Railway Station, South Shields. Whilst a
number of workmen were employed in removing a quantity of
ballast from an enormous heap of 'that substance, a portion of the
hill came down upon them, before they had time to escape, and
two men, named Thomas Bradford and John Burn, were killed.
Upwards of a dozen others narrowly escaped the same fate.
January 14. — As Mr. Thomas Clarke, of the firm of Clarke,
Plummer, and Co., of the Ouseburn Spinning Mill, Newcastle,
was returning on horseback from Kibblesworth, he called at the
house of Mr. Plummer, on Gateshead Fell, and on returning to
the public road he had to pass a well where some girls were
getting water, at whom the horse took fright and Mr. Clarke was
thrown from his seat falling heavily on the ground. Being
perceived by some parties near he was immediately carried to an
adjoining house and the aid of Sir John Fife, Mr. Talmadge, and
Mr. Davies was speedily procured but it was of no avail. The
unfortunate gentleman had received such severe internal injuries
as to cause his death in a few hours.
January. — During this month, two seamen belonging to the
ship Ariadne, of Greenock, having received relief at the New-
castle Infirmary, on their return to the vessel they gave such a
good account of the benefits and comforts of the valuable institution,
that Captain MacKellar, his officers, and crew immediately raised
the sum of seven pounds as a donation.
February 3. — This morning, a little before five o'clock, the
extensive steam-engine manufactory of Messrs. Robert and
William Hawthorn, at the Forth-banks, Newcastle, was discovered
to be on fire, and such was the rapid progress of the flames that
within two hours a large building in the centre of the works,
which was used as the locomotive tender and the pattern depart-
ment, was completely destroyed. Some of the detached workshops
were, however, preserved. The loss was estimated at upwards of
£10,000. This was the third time the premises of Messrs.
Hawthorn had suffered from fire. See Sykes, March 10th, 1832.
February 3. — A boy, named Foggon, little more than two
years old, wandered from his home, at Lorbottle, near Rothbury.
The following morning the neighbours having dragged the mill
ponds and searched the burns afterwards repaired to the adjoining
hills, when a shepherd's lad, belonging to Mr. Drysdale, was
attracted by his cries, and found him lying on his breast, at a
place called the Long Crag, a distance of nearly four miles from
his home, and after having endured the exposure more than^25
hours. His preservation is the more remarkable from his having
passed several old coal workings during the night.
1846 (February 4,). — A fatal accident occurred at Messrs.
Stephenson's engine manufactory, South-street, Newcastle, by which
a young man, named William Phelan, a native, of Alnwick, lost
his life. It appeared that Phelan and a fellow workman, named
Bruce, were engaged in grinding a piece of iron on a grindstone,
which was driven by an engine, when suddenly, without any
warning, the stone flew into pieces with tremendous force, one of
the parts flying upwards and breaking the beam and the floor of
the upper room, and then striking the steam pipe in its descent,
broke it, and filled the building with steam. The other portions of
the stone were driven in all directions. Phelan was found some
distance from the place, with his head frightfully shattered. He
died at the Infirmary two hours after the accident.
February 6. — The extensive paper mill of Messrs. Hutton,
Fletcher, & Co., Ayres Quay, near Sunderland, was completely
burnt down this morning. The fire was first discovered about six
o'clock by some workmen, who observed masses of smoke issuing
from the windows. In about ten minutes more, the whole mill
was enveloped in fire. When it reached the room where the rags
and ropes and other material are kept, the fury of the devouring
element was greatly increased, and its progress became irresistible.
The flames rose to a great height, and the roof fell in about fifty
minutes from the time of the fire being discovered. The workmen
had been on strike for the previous three weeks, and as the estab-
lishment had consequently been closed, strong suspicions were
abroad that it was wilfully occasioned.
February 8. — This evening an alarming disturbance took
place at Black Hill, between the English and Irish workmen
employed at the Derwent Iron Works. It appeared that during
the evening several of the workmen were drinking in a public
house, kept by Mr. Moore, and a fight took place, in which one of
the combatants, an Irishman, was severely beaten. This so excited
his companions that they immediately collected together a numerous
body of their countrymen, some armed with sticks, others with
pokers, shovels, and similar weapons, and they forthwith made an
indiscriminate attack upon all in the village. The first person
they met was a man named George Patterson, who was instantly
felled to the ground. Another man, named Gilroy, was so mal-
treated as scarcely to be recognized. The rioters then attacked
the public house, and in a short time every pane of glass was
broken, the inmates making a precipitate retreat by the back part
of the premises. By this time the whole place was in a state of
the utmost alarm and excitement, and the English workmen, in
order to defend themselves, were obliged to give battle to the
assailants. The consequences may be imagined. The parties
attacked each other with loud yells and in the most ferocious
manner, and it was not until two o'clock in the morning that the
riot had expended itself. The Irishmen retreated, leaving six
lying on the ground bleeding, and having about forty others seriously
injured. Information of the disturbance reached Superintendent
Hall at Whickham, and he hastened to the place with a strong body
of policemen, and succeeded in apprehending nine of the principal
rioters, who were immediately taken before Peter Annandale, esq,,
who committed them to prison. Three of those left on the field
of battle subsequently died of their wounds.
1846 (February 12). — A fine specimen of the Trichiuvus Lepturus,
or Blade Fish, 13 feet 9 inches long, was caught near Alnmouth,
and was afterwards exhibited at Alnwick. This was supposed to
be the first specimen of this rare fish caught alive in Britain.
February. — The following are in the list of new patents applied
for during this month : — Conrad Haverkam Greenhow, of North
Shields, gent,, for improvements in the construction of railways
and railway carriages, sealed 6th January, 6 months for enrolment ;
Henry Watson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brass-founder, for
improvements in withdrawing air and vapours from furnaces or
other apparatus, and in condensing and employing such vapours,
sealed 6th January, 6 months for enrolment ; Robert Bewick
Longridge, of the Bedlington Iron Works, near Morpeth, North-
umberland, for an improved locomotive engine, sealed 13th
January, 6 months for enrolment ; William Benson, of Allerwash
House, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, gent., for certain
improvements in machines for the manufacture of tiles and other
plastic substances, sealed 15th January, 6 months for enrolment.
March 10. — A pugilistic encounter took place on Blyth Links,
between William Cleghorn and Michael Reilly, both of Newcastle.
After fighting not less than two hours and a half, Cleghorn was
declared the victor. Reilly received such severe injuries that he
died early on the following morning. Cleghorn was convicted of
manslaughter at the Summer Assizes, before Mr. Justice Cresswell,
and was sentenced to six months hard labour.
March 16. — A little boy, named Taylor, employed at Spital
Tongues Colliery, near Newcastle, escaped a dreadful death in
a most extraordinary way. Taylor was occupied at bank pushing
the corves of coals from the shaft to fill the waggons, and he
occasionally steadied the corves over the mouth of the shaft to
descend into the mine. While engaged in the latter occupation
a projecting rod from the corf caught his waistcoat and dragged
him into the shaft down which he fell head foremost. The shaft
is 60 fathoms deep and his fellow workmen shuddered as they
thought of his certain death. Judge their surprize when, a
moment afterwards, a voice came up the shaft " I've got hold of
the rope, pull me up," and, strange as it may seem, at a depth of
upwards of 180 feet had this boy in his perilous descent seized the
rope, which was connected with the corf about to descend, and
sustained his weight until brought to the surface, having received
no other injury than a slight graze on one arm and leg.
1846 (March 16), — Whilst two boys, sons of Mr. Robert Lynn, of
Derwenthaugh Lamp Black Works, were playing by the Derwent
river, near Swalwell, the younger, who was five years of age,
fell in and his brother in attempting to get him out was drawn in
also. The alarm being given by some companions, a young man,
named William Kirsopp, ran to the spot, plunged into the river,
and rescued the two little fellows, who were just sinking, being
quite exhausted.
March 26. — The foundation-stone for the erection of other
four new cottages at the Master Mariners' Asylum, near Bent
House, South Shields, was laid by R. Ingham, esq., of Westoe, in
the presence of a numerous and highly respectable party of ladies
and gentlemen. The Rev. J. Carr offered up prayer on the
occasion, and the meeting was addressed by R. Ingham, R.
Anderson, J. Hargrave, and R. Findley, esqrs.
April 12. — This morning a serious accident happened on the
Brandling Junction Railway, at Templetown, near South Shields,
in consequence of an engine, which was conveying a heavily
laden passenger train, running off the rails and falling over an
embankment into a cottage, belonging to Mr. George Swalwell.
As the accident was almost momentary there was no time for
escape, and the engine fell perpendicularly through the roof,
destroying the whole of the house, and burying Mrs. Swalwell,
her son and sister (Sarah Rippon) in the ruins. From the position
of the engine and the force of the steam, which was escaping
amongst the ruins, it was with considerable difficulty that the
sufferers were got out. The son escaped unhurt, but the females
were not so fortunate. Mrs. Swalwell escaped with a broken leg.
Sarah Rippon died a short time after the accident. The engine-
man and fireman were thrown on the top of an adjoining house,
the former received several severe bruises, but the other escaped
unhurt. The passengers were considerably alarmed, but with the
exception of a man, named John Blanchland, who had one leg
broken and the other fractured, they all escaped.
April 19. — A fire broke out this evening in a building in
the Castle Yard, on the Palace Green, Durham. The flames
raged for nearly six hours, but, fortunately, they were confined to
the building. How the fire originated could not be accounted for,
as the premises had been locked up for a considerable time. The
damage was estimated at about £400.
April 28. — A massive silver tureen and salver, value £130,
were presented to Mr. Alderman William Henry Brockett, of
Gateshead, by the merchants and shipowners of Newcastle and
neighbourhood, to mark their sense of his services in connection
with the removal of the passing toll levied on shipping by the
Corporation of Scarborough. The plate was presented by Mr. G.
Straker, and Mr. Brockett was afterwards entertained at dinner at
the Three Indian King's Hotel, Quayside, Newcastle.
1846 (May 12). — A fire occurred in the farm premises of Messrs.
W. and R. Green, of Crawcrook, near Gateshead, by which nine
stacks of grain and much other property was destroyed. It was
snpposed to be the work of an incendiary, a quantity of cotton
being found in the stackyard.
May 24.— A lad, about seventeen years of age, named William
Bowman, residing with his brother, who is a hairdresser, in
Clive-street, North Shields, was discovered to have hung himself
under very extraordinary circumstances. The parties are natives
of London, and had resided only a few months at Shields. On
Sunday their father visited them, from Newcastle, and on his
return, in the evening, the elder brother accompanied him to the
train, leaving deceased in the house. On the brother's return he
found the door locked inside, and as no one answered his knock,
another door, leading from a side passage was broken open, when
the unfortunate youth was found suspended from the ceiling, quite
dead. The deceased was dressed precisely similar to a culprit
whom he had recently seen executed, and the neck was protected
from the cord by a pillow, which had been placed between it and
the rope. No reason whatever could be assigned for the act.
May 24. — Died, at Nettlecombe, Somerset, aged 86, Sir John
Trevelyan, bart., of that place, and of Wellington, Northumber-
land. In 1798 he raised the Wallington troop of cavalry, of
which he was commandant. Sir John was succeeded in the
baronetcy and family estates by Walter Calverly Trevelyan, his
eldest son, born in Newcastle, on the 31st of March, 1797.
June 11. — This afternoon a magnificent vessel, named the
Marlborough, was launched from the building-yard of Messrs.
Smith, at St. Peter's, near Newcastle. Precisely at half-past five
the signal was given, and the vessel glided smoothly and majesti-
cally into its native element amid the firing of cannon and the
cheers of the assembled multitude. The Marlborough was 1,800
tons burthen and the largest vessel ever before built on the Tyne.
June 11. — This afternoon a boiler suddenly exploded at the
Tow Law Iron Works, near Wolsingham, Durham, by which two
men and a boy lost their lives, and several persons were much
injured. Great damage was also done to the works.
June 21. — A melancholy accident occurred at Hartlepool, by
the upsetting of a yacht, in which were three brothers, named
Travers, aged respectively 34, 30, and 28, all clerks in respectable
offices, and Thomas Westall, a waterman. The party was pro-
ceeding from Hartlepool to Middlesborough, but were caught by a
squall, and all of them were drowned before assistance could be
June 22. — The match between Newell and Clasper, which
had excited extraordinary interest, came off this day, on the
Tyne. The amount at issue was 100 sovereigns aside, and the
distance to be performed about five miles, teing from Newcastle
Bridge to Lernington. The contest resulted in the victory of
Newell by about fifty yards. Never, perhaps, on any similar
occasion was there seen such a mass of spectators, and " Haud
away Harry" was echoed and re-echoed from each side of the
1846 (June 23> — The Newcastle Baces commenced this day. The
North Derby was won by Lord Eglinton's b c Dolo (Marson),
beating Mr. Cooke's br c Fancy Boy and Mr. W. Scott's Sir
Tatton Sykes. The Northumberland Plate was won by Lord
Eglinton's b c Dolo (Prince), beating Mr. J. Bell's ch h Winesour
and 12 others. The Gold Cup was won by Mr. J. Bell's ch h
Winesour (Bumby), beating Mr. O'Brien's bl c Mentor and Colonel
Craddock's br c Jinglepot.
july 4. — A girl, named Catherine Hindmarsh, aged 19,
residing in High-street, Bishopwearmouth, was sent by her mother
to a shop in the neighbourhood, but she never returned home.
On the following morning she was discovered lying dead at the
bottom of Galley's Gill, a precipice upwards of 80 feet in height.
Cries of " Murder" were heard in the neighbourhood about mid-
night, and it appeared certain that the unfortunate girl had come
to a violent end, but nothing was ever elicited to clear up the
july 5. — A melancholy accident happened to a promising
young man, aged 22, son of Mr. William Marshall, of Westoe.
An aquatic pleasure party had been at sea in a boat, near Marsden
Rocks, and one of the party had taken a loaded double-barrelled
gun into the boat for the purpose of shooting seagulls. The major
part of the party having come on shore, Mr. Marshall and Mr.
Galloway returned to the boat for the purpose of re-embarking,
when, owing to some accident, the gun went off, and the contents
were discharged into Mr. Marshall's body. He was immediately
conveyed to Peter Allen's marine grotto, where he shortly after-
wards expired.
July 5. — A terrific thunderstorm occurred in Newcastle and
the surrounding district, during which a young woman, named
Mary Elliot, living at Cramlington, was killed by the lightning.
July 14. — The eighth great meeting of the Royal Agricultural
Society commenced at Newcastle, under the presidency of Lord
Portman. The principal object of the meeting was to bring
together all the most approved means of cultivating the soil and
performing the multifarious duties appertaining to agriculture, and
especially to show the improvements of which the breeding and
fattening of live stock are susceptible. Great preparations had
been made for several months previous, and thirteen acres of the
Town Moor, behind Eldon-place, had been drained, enclosed and
divided into sections for the show of live stock and implements,
and a spacious pavilion had been erected in the Forth for the public
dinner. On the 14th and 15th the judges of implements and stock
made their awards, and on the 16th and 17th the cattle show was
thrown open to the public. On both days the number of persons
anxious to inspect the exhibition greatly surpassed the anticipations
of the committee, and it was found necessary to make additional
A.D. 1846.]
entrances in order to relieve the pressure at the doors. In the
afternoon of the 16th the great dinner took place in the Forth.
Covers were laid for 1,300, the utmost number which could be
accommodated, and many gentlemen were disappointed in obtaining
admission. The chair was taken by Lord Portman, and the vice-
chair by the Earl of Egmont. Amongst the distinguished visitors
were His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of
Cleveland, the Earl of Chichester, the Earl of Buchan, Lord
Morpeth, Lord Polwarth, Sir Roderick Murchison, Dr. Buckland,
Mr. George Stephenson, and almost every landed gentleman in
Northumberland and Durham. The following noblemen and
gentlemen were also in the town during the week : — The Marquis
of Downshire, the Marquis of Bute, the Earl of Hardwicke, the
Earl of Durham, the Earl of Sheffield, Lord Rivers, Lord Hawke,
Baron Knesebeck, the Marquis de St. Oppootune, from the Azores,
Dr. Moberg, from Copenhagen, M. Kynander, from Finland,
C. F. W. Jeppe, Rostock, &c., &c. On the 17th a general meeting
of the society was held in the Music Hall, which concluded the
proceedings. Lord Portman, who presided, paid a high compliment
to the mayor (Dr. Headlam), the corporation, and the local com-
mittee, for the excellent arrangements they had made.
1846 (July 30).— Died, at Westgate-hill, Newcastle, aged 79, Mr.
Robert Roxby, many years clerk in Sir M. W. Ridley and Co.'s
bank. As a member of society, Mr. Roxby conciliated the esteem
and respect of all who had the happiness to be acquainted with
him. In the local literature of the North of England he was also
favourably known. His "Lay of the Reedswater Minstrel" and
various minor poetical pieces have been many years before the
D 1
world, and in connection with his « Coquetdale Fishing Songs" his
name will long be remembered in these districts.
1846 (July 3l> — The great Ford tithe cause, between the Rev.
Thomas Knight and the Marquis of Waterford, came on for trial
at the Northumberland Assizes, before Mr. Justice Wightman,
the Court of Exchequer having determined that the ruling of
Baron Rolfe, on a previous occasion, was erroneous. The
jury, after a four days trial, found a verdict for the plaintiff,
thus establishing the claim of the rector to the tithes. The
dispute was eventually compromised, the plaintiff receiving
£10,000 for his retrospective claims and a rent charge of £800
per annum.
August 7. — An inquiry was instituted before Mr. William
Baker, deputy -coroner, at the Crown, High-street, Shadwell,
London, relative to the death of Mr. Isaac Tucker, aged 37, whose
death occurred from intoxication. It appeared that the deceased,
who resided at Gateshead, where he carried on the business of a
pipe maker, was the author of two dramatic works, which he was
desirous should be published by a London house. He had gone to
London for that purpose, and whilst there obtained a tasting order
for the London docks, where the deceased drank about half-a-pint
of different wines. On leaving there he went to the Old Rose,
Shadwell, and had two glasses of brandy and water. The deceased
then became insensible, and in this state he was removed to the
station, in King David-lane, where he was left. In about half-an-
hour he seemed in a dying state, when Mr. Ross, a surgeon,
was sent for. He tried to bleed him, but without effect, and
life became extinct. Verdict — " Apoplexy from excessive
August 9. — Newcastle and neighbourhood were visited by a
violent thunderstorm and heavy rain. The storm proceeded
in a westward direction, and about two o'clock the electric fluid
struck a row of houses, called Greenhow's-terrace, Scotswood-
road, and did considerable damage. No fewer than fifteen persons
were struck down ; some of them were dreadfully scorched in
various parts of the body. Medical assistance was at once pro-
cured and the whole were eventually restored to consciousness.
Three bridges erected over the Middleton Beck, on the Tees, were
carried away ; the bridge at Egglesburn was thrown down, andaa
number of cottages at Egglestone were almost entirely demolished.
At Barnard Castle the river rose 15 feet above its usual level, and
a great number of sheep, lambs, and pigs, and an immense
quantity of hay were lost. At Milburn, Northumberland, the
lightning set fire to a hawker's cart, which, with its contents were
August 21. — Great sensation was created in Berwick, this
morning, on it becoming known that the North of England Branch
Bank had been entered during the night, and notes and coin to
the amount of £3,000 carried away. It appeared that Mr.
Thompson, the resident agent, had been from home on a leave of
absence for a fortnight. In the morning the robbery was dis-
covered by a servant, when the safe was found unlocked, a bolt
proceeding from the room above having been raised and the whole
of the property removed. Intelligence of the robbery was imme-
diately forwarded to Newcastle, and Mr. Burdis, accompanied by
Mr. Stephens, superintendent of police, proceeded to Berwick
without delay. On their arrival, watchmen were stationed round
the bank. A searching examination of the premises was then
made, and, as the result proved, with perfect success. All the
gold and the whole of the silver were discovered secreted under
the stairs in the kitchen, and the whole of the notes were soon
afterwards found in the bedroom of Mrs. Thompson, wife of the
manager, sewed up in the bolsters and bedding. Mrs. Thompson
was immediately apprehended and was tried for the offence on the
26th October, before the recorder, Mr. Ingham, but the testimony
of the female servants being somewhat contradictory she was
1846 (October 5). — A melancholy affair took place in a field
adjoining Benton-lane, Newcastle, which ended in the death of a
man, named Daniel Hives. The deceased was employed in the
construction of the Newcastle and Berwick Railway, and a few
minutes before the occurrence had been struck and severely
injured by two Irish navvies, named George Mathews and John
Hughes. He immediately followed them, the men threatening to
murder him if he came near them. He persisted, however, and
the party at length reached a field in which Captain Potts, a
magistrate, was standing, when Hives having appealed to him the
captain also followed the men and told them they should not
escape. Suddenly the Irishmen turned round and came up to
their pursuers, when Mathews pushed Captain Potts aside and
plunged a knife into the right groin of the unfortunate Hives and
killed him on the spot. Through the coolness and persistency of
Captain Potts the men were soon after captured. On February
27th, 1847, they were tried before Baron Rolfe, when Mathews
was convicted of the murder and Hughes was acquitted. Mathews
was executed at Morpeth on the 17th March following.
October 12. — An accident of a most extraordinary character
occurred this evening at Walker Iron Works, near Newcastle, the
property of Messrs. Losh, Wilson, & Bell. It appeared that cries
of distress were raised in a portion of the premises, and, on search
being made, a man named Davies and a youth named Spearman
were found dead on the floor of a privy. It was then discovered
that one of the branches from the great blast pipe was leaking,
and the air in it having become impregnated with carbonic oxide
and carbonic acid gas, the place had become filled with the poisonous
mixture, and the deceased had been suffocated. In about half-
an-hour after this lamentable occurrence, another catastrophe took
place, by the bursting of the air receiver, the explosion of which,
was so terrific that it was heard for several miles around. One
man, named Robert Rogers, standing near the mouth of the
regulator, was blown a prodigious distance and killed immediately,
and some others had fractured limbs. The reservoir itself, though
of great solidity, was blown to fragments, and one piece of it, after
rising an immense height, descended upon a wooden post, 170 yards
from its original seat, with such violence, that the post actually
pierced the thick iron plate. Nearly all the windows in the
neighbourhood were blown out by the force of the explosion
which caused great excitement from the singular circumstances
attending it.
1846 (November 9). — The election of mayors for the boroughs in
the counties of Northumberland and Durham took place, with the
following result: — Newcastle — James Archbold, esq., mayor;
Joseph Crawhall, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — Thomas Revely, esq.
Sunderland — Robert Brown, esq. Durham — William Davison, esq,
Stockton— John Crosby, esq. Morpeth — Richard Lewins, esq.
Berwick — George Johnston, esq., M.D., mayor; Alexander Cahill,
esq., M.D., sheriff.
November 10. — The foundation-stone of Trinity Presbyterian
Chapel, New Bridge-street, Newcastle, was laid by the Right
Hon. Fox Maule, M. P., Secretary at War. The church was
designed by Mr. Dobson, and is in the early English style, with
very little ornament, but has two angular towers 82 feet in height.
It accommodates 850 hearers. The expense of the building was
£3,000. A public breakfast took place previous to the ceremony,
at which the mayor and sheriff of the town attended. The
chapel was opened October 8th, 1847, by the Rev. J. Hamilton, of
December 12. — One of the greatest snowstorms which has
occurred during the present century, commenced this morning
throughout Northumberland and Durham. The trains upon the
various railways converging to Newcastle, were greatly delayed,
and towards the evening they were altogether brought to a stand ;
one train from the south being blocked up at Leamside, and a
second at Fence Houses. The storm extended as far north as
Edinburgh, west to Haydon Bridge, and south to Darlington. On
the 13th no train whatever was able to leave Newcastle, and, to
clear the line southwards, six engines, coupled together, conveying
about 200 excavators, were ordered to Fence Houses, but, after
five hours exertion, they were only able to reach Washington. The
mail which left Newcastle for the north, with much difficulty
reached Newton-on-the-Moor, where it was blocked up in a snow-
drift, 20 feet deep. A young man, belonging to Chillingham, lost
his life near Lilburn. Much injury was done to household pro-
perty during the storm, by the falling of roofs, owing to the immense
quantity of snow accumulated upon them. The eaves of a house
in Richmond-street, Newcastle, gave way, and the entire roof was
precipitated into the street. The roof of a house in Norfolk-street,
North Shields, occupied by Mr. Moffat, tailor, was forced off in
the same manner. The poor were put to cruel privations in conse-
quence of the traffic in coal being quite suspended, as well as all
out-door employment, but a thaw set in on the evening of the
18th, and the snow gradually disappeared.
1847 (January II). — A seizure was made by Mr. Thompson,
collector of excise, of a soap manufactory in the New-road,
Newcastle, when it was discovered that, besides the small apparatus
ordinarily seen at work, the parties had formed a communication
with an adjoining warehouse by the means of an ingeniously con-
structed secret door, and a large quantity of soap was found
therein. The loss to the revenue was calculated to have been
upwards of £6,000. The place was occupied by four brothers,
named Allan.
January 16. — Died, at Westoe, aged 59, Christopher Blackett,
esq., of Wylam. Mr. Blackett entered the army early in life,
and served for some time under Sir Henry Burrard and the Duke
of Wellington in the Peninsular campaigns. On the return of
peace he settled at his ancient family seat of Oakwood, near
Newcastle, and in 1830 he was elected a representative of the
borough of Beeralston, for which he sat until the general election
in 1831. In 1836 he was invited to come forward for Newcastle,
on the death of Sir Matthew White Ridley, bart., but after a very
exciting contest he was defeated by John Hodgson, esq., of
Elswick, Hodgson polling 1,576, Blackett 1,528. In the following
year, however, he was elected for South Northumberland, without
opposition, and he represented the county till 1841, when his
declining health obliged him to retire into private life. The
deceased was succeeded in his estates by his eldest son, J. F. B.
Blackett, esq.
January 19. — A public meeting was held in Newcastle, Sir
John Fife, in the absence of the Mayor (James Archbold, esq.),
in the chair, for considering the best means of relieving the awful
famine prevailing in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland.
Upwards of £4,000 were subscribed in the town and neighbour-
hood, and transmitted for the relief of the sufferers. Similar
meetings were held at the other towns in the district, and the total
amount subscribed was exceedingly large.
February 7. — This day t'he retired and pleasant village of
Newbrough, situated about five miles west of Hexham, was
thrown into a state of great excitement by a report that Thomas
Proud, hind to Mr. Maughan, of Newbrough Lodge, had been
murdered by a young man, named James Welch, a labourer at
Prudholm Quarry. It appeared that a child of Proud's had been
christened during the day, and the parties had afterwards retired
to a Mr. Surtees' public house, at Newbrough. Whilst there,
Welch and Proud quarrelled, and when the party left Welch
followed Proud and cut his throat with a clasp-knife in a dreadful
manner. Proud died almost immediately. The murderer, who
was apprehended at Fourstones, about a mile distant, was tried
before Baron Rolfe, on the 26th instant, and convicted of the
murder. He was accordingly executed at Morpeth on the 17th
1847 (February II). — Died, at Alnwick Castle, in his 62nd year,
His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. His grace had been
suffering for a short time from an attack of influenza, but he
eventually died somewhat suddenly. Hugh, Duke and Earl of
Northumberland, Earl Percy, Baron Percy and Warkworth, was
Lord-Lieutenant and Gustos Rotulorum of the county of North-
umberland, Vice-Admiral of Northumberland and Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, Constable of Launceston Castle, Chancellor of the University
of Cambridge, President of the Royal Humane Society, and Fellow
of numerous learned institutions. His grace was born on the 20th
April, 1785, and, after being educated at Eton and Cambridge, he
entered Parliament in 1806, as member for Buckingham. In
1807 his grace was returned for the county of Northumberland,
which he continued to represent until 1812, when he was called to
the House of Lords by the title of Baron Percy. In July, 1817,
he succeeded his father in the family honours, and in 1825 his
grace was required to serve his majesty as Ambassador Extra-
ordinary at the coronation of Charles X., King of France. The
whole expense of that costly mission was defrayed by his grace,
who astonished the Continental nobility by the magnitude of his
retinue, the gorgeousness of his equipage, and the profuseness of
his liberality. In politics the deceased was a firm and consistent
Conservative, in private life he was generous without ostentation,
and the extent of his liberality was commensurate with the ample
means at his disposal. The duke married, in 1817, Lady Charlotte
Forentia Clive, youngest daughter of Earl Powis, a lady whose
polished manners and general amiability won for her the distin-
guished office of governess to her present majesty. February 19th,
the remains of his grace arrived at Newcastle, on their way to
A.D. 1847.1
London, for interment in Westminster Abbey. The mournful
procession was met on the Town Moor by the Mayor, Sheriff, and
several members of the Town Council of the borough. The shops
were closed throughout the town. Minute guns were fired from
the Old Castle, and the flag hung half-staff high. About thirty
carriages joined in the procession, together with 200 horsemen.
A long line of Newcastle gentlemen, including some members of
the Society of Friends, followed the hearse on foot to the Gates-
head station, where the Mayor and Corporation were also in
attendance, Lord Prudhoe joined the train at Darlington, to
officiate as chief mourner at the interment, which took place on
the 23rd with much ceremony. The noble family of Percy is
descended from Mainfred, a Danish chieftain, who made irruptions
into France in the ninth century, and whose posterity, settling in
Normandy, took their name from their domain of Percy, in that
province. William de Percy, with his brother Serio, came over
to England with the Conqueror, and obtained large possessions in
York and Lincolnshire. In the reign of Henry II., Agnes, heiress
of the Percy family, married Joceline de Loraine, second son of
Godfrey, Duke of Brabant, who thereupon assumed the name of
Percy. Their descendants were among the most powerful barons
in the North of England.
1847 (February 14J. — An accident occurred on the Newcastle
and North Shields Railway, by which Mr. William Robson, son
of Mr. Robson, draper, Dean-street, Newcastle, was killed. It
appeared that the deceased, being late on reaching the Howden
station, ran on to the platform without paying his fare, and, as the
train had started, he proceeded direct to a carriage, but being too
precipitate in opening the door, he lost his balance, and, swinging
round, fell underneath the carriages, and the wheels of six of
them went over his legs before the train could be stopped. He
was conveyed to Newcastle with all possible despatch, but before
the train reached the station he had breathed his last.
1847 (February 23). — An alarming fire occurred this afternoon in
the premises of Messrs. Copland and Jones, wholesale chemists,
Sandhill, Newcastle, unfortunately attended with loss of life. Mr.
Nicholas Moody, the clerk, and a labourer, named John Bowman,
were engaged in sealing a carboy of turpentine in the upper storey
of the premises, when the liquid, by some means, took fire, and the
vessel bursting from the heat, the place was soon in one body of
flame. Mr. Copland and an assistant, named Lockey, escaped by
jumping out of a window, but Moody and Bowman, although they
succeeded in getting down stairs, died in the Infirmary very shortly
after. The damage was estimated at upwards of £1,200.
March 6. — The drafts of the North of England Joint Stock
Bank were refused payment in London, and, on the intelligence
reaching Newcastle on the following day, the greatest consternation
prevailed. The chief office of the company was in the Arcade,
Newcastle, but it had branches in Sunderland, North and South
Shields, Durham, Berwick, Morpeth, Blyth, Hexham, Alnwick,
and Wooler. The bank was commenced in 1832, being the first
on the joint stock principle established in Newcastle, its nominal
capital being £2,000,000, in 20,000 shares of £100 each, but the
amount absolutely paid up was only £31-0,755 on 18,096 shares,
and 420 proprietors were on the register at the time of the failure.
Very heavy losses had been incurred by the company at an early
period of its existence, and it subsequently transpired that the entire
paid up capital was lost, prior to 1837. The liabilities of the
concern, when the suspension occurred, amounted to £1,864,854,
and the deficiency was then estimated at £144,493, but that sum
proved to be only about one-third of the actual loss borne by the
shareholders. All attempts to raise the required amount, by
voluntary calls, proved ineffectual, and the bank was placed under
the powers of the Joint Stock Companies' Winding- Up Act in
November, 1848, three official managers, Messrs. Henderson,
Hewson, and Ross, being appointed. A call of £30 per share,
made by them, produced £240,000 ; a second call of £20 realized
£100,000; and a third of £15, £35,000, the diminished amount
showing the exhausted condition of the unfortunate shareholders.
In June, 1855, £3 per share were returned to the comparatively
small number of persons who had paid the whole of the calls, and
this was shortly afterwards followed by a second return of £5, and
a third of £7 per share.
March 20.— This morning, about nine o'clock, a fatal boiler
explosion occurred at Burradon Colliery, iiear Newcastle. A few
minutes previous to the occurrence, the engineman, on examining
the floa^ found the water more than a foot above the working
mark, but, as the steam was low, he gave directions to the stoker,
Robert Thompson, to raise the fires, soon after which the boiler
suddenly burst with a tremendous noise, carrying away part of the
engine-house and chimney, killing three persons, and injuring, more
or less, several of the workmen at the shaft. The engineman
escaped, though much scalded and bruised, but the stoker, a female,
named Margaret Proctor, and a boy, named James Gordon, were
killed on the spot.
1847 (March 25J.— The Right Hon. George Dawson, one of the
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, met, by appointment at
the Custom House, Newcastle, deputations from the Corporation,
and the Chamber of Commerce of Newcastle, and the shipowners
and merchants of North and South Shields, to consider the
applications for increased Custom House facilities at the latter
place. The Newcastle deputation consisted of the Mayor, the
Town Clerk, Aid. Hodgson, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. R. Plummer,
Mr. W. H. Brockett, Mr. W. B. Hunter, Mr. John Jobling, Mr.
S. Lowery, &c., and that from Shields consisted of Mr. Mitcalfe,
M.P., Mr. Dale, Mr. Linskill, Mr. Barker, Mr. Crighton, Mr.
Leitch, Mr. Pow, Mr. Shotton, Mr. Dryden, Mr. C. Laws, Mr.
Spencer, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Swinburne, &c. It
was ultimately decided that those gentlemen should meet a deputa-
tion of Newcastle merchants to discuss the subject, and on the
following day, it was determined, without any dissent, that the port
of Newcastle should remain undivided, but that auxiliary establish-
ments should be formed at North and South Shields, affording the
same facilities to merchants in those towns as were possessed by
persons resident in Newcastle. A document to this effect was
signed by all the parties present, and it was laid before Mr. Dawson,
on the 27th, when that gentleman expressed his gratification at the
harmonious result of their deliberations,
March. — About this time. Messrs. Carr & Co. had in their
possession, at the Mansion House, in the Close, Newcastle, an oak
tree, containing upwards of three hundred cubic feet of timber —
most of it sound — which had recently been extricated from the bed
of the river Tyne, where it must have been for many centuries.
April 17. — A serious accident occurred at the Crookhall Iron
Works, near Shotley Bridge, by which six persons were killed
and several others seriously injured. It appeared that an old
man and his daughter, ballad singers, went to the works and were
engaged in amusing the men with a song when the boiler suddenly
burst with a tremendous explosion killing the old man and his
daughter, the fireman, two of the workmen, and a stranger.
The boiler was torn to pieces and portions of it were blown an,
immense distance.
April 20. — A young man, named John Bourne, respectably
attired, took up his residence at Mr. John Cox's, Ord's Arms Inn,
Scotswood, near Newcastle, for the ostensible purpose of being
trained by Henry Clasper to row a skiff match at Manchester,
and Mr. Cox, in order to make him comfortable, gave up his
own sleeping apartment in which was a chest of drawers con-
taining a sum of money amounting to upwards of £200. Bourne s
deportment, altogether, was such that not the slightest suspicion
was attached to his proceedings until this afternoon, when the
drawer containing the money, together with a cash box m which
it was deposited, were found to have been broken open, and the
entire contents taken away. Information of the robbery, with a
full description of Bourne, was conveyed to Mr. Stephens, the
superintendent of police at Newcastle, who immediately put into
operation the electric telegraph. On Bourne making his appear-
ance on the platform at Normanton Station, he was immediately
taken into custody with the whole of the money in his possession.
He was tried at the Northumberland Midsummer Sessions and
sentenced to ten years' transportation.
1847 (April 26> — Mr. Thomas Harrison, a respectable plumber
and glazier in Alnwick, 60 years of age, committed suicide this
morning whilst in a depressed state of mind, arising from his
heavy liabilities, as a shareholder, in the North of England Joint
Stock Bank.
^[ay 7. — A fatal accident occurred at Messrs. Spoor's file
manufactory, Hanover-square, Newcastle. One of the workmen,
named Thomas Stockdale, aged 31, while at work at a large
grindstone, which was turned by the factory engine, injudiciously
allowed it to go at too much speed, when, suddenly, it split in
three pieces, one part ascending upwards with such force that it
broke through the roof, the second downwards through the floor,
and the third struck Stockdale on the forehead and killed him on
the spot, while his wife who was standing by his side escaped
May 19. — An old man, named Archibald Elliott, but better
known in the neighbourhood of Morpeth as " Auld Archie," waa
drowned in a stream near Ulgham, whilst conveying the mail bags
to that place. He was a curious little deformed old man, 84
years of age, and, although unable either to read or write, none
could deliver a message better, and seldom, if ever, did he make a
mistake with any letters entrusted to his keeping, which showed
his wonderful memory, as it was only by the size or shape of a
letter that he could tell who it belonged to or from whom he had
received it. He was only four feet in height, and had carried the
mail between Morpeth and Widdrington, with the assistance of
his ass " Billy,'* for upwards of thirty years.
June 16. — A groom, named Nicholas Morrow, in the service
of Miss Walters, Whickham, near Gateshead, absconded, taking
with him two sovereigns belonging to his mistress. Nothing was
heard of him until the 19th, when, in consequence of the house
having been entered during the night, and Miss Walters' cash box,
containing £20, and a number of jewels to the value of £400,
having been taken away, suspicion fell upon the lad. Superinten-
dent Hall was informed of the robbery, and in a short time
Morrow was traced to the Crown Inn, South Shields, where he
had displayed a purse containing a large sum of money. He was
immediately conveyed to prison, and on searching him upwards of
£144 and some silver was found upon him, as well as a pistol,
spyglass, and patent lever watch.
1847 (June 17) — Died, at North Shields, Mr. Joseph Laing. jun.,
solicitor and bank agent. The deceased was an enthusiastic
admirer of his native town, and was at all times foremost in the
advocacy of any measure calculated to promote the comfort and
happiness of his fellow townsmen. To him the borough was
principally indebted for the new Town Hall, and a fine bust of
him was afterwards executed at the cost of his friends and placed
in that building.
June 22. — A dreadful explosion took place at the Felling
Colliery, near Gateshead, the property of Messrs. Carr and Co.,
by which four men, two boys, eighteen horses, and two ponies
were killed. Only four persons in the mine escaped unhurt.
June 22. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
North Derby was won by Lord Eglinton's br c Van Tromp,
by Lanercost (Marson), beating Helias, George Hudson, and
Christopher. The Northumberland Plate was won by Lord
Eglinton's b c Eyrx (Prince), beating Executor, Conjuror,
Grimstone, Inheritress, and ten others. The Gold Cup was won
by Mr. Greene's b c The Conjuror, beating Grimstone, Helias,
Winesour, and Sir Tatton Sykes. Grimstone and Conjuror ran a
dead heat. The Gold Cup was substituted by a silver centre
piece, manufactured by Messrs. Reid and Sons, representing an
American Indian taming a wild horse on the prairies.
June 25. — Died, at -Cologne, aged 72, Lieutenant- General Sir
Henry Askew, K.C.B., of Pallinsburn, Northumberland, The
deceased entered the army in 1793, and served with great credit
in Flanders and the Peninsula and at the battle of Waterloo. His
remains were interred at Ford on July 14th.
July 1. — The remaining portion of the Newcastle and Berwick
Railway, namely from Morpeth to Chathill, was opened for
public traffic, thus completing the great line of railway communi-
cation between London and Edinburgh. On July 5th the mail
coach between Newcastle and Edinburgh arrived in the former
town for the last time, after being established sixty-one years.
The pace required by the Post-office, at its establishment, in
November, 1786, was seven miles an hour, and no innkeeper in
the town could then be found to contract for a speed considered so
ruinous to horseflesh except the landlord of the Cock Inn, Head of
the Side. For some years before its discontinuance its speed
averaged ten miles an hour.
July 17. — A race, between the Scottish Maid arid Harvest
Home steamboats, for £50, came off at sea, from, the Herd buoy,
at the mouth of the Tyne, to the buoy off Sunderland bar and back,
a distance of about 12 miles. As this was the first match between
two Tyne boats, considerable interest was excited, which was
increased by the fact that, independent of the wager, it was a
trial of the capabilities of the builders and engine-makers of the
respective boats. The Scottish Maid, owned by Mr. A. Strong,
was built by Mr. James Dovvey, and the engines were fitted up by
Messrs. Conolly and Scott. The Harvest Home, the property of
Mr. Joseph Hall, was built by Mr. William Cooper, and the engines
fitted up by Mr. J. Almond, all of North Shields. The boats were
alike in size, with 25-inch cylinders to the engines, equal to 22
horse power. The Harvest Home had the call in the betting at
5 to 4. They went off with considerable swiftness, leaving all the
other boats behind, some of them of 40-horse power. After a
gallant run, the Scottish Maid came back a winner by about half-
a-mile. The distance was gone over in one hour and twelve
1847 (July 23). — This day Parliament was dissolved and writs
were immediately issued for the new elections. The following
was the result in this district : —
The nomination of candidates took place on the 28th, before
the sheriff, Joseph Crawshay, esq. Mr. Alderman Potter pro-
posed, and Mr. John Thomas Carr seconded, William Ord, esq.
Mr. Alderman Lamb proposed, and Mr. John Rayne seconded,
Thomas Emerson Headlam, esq. Mr. John Cookson proposed,
and Mr. Robert Plummer seconded, Richard Hodgson, esq. The
candidates having addressed the electors, the show of hands was
declared to be in favour of Mr. Ord and Mr. Headlam, and the
poll, on the following day, closed with a similar result, the num-
bers being Ord, 2,196 ; Headlam, 2,068 ; Hodgson, 1,680.
July 28. — Mr. Hutt was returned without opposition.
July 28. — R. W. Grey, esq., of Chipchase, was elected without
William Henry Miller, esq,, Matthew Forster, esq., and John
Campbell Renton, esq., were the candidates. The following was
the result :— Forster, 484 ; Renton, 463; Miller, 151.
July 29.— John Twizell Wawn, esq., was proposed by Mr. A.
Harrison and seconded by Mr. S. Skee. W. Whately, esq., Q.C.,
was proposed by Mr. J. W. Roxby and seconded by Mr. W.
Marshall. A person, named Thomas Dickinson, a chartist, well
known as " The Manchester Packer" was proposed by Mr. W.
Brown and seconded by Mr. Gilroy. The show of hands was in
favour of Dickinson who retired, and the poll, on the following
day, was as follows :— Wawn, 333 j Whately, 176.
1847 (July 29). — Mr. Henry Marshall proposed Thomas Colpitts
Granger, esq., who was seconded by Mr. Mark Stobart. Mr. A.
Wilkinson proposed, and Mr. G. Shaw seconded, Captain David
Edward Wood. Mr. John Henderson proposed, and Mr. Alder-
man Shields seconded, Henry John Spearman, esq. At the close
of the poll, on the 30th, the numbers were : — Granger, 595 ;
Spearman, 519 ; Wood, 450.
July 30. — There being no contest for this borough the Hon. E.
G. G. Howard was re-elected.
August 2. — Dr. Brown proposed David Barclay, esq., who was
seconded by Mr. James Allison. Mr. J. J. Wright proposed
George Hudson, esq., and Mr. R. Spoor seconded the nomination.
Mr. W. Mordey proposed, arid Mr. J. Wilson seconded, William
Arthur Wilkinson, esq. At the close of the poll the numbers
were :— Hudson, 878 ; Barclay, 646 ; Wilkinson, 569.
August 3. — This election took place before the high sheriff,
John Fawcett, esq., when Robert Duncombe Shafto, esq., and
Viscount Seaham were unanimously elected. The Hon. H. T.
Liddell and Colonel Beckwith who had been candidates withdrew
a few days before,
August 5. — Lord Harry Vane and James Farrer, esq., were
elected without opposition.
August 5. — Matthew Bell, esq., and Saville H. C. Ogle, esq.,
were re-elected without opposition.
August 7. — The nomination of candidates took place at Alnwick,
before the high sheriff, J. H. H. Atkinson, esq., and intense
interest was excited, not only in the district but throughout the
kingdom. Mr. C. W. Orde proposed, and Mr. B. Burrell seconded,
Lord Ossulston. Mr. O. A. B. Cresswell nominated, and Mr. F.
Sitwell seconded, Lord Lovaine. Lord Frederick Fitzclarence
proposed, and Mr. Prideaux Selby seconded, Sir George Grey,
bart. At the conclusion of the polling, which took place on the
10th and llth, the result was as follows : — Grey, 1,366 ; Ossul-
ston, 1,247 ; Lovaine, 1,236.
August 9. — This evening the paper manufactory of Messrs. N.
Grace and Co., at Scotswood, near Newcastle, was discovered to
be on fire, and, although several fire-engines were immediately
despatched from Newcastle, the flames consumed the whole of the
premises. The stock and valuable machinery were also destroyed,
and the damage was estimated at upwards of £8,000. The fire
blazed with great fury for some time and attracted spectators for
miles around.
1847 (August 9). — A melancholy accident occurred to Mary
Bell, a servant at the Half-Moon Inn, Mosley-street, Newcastle,
who, while cleaning a second story window, missed her hold and
fell on to the pavement. She was immediately taken to the
Infirmary but died in a few hours.
September 2. — Married, at Wynyard, by the Bishop of Durham,
the Earl of Portarlington to the Lady Alexandrina Vane,
second daughter of the Marquis of Londonderry. Amongst
the company present were the Dukes of Rutland, Cleveland, and
Devonshire, Viscounts Somerton, Dungannon, and Combermere,
Lords Belhaven and Eliot, Sir Robert Peel, Sir J. W. Hogg, &c.,
&c. A grand banquet was given in the evening to the distinguished
visitors, and on the following day a splendid ball and supper were
prepared, to which all the leading inhabitants of the district were
September 8. — A public dinner was given in the Turk's Head
Inn, in commemoration of the election of Messrs. Ord and
Headlam as members for Newcastle, and generally to celebrate
the triumph of the Liberal principles in the district. Ralph Carr,
esq., of Dunstan Hill, presided, and the vice-chairs were occupied
by Sir John Fife, Mr. Alderman Losh, Mr. G-. Fenwick, and Mr.
John Blackwell. Upwards of 260 gentlemen were present, and
the proceedings were very animated.
September 17. — Two men, named Thomas Dobinson and Walter
Murray, descended the pump shaft of Percy Main Colliery,
near North Shields, for the purpose of examining the pumping
gear which is used for the purpose of drawing the water from the
mine. The men who undertake this job are lowered down by
means of a gin rope, wrought with horses, and, to facilitate the
intercourse with the surface a string leads up the shaft to a bell.
Having completed their work, they gave the signal to pull up.
The horses went to their work and the rope ascended, when
suddenly something seemed to check it, the horses put forth their
strength, and the rope came up without the men. It was broken,
and a frightful calamity had happened, the rope having got
entangled in the scaffolding. They were lulled on the spot.
September 25. — An alarming fire broke out in the farm-yard
of Mr. Goundry, a respectable farmer, residing at the village of
Westoe, near South Shields. It appeared that a chimney
belonging to a cottage immediately adjoining the farm-yard was
on fire, and a spark was seen by Fenwick Shotton, mason, to fall
on the thatched roof of the thrashing machine, and set it on fire.
The flames, notwithstanding every exertion to stay their progress,
spread rapidly towards the corn stacks, and set one on fire. The
wind, blowing strong at the time, increased the force of the
devouring element, until all the stacks in the yard and a large barn
were, one after another, set on fire. Nothing could withstand the
fury of the flames. The whole produce of a harvest, amounting to
fifteen stacks of corn and three of hay, with the barn and thrashing
machine, were on fire at one moment. During the progress of the
fire several persons entered Mr. Goundry's house and proceeded to
throw the furniture into the street, and pulled down the doors and
tore out the windows, breaking and destroying everything in their
way, making the house a complete wreck. Portions of the goods
were also stolen, and persons were seen carrying away boxes and
other pieces of furniture through the fields to South Shields. The
property was uninsured, but a handsome subscription was raised
for the unfortunate sufferer.
1847 (September 27). — Died, in Newcastle, William Maclaclan, an
eccentric character, better known in the town and neighbourhood
by the cognomen of " Cuddie Willie." He was generally seen
wandering amongst the low public houses of the town, and gained
a precarious subsistence as an itinerant musician, his violin being
generally formed of a flat uncouth-looking piece of wood, upon
which he contrived to fasten one or two strings. He was scarcely
ever seen to wear either a hat or shoes, and if decent clothing were
given to him it was generally made away with for liquor, of which
he was immoderately fond. All efforts to reclaim him proved
entirely fruitless, and his death was at last caused by a prolonged
fit of drunkenness,
September 29. — A remarkable case of fraud and imposture
was brought before Mr. Commissioner Evans in the Bankruptcy
Court. A Mr. Donald Maclean, who had, in 1839, purchased the
Witton Castle estate of Sir William Chaytor for £100,000, was
the bankrupt. Although the money was never paid during his
residence at Witton, he took an active part in the affairs and trade
of the county, and maintained a splendid establishment. In 1846
Mr. Maclean agreed to pay to Mr. Brett, a picture dealer, £7,000
for Titian's picture called the " Six Cassars," and Murillo's
" Abraham and the Angels." An arrangement was made, by which
Mr. Maclean was to deliver, in payment of the money, 20,000 tons
of coal, at 7s. a ton, for a French railway with which Mr. Brett was
connected. Fortunately for the latter, he discovered the state of
Mr. Maclean's affairs before the pictures were delivered, and con-
sequently retained them. In a case heard in the Bail Court on the
27th April, 1847, in which Mr. Brett was sued for payment of
£350, on a promissory note, given as a commission to a Mr.
Gomperty on account of the above abortive sale, it was stated that
Mr. Maclean had become a bankrupt, but had gone abroad, and
had never, under pretence of illness, surrendered to the fiat, but
was enjoying himself in Lucca, Naples, or some other part of Italy,
and in good health. It was stated that his debts amounted to
£180,000, and his assets scarcely to £100. One of the witnesses,
Mr. R. Abraham, said — " I am a shareholder of the bank of which
Mr. Maclean was a director. It is the Marylebone Bank. I knew,
after investigating the accounts of the bank in 1842, that he was
in embarrassed circumstances. He had never any property of his
[A.D. 1847.
own at all, but lived on the credulity and property of others. His
debts at that time amounted to £78,000, and there was only about
£100 assets. The bank was insolvent through Mr. Maclean's
misconduct." As the time allowed for Mr. Maclean's surrender
had expired on the preceding day, he was outlawed in the usual
form. The Witton estate, with the castle, park, and domain, the
collieries, advowsons, and tythe rents were advertised for sale, by
an order of the High Court of Chancery. On the 20th September,
1850, Mrs. Maclean was taking a drive in her carriage, at Castel-
lamore, near Naples, when the horses took fright and ran away.
The lady was consequently thrown from the carriage, and sustained
such severe injuries that, after lingering a few hours, she expired.
She was the daughter of the late General Maitland.
1847 (October 21J. — Another disastrous bank failure took place,
the Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland Union Joint Stock
Banking Company having announced to the public that, " in
consequence of the extreme difficulty in obtaining discounts, they
were under the painful necessity of suspending payment." The
bank was originally a private one, conducted by Messrs. Chapman
and Co., and became a joint stock establishment in 1836. The
dividend declared by Mr. Chapman, the " general director," had
never been less than 10 per cent, per annum, besides an accumu-
lated guarantee fund of £60,000. At the time of the failure there
were about 500 proprietors, holding 30,480 shares of £10 each,
one-half of which amount (£152,400) was paid up. It had branches
in Sunderland, North and South Shields, Durham, Alnwick, and
Berwick, and as it issued its own notes to the amount of about
£75,000, the failure caused a great sensation throughout the
district. A committee of the shareholders was appointed, who
attempted to liquidate the liabilities of the concern, but Mr.
Chapman, who decamped, and many other persons, having refused
to make any payment for that object, on the 25th of February,
1853, the bank was placed under the provisions of the Winding-up
Act, and a call of £20, made by the official managers, would, it
was expected, pay off the liabilities of the concern, and possibly
leave a considerable balance.
1847 (November 2). — Died, in Newcastle, aged 41, the Right
Rev. Dr. Riddell, Roman Catholic Bishop of the Northern District.
The death of this estimable clergyman was caused by an attack of
typhus fever, caught while assisting his clergy in the arduous duty
of attending to the numerous poor belonging to his denomination,
who were then suffering under that malignant malady. The
deceased was a native of Northumberland, and connected with an
ancient family, being the third son of the late Ralph Riddell, esq.,
of Felton Park. He was in the prime of life, and apparently
remarkably hale, and the amiability of his disposition rendered
him beloved by his friends and all who held intercourse with him.
November 8th, the remains of the deceased were conveyed from
his residence, in Charlotte-square, to the chapel, in Clayton-street,
the procession being conducted with great ceremony. The body
lay in state during the night, and the following day the interment
took place, mass being performed by Cardinal Wiseman,
assisted by Bishop Briggs, of York, Bishop Gillies, of Edinburgh,
Bishop Wareiug, of Northampton, and a great number of the
November 2. — A skiff match for £200, between two crack
rowers Clasper and Maddison, took place on the river Tyrie, from
Newcastle Bridge to Scotswood. After an exciting race — a foul
having occurred on the previous day — Maddison won by nearly
100 yards.
November 9. — The annual election of chief magistrates for the
boroughs in Northumberland and Durham took place, with the
following result : — Newcastle — Stephen Lowrey esq., mayor (after
two abortive elections, first of George Thomas Dunn and after-
wards of Mr. Joseph Lamb) ; J. D. Weatherley, esq., sheriff.
Gateshead — John Potts, esq. Sunderland — Sir Hedworth William-
eon, bart. Durham — Mark Story, esq. Stockton — John Eeles,
esq. Morpeth — Anthony Charlton, esq. Berwick — William Smith,
esq., mayor ; G. Ker Nicholson, esq., sheriff.
November 20. — Died, in Newcastle, John Brandling, esq., aged
74, third son of the late Charles Brandling, esq., of Gosforth, and
for many years an alderman, both of the old and the reform
Corporations of Newcastle. He served the office of mayor in
November 28. — Died, in Sunderland Infirmary, aged 48, Mr.
John Wilson Ewbank, R.S.A. The deceased was born in
Darlington, and being intended for the Roman Catholic priesthood,
he was sent when young to Ushaw College, from which he
absconded, and when about fourteen years old he apprenticed
himself to Henry Coulson, decorative painter, in Newcastle, with
F 1
whom he rapidly showed gleams of surprising ability. Before the
close of his apprenticeship he accompanied his master to Edinburgh,
where he studied under Nasmyth, and his beautiful sketches, which
were executed with extraordinary ease and rapidity, soon made his
name famous in the northern capital. In 1823, when he painted
" George IV. at Edinburgh Castle" and a " View of Edinburgh
from Inchkeith," his fame was at its zenith, and so many pupils
flocked to his rooms that some years his profits exceeded £3,000.
But, unfortunately, as prosperity met him moral fortitude retreated,
and he fell, day by day, into habits of dissipation, from which no
efforts of his friends were ever able to extricate him. During the
latter part of his life his house was literally the abode of want : a
single chair was often the only article of furniture, and to defray
the expense of a meal it was frequently necessary for him to throw
off some hasty sketch, and sell it for anything obtainable at the
moment. Any surplus, however small, went for drink, and his
dissipated recklessness was the ultimate ruin of himself and family,
and at length brought him to a premature grave.
1847 (December 19).— Died, in Newcastle, Mr. Thomas O.
Blackett, surveyor, author of a " Treatise on the Spirit Level" and
other scientific works. His death was occasioned by an accident
on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, on the 12th instant. The
deceased had been on a visit to some friends, at Prudhoe, and
passing along the line at that place, a train approached unheard,
knocked him down, and his arm falling upon the rail, the whole
train passed over it, nearly severing it from his body.
December 25. — This being the day on which John Collingwood,
esq., of Cornhill and Lowick estates, attained his majority, the
happy event was celebrated by the tenantry and others dining
together in the Collingwood Arms Inn, Mr. James Curry, Cornhill,
in the chair, Mr. George Philips croupier.
1848 (January 18). — Died, at Hurworth, aged 100, Mr. John
January 19. — Died, at Whitworth Park, Durham, aged 72,
Robert Eden Duncombe Shafto, esq., M.P. for the city of Durham
from 1804 to 1806.
February 1. — A melancholy occurrence happened this morning
off Cullercoats. As a coble, containing seven fishermen, viz.,
George Lisle and Robert Lisle, brothers ; Robert Lisle and George
Lisle, sons of the above George Lisle; Robert Clark, James
Stocks, and Charles Pearson, was proceeding from Cullercoats to
the several vessels lying in the offing, the boat was struck by a
heavy sea, and the unfortunate men were thrown overboard and
drowned, in the sight of their relatives and friends. The most
lamentable fate was that of Stocks. He was a bold swimmer, and
though he was washed off the coble bottom several times always
ot back to it. The last time he was on the coble he stripped off
is jacket and waistcoat and prepared to swim ashore, as the coble
I then approached to the rocks. He was so near that his brother
routed to him, « Jim, swim ashore." Stocks answered, « I'm
A.D. 1848.]
done, I'm done," and, after combating awhile with the sea, he
hung his head and sunk. A handsome subscription was made for
the families of the sufferers.
1848 (February 2), — A man, named John Shirley, head game-
keeper to the Duke of Cleveland, was shot this evening by a party
of poachers, in an affray near Raby Castle, and afterwards beaten
by them so dreadfully that he died within a few hours. Two
men, named William Thompson and William Dowson, were
convicted before Baron Alderson, at Durham, on the 8th of
March, and Thompson was executed for the offence on the 25th.
Dowson was transported for life.
February 4 — The foundation-stone of the new docks at
Sunderland was laid with much ceremony by Mr. George Hudson,
M.P. The event was celebrated with much rejoicing by the
inhabitants, all places of business were closed, and the day was kept
as an entire holiday. Shortly after one o'clock a procession, con-
sisting of the mayor, magistrates, and members of the corporation,
the directors and shareholders of the company, and others, accom-
panied by music and banners, walked from the exchange buildings
to the site of the docks, and the usual ceremony was then gone
through, amidst enthusiastic cheers. In the evening a grand ball
took place in the Athenaeum, which was attended by upwards of
1,000 ladies and gentlemen.
February. — As a scullerboat, containing seven boiler-builders,
was crossing the Tyne, from North to South Shields, a steamer,
called the Alice, which was going down the river without any
lookout, ran down the boat, and four of the men were drowned.
Their names were Robert Hardy, Robert Gustard, George Fairless,
and Robert Blenkinsop, the scullerman.
1848 (February 19> — This morning, at ten minutes to twelve
o'clock, an express train, arranged by Messrs. Smith and Sons,
newsagents, London, arrived at the Gateshead Station, with the
financial statement of Lord John Russell and the debate in parlia-
ment of the evening previous. The distance from the metropolis
to Gateshead having been performed in six hours and twenty
February 22.— As a party of workmen were proceeding from
Newcastle to one of the coffer-dams for the High Level Bridge,
the boat, in which they were conveyed, from overcrowding, upset,
and four of the men w|re drowned. Their names were Robert
Potts, Shotton Clark, Michael Jones, and R. Humble.
March 7. — Died, in Blackett-street, Newcastle, in his 64th
year, Mr. Thomas Miles Richardson, artist. Mr. Richardson began
the world as a humble mechanic, and owed all after-success to
inborn genius and undoubted taste. Like most beginners he had
to struggle for a livelihood, and taught drawing for several years.
The talent of Richardson was of a high order in the art of land-
scape painting, for, though he occasionally painted figure pictures,
his fame will rest on his landscapes, and reflect honour on his
native town. Eminently skilled in lunar ariel perspective, no
hand could reduce nature more accurately. His style was bold,
effective, and original. The subjects in which Richardson most
excelled were sea pieces, coast scenes, and storms. Tynemouth,
Cullercoats, and views near the mouth of the Tyne, were among
his happiest efforts. His first remarkable picture was " Newcastle
from Gateshead Fell," which was bought by the Corporation of
his native town for fifty guineas, and which won the highest
admiration of Sir T. Lawrence, when on a visit at the Mansion
House. His subsequent works were so exceedingly numerous as
to render a list of them almost impracticable. His conception was
always good, and his execution vigorous and true to nature.
March 7. — As Mr. John Sinton, miller, Newcastle, was
proceeding home, at the high end of Arthur's-hill, near Adrianople-
street, he was accosted by two women, who inquired if they were
on the right road to Hexham. He told them they were, when
three men instantly rushed upon him, throwing a handkerchief
over his head and face, and robbed him of all the money he had
upon him, four sovereigns and fifteen shillings of silver, together
with a bunch of keys and a gold ring. The thieves were never
March 24. — Died, at Sunderland, aged 103, Mrs. Ann Cristle.
March 27. — An alarming fire was discovered this morning,
about four o'clock, on the premises occupied by Messrs. Weather-
hilt and Marshall, drapers, Market-place, Barnard Castle. Mr.
Weatherhilt was burnt to death, but Mr. Marshall, his partner,
escaped unhurt by getting upon the roof of an adjoining house.
A youth, named Loadman, who threw himself from one of the
window?, was much hurt, and died shortly after.
March 27.— Mr. James Mather was entertained at a public
A.D. 1848.]
dinner, at the Golden Lion Hotel, South Shields, by the ship-
owners of the district, for his exertions in support of the navigation
laws. About 100 gentlemen were present, the chair being filled
by Robert Anderson, esq., and the vice-chairs by J. Clay, R. H.
Bell, and J. R. Robinson, esqs.
1848 (March 27). — Died, in London, aged 47, Mr. John Jackson,
an eminent wood engraver. The deceased was a native of
Ovingham, and pupil of the celebrated Thomas Bewick, of New-
castle. In 1832 he became connected with Mr. Knight and the
" Penny Magazine," for which he executed many fine specimens
of his art. In 1838 he published a laborious monument of his
own ability " A History of Wood Engraving," the literary portion
of which was written by another Northumbrian, Mr, W. A.
Chatto, and the treatise is one which will always be interesting to
the admirers of art.
March 30.— Died, at Harbottle Castle, aged 81, Thomas
Clennell, esq. The deceased was for many years chairman of the
Northumberland Quarter Sessions, and, during the French War,
was Lieutenant- Colonel of the Newcastle Volunteers. He was
many years an alderman of Newcastle and served the ofiice of
mayor in 1802-3.
April 5. — Died, at Barrington Hall, Robert Ingram Shafto, esq.
April 6. — This day the inhabitants of North Shields held a
general holiday, and great rejoicings took place, on the occasion of
the opening of the New Custom House in that town. The
boundary between the new port and that of Newcastle was fixed
to be a supposed straight line, drawn from the east end of Jarrow
Quay to the east end of Whitehill Point. The first business was
transacted by Mr. Michael Spencer, who released a quantity of
tobacco out of bond. Each hogshead was conveyed to its destina-
tion surmounted by a flag, and drawn by a horse decorated with
ribbons. A procession of the inhabitants, with banners and music,
passed through the principal streets to the Northumberland Arms,
when the " Port of Shields" was toasted amidst loud cheering, and
the rejoicings were wound up in the evening by a display of fire-
1848 (April 24). — A Polytechnic Exhibition, on behalf of the
funds of the Natural History and Fine Arts Societies in Newcastle,
was opened by a splendid promenade and soiree. The arrangements
were almost similar to those made in 1840 (seepage 128J, and the
collection on that occasion. Mr. W. G. Armstrong's newly-invented
hydraulic-engine was used instead of a steam-engine for putting
the various machinery in motion, and its novelty attracted much
attention. The New Music Hall was also appropriated to the
exhibition, where were collected the wonders of the age — the
achievements of genius— the triumphs of science — the results of
mind combined with experience. In the centre was a large fountain,
the water from which ran into a canal, where miniature boats were
floating; and besides which were a number of models, such as a
diving-bell, with crane, Barker's water mill, a series of wheels,
an overshot breast wheel and undershot, all contributed by Mr.
G. Simpson, plumber, &c., 77, Blandford -street, Newcastle; the
model of a pump, very ingenious, by Mr. Richard Ayre, Newcastle ;
a distilling apparatus, by Mr. Gilpin, chemist ; a hydraulic fire-
escape, by Mr. Robert Hall, Newgate-street, Newcastle, &c., &c.
The exhibition closed on the 2nd of October, when there had been
101,518 single admissions; 3,444 admissions to soirees; and
6,930 school children, &c. ; whilst the sale of season tickets had
reached 4,439. The exhibition, however, was not so successful,
in a pecuniary point of view, as might have been expected, the
profits not having exceeded £150.
May 2. — The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Newcastle,
accompanied by Mr. William Young, the senior churchwarden of
St. Nicholas', and Mr. W. Gibson, the treasurer to the fund, waited
upon the Rev. R. C. Coxe, A.M., at the Vicarage, and presented
him with the sum of £450 as a voluntary " Easter offering" from
the inhabitants of the town, a substantial proof of the estimation
in which the worthy vicar was held. A similar offering had been
presented in the three previous years, arid on each occasion was
subscribed in a few days.
May 15. — Died, in the Infirmary, Newcastle, aged 54, John
Dennis, alias " Radical Jack." The early history of this eccentric
individual is not known, but there is little doubt but that he
belonged to a family of respectability, and that he had a University
education. He was well known in the neighbourhood as a hawker
of cheap publications, and his ready wit, stentorian voice, and
great command of language, made him an especial favourite with
the multitude. For many years he hardly ever appeared to be
sober, but by the persuasion of some who belonged to the teetotal
society he was induced to take the pledge. Whether he kept his
vow to the last is difficult to say ; but he certainly was apparently
true to his engagement for a long time after he had entered into
it, and, during this period, he acquired a cleanly and decent
appearance, which was in striking contrast with his former aspect.
1848 (May).— The following are in the list of patents obtained
for May : — William George Armstrong, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
engineer, for an improved water pressure engine, sealed llth May ;
George Remington, of Warkworth, County of Northumberland,
civil engineer, for improvements in locomotive engines and in
marine and stationary engines, sealed 26th May ; Thomas Richard-
son, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, chemist, for improvements in the
manufacture of manures, sealed 26th May, In each six months
for enrolment.
June 1. — Berwiek-upon-Tweed became an English port, and
its limits were appointed to extend from St. Abb's Head to the
south side of the river Aln.
June 1. — Died, at Darlington, aged 104, Mrs. Mary Brown-.
June 20. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. Merry's gr h Chanticleer
(Bumby), beating Executor, Dough, and eight others. The Gold
Cup was won by Mr. Merry's Chanticleer walking over.
June 21. — The boiler of a steam-tug, called the Neptune,
belonging to Shields, burst when at sea, killing the master,
Benjamin Baxter, and severely injuring others.
July 18. — The ship Blenheim, of 1,500 tons burthen, was
launched by Messrs. T. and W. Smith, of St. Peter's, near New-
castle, in the presence of a vast concourse of people, including many
of the beauty and fashion of the neighbourhood, as well as some
distinguished foreigners.
July 20. — A splendid service of plate, manufactured by
Messrs. Reid and Sons, was presented to Matthew Plummer, esq.,
for his long and valuable services as the chairman of the Newcastle
and Carlisle Railway Company, by the shareholders of that under-
taking, as a mark of their approbation of his gratuitous services.
The presentation took place in the Assembly Rooms, Newcastle,
in the presence of a numerous company of ladies and gentlemen,
Matthew Bell, esq., M.P., presiding.
July 30. — An alarming and destructive fire broke out this
evening, in Ridley-court, Groat-market, Newcastle, in the bar of
a spirit shop, kept by Mr. Carr. For some time all exertions to
subdue the progress of the flames were ineffectual, and they soon
consumed the entire contents of Mr. Carr's premises, and then
broke into two shops on the ground floor, fronting the Groat
Market, and occupied by Mr. Balls, cheesemonger, and Mr.
Honeyman, grocer. These also were destroyed, and during a rash
attempt to save a portion of Mr. Ball's stock the floor above gave
way, and Elijah Galloway, foreman of the Newcastle fire-engine,
was thrown down and burnt to death. Two others, Andrew
Gilmore and James Scott, were seriously injured. The destruction
of furniture and the destitution caused* to the tenants who lived
above the spirit shop was truly deplorable, as the most of them —
eight in number — lost their all. The building in which the fire
broke out was originally erected for an assembly-room, for which
purpose it was used till the completion of the rooms in Westgate-
street, in 1773. In 1798 the Literary and Philosophical Society-
took possession of it, the large room being used as a library, until
July 1825, when the society also evacuated it for nobler premises.
It was subsequently a school and lecture- room, in which latter
capacity it had been used by Mr. Joseph Barker, a few hours
before its destruction. The whole of Mr. Carr's furniture, stock,
&c., was consumed, but he was fully insured in the Norwich
Union. Mr. Balls and Mr. Honeyman were uninsured.
August 2. — At Durham Assizes, just after Mr. Justice
Cresswell had sentenced an Irishman, named Coyle, to seven
years' transportation for house-breaking, Coyle pulled off one of
his iron-shod " brogues" and hurled it at the judge's head. The
formidable missile, which might have put an abrupt termination
to his lordship's judicial labours, struck him on the breast and
inflicted no serious injury.
August 3 — A grand banquet was given in the great hall of the
ancient Norman Keep, which originally gave the name Newcastle
to that town. Shortly after six o'clock, his Grace the Duke of
Northumberland arrived at the Castle, and soon after the members
of the Antiquarian Society, to the number of nearly 100, sat down
to a sumptuous entertainment, got up by Mr. Haigh, of the
Assembly Rooms, in the style of two centuries ago. The decora-
tions of the apartments were in excellent taste, ancient arms and
armour being hung upon the walls, the banners of Robert, Duke
>. 1848.]
of Normandy (the founder of the Castle), Percy, Neville, Mowbray,
Ratcliffe, Widdrington, Copeland, Clavering, Delaval, Dacre, Ogle,
Umfreville, Bertram, Lumley, Hilton, Swinburne, Howard, Fen-
wick, and Riddell, mingled with the arms of England, Northumbria,
St. Cuthbert, and Newcastle, whilst gas introduced in the semblance
of lighted torches spread a brilliant illumination over the scene. The
Duke of Northumberland occupied the chair, supported by the
Mayor of Newcastle (S. Lowrey, esq.), and the High Sheriff of the
County (George Burdon, esq.), and Sir Charles Monck, bart., and
J. H. Hinde, esq., presided over the side tables. A boar's head
was placed in the centre of his grace's table, and the whole of the
delicacies were remarkably appropriate and beautiful. The company
entered the castle on the south side where they were ushered into
the guard room, and two of his grace's pipers were in attendance,
and played appropriate airs at intervals during the evening The
company was addressed, after the banquet, by the noble chairman,
the Hon. H. T. Liddell, Mr. Ord, M.P., the Mayor of Newcastle,
the High Sheriff of Northumberland, the Vicar of Newcastle,
G 1
Mr. J. H, Hinde, the Hon. and Rev. F. R. Grey, Mr. A. J. B.
Cresswell, Sir M. W. Ridley, bart., Mr. Ralph Carr, Sir Cuthbert
Sharp, Lord James Stuart, Mr. Warren, Q.C., Mr. J. Clayton, Mr.
Adamson, Dr, Charlton, Rev. J. C. Bruce, and others, and the
interesting proceedings did not terminate until a late hour. On the
following evening a promenade and lecture were given in the castle,
for the purpose of allowing the public to examine this ancient and
celebrated structure. Upwards of 500 persons were present, and
Mr. Bruce's description of ancient Norman life and manners was
listened to with great interest.
1848 (August 6). — Died, at Broomhaugh, near Hexham, aged 80,
Mr. John Shield, formerly an extensive wholesale grocer in New-
castle. Mr. Shield possessed poetic powers of a high order, and
while many of his local songs have considerable excellence for their
Lumonr and imagination, some of his graver pieces were deservedly
admired for their elegance and sweetness. Perhaps his best comic
production was the song of " My Lord Size," written on the acci-
dental fall into the river Tyne of Mr. Baron Graham, and of a
serious character his song of " Poor Tom, the Blind Boy," and the
verses he addressed to Greathead, one of the inventors of the life-
boat, prove Mr. Shield's versatile talent and give some idea of the
eminence to which he might have aspired in that branch of literature.
August 12. — Died, at Tapton House, Staffordshire, aged 67,
Mr, George Stephenson, Civil Engineer, K.L., F.G.S. — a rare
example of the rise of humble virtue, talent, and industry, to the
most envied station in society. The deceased was born at Wylam,
situated on the Tyne, about nine miles west of Newcastle, where
his father was employed as an ordinary workman, in 1781 ; he was
only six or seven years of age when he was sent down the pit as a
" trapper," and in this Cimmerian darkness were the early years of
George Stephenson spent. He was afterwards a " picker" at
Wylam, at a wage of 4s. or 5s. a week. He then went to Callerton
Pit, where he got promoted to the post of driver of a gin. Soon
afterwards he was appointed to the situation of engineman, at a
wage of 10s. a week. While at Callerton he set his affections upon
a Miss Hindmarsh, the daughter of a farmer in the neighbourhood.
Bat as George was yet only a poor working man, he was not con-
sidered a suitable match. He was, however, resolved to be married,
and, as the mistress would not have him, he offered himself to the
servant, and was accepted. He married her, she proved a good
wife, and the celebrated Robert Stephenson, civil engineer, and
formerly M.P. for Whitby, but now deceased, was the issue of the
union. Shortly after Robert's birth she died, and in a few years
after George again offered himself to Miss Hindmarsh and this
time he was accepted. The second marriage was a prosperous
one, and the pair lived long and happily together. In 1804 he
removed to Killingworth, having been engaged as brakesman at
12s. a week, on which event he declared, on coming out of the
pay-office, that he was " made a man for life." Not long after he
succeeded in discovering and removing a defect in a new steam-
engine, which had eluded the skill of all the engineers in the
neighbourhood, and his success in bringing the engine into working
order was so complete that he was in a short time entrusted with
the entire management of the machinery belonging to the colliery.
We may here mention an interesting circumstance in Stephenson's
career while working as brakesman at Killingworth Pit. There
were three brakesmen, who took the " night shift" by turns. The
night shift lasted from eight to ten hours, and as there was little
work to be done, the brakesman's time hung heavy on his hands,
Stephenson, however, always regarded time as precious, and care-
fully turned every minute to account. During these night shifts
he took his first lessons in arithmetic. When he had worked his
sums on a slate he sent them off next morning to a schoolmaster
to correct, who in turn sent him new questions to answer. For
this service the eager scholar paid his master the humble tribute of
fourpence a week. The rest of his time he occupied in cleaning
the pitmens' clocks and watches, mending shoes, and last-making.
Among the other of his works was a sun dial, still fixed over tho
door of the house he lived in at Killingworth ; and to the last day
of his life he felt a pride at the sight of that sun dial. Not long
before his death, while surveying the line of the Newcastle and
Berwick Railway, he drove a professional friend somewhat out of
his way to have an admiring look at the dial. From the oft-recurr-
ing explosions of gas in mines, of which he had been a frequent
witness, his attention was drawn to the subject; and at the very
time Sir Humphrey Davy was pursuing his investigations, and
before that philosopher had come to any determination upon it, Mr.
Stephenson discovered, by independent experiments, that explosive
mixtures will not pass through small apertures or tubes. His first
safety-lamp was made by Mr. Hogg, a tinsmith in Newcastle, and
was tried at Killingworth Colliery, 21st October, 1815, some days
antecedent to Sir Humphrey Davy's earliest announcement of the
lamp which bears his name. Both gentlemen, accordingly, had
their partisans. Sir Humphrey was feasted in Newcastle, and
honoured with a magnificent testimonial ; and Mr. Stephenson's
friends rewarded his exertions by a gift of £1,000, which, with a
silver tankard, were presented to him in January, 1818, at a dinner
in the Assembly Rooms, at which C. J. Brandling, esq., presided.
The first locomotive engine constructed by Stephenson was tried
on the 25th of July, 1814, and although it is impossible to award
him all the praise due to the invention of that wonderful machine,
which has revolutionised all former ideas of commercial inter-
course, has annihilated distance, and everywhere become the
herald of enlightenment and civilization ; it cannot be doubted
that his improvements in its manufacture have placed his name
in immortal connexion with it. Years passed by and George
Stephenson became a prosperous man. His upright and manly
character, and his devoted attention to his profession, gained him
many and powerful friends. He earned the confidence of all
with whom he came in contact. He was straightforward and
openhearted, hardworking, and a zealous self-cultivator, always
observant, always improving, always advancing. With the
assistance of his son he constructed the London and Birmingham,
the Manchester and Leeds, and many other railways, not only in
England but in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, and
his fame, as an engineer, is as wide in its extent as it probably
will be unlimited in its duration. Mr. Stephenson was to the last
a man of plain arid unassuming manners, neither ashamed of his
humble origin nor forgetful of his early associates, and a few
months before his death, in answer to a gentleman who was
desirous of knowing what honorary initials he was entitled to use,
he replied that many honours had been offered him, at home and
abroad, which he had declined to accept, and almost the only title
which he held and certainly the one of which he was most proud
was that of " President of the Birmingham Mechanics' Institute."
In August, 1845, the Midland, the York and North Midland, the
Newcastle and Darlington, and the Newcastle and Berwick Railway
Companies severally voted the sum of £2,000, to be expended in
the purchase of a service of plate for Mr. Stephenson, and in the
erection of his statue on the High Level Bridge across the Tyne.
It is little to the credit of these great companies that their resolu-
tions were never carried out. In a speech delivered in Ne \vcastle,
June 18, 1844, Mr, Stephenson said : — " The first locomotive that
I made was at Killingworth Colliery, and with Lord Ravens worth's
money. That engine was made 82 years ago, and we called it
* My Lord.' I said to my friends that there was no limit to the
speed of such an engine, provided the works could be made to
stand. In this respect great perfection has been reached, and, in.
consequence, a very high velocity has been attained. In what has
been done under my management the merit is only in part my own.
I have been most ably seconded and assisted by my son. In the
earlier period of my career, and when he was a little boy, I saw
how deficient I was in education, and made up my. mind that he
should not labour under the same defect, but that I would put him
to a good school and give him a liberal training. Being, however,
a poor man, how do you think I managed I I betook myself to
mending my neighbours' clocks and watches at night, after my
daily labour was done, and thus I procured the means of educating
my son. He became my assistant and my companion. He got an
appointment as under viewer, and at nights we worked together at
our engineering. I got leave to go from Killingworth to lay down
a railway at Hetton, and next to Darlington, and after that I went
to Liverpool, to plan a line to Manchester. I there pledged myself
to attain a speed of ten miles an hour. I said I had no doubt the
locomotive might be made to go much faster, but we had better be
moderate at the beginning. The directors said I was quite right,
if when they went to Parliament I talked of going at a greater
rate than ten miles an hour I would put a < cross on the concern.'
It was not an easy task for me to keep the engine down to ten
milea an. hour, but it had to be done, and I did my best. I had to
place myself into that most unpleasant of all positions-— the
witness-box of a Parliamentary Committee. Some one inquired
if I was a foreigner, and another said I was mad. But I put up
with every rebuff, and went on with my plans, determined not to
be put down. Assistance gradually increased — improvements were
made every day — and to-day a train which started from London
in the morning has brought me in the afternoon to my native soil,
and enabled me to take my place in this room, and to see around
me many happy faces, which I have great pleasure in looking on."
1848 (August 15). — An explosion took place in the West Pit,
Murton Colliery, near South Hetton, the property of Messrs. Braddyll
and Co., when sixteen men and boys were killed, and several others
much hurt. Upwards of one hundred persons were in the mine
at the time, and but for the presence of mind of one of the work-
men, who was able to lead the others to a shaft, the whole would
have been suffocated.
August 29. — The great and important desideratum the opening
of a railway communication between Newcastle and Gateshead*
by a line of rails over the temporary scaffolding at the High Level
Bridge, was accomplished this day. About half-past one o'clock
Mr. Hudson, M.P., and his son, accompanied by a number of other
gentlemen, arrived from Sunderland, and were received at the
Gateshead Station by the Right Worshipful the Mayor of New-
castle, the Mayor of Gateshead, and a numerous body of gentlemen*
A train, consisting of eight carriages, was drawn alongside the
platform, where an engine, gaily decorated with flags, was waiting
to take it across. Precisely at half-past two the train proceeded,
amidst the firing of cannon and the cheers of the assembled multi-
tude. As the train passed slowly and steadily over the approaches
to the bridge the anxiety of the immense body of spectators, whose
eyes were watching every movement, seemed to be most intense,
and the scene was truly exciting, yet it was not viewed without
some degree of fear, not only from the lofty position of the train
and its occupants but from the apparent narrowness and nakedness
of the platform on which it rolled along. It appeared, from the
absence of the usual noise, rather like an aerial flight than the
rattling and resistless sweep of the iron horse. Onward it came,
steadily and calmly, like a giant in his strength, safely traversing
the temporary bridge, and on reaching the north side was received
with a burst of cheers from the immense assemblage and a salute
from the castle guns. After changing the engine the train was
conveyed across the magnificent arch which spans the foot of Dean-
street to the Manors Station, where it was again welcomed by the
firing of cannon and renewed cheers. The company having
alighted the Right Worshipful the Mayor, accompanied by Mr*
Hudson and other gentlemen, proceeded to the Queen's Head Inn,
where they sat down to a splendid collation, the mayor presiding,
Captain Weatherley in the vice-chair. After the repast the
healths of Mr. Hudson and his staff, the Mayor and Corporation
of Newcastle, Messrs. Hawks and Crawshaw, Mr. Robert
Stephenson, Mrs. Hudson, &c., &c., were drank with enthusiasm,
and the company separated, highly gratified with the proceedings
of the day,
1848 (August 31). — An awful instance of sudden death occurred
at the Queen's Head Inn, Newcastle, this evening. Major John
Phillpotts, son of the Bishop of Exeter, arrived by the train from
Carlisle, having been paying a visit to the Rev. Mr. Anderson,
of Keswick. The gallant gentleman, shortly after his arrival,
proceeded to his room to dress, when it was supposed that a
blood-vessel had suddenly burst, he rushed to the door, when he
fell. Surgical aid was immediately called in, but he was found
to be dead.
September 17. — St. John's Church, Newcastle, after under-
going considerable alterations, was re-opened for divine service.
Sermons were preached, in the morning by the Rev. Leonard
Shaftoe Orde, M.A., incumbent of Lucker ; and in the afternoon
by the Rev. Richard Clayton, when collections were made, amounting
to £40. In taking down the chancel the piscina of the church
and several inscribed stones were found by the workmen, and were
presented to the Society of Antiquaries.
September 20. — Jenny Lind, "the Swedish Nightingale," appeared
in the Theatre Royal, Newcastle, in the opera of " La Som-
nambula," and, notwithstanding the high price of admission, the
theatre was crowded in every part : the boxes as well as the pit
being filled by one of the most numerous and splendid assemblages
of the haul ton of the district that had ever been witnessed. The
prices of admission were — dress boxes, £1 11s. Gd. ; upper boxes
and pit, £1 Is. ; and gallery. 10s. Qd. The receipts were upwards
of £1,100.
September 24. — Died, near Durham, very suddenly, aged 59,
Major James Wemyss, chief constable of the Durham Rural Police.
November 7, Major G-. F. White was appointed chief constable.
October 18. — The shareholders of the Whittle Dean Water
Company, Newcastle, and other friends, dined together this evening
at the Queen's Head Inn, to celebrate the completion of the works.
Mr. Alderman Potter presided, and the Mayor of Newcastle and
several other gentlemen, who had, during the day, inspected the
reservoirs at Whittle Dean (44 acres in extent), expressed their
satisfaction and delight at what they had witnessed,
October 29. — A serious and fatal accident occurred this
evening on the York and Newcastle Railway, between Brockley
Whins and Washington Station, by the collision of the mail train
from London with a special train of workmen, who had been
repairing the line, and who had carelessly allowed their engine to
run out of water. Three of the workmen were killed on the spot,
and several persons in both the trains were severely injured. The
names of the unfortunate sufferers were John Ross, Joseph
Hutchinson, and Robert Raffles.
November 9.— The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs of the boroughs of Northumberland and Durham :—
Newcastle — Captain James Dent Weatherley, esq., mayor ;
Nathaniel Grace Lambert, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — George
Hawks, esq. Sunderland — Joseph Simpson, esq. Durham —
William Henderson, esq. Stockton — John Eeles, esq. Morpeth —
William Trotter, esq. Berwick — H. G. G. Clarke, esq., M.D.,
mayor ; Patrick Clay, esq., sheriff,
1848 (November), — During this month an extraordinary sample of
natives from the interior of Africa were exhibiting in the Victoria
Rooms, Newcastle. The group consisted of two men, two women,
and a child, belonging to a tribe called Bosjesmans. Their
diminutive forms and strange language excited much astonishment,
and certainly they presented as strange a group of beings, having
affinity to the human race, as ever was seen.
November 20. — In the course of deepening the river Tyne,
Mr. Holt, the diver, under the directions of Mr. Brooks, the river
engineer, was making his observations, when he discovered part of
a huge trunk of an oak tree, lying embedded in the Cockraw Sands,
near Wallsend. It was soon extricated and conveyed to the New
Quay. It was found to measure 17 feet in circumference at one
part, and about 35 feet in length. The greater part of it was quite
sound, and a portion was applied for by the architect of the Coal
Exchange, London, and used by him in forming the beautifully-
tessellated floor of that building.
December 4. — The estate of Collingwood House, in the parishes
of Whittingham and Alnham, Northumberland, was sold by
auction, in London, to the Hon. H. T. Liddell (now Lord
Ravensworth), for £60,000. The estate comprised 1,965 acres,
and the yearly rent amounted to £2,045.
December 19. — A most singular accident occurred at Trimdon
Colliery. A little boy, nephew of a pitman, named Dinning, had
been sent for some milk, and on carrying it home he fell and
spilled it ; on informing his uncle of the accident, the latter threw
a bag of gunpowder at the boy's head, and, the bag bursting by
the violence of the blow, a portion of the contents went into the
fire and the whole exploded. The house was almost completely
destroyed. The boy, as well as another child, was killed, and the
other inmates were sadly burnt.
December 20,- — Died, at Bournemouth, Hants, aged 56, Thomas
Wentworth Beaumont, esq., of Bywell Hall, Northumberland,
and Bretton Park, Yorkshire. Mr. Beaumont, from the extent
of his landed property, and the value of his mineral possessions,
was one of the richest commoners in England. He represented
the county of Northumberland for several years, and was engaged
in more than one electioneering contest. Mr. Beaumont was a
tory, and a member of the Pitt Club in early life, but from 1820
he was generally considered an " Advanced Liberal," and his
munificent generosity of disposition, and frankness of manner,
secured him the attachment of a very numerous body of friends.
He was one of the chief originators of the "Westminster Review,"
to which it was understood he contributed a number of papers.
Mr. Beaumont was succeeded by his eldest son Mr. Wentworth
Blackett Beaumont, who was, at his father's death, approaching
his majority.
1848 (December 30).— Died, at Brussels, aged 74, "Robert William
Brandling, esq., of Low Gosforth, Northumberland. In 1835 the
deceased brought before the public the project of a railway to
connect Newcastle with South Shields and Sunderland. The line,
which was known as the Brandling Junction Railway until its
amalgamation with the Newcastle and Darlington Company,
proved one of the most important in the district. Mr. Brandling
was for many years an active county magistrate, and was well
Tsnown and respected by all classes with whom he came in contact.
January 16th, 1849, his remains arrived at Newcastle, and were
interred on the same day at Gosforth.
December 30. — Died, at Newcastle, aged 51, James Eeid, esq.,
son of Christian Ker Reid, goldsmith. The deceased commenced
at an early period of life as a merchant, in which profession he
displayed great ability and enterprize He was the first to give
an impulse to the trade between Newcastle and Hamburgh, and,
as early as 1823-4, established a regular communication between
the two ports. He took an active part, and was mainly instru-
mental, in procuring a repeal of the duty on sea borne coal, thus
opening out a market for the immense quantity of small coal lying
as useless at every colliery. Having introduced the coals of the
Pelton Colliery to the London Chartered Gas Company, to which
Mr. Reid was agent, the directors so highly approved of the quality of
the coal that, in order to secure a continuous supply, Mr. Reid was
encouraged to purchase the interests of the lessees. After a pro-
tracted negotiation, in which much tact and ability were required,
the whole was arranged by Mr. Reid, the sum paid being £80,000.
Mr. Reid was appointed consul for Belgium, for the port of
Newcastle, on the 20th of August, 1832, after the separation of
Belgiani from Holland, the duties of which he continued to
pe^jprm till his death. The urbanity and kindness of manner and
generosity of disposition, approaching to a fault, procured for Mr.
Reid the respect and goodwill of a large circle of friends amongst
all classes of society.
1849 (January 3J. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 68, James Archbold,
esq., an alderman and magistrate of that town. Mr. Archbold
served the office of mayor in 184G-7. He left a large fortune, and,
amongst other legacies to charitable objects, he devised £4,500 to
found an hospital for twelve poor widows, but the statute of mort-
main rendered that portion of his will a nullity. A very elegant
mural monument to the memory of Mr. Archbold has been erected
in St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle.
January 19. — About half-past four o'clock this morning a most
destructive fire broke out in Mr. Henry Angus's coach manu-
factory, Bigg-market, Newcastle, the whole of which, in the space
of two hours, was entirely destroyed, together with some houses
and shops and small work sheds adjacent. The manufactory had
been substantially built after the still more extensive fire which
occurred on the same site on the 29th January, 1830, and the
damage amounted to several thousand pounds. An attempt was
made by the Corporation to take advantage of this opportunity for
continuing Grainger street to the Central Railway Station.
Although the design was at that time abandoned, it is now being
carried out.
January 20. — Died, at Inspruck, aged 84, General Baron Swin-
burne, Chamberlain of the Emperor of Austria, K.M.T., &c,
H 1
The deceased was the last surviving brother of Sir John E,
Swinburne, bart., of Capheaton.
1849 (January 21>— A shocking murder was committed at
Toundle Myers, near West Auckland. A gamekeeper, under the
Duke of Cleveland, named May, was found shot in the back
part of the head. May had given evidence against Thompson and
Dowson, at the previous Durham Assizes, for the murder of the
watcher, named Shirley, in February, 1848, and it was supposed
that he had been murdered by some of their friends. Shortly
afterwards, three men, named Neasham, Simpson, and Peverley,
were apprehended, when they mutually criminated each other,
and, on the 28th July, Neasham was tried for the murder, at
Durham, before Mr. Justice Pattison, the others giving evidence
against him. He was, however, acquitted.
February 18. — A splendid vessel which was about being launched
from the building yard of Mr. H. Carr, Hylton Ferry, Sunderland,
was entirely destroyed by fire. The workshops in the yard were
also consumed, as well as some timber in the adjoining premises,
and the total damage was upwards of £2,000.
February 20. — At a meeting of the York, Newcastle, and
Berwick Railway Company, at York, Mr. Prance, of the Stock
Exchange, brought before the shareholders a question as to the
sale of certain shares made by the chairman, Mr. Hudson, to the
company, and moved for a committee to investigate the matter.
Mr. Hudson avowed the transaction expressing his readiness to
submit his conduct to the fullest inquiry. A report was soon
afterwards presented to the shareholders, condemning the conduct
of Mr. Hudson, and at a meeting held at York on the 14th of May,
another committee, consisting of Mr. McLaren, of Edinburgh ; Mr.
Leechman, of Glasgow ; Mr. Kipling, of Darlington ; Mr. John
Shield 'and Mr. Philipson, of Newcastle j Mr. Love, of London ;
and Mr. Meek, of York, was appointed to investigate the whole
affairs of the company. At this meeting a letter was read from
Mr. Hudson resigning the chairmanship. The first report of the
committee was not of an important nature, but the second excited
an extraordinary sensation. The committee stated that Mr.
Hudson, although entitled to only 936 shares in the Newcastle
and Berwick Company, had secretly taken and afterwards sold
for his own benefit 10,984, the committee estimating the profit of
this " flagrant abuse of the confidence reposed in him," at
£145,000. With respect to the Brandling Junction Shares it
appeared that his fellow directors had made Mr. Hudson a present
of 2,000 shares, at a time when they were at a premium of £21
each, being equivalent to a bonus of £42,000. It was further
stated that in January, 1845, Mr. Hudson purchased 10,000 tons
of iron, on his own account, at £6 10s. per ton, and sold 7,000
tons of his purchase to the company, within a few days, at £12
per ton, realizing a profit of £38,500. As to the payments for
land it was shewn that Mr, Hudson took cheques, in 1845, for
£37,350, of which sum he retained £26,000 until the committee
was appointed when he restored it to the company. In like
manner the construction account was overcharged to the extent
of £40,000 which Mr. Hudson also repaid with interest. On the
Great North of England purchase account Mr. Hudson was a
debtor to the company for £26,854 which he likewise returned.
It was also discovered that, in order to keep up large dividends,
and " to make things pleasant," the accounts of the company had
been systematically falsified from the first existence of the railway
to the extent of £121,925, partly by absorption of capital into the
traffic account, and partly by overstating the actual traffic.
Lastly, the committee proved that £41,047 of the company's funds
had been applied, without its consent, in the purchase of Sunder-
land Dock Shares, which was also repaid. An agreement was
finally made between Mr. Hudson and the company, on the 8th
January, 1850, by which, on an additional payment of £50,000,
the company relinquished all further claim upon him.
1849 (February 20). — Died, at Minsteracres, aged 75, George
Silvertop, esq. The deceased, like most Roman Catholic gentle-
men of the last century, was educated at Dowey, but returned to
this country at the outbreak of the French Revolution. He
succeeded to his paternal estates in 1814. In the same year he
visited Napoleon, then at Elba, and printed an account of his
interview with the Emperor which was received with great
approbation. He was subsequently selected by Lord Liverpool
as the medium of private communication between Great Britain
and the Holy See, in which capacity he acquitted himself with
much address. Mr. Silvertop was appointed High Sheriff of
Northumberland, in 1830, and was the first Roman Catholic who
had filled that office since the reign of James II. He was the
first to notice and to foster the genius of the celebrated sculptor
Lough, who was born near Minsteracres, and his purse was ever
open to merit struggling with difficulty or misfortune.
March 26. — This morning whilst the fishing boats belonging to
the village of Cullercoats were at sea they discovered something
floating of uncommon length and of silvery and dazzling bright-
ness. It proved to be a fish of the Gymmetrus genus of which
there are few of the species known. It was 12 feet 5 inches long,
13 inches in depth, and 3 inches thick, with a crest about 14
inches in height. The fish was exhibited at Tyriemouth, North
and South Shields, and Newcastle, and was afterwards shown in
London, where it attracted much attention. It is now in the
Museum of the Natural History Society, Newcastle.
April 3. — A " gentleman" and " lady" drove up in a gig to the
door of the Fulwell Inn, near Sunderland. The gentleman intro-
duced himself as the " Laird o' Banff," and possessed of estates in
the North of Scotland, yielding rental to the amount of £7,000
per annum. He displayed a large bundle of notes and invited the
landlord to dine with him and to send for all the respectable
farmers and tradesmen around for the same purpose, whilst the
workmen and others in the kitchen were regaled with brandy.
The laird and lady remained enjoying themselves for two days,
when the gentleman and his host rode out together to Cleadon,
where the latter, according to the custom of landlords from home,
treated his friend. Some people in the house, however, began to
think they had seen the laird before, and, finding he was observed,
he hastily mounted his horse and galloped back to Fullwell,
followed by the landlord. Whilst the party were at supper the
constable of Cleadon entered and arrested the laird, in the Queen's
name, on a charge of having fraudently taken away a horse and
gig from a stable keeper at Newcastle. The bundle of notes
proved to be those of the " Bank of Elegance," and their pos-
sessor, whose name was Davison, the son of a batcher in South
Shields, was proved to be a deserter from the 63rd Regiment.
He was accordingly removed to Newcastle Gaol. The " lady"
was a servant of good reputation whom he had induced, by false
representations, to leave a respectable situation.
1849 (April 7). — A serious accident occurred in the river Tyne,
near Walker, by which two men, named Moore and Wear, and a
boy, named Robert Watson, were drowned. It appeared that the
unfortunate sufferers were employed at Mr. Potter's coke and
brick works, at Willington, and had proceeded in a boat to
Walker where they took in a quantity of iron. On their return
they got into the wake of a steamer, the swell from which was so
great that, in tacking, the sail " jibed," and in their efforts to
right the boat it swamped and went down.
April 14. — A melancholy accident occurred at Shields by which
five men were drowned. It appeared that the men were daily in
the custom of passing and repassing from a vessel, called the
Havering, to the shore in a boat to their meals, &c., in gangs of
from fourteen to sixteen, when, by some mismanagement, the boat
was upset, immersing the entire party in the river. The most
active and praiseworthy efforts were made to save the men, but,
it is to be regretted that five of them sank to rise no more. Their
names were John Wade, John Kent, John Juggings, William
Keldey, and John Anderson.
April 16. — A fire broke out this morning in the library of John
Adamson, esq , Westgate-street, Newcastle. The fire had arisen
from the igniting of a beam in the chimney, and nearly 2,000
valuable books, prints, and MSS., were destroyed before the flames
could be got under. Prior to this disaster Mr. Adamson possessed
the finest collection of Portuguese literature in the kingdom.
Ma if 1. — A man, named William Hornsby, died at Halt-
whistle under suspicious circumstances, and the conduct of his
wife having been noticed as somewhat singular, an examination of
the body took place when it became apparent that he had died
from the effects of arsenic. The woman was tried for murder at
the next assizes, before Mr. Justice Wightman, but she was
May 27. — A fire of a most terrific nature occurred at Shawdon
Hall, near Alnwick, the seat of William Pawson, esq. The
A.D. 1849.]
hall itself was preserved, but all the out-buildings were entirely
destroyed. The damage was estimated at upwards of £3,000.
The intensity of the heat may be calculated by the fact that the
lead poured down from the roof like water, and the bell of the
turret clock, which had been brought from the monastery at
Alnmouth, in the reign of Henry VIII., was melted in the con-
1849 (June 5> — About seven o'clock this morning one of those
sudden and disastrous explosions which, although of too frequent
occurrence in this district, seem, nevertheless, contingent on the
hazardous occupation of the coal miner, took place at Hebburn
Colliery, about six miles from Newcastle. About 100 men were
at work at the time of the accident, but the effects of the explosion
were confined to the north-western portion of the mine, where
thirty-four men and boys were employed, all of whom, with but
one exception, were killed. The explosion had been tremendous,
and the bodies were mutilated in a manner never witnessed before,
but this, it was believed, arose from the ignition of a quantity of
gunpowder, which had been placed near the spot by one of the
workmen on the previous day.
June 7. — The Mayor of Gateshead, Mr. Hawks, one of the
firm of Messrs. Hawks, Crawshay, and Co., the contractors for
the iron work of the High Level Bridge across the Tyne, at
Newcastle, drove the last key of that splendid and stupendous
structure into its place, thereby closing the arches, in the presence
of a numerous party. Mr. Hosking, superintendent of Messrs.
Hawks and Crawshay's works, examined what the Mayor had
done, and announced that the key was well driven and an excellent
fit. His worship and a number of friends dined together at Miss
Murray's, Half Moon Inn, to commemorate the occasion, and the
men working on the bridge were plentifully regaled with strong
ale. August 15th, the bridge was opened without any ceremony,
but was not brought into ordinary use until the 4th February,
1850. The structure consists of six arches, each having a span of
125 feet, with two curved approaches 66 feet in length, the whole
being formed of cast iron pillars and arches, from designs by
Robert Stephenson. The contract for the metal work was taken
by Messrs. Hawks, Crawshay, and Co., for £112,000, and they
were assisted in completing it by Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and Bell,
who executed the approaches, and by Messrs. Abbot and Co., who
east the arches. The total weight of iron employed was 5,050
tons. The length of the viaduct is 1,337 feet, length of waterway
512 feet, height from high water mark to the line of railway 112
feet, and to the carriage-way 85 feet. The erection of the bridge
and viaducts required the removal of 655 families in Newcastle
and 130 in Gateshead, which necessarily added much to the
expense of the undertaking, which was as follows : — Cost of
bridge, £243,000; approaches, £113,153; land and compensa-
tion, £135,000; total, £491,153.
1849 (June 20).— Died, at Fowberry Tower, aged 75, Matthew
Culley, esq., the last of the celebrated Northumbrian agriculturists
of that name, A few weeks before his death Mr. Culley purchased
Horton estate from Earl Grey for £46,000. He was succeeded
in his large property by his nephew, George Darling, esq., of
Hetton House.
June 25. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The Nor-
thumberland Plate was won by Mr. B. Eddison's b c John Cosser
(Charlton), beating Malton, Snowstorm, and nine others. The
Gold Cup was won by Mr. Merry's gr h Chanticleer (Marlowe). In
order to avoid a walk over Mr. S. Ogle's ch f Camphine ran behind.
Any odds upon Chanticleer. The above prize, which was in the
form of an elegant candelabrum, was displayed, as usual, in front
of the Grand Stand. It was of massive construction, of bright
and frosted silver, and 31 inches in height. The base forms
a tripod, on which are three couchant horses, supporting the
same number of shields. The stem was of rich acanthus leaves,
from which sprung six branches for lights, surmounted by a
chaste and beautiful figure of Victory, holding a garland of
laurels. It was manufactured by Messrs. Reid and Sons, Grey-
street, Newcastle.
June 29. — Died, at Kenton, aged 104, Mr. Selby Robson.
The deceased was the father of eighteen children, sixty-nine
grand- children, fifty-eight great grand-children, and two great
great grand -children, making a total of 147 descendants.
1849 (July). — Whilst workmen were engaged in sinking Seaton
and Seaham Colliery they found a live toad embedded in the solid
limestone rock, 183 feet from the surface. The reptile, which
was of a very curious shape, died soon after it was extricated, and
was afterwards exhibited at Seaham, by Mr. Thomas Chilton,
July 2. — Cholera broke out with most fatal virulence at North
Shields, and from this date to November 13th there were 315
deaths in Tynemouth Union from that disease alone.
July 10. — At the Thames Regatta the grand champion prize for
four-oared boats was won by the St. Agnes, of Newcastle, the
crew of which consisted of R. and H. Clasper, of Newcastle, and
R. and T. Coombes, of London.
July 28. — Whilst a carpenter, named John Smith, of New-
castle, was at work on the High Level Bridge, he stepped upon a
loose plank, which immediately canted over, and he was thrown
headlong over the bridge. In his descent, however, the leg of his
fustian trousers caught a large nail, which had been driven into
the timber just upon the level of the lower roadway, 90 feet above
the river, and what is very remarkable, he hung suspended until
some of the workmen rescued him from his perilous situation.
August 6. — Sir Robert Peel, bart., accompanied by his family,
arrived in Newcastle, on his way to the Highlands, and stayed
for the night at the Queen's Head Inn. In the course of the
evening the right honourable baronet took a walk through the
town, taking particular notice of Mr. Grainger's erections, the
High Level Bridge, &c. He was loudly cheered by a large crowd
at the railway station on his departure.
August 8. — This afternoon an awful storm of thunder and
lightning broke over Newcastle and the neighbourhood. About
two o'clock the sound of thunder and large drops of rain indicated
the approach of a tempest. In a short time flash after flash of
the intensest brightness lighted up the otherwise murky expanse,
and peal after peal shook many dwellings to their foundations.
Now the electric fluid, zigzag and pointed, issued forth from the
overhanging darkness like the swift weapon of some minister of
vengeance, commissioned to destroy. At Long Benton, Miss Hall,
of the Ship Inn, was killed instantaneously by a flash of lightning,
and the house and furniture were nearly destroyed. A female,
named Scott, in the Dog-bank, Newcastle, was struck by the
electric fluid, the ring on her finger was melted, and she and her
child were severely scorched. At Cramlington nine young men
had taken refuge in the engine shed at Shank House Colliery,
•when the lightning struck the building, and killed a man named
Robert Liddell. Five men were also struck and much burnt near
the same place, A man named John Stephenson was killed at
Byer's Green. Amongst the property seriously damaged by the
storm, in Newcastle, were Mr. Hardcastle's floor-cloth manufac-
tory, where four men were seriously injured ; the house of Mr. E.
Mather, Lovaine-place ; Mr. Henderson's Leazes-crescent ; one of
the domes of the Central Exchange, and a house in Rewcastle-
chare. So tremendous was the storm that Newgate -street, near
St. Andrew's Church, was impassable for several hours, and
sixty cart loads of mud were afterwards taken away from
Gallowgate alone. The Stock-bridge was also in a similar
state, and in Gateshead, where the fair was being held, several
of the stalls and a quantity of shoes, &c., were washed into
the Tyne.
1849 (August 17). — Died, in Newcastle, aged 68, Sir Cuthbert
Sharp. F.S.A., and collector of customs at that port. This distin-
guished local antiquary was the son of Mr. Cuthbert Sharp, ship-
owner, and Susannah Crosby, sister of Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor
of London in 1771. He was born at Sunderland, and received his
early education at the school of Dr. Burney, Greenwich. The
deceased, at an early age, accepted a commission in a regiment of
fencible cavalry, and he served in Ireland, during the rebellion,
until these cavalry forces were disbanded. Mr. Sharp then retired
from military life, and during the peace of Amiens he paid a visit
to Paris, but after the disruption he was taken prisoner, with other
Englishmen, and detained in France for some years. At last,
through the influence of the Grand Juge Regnier, he obtained
permission to visit Holland, and from thence be returned to
England. He then settled at Hartlepool, devoting himself in
retirement to literary pursuits, in intimacy with the late John
Ingram and Robert Surtees, of Mainsforth, whose kindred tastes
encouraged him in the study of the local antiquities and history of
the north. Having been elected a burgess of Hartlepool, his turn
to serve the office of mayor arrived in the year 1816, during which
he received the honour of knighthood, on presenting an address to
His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. During the same year
he published his " History of Hartlepool," a very elaborate and
interesting work, which established his reputation as an English
antiquary. In 1823 he was appointed collector of customs at
Sunderland, and in 1845 he was promoted to the same office at
Newcastle, which appointment he held until the time of his death.
His other publications were " Memorials of the Rebellion of
1569," a "Memoir of Brass Crosby," " Chronicon Mirabile,"
" The Bishopric Garland," and several other works. He held the
office of D.P.G.M. of Freemasons of the province of Durham for
the last seventeen years of his life, and was greatly regretted by
the members of that body.
August 19. — A violent outbreak of cholera took place at
Barnard Castle. During the last five months of the year 146
deaths occurred in that town from this direful disease.
August 22. — Mr. Robert Heughan, a respectable draper in
North Shields, threw himself from the cliffs, near Cullercoats, and
was killed on the spot. He had been for some time in a low state
of mind.
1849 (August SI). — Died, at his marine residence, Marsden
Bock, aged 51, Mr. Peter Allan. This singular individual was a
native of Tranent, in Scotland, but came, early in life, to the
neighbourhood of Sunderland, and in 1828 he took up his abode
amongst the fantastic caves and rocks with which the coast of
Whitburn is studded. By dint of great exertion he succeeded in
excavating five or six apartments out of the limestone rock, in
which he established himself as an innkeeper, and from the peculiar
beauty of the scenery it became a favourite resort of pic-nic parties
from the surrounding neighbourhood. In this place Mr. Allan,
brought up a large family with great respectability, and it was not
until 1848 that the lord of the manor (Mr. Ellison) made any
claim for rent. The matter was compromised by Allan obtaining
a lease of the property, which has been greatly improved by
additional rooms built against the face of the rock. The place is
still inhabited by the family.
September 3. — Jonas Worthington, Emanuel Fulwood, Thomas
Miller, and Solomon Bankes, four workmen, belonging to Bishop-
wearmouth, went out to sea this afternoon, on a pleasure excursion.
Next morning their boat was picked up bottom upwards. Emanuel
Fulvvood's body was the only one found.
September 28. — This day the Queen, Prince Albert, and the
royal children visited Newcastle on their return from their annual
visit to Scotland. Unfortunately the weather did not, on this
occasion, second the wishes of the countless thousands who
assembled to greet their sovereign. But this by no means damped
i 1
the loyal enthusiasm of the inhabitants of, and visitors to, the
town. Numerous parties, many of them from considerable dis-
tances, had arrived the preceding day, and the influx of visitors
was so great that some had great difficulty in procuring accom-
modation. Triumphal arches were erected across the railway at
various parts of the line, and, notwithstanding -' the pelting of the
pitiless storm," great crowds assembled at every place likely to
afford a sight of the illustrious travellers. At Heaton there was*
a profuse display of flags and ornamental devices in flowers.
The tunnel under New Bridge-street and the arch of the Argyle-
street bridge were richly decorated with laurel, flowers, &c.,
arranged with great taste, and on the latter was a conspicuous
inscription " Welcome to Newcastle and Gateshead." From
thence to the Manors Railway Station a vast number of banners
floated in all directions, and flags were also displayed from the
spire of All Saints', the Castle, Guildhall, Mansion House, &c.,
&c., besides a number on the High Level Bridge. Dense masses
of spectators were upon every eminence commanding a view of
the railway, and the most enthusiastic loyalty was manifested by
all classes. Shortly after twelve o'clock the Castle guns announced
the arrival of the royal train within the boundaries of the town,
and immediately all eyes were fixed upon the first portion of line
visible to the several spectators. The pilot-engine then arrived
and the expectations of thousands were raised to their utmost
pitch. Soon afterwards the train with its royal occupants was
discerned on the viaduct leading through the town and the hum of
voices at hand and distant cheering marked the onward progress
of the carriages. As the train advanced the enthusiasm of those
who obtained a view of her m;ijesty was intense, and was
frequently acknowledged by the royal party. On reaching the
north-west extremity of the line an engine was attached to the
train, richly ornamented with banners and evergreens, and they
were drawn towards the centre of the High Level Bridge, where
a spacious platform had been erected for the accommodation of
the Mayor, Recorder, and Corporation of Newcastle ; the Mayor
and Corporation of Gateshead ; the Mayor and Corporation of
Durham ; a detachment of the 63rd Regiment j and a large party
of ladies and gentlemen. A beautiful triumphal arch spanned the
lofty bridge, bearing the motto " Welcome on both sides of the
Tyne," which, with the countless flags on the ships and on each
side of the river, had a very fine effect. On arriving in front of
the platform her majesty was welcomed with loud and repeated
cheering, which the Queen, as well as Prince Albert, graciously
acknowledged. Indeed, the condescending and animated manner
of her majesty delighted all, while her light and beaming counten-
ance, in some measure, reflected the pleasure she experienced at
the warm and joyous reception given to her. Every heart seemed
to be animated with the kindliest sensations, and many a spon-
taneous expression was uttered for the health and prosperity and
happy reign of Queen Victoria, her Royal Consort, and her
beautiful group of children. Sir George Grey having presented
the Mayor of Newcastle (Captain Weatherley), his worship
presented a dutiful address from the ancient town of which he
was the representative. The Mayor of Gateshead (Mr. Hawks)
then offered an address from that town, both documents being
received with marked courtesy. After the royal party had
remained about fifteen minutes on the bridge, surveying the rather
novel appearance which the town presents from that lofty edifice,
the train gradually moved off, amidst deafening cheers from the
assembled crowds and another royal salute from the castle. In
the evening many of the tradesmen in Newcastle illuminated the
front of their premises in honour of the royal visit, and a grand
dinner took place in Gateshead, the Mayor presiding. This was
the first visit of a Queen of England to Newcastle since 1461,
when Margaret of Anjou fled to it after the Battle of Towton.
About one o'clock the Queen reached Darlington, having been
received throughout the county of Durham with unmingled
expressions of attachment and respect. The station was hung
with banners and decorated with evergreens and flowers, and the
royal party were hailed with rapturous acclamations by the
multitude assembled. The Chief Bailiff of Darlington (Mr. F.
Mewburn) was introduced to the Queen and delivered an address
from the inhabitants, and, after several gentlemen had had the
honour of being presented, the train again proceeded southwards,
the royal party sleeping at Derby in the evening, and reaching
Osborne House, Isle of Wight, at half-past four o'clock in the
afternoon of the 29th.
1849 (September 28). — This morning, John Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Matthew Mitcalf, John Mitcalf, Robert Young, and
Edward Cooper, six pilots belonging to Monkwearmouth, put off
to sea in a coble from the beach at Whitburn Bay. They had
not been many minutes at sea when the boat swamped and John
Thompson, Robert Thompson, and Mattkew Mitcalf were unfortu-
nately drowned.
September. — During this month the cholera attained its greatest
virulence in the district, and its ravages excited intense alarm.
Nearly one-third of the population of the villages of Larnesley,
Wreckington, and Ayton Banks, near Gateshead, were affected
with the disease, and more than one-half of the cases terminated
fatally. At North Shields 137 were reported in a single week,
and the total mortality in the Tynernouth and South Shields
Unions was no less than 1,174 ; in Sunderland the deaths
amounted to 435 ; Newcastle, 414 ; Gateshead, 292 ; Durham,
232 ; Barnard Castle, 146 ; Alnwick, 142 ; Berwick, 49 ; and
Hartlepool, 161. The total number of deaths from cholera^
during the year in the two counties were : — Durham, 2,022 ;
Northumberland, 1,680.
October 9. — A very handsome service of plate was presented to
John Grey, esq., of Dilston, by the members of the Tyneside'
Agricultural Society. The testimonial consisted of a superb and
[A.D. 1849.
highly finished six armed acanthas centre piece, suitable either aa
a candlebra or an epergne. On its base, which formed a rich
scroll tripod, were the arms of Mr. Grey, and also the following
inscription : — To John Grey, esq. Presented by the members of
the Tyneside Agricultural Society, of which he was the founder,
and by his numerous other friends, as an expression of the high
estimation they entertain of his character and talents, and of his
invaluable services rendered to the interests of agriculture. In
addition to the above there were four silver double corner dishes
of elegant design and very chaste in workmanship, The gift was
valued at upwards of £300, and contained nearly 500 ounces of
silver, and was manufactured at Messrs. Reid and Sons, of New-
castle, and certainly was an additional evidence of their superior
skill in their profession. The presentation took place at Hexham,
at the White Hart Inn. The Rev. C. Bird presided on the
occasion, and Mr. Ogle, M.P., Mr. G. Darling, Mr. H. Morton,
and other gentlemen addressed the meeting, bearing witness to the
distinguished merits of Mr. Grey, as an agriculturist, and his
disinterested industry and peculiar ability in inculcating an im-
proved system of husbandry in the district. Mr. Grey returned
thanks for the present in very eloquent terms.
1849 (October 20;.— -A man named George Hunter, a pitman at
Cowpen, was murdered under the following circumstances. He
was proceeding from Cowpen to Blyth Square, where he resided,
when he was waylaid by two men who knocked him down and
beat him with bludgeons about the head in a most dreadful
manner so that he died on the following day. Hunter had
A.D. 1849.1
refused to join the trades union, formed at the colliery, which was
supposed to have been the cause of the murder. The perpetrators
of the deed were not discovered.
1849 (October 31). — Early this morning a most alarming and
destructive fire broke out in the General Bond Warehouse,
situated in the Close, Newcastle, belonging to Mr. Amor Spoor,
and before the flames could be subdued the contents of two of the
warehouses, which principally consisted of hemp, tallow, groceries,
wine, brandy, rum, &c., &c., were completely destroyed. The
damage was estimated at several thousand pounds.
November 1. — The first election of councillors for the newly-
incorporated borough of Tynemouth took place, and considerable
excitement prevailed amongst the inhabitants. All places of
business were closed, bands of music paraded the streets guns
were fired, and every token of rejoicing was manifested. Captain
Lmskill was the returning officer appointed by the charter, and the
polling, which commenced at eight o'clock, continued with unabated
activity until four o'clock in the afternoon. The official declaration
was made at eight o'clock, in the Town Hall, as follows :— Tune-
mouth Ward— Mr. Solomon Mease, 262; Mr. John Carr Low
Lights Pottery 256 ; Mr. Robert Cleugh, 215; Mr. Matthew
Popplewell, 212 ; Mr. John Owen, 161 ; Mr. George Shotton, 161.
3?T* 7oere °ther Six candidates. North Shields Ford— Mr.
Michael Spencer, 237; Mr. George Sabbas Tyzack, 230; Mr. B.
Pow, 220; Mr. B. Forth, 197; Mr. George Hall, 166 j Mr. John
Twizell, 141. There were other five candidates. Percy Ward—
Captain Linskill, 216 ; William Richmond, 195 ; E. H. Greenhow,
190 ; William Davison, 174 ; Alexander Bartleman, 146 ; John
Robson, 133. There were other four candidates. In the evening
there was a grand display of fireworks, blazing tar barrels were
rolled along the streets, and suppers and other entertainments were
given at several of the inns. November 9th, some further
rejoicings took place, on the election of mayor. Messrs. William
Linskill, Robert Povv, Solomon Mease, Alexander Bartleman,
Michael Spencer, and Matthew Popplewell were appointed the first
aldermen of the borough, and Captain Linskill was appointed
chief magistrate. The design for the common seal of the new
corporation was fixed upon shortly after. The shield bears the
arms of the former Priors of Tynemouth — on a field gules three
crowns in pale, or — to which was added a ship, for a crest, with a
miner and a sailor for supporters, and the motto, Messis ab altis—
our harvest is from the deep.
1849 (November 9). — The annual elections of mayors for the
counties of Northumberland and Durham took place, with the
following results : — Newcastle — Joseph Crawhall, esq., mayor ;
Ralph Dodds, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — - George Hawks, esq.
Tynemouth — Captain Linskill. Sunderland — William Ord, esq.
Durham — Robert Thwaites, esq. Stockton — Charles Trotter, esq.
Morpeth — William Clark, esq. Berwick — William Smith, esq. ;
William Elliott, esq., sheriff.
December 4. — This morning the inhabitants of North and
South Shields were thrown into the greatest consternation by a
most appalling and melancholy catastrophe occurring off the bar.
It appeared that, during a heavy gale, a brig called the Betsy, of
Littlehampton, and the Danish schooner Aurora, drove upon the
Herd Sand, at the entrance of the river Tyne, by which their
crews were placed in imminent peril. In a short time the New-
castle and South Shields lifeboat, manned by twenty- four as able
and experienced pilots as South Shields contained, was launched,
and proceeded to the aid of the men on board of the vessels. The
boat was soon alongside the brig, and ropes were being secured to
the latter to facilitate communication, when a tremendous sea, in a
conical form, caught the boat under its larboard quarter, canted it
upwards, and then whirled it over, bottom upwards, the whole
crew being engulphed in the boiling surge. The men on board
the Betsy stood a few moments aghast at the awful scene, but did
all they could under the circumstances by throwing pieces of timber
overboard to aid any of the men to save themselves, but all in vain.
Only four of the party were saved, the tempestuous sea washing
the others away one by one. Thus, in a few moments, not a
vestige was seen of twenty devoted and brave men, who had so
shortly before breathed with hope and animation. All was hushed
save the wild wind and the remorseless dash of billows, and no
dirge sung the requiem of their departed spirits save the murmuring
of the hollow sea. The accident created a great sensation through-
out the kingdom, and a subscription, amounting to upwards of
£3,000, was raised for the widows and children of the unfortunate
1849 (December 8). — Died, at Linden, Northumberland, aged 76,
Charles William Bigge, esq., a gentleman well known, universally
respected, and, perhaps, during his life, one of the most active and
useful members of the county with which he was associated by birth
and interest, and a bright example of an English country gentleman.
He was well educated, intelligent, upright, and straightforward in
his conduct, kind and benevolent in his disposition, social in his
habits, and of easy access to everyone who sought his intimacy or
his aid and advice. Mr. Bigge, who succeeded to the family
estates on the death of his father in 1794, was appointed, in 1798,
Lieutenant-Colonel of the second battalion of the Northumberland
Militia. In 1829 he succeeded Thomas Clennell, esq., as Chair-
man of the Bench of Magistrates, the duties of which office he
continued to discharge with great ability until 1830, when declining
health compelled him to relinquish it. Mr. Bigge was considered
for upwards of fifty years one of the leaders of the Whig party in
Northumberland, but political strife never deprived him of the
high respect and good opinion of his most determined opponents ;
and as a friend, a landlord, a magistrate, and a master he was
universally held in estimation. He removed from the old family
mansion at Benton in 1812, having then completed the erection of
his new hall at Linden. He was succeeded in his estates by his
grandson. His eldest son, Charles John Bigge, esq., who was the
first mayor elected for Newcastle after the passing of the Municipal
Reform Act, died in 1846, aged 43.
December 14. — A public dinner was given in the Commercial
Hotel, North Shields, to William Linskill, esq., Mayor of the
New Borough of Tynemouth, in gratitude for his exertion " for the
emancipation of the commerce of the Tyne." Upwards of 150 of
the most respectable inhabitants were present, the chair being
occupied by Mr. R. Pow, and the vice-chairs by Messrs. Bartleman,
Spencer, and Straker.
1850 (January 4). — Messrs. Thomas and James Hodgson having
disposed of the " Newcastle Chronicle," No. 4,459 was published
by Mr. M. W, Lambert for himself and partners. The " Chronicle"
was established iu 1764. by Mr. Thomas Slack, and was published
until his death, in 1 784, when he was succeeded by his son-in-law,
Mr. Solomon Hodgson. After Mr. Hodgson's death, in 1800, the
publication of the " Chronicle" was continued by his widow, Mrs.
8arah Hodgson, under the able management and editorship of Mr.
William Preston, for upwards of twenty-two years. A splendid
portrait and an exact likeness of Mr. Preston is now in the pos-
session of Mr. Thomas Dixon, Newcastle. In 1822 Mrs. Hodgson
died, and her sons, named above, took the management. May 24,
1850, the " Chronicle" was published in new premises in Grey-
street for the first time, the machinery being put in motion by one
of Mr. W. Gr. Armstrong's hydraulic engines.
185Q(January W). — Died, at Bishopwearmouth,in Bridge-street,
suddenly, aged 73, William Reid Clanny, esq., M.D., F.R.S., &c.
The deceased had practised in Sunderland for upwards of forty-
five years with great ability and success. In 1812 he turned his
attention to the cause of the disastrous calamities in coal mines,
and in the course of his studies he conceived the idea of a safety
lamp, greatly different, however, from that at present in use. On
the 1st October, 1813, his lamp was exhibited before the Literary
and Philosophical Society in Newcastle, and in 1815 it was tried
in Merrington Pit with some success, but owing to its cumbrous
form it never came into use. As, however, it was not until 1815
that either Sir Humphrey Davy or Mr. Stephenson commenced
their investigations on explosive mixtures, it is clear that Dr.
Clanny is entitled to considerable credit for his invention, and on
February 3rd, 1848, he was presented with a testimonial, value
£200, by the Marquis of Londonderry and other coal owners. The
deceased contributed largely to medical literature, and for his
valuable works in that department he received the ribbon of the
Legion of Honour and many other badges of distinction. A few
days before his death Dr. Clanny presented the Literary Society of
Sunderland with portraits of George III., Archdeacon Paley, the
Marquis of Londonderry, Baron Cuvier, and the donor himself,
the latter being from a painting by Reay, in the Town Hall,
presented to the deceased by the medical profession in Sunderland.
January 29. — This afternoon three vessels sailed from the
port of Sunderland, but, the wind blowing strong from the north-
east, with a heavy sea, they were speedily driven ashore, near to
the south pier, the waves at the same time making a complete
breach over them. Immediate efforts were made to save the
crews, but, notwithstanding the most strenuous exertions, four
men, named Douglas, Proud, Chisholm, and Reay were swept
away by the sea and drowned. The vessels in a short time after-
wards became total wrecks.
January 29. — Great excitement was occasioned among the
inhabitants in the vicinity of the Gaol, Newcastle, by the report
that four convicts had made their escape. Between twelve
and one at noon four prisoners under sentence of transportation,
named Job Savage, John Dunn, William Donkin, and Matthew
Oliver, had succeeded in making their way from the convicts' to
to the debtors' yard, and by using a ladder belonging to some
masons employed in the gaol, they gained the top of the high wall
fronting Carliol-street. They next tied a rope which they had
obtained to the ladder, when three of them lowered themselves
into the street and made a precipitate flight towards Trafalgar-
street. The fourth one (Job Savage) was not so fortunate, for on
reaching the pavement he was seized by a person named Robson,
who was passing at the time, transferred to his old quarters, and
the escape of his comrades made known. A general pursuit was
commenced, and they were traced up Pandon Dean, near the old
water mill, and afterwards to Lambert's Leap. Dunn, weary with
running, leaped over the wall and lay down, where he was captured
by P.O. Turner. Donkin was taken in Mr. Ralph Naters' brewery
yard, just as he was coming out. A most diligent search was
made for Oliver, who eluded detection until about six o'clock,
when he was apprehended by P.O. Graham, coming along the
Shieldfield without his shoes.
1850 (January 30J. — Died, at Brancepath Castle, Durham,
aged 51, William Russell, esq. Mr. Russell succeeded his father,
the rebuilder of the castle, in 1822, and was elected a repre-
sentative for the county of Durham in 1828, on the elevation of
Mr. Lambton to the peerage. He was again returned in 1830
and 1831, but did not offer himself after the passing of the Reform
Bill. His estates devolved on his only sister, Emma Maria, who
married the Hon. Gustavus Hamilton, eldest son of Viscount
Boyne, and who soon after assumed the name of Russell.
February^. — This morning, between two and four o'clock, theshop
of Mr. John Mitchell, silversmith, Sunderland, was broken into and
the following articles stolen therefrom : — 6 large sized gold lever
watches ; 4 silver lever and 18 silver geneva watches ; 150 fancy
stone rings ; eighty wedding rings ; &c., &c. The circumstances
of the case were somewhat extraordinary, and it created great
excitement in the town for several weeks. A man, named
Magnay, was subsequently apprehended and transported for the
February 20. — George Darling, esq., of Fowberry Tower, Nor-
thumberland, whilst hunting with Lord Elcho's hounds was
thrown from his horse wherebv he received some severe internal
K 1
injuries. He was taken into a cottage near at hand. Professor
Syme was sent for from Edinburgh, and every available assistance
procured, but all efforts were in vain as he sunk rapidly and
breathed his last on the 24th. Mr. Darling had recently
succeeded to the estates of his uncle, Matthew Culley, esq., of
Fowberry Tower, and a few weeks ago was appointed a magistrate
for the county of Northumberland. The lamented gentleman was
in his 44th year.
1850 (February '25). — A meeting was held in the Lecture Room,
Newcastle, for the purpose of hearing a statement from Captain
Ibbetson, who had been deputed by Her Majesty's Commissioners
to assist in promoting an Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations,
to be held in London m 1851, The Mayor (Mr. Crawhall)
presided, and resolutions in support of the exhibition were carried
unanimously. Eight local commissioners were appointed, the
Mayor of Newcastle being the representative of lead mines and
ornamental art ; the Mayor of Gateshead (Mr. Hawks), of iron
works ; Mr. Hugh Taylor, of coal mines ; Mr. R. S. Newall, of
machinery ; Mr. J. Pattinson, of chemical manufactures ; Mr. W.
Smith, of shipbuilding ; Mr. R. W. Swinburne, of glass ; and Mr. J.
Grey(Dilston), of agriculture. A subscription was opened to assist
in carrying out the exhibition which ultimately amounted to £522'.
Similar meetings were held in all the towns in the district, and the
following were the names of the chairmen of the local committees
and the amounts subscribed : — Berwick — Captain Smith, £26. Bar~
nard Castle — Rev. G. Dugard, £13. Darlington — F. Mewburn,
£67. Durham— J. H. Forster, £170. Hartlepool—J. P. Denton,
£37. South Shields — R. Anderson, £30. Sunderland — W.
Mordey, £205. Stockton— C. Trotter, ££5.
March 19. — An elegant and valuable testimonial was presented
to Mr. John Mawson, of Mosley-street, Newcastle, consisting of a
handsome silver tea service, the " Encyclopaedia Britannica" in 21
volumes, " Allison's History of Europe" in 20 volumes, bound
uniform with the above, and all enclosed in a beautiful mahogany
case made for the purpose by Messrs. Sopwith. The tea service
was manufactured by Messrs. Reid and Sons. Upon a silver
plate in the front of the case is the following inscription: — "A
testimonial to the exemplary honour and rectitude of Mr. John
Mawson, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, as manifested in his commercial
transactions, presented, in the name of the subscribers, by William
McCulloeh, esq., of London, March 19th, 1850."
March 23. — The most intense horror was excited by the report
that an atrocious and cunningly devised murder had been com-
mitted on the person of a woman, named Elizabeth Forbes, by one
•who ought to have been her natural protector her husband, Patrick
Forbes, in the Cloggers'-entry, Head of the Side, Newcastle.
From the evidence given at the inquest, and subsequently at the
trial of the wretched prisoner, it was clearly demonstrated that
one of the most barbarous modes which could possibly be devised
had been adopted in accomplishing this foul and unnatural murder.
It was stated that the prisoner, who was a labouring man, led an
intemperate life, and that his unfortunate wife was too frequently
seen drinking ty his side in public houses where he resorted. On
the day previous they had been together in the afternoon, and
were much the worse of liquor — indeed it was said that the woman
had lost the use of her limbs and had to be carried upstairs to bed
by the prisoner and some women. They were then left together,
and early in the morning Forbes awoke his son, a boy 12 years of
age, who was lying before the fire of their room, and told him
that his mother was dead, and, upon an alarm being raised, it was
discovered that the unfortunate woman had been murdered in a
manner so horrible as to be almost unprecedented in the annals of
crime, and it was not until a close examination had been made
that the cause of death became apparent. The perpetrator of this
monstrous act was tried and convicted before Mr. Justice Wight-
man, on the 31st of July, and his execution took place at the foot
of Carliol-street, near the Gaol, on the 24th August.
1850 (March 30). — A terrific gale visited the north-east coast of
England, and the results were of a most destructive character.
For some weeks previous the colliers bound from London to the
Tyne, had been detained in Yarmouth Eoads by adverse winds,
until the number of vessels there amounted to nearly 500, and on
the 28th, the wind having changed, they were all liberated together.
On the 29th the wind increased to a violent gale, and in the evening
three vessels, the precursors of the fleet, were driven upon the
rocks at Tynemouth. This morning these were followed by a
Hanoverian galliot, next by a Swedish vessel, then by the Vigilant
brig and the Mary Ann, of Shields, &c. By noon the gale was at
its height, and the whole of the vessels having now arrived off the
coast, a most extraordinary scene was witnessed as they crowded
into the river. Happily there was no loss of life, but the spectacle
of upwards of thirty stranded barks, some with valuable cargoes,
was a most melancholy one. At Sunderlan J, Hartlepool, Bamburgh,
Blyth, Amble, and other places, many casualties occurred, and
the total loss of property was enormous : the damage at Sunderland
alone being estimated at £26,000.
April 27. — Mr. John Horn Twizell, eldest son of John
Twizell Wawn, esq., M.P., was accidentally drowned in the North
Tyne, near Chollerford, whilst fishing, having been seized with a
fit and fallen into the stream. The unfortunate young man was
in his 22nd year.
June 5. — An explosion took place in the Wellington Pit, at
Us worth, the property of Messrs. Jonassohn and Co. Nearly 160
persons were down the pit at the time, but the effects of the
explosion were confined to one portion of the mine, where twelve
men and a boy were killed.
June 20. — The northern section of that great commercial
undertaking, the south dock at Sunderland, was opened under
circumstances of great ceremony and splendour. The dock was
estimated to contain 260 vessels, and the half-tide basin, 28.
260 HISTORICAL KEOlSTfcn OF ^A.D. 1850.
Shortly after ten o'clock G. Hudson, esq., M.P., with the directors
and shareholders of the company, walked in procession from the
dock-office to the ferry-boat landing, where several gaily-decked
steamers were in readiness, and the flotilla, which was joined by
numberless craft, entered the tidal harbour, and passed into the
dock amidst immense cheering from upwards of 30,000 spectators.
Two vessels, the Welcome and the Cleadon, elaborately decked
with flags, were next towed in, and placed under the coal drops,
where they were speedily filled with Haswell and South Hetton
coals, and they were immediately succeeded by two other ships, the
Don and the Susannah. The directors then landed with their
friends, and sat down to an elegant entertainment, laid out in the
adjoining staith, the chair being occupied by Mr. Hudson. The
chairman, in complimenting the directors on their energy in carrying
out the undertaking, stated that the extent of the dock was
unequalled by any in the kingdom. Great rejoicings took place
amongst the inhabitants generally, and the day was kept as a
holiday throughout the neighbourhood,
l&5Q(June 24). — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Lord Eglinton's Elthiron (Cart-
wright), beating Roland, Glauca, and four others. The Gold Cup
was won by Lord Stanley's Canezou (Holmes), beating S. Ogle's
Achyranthes. 5 to 1 on Canezou. A splendid race and won by
a neck.
June 28. — Some time previous to this date Mr. Steel, draper,
Blyth, had the pavement in front of his shop laid with flag-
stones, and to-day, in consequence of one of the stones having
risen considerably above its proper level, a mason was sent for to
ascertain the cause. On raising the flag, which was about six
stones in weight, it was discovered that three large mushrooms
were growing underneath, and had evidently lifted it out of its
proper position.
July 30. — The friends and admirers of Robert Stephenson,
esq., M.P., the celebrated civil engineer, gave him a splendid
public banquet in the Central Station, Newcastle, as a mark of
respect for his talents, science, and unblemished character. The
station was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and views of
Mr. Stephenson's greatest public works were introduced with
considerable effect, viz. :— the Menai Tubular Bridge, the High
Level Bridge at Newcastle, and the great viaduct at Berwick. The
Hon. H. T. Liddell presided, the vice-chairs being occupied by
the Mayors of Newcastle and Gateshead (Mr. Crawhall and Mr.
Hawks). About 400 gentlemen were present, comprising almost
every influential person connected with Newcastle, and the pro-
ceedings throughout were of a very pleasing character. In the
course of the evening it was stated that Mr. Stephenson had, up to
this time, been engaged in the construction of 1,790 miles of rail-
way in England alone.
August 18.— Four persons, named John Clark, John Forest,
Elizabeth Carr, and Ann Bowey, engaged a boat at Sunderland
A.t). 1850.] REMARKABLE EVENTS. 261
for the purpose of visiting Marsden Rock. They were subse-
quently observed off the Dove Rock, near Hendon, but were never
afterwards heard of.
1850 (August 29). — Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by the
royal family, passed through Durham and Northumberland on
her way to Scotland. At Newcastle the greatest preparations had
been made to do honour to the royal travellers, and as her majesty
had graciously consented to inaugurate the Central Railway
Station, that building was beautifully decorated throughout. The
approach of royalty to the ancient walls of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
in olden times, according to traditionary records, had been marked
with every demonstration of splendour harmonizing with the
occasion, besides being accompanied with other features corre-
sponding to the stirring period in which they lived, and, of course,
too frequently, majesty was heralded in with shrill trump and all
the pomp and circumstance of glorious war. But since those days
of border feuds and civil and intestine broils other and more
genial objects occupy the energies and pursuit of the nation, and
instead of pillage and commotion the humanizing arts of peace
have shed a refining and softening influence over the land, and
England now stands conspicuous as possessing within itself
resources of the highest order for the future elevation and welfare
of its subjects. At twenty minutes to one o'clock her majesty's
arrival at the High Level Bridge was announced by royal salutes
fired from both sides of the river, and the train was immediately
drawn into the Central Station, amidst deafening cheering and the
wildest enthusiasm. After a formal reception of the authorities
the Queen acknowledged the enthusiastic salutations of the spec-
tators by bowing graciously, and then proceeded to the suite of
apartments provided for her reception, where addresses from the
Corporations of Newcastle and Gateshead were presented. The
royal party subsequently partook of an elegant luncheon, and after
a stay of about twenty minutes they returned to the train, where
they made a brief but graceful adieu to the authorities and the
assemblage generally, the carriages leaving the station amidst the
firing of cannon and the heartfelt acclamations of the public, who
densely lined the route for a considerable distance. The royal
train then proceeded on to Berwick, where her majesty had
graciously undertaken to open the magnificent railway bridge
Which there connects the two kingdoms. The dense masses of
people assembled at Tweedmouth and Berwick were quite
astonishing considering the population of the district, and nothing
could exceed the enthusiasm of all classes. A splendid triumphal
arch spanned the lofty bridge, and upon it was the conspicuous
and appropriate inscription, " The Last Act of the Union." At
ten minutes past three the train came in sight, and as soon as it
reached the station Mr. Leeman, chairman of the York, Newcastle,
and Berwick Railway Company, conducted her majesty and the
royal family, amidst every demonstration of joy, to a pavilion
which had been erected and gaily decorated for their reception.
The Mayor and Sheriff of Berwick and Colonel Wellesley were
then presented by Sir George Grey, and her majesty having sur-
veyed the beautiful and extensive panorama commanded by the
pavilion and expressed her admiration of the landscape, wag
graciously pleased to name the imposing structure the " Royal
Border Bridge." After remaining a few minutes her majesty and
the prince returned to the railway station, where an address from
the Corporation of Berwick was presented and received very
courteously. The royal party then took their seats and proceeded
on their route amidst enthusiastic cheering.
1850 (September S). — A number of whales made their appearance
off Tynemouth, and created some sensation amongst the numerous
residents there. On the following morning upwards of fifty tons
of fish arrived in Newcastle, and herrings were sold at eight a
penny. The whales remained upon the coast for some days.
September 28. — This morning the passengers on the High
Level Bridge were alarmed by a man jumping off the parapet into
the river, and afterwards swimming towards the south shore.
On enquiry it was found that the person's name was Williamson,
employed at Hawks and Crawshay's foundry. The feat had been
performed for a wager of a quart of ale.
November 1. — The first election of councillors for the new
borough of South Shields took place, and considerable excitement
prevailed during the day. At the close of the poll the following
gentlemen were declared to be elected by Richard Shortridge, the
returning officer :— South Shields Ward — James Young, 263;
Thomas Stainton, 263: George Potts, 241; John Clay, 238;
John N, Hall, 228 ; T. Wawn, 206 ; William Forest, 196 ; John
White, 153; Thomas Hudson, 147. Jarrow Ward— Matthew
Stainton, 163; James Stevenson, 156; George Hudson, 128;
J. W. Lamb, 121; J. P. Elliott, 106; John Toshach, 103;
Joseph Grey, 92 ; Errington Bell, 90 ; J. F. Kennedy, 89.
Westoe Ward — John Robinson, 184; Thomas Forsyth, 156:
C. N. Wawn, 141 ; Bostock T. Whinney, 136 ; H. Briggs, 115 ;
T. Wallis, 114.
November 5. — Died, in Newcastle, aged 65, Mr. Thomas
Hodgson. The deceased was formerly one of the propietors of the
" Newcastle Chronicle," and was the editor of that periodical from
the close of 1807 to the commencement of 1848, when serious
illness disabled him from continuing his arduous task. Mr.
Hodgson's literary attainments were considerable, and his acquaint-
ance with the antiquities of the North of England was perhaps
beyond that of any other individual in the district. He was of a
very kind disposition, and greatly esteemed by a large circle of
November 9. — The election of mayors of the various boroughs
in Northumberland and Durham took place with the following
result : — Newcastle — William Armstrong, esq. ; Mark Lambert
Jobling, esq., sheriff. Gateshead — Joseph Robson, esq. Tyne-
mouth— William Linskill, esq. Durham— John Henry Forster, esq.
Stockton — Charles Trotter, esq. Morpeth — George Brumell,
esq. Berwick — George Ker Nicholson, esq.; Alexander Cahill,
esq., sheriff. The ladies of Tynernouth presented the mayor of
that borough with an elegant gold chain, value 100 guineas, to be
worn by the newly elected and every future chief magistrate.
1850 (November 11). — A dreadful explosion of gas occurred in
Houghton Colliery, the property of the Earl of Durham. From
the close contiguity of the colliery to the town from which it
derives its name, the alarm spread in all directions, and the usual
quietude gave place to the greatest consternation by the report
that 150 lives were destroyed, that number being down the pit at
the time of the accident. A number of brave men volunteered,
with the usual magnanimity displayed under such circumstances,
to make an attempt to save their relatives and friends, and, after
five hours arduous exertions, they succeeded in rescuing one
hundred and twenty-four men and boys, many of whom were in a
state of insensibility, the remainder, twenty-six in number, were
found dead. The sufferings of the survivors, during the protracted
period which elapsed before their deliverance, were of the most
intense character, both bodily and mental, and the meeting between
them and their disconsolate families, who had given them up as
lost, will never be forgotten by those who witnessed it. The
sufferers, with two exceptions, were unmarried, and the Earl of
Durham ordered that every necessary relief should be afforded
December 5. — The Queen granted a new charter to the town
of Hartlepool, by which it was in future to be governed by a
mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors. Much rejoicing
took place on the obtainment of this document, the former charter
having been peculiarly obnoxious to the inhabitants generally.
December 18. — A boiler explosion occurred at Crow Trees
Colliery, Durham, by which two men lost their lives. December
20th, a similar accident occurred at Ford Paper Mill, near Sunder-
land, by which a father and son, named Oliver, were killed.
December 1 9. — A public dinner was given in the Golden Lion Inn,
South Shields, to John Clay, esq,, mayor of the borough, as a mark
of the respect of the inhabitants and in celebration of the incorpo-
ration of the town. One hundred and forty gentlemen sat down to
dinner, the chair being occupied by R. Ingharn, esq., M.P., and the
vice-chairs by Messrs. Mather, Paxton, and Wallis.
1851 (January 4<). — Died, at Ramsey, Isle of Man, aged 38, Sir
Henry Claude Loraine, third son of the late Sir C. Loraine, bart., of
Kirkharle. By the deaths of three nephews in succession, within
two years, William Loraine, esq., one of the magistrates for the
borough of Newcastle, succeeded to the baronetcy, which has been
attached to the family for several generations.
January 6. — The first election of councillors for the borough
of Hartlepool took place, in accordance with the provisions of
the new charter. There were twenty-seven candidates, and much
excitement prevailed throughout the day. The following gentle-
men were declared elected :— S. Robinson, 472 ; Robert Hunter,
304 ; Thomas Robson, 302 ; John Todd, 287 ; C. Davison, 280 ;
John Mowbray, 278; R. Brewis, 272; R. E. Button, 269 ; R.
Winstanley, 267. January 14th, Stephen Robinson, esq., was
elected mayor, J. P. Den ton, W. Gordon, C. Davison, and J.
Winstanley aldermen, and Thomas Belk town clerk.
1851 (January 10). — Died, at Fenham Hall, near Newcastle,
aged 79, Colonel Robert Bell. The deceased served the office
of Mayor of Newcastle in 1822-3, and was the only alderman of
the old corporation appointed to the same office under the new
February 8. — Mr. William Martin, the well-known Christian
Philosopher and "• Philosophical Conqueror of All Nations," died
in London, aged 79. (See Sykes, vol. 2, page 82.) The deceased
from his earliest youth exhibited considerable indications of
mechanical genius, and on the 31st of May, 1814, he received the
silver medal and ten guineas from the Society of Arts for his
invention of a spring weighing machine, with circular dial and
index. His genius, however, was not always so beneficially
exercised nor so well employed, for in 1821 he announced that he
had discovered the principle of perpetual motion, and in the
following year he exhibited his " Eureka" in London and other
places. Its motive power was a strong current of air, and it is
unnecessary to add that it failed to answer the purpose of its
inventor. He then published " A New System of Natural Philo-
sophy, in Refutation of Sir Isaac Newton and other Pretenders to
Science." In June, 1830, he undertook a lecturing tour through-
out England, and returned in the summer of the following year
triumphant. From that time till within two years of his death
the " Philosopher" continued to print his lucubrations on all sorts
of subjects in great abundance, and his extraordinary attempts at
poetry contributed greatly to the amusement of the people. His
eccentricities of costume were not less remarkable : for some years
previous to his death his head-dress consisted of the shell of a
tortoise, mounted with brass, and his breast was generally orna-
mented with a variety of stars and other decorations of unknown
derivation. This harmless eccentric was the brother of Jonathan
Martin, the notorious incendiary, and of the celebrated painter,
John Martin, who kindly invited him to his residence in 1849, and
with whom he spent his last days in comparative affluence. The
following is a specimen of his poetry : —
The laclie Faversham, a bark of 30 keels, sunk in Shields harbour did much
annoy ;
The Martinian invention gave her the grand lift, the people, well pleased,
shouted for joy.
Glover, the diseased potatoe quack doctor, of his wisdom people have of him
their doubts,
Writer for a silly doctor in Sunderland, both as daft as the calf that eats
George Stephenson and son, mock Engineers, and both knaves and loons,
If they do not answer the Philosopher, a proof that he has snuffed out their
full moons.
1851 (February II). — A splendid piece of silver plate, costing
upwards of 500 guineas, waspresented to Ralph Ward Jackson, esq.,
of Greatham Hall, by the merchants, shipowners, tradesmen, and
others, residing in West Hartlepool, or connected with its trade,
as a token of their admiration of the skill, energy, and patient
perseverance displayed in projecting and executing the Hartlepool
West Harbour and Docks. If the adage nil desperandum was ever
applicable it was in this case, for in despite of natural and alleged
scientific difficulties one individual of indomitable spirit and enter-
prise undertook the work, and the result has been crowned with
the most complete success. Hence the harbour, docks, and works
of West Hartlepool, once a morass and moor, covering an extent
of near 300 acres, with the town, now having a population of
upwards of 20,000, has sprung up into notoriety, as if by talis-
manic influence, and what a few years ago was a solitude is now a
flourishing mart of industry, trade, and commerce, with its docks,
quays, and shipping, its streets and thoroughfares, public buildings
and other concomitants, the harbingers of future greatness. The
presentation took place at a public dinner, at the Ship Hotel, to
which 150 gentlemen sat down, Mr. E. Turnbull, of Hartlepool,
presiding. Description of the testimonial : — Elevated on a column
decorated with bull-rush and lotus leaves is the bust of Mr. Jackson;
around are the figures of Commerce, Science, and Industry.
Industry, with the distaff in her hand and the bee hive by her side,
supports it on the right, while Science, her foot resting on the
globe, is decorating the bust with a wreath of laurel, and Com-
merce, the cornucopia by her side and the caduceus in her hand, is
pointing to a view taken from the sea of the Hartlepool West
Harbour and Docks. Reclining on the base are the figures of
Neptune and JEolus, the representatives of the elements, wind and
water ; between are groups of shipping implements, and on the
pedestal below are panels containing the inscription, arms, cypher,
and crest of Mr. Jackson, and the various mouldings are formed
of cables and oak leaves. The whole is placed beneath a revolving
glass shade, upon a stand richly carved with dolphins on the feet
and emblematical devices on the sides, and stands upwards of six
feet in height. The testimonial, which was much admired by the
company, has been displayed in several of the public exhibitions of
this country.
March 3.— Died, in Oyster Shell-lane, Newcastle, aged 63,
Mr. William Mitford, shoemaker. The deceased was one of the
last of the old school of local poets, and was well known in the
district. His " Pitman's Courtship," for its liveliness and fidelity
to nature, may be considered one of the best of Newcastle songs.
March 18. — Whilst twenty-three fishing boats were follow-
ing their occupation off Newbiggen, Northumberland, a gale
suddenly arose, and the sea was instantly thrown into a violent
state of commotion. The fishermen made for the shore as speedily
as possible, and nearly the whole of them got into Cresswell in
safety, but two boats, which attempted to land at Snab's Point,
were upset, and of the crews, eight in number, only one man was
saved. A third boat was upset at Newbiggen and two of the men
were lost. The melancholy accidents were witnessed by hundreds
of spectators, who were perfectly unable to render assistance,
although the men were drowned within a few feet from the shore.
The scene was one of the most heartrending description : men,
women, and children, running to and fro in wild despair, and
nothing was heard for some time but sounds of lamentation
commingling with the roar and surge of the ocean. The sufferers
were nearly all closely related to each other, and a subscription
was raised for their surviving relatives.
1851 (March 22). — The coal miners of Northumberland and
Durham assembled in the Lecture Room, Newcastle, for the
purpose of presenting Mr. James Mather, of South Shields, with
an elegant piece of plate as a token " of their gratitude for his
talented and praiseworthy exertions in promoting measures to
diminish the dangers arising from bad ventilation and other causes
in the mines of this kingdom."
April 3. — A numerous and influential meeting of the Governors
of Newcastle Infirmary was held in the large hall, for the
purpose of transacting the usual business of the anniversary, and
considering the expediency of enlarging the building. The Infirmary
was first established in 1751, consequently that meeting formed
the centenary of the institution. August 6, another meeting was
held, the Duke of Northumberland in the chair, when resolutions,
urging the necessity of the extension, were proposed by William
Ord, esq., M.P., Matthew Bell, esq., M.P., the Hon. H. T. Liddell,
W. B, Beaumont, esq., &c. The chairman subscribed £500, offering
to double it if the alterations were fully carried out. The Bishop
of Durham and Mr. Beaumont gave 250 guineas each ; Misses
Davison, Lemington, £250 ; the Corporation of Newcastle, £200,
and munificent donations from other parties, soon raised the
required funds to upwards of £5,000.
April 7. — The public baths and wash-houses erected by the
Corporation of Sunderland, from designs by Mr. Thomas Oliver,
architect, at a cost of about £3,000, were opened for the use of
the public, and the building was pronounced one of the most
elegant and commodious of the kind in the kingdom.
May 19. — A violent thunderstorm passed over this town and
neighbourhood. A man, named Thomas Fibb, was struck dead
on the Durham-road, near Gateshead Low Fell. He was going to
meet his father and mother and other friends, who were coming
from Chester-le-Street, and who were little more than one hundred
yards from him when he was struck by the electric fluid. They
observed a person fall, but did not suspect who it was, and it was
some time before they recognized the fallen youth to be their
relative. He was much scorched about the face and his clothes
were torn off and scattered about the road. The lightning also
struck the house of Mr. J. Atkinson, Windmill-hills, Gateshead,
but although the ornaments were knocked off the mantel-piece of
the sitting-room and the walls severely shattered, Mr. and Mrs.
Atkinson escaped unhurt. The house of Mr. Muras, Arthur's-
hill, Newcastle, was also seriously damaged by the electric fluid.
A child on the Rabbit-banks, Gateshead, was also struck by the
lightning, and several others were more or less affected during the
1851 (May). — About the end of this month Richard Grainger,
esq., commenced pulling down the old buildings in Nun's-gate,
preparatory to widening the thoroughfare and erecting a row of
handsome shops and warehouses of the same style of architecture
as Grainger-street.
June 13. — A fire suddenly broke out in an unfinished house
in Elswick West-terrace, Newcastle, the property of Mr. William
Dunn, builder. It was discovered by George Cantley, who was in
the act of ascending to the second storey by means of a ladder, and
on placing his hand upon the stone against which the ladder rested,
he found it hot, and his head, as he was about to pass into the
room, was surrounded by flames, he was much burnt about the
hand, his paper cap was destroyed, his hair singed, his face scorched,
but he instantly retreated and escaped further damage. The flames
rapidly spread over the entire premises as well as to a house
adjoining, arid in a short time the whole were entirely consumed,
Mr. Scaife, solicitor, resided on the south side of the burning pro-
perty, and his family being from home at the time, the mob forced
an entrance and completely sacked the house of the furniture,
pulled down the marble chimney pieces, and left the place in little
better condition than the adjoining ruins.
June 23. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. T. Williamson's b c
Neasham (Haxby), beating Testator, Jack Leeming, and five others.
The Gold Cup was won by Mr. Eden's ch m The Maid of Masham
(Abdale), beating Lord Stanley's Ariel.
July 2. — Mr. John Challoner, who for upwards of twenty years
held an important situation on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway,
determined to join his son, Mr. J. S. Challoner, sharebroker,
Dean-street, Newcastle, as pariaerin the business. In consequence
of this arrangement Mr. Challoner resigned his situation this day,
Matthew Plummer, esq., who presided as chairman when Mr.
Challoner's resignation was sent in, informed him that the directors
received it with regret, and assured him that they had the highest
regard for him personally, and a just sense of his faithful services
for more than twenty years, and, as a further mark of their satis-
faction at his conduct, requested his acceptance of £100, and also
ordered that the expression of their sentiments should be entered
on the minutes of their proceedings. In conclusion, the worthy
chairman expressed his pleasure in making the announcement,
and added his own testimony from personal knowledge to the
industry, honour, and integrity of his conduct whilst connected
with the company, and sincerely wished him success in the
business he had made choice of.
1851 (July 2 5>— Whilst a party of gentlemen were drinking
champagne in the Bridge Hotel, Sunderland, some practical joking
took place, in the course of which Mr. Buchanan, shipbuilder,
threw a tumbler glass at Mr. C. John Spence, shipbroker. The
missile hit Mr. Spence on the head, and wounded him so seriously
that he died on the 4th of August. Mr. Buchanan was tried for
the offence, before Baron Alderson, at the ensuing assizes, and
July 51. — Sir T. J. Platt, Justice of Assize, arrived in New-
castle, and was met at the railway station by the High Sheriff
of Northumberland (Sir Horace St. Paul, bart.) Departing from
conventional usage, the High Sheriff's carriage was simply an old
britska, without heraldic ornaments, the trumpeters were in
ordinary habiliments, and instead of six horses the vehicle was
drawn by two animals in homely harness, and was unattended by
any servants on horseback. The learned Judge, in charging the
Grand Jury, expressed "his great regret that in this important
County the gentry should be so reduced as not to show ordinary
respect to the Crown. In this country, where disloyalty is con-
sidered a slur, it was to be regretted that the usual and ordinary
garniture by which that loyalty is displayed should not have been
exhibited on this occasion." The High Sheriff, with great warmth,
declared the charge of disloyalty to be unjust. Baron Platt
retorted, " Then I must say that, as a gentleman who has ample
means, that loyalty has not been exhibited."
August.—' About this time workmen commenced removing the
old buildings opposite the Roman Catholic Chapel, in Clayton-
street, Newcastle, for the purpose of erecting a new chapel for the
A.D. 1851.]
congregation which had hitherto worshipped in the Groat-market.
A portion of the walls of the town and the " Pink Tower," which
once served as an outer rampart, were removed by the workmen,
not without considerable regret on the part of antiquarians .
1851 (August 15). — Much excitement was created in Newcastle
on it becoming known that Mr. James Scott, assistant-overseer
for St. Nicholas' parish, had absconded with a large sum of money.
The deficiency was afterwards found to be £3,000. Scott fled to
America, and took a large farm, but in the course of 1852 he was
discovered lying dead in his grounds, with a gun lying beside him.
Whether his death was premeditated or accidental was not, how-
ever, ascertained.
August 18. — A fearful colliery accident occurred at Washington,
Durham, by which thirty-two men and boys unfortunately
perished, besides two brave fellows, named Hutchinson and
Errington, who lost their lives in a magnanimous attempt to save
those of others. The explosion was believed to have occurred in
consequence of a man having removed the top from his Davy lamp.
Ten widows and thirty-three children were left destitute by this
melancholy catastrophe, but a handsome sum was raised by sub-
scription for their relief.
August 27. — Great consternation was created in Morpeth
from a report that a butcher, named Joseph Milburn, had been
robbed and murdered during the night. It appeared that on the
previous evening he had ridden to Bothal Rectory to receive an
account. On his return he called at a public house at East
Choppington, where he remained till about midnight when he left
the house with a friend, a Mr. Lowes. Next morning his horse
was found with the bridle cut, Milburn's hat lying on the road
side, and his pocket-book turned inside out beside it. Search was
made for Milburn in every direction, but without avail, and it was
afterwards discovered that the scoundrel, who was deeply embar-
rassed, had decamped to America.
1851 (September ~L). — A most distressing and fatal accident
occurred at Howdon, on the river Tyne, by which seven persons
were drowned. As a sculler boat, containing seventeen persons,
was proceeding from the village to a steamboat lying in the river,
about to proceed to Marsden, the frail vessel came in contact with
the stern of a ship and was overturned. By great exertions on
the part of the persons who witnessed the accident, ten of the
party were rescued but the remaining seven were unfortunately
drowned, and six of them being young girls their untimely fate
created considerable sensation in the neighbourhood.
September 21. — A serious affray took place at Ellingham, near
Alnwick, between the inhabitants of the place and a party of
reapers. During the disturbance an Irishman, named Bernard
Dogherty, was wounded by a shot from a gun carried by Mr.
James Adams, draper, from the effects of which he died. The
gun was discharged by mere accident.
September 26. — A fearful gale of wind from the north-east
arose to-day, and great losses occurred amongst the shipping
near the coast. At Sunderland the fall of rain was extraordinary,
and an immense amount of damage was done. About a mile of
railway along the shore was totally washed away, and a black-
smith's shop shared the same fate. Many ships, principally in
the coal trade, were lost at sea during the gale, and a considerable
number of their crews.
September. — During this month, whilst some excavations were
being made at High Rochester, Northumberland (the Roman
Bremenium), a very fine altar was discovered with an inscription
proving that the station had been garrisoned by the first cohort of
the Varduli, as stated in the Itinerary of Antoninus.
October 10.— The High Sheriff of Northumberland (Sir Horace
St. Paul, bart.), by an advertisement of this date, proposed to
give three prizes amounting to £315, as well as three silver
vases, for the best three essays on " Temperance physiologically,
religiously, and statistically considered." Several essays by writers
of acknowledged talent were sent in, but the prizes have never
been awarded.
October 18. — Died, at Munich, aged 76, Isaac Cookson, esq., of
Meldon Park, Northumberland. He was Mayor of Newcastle in
October 31. — An explosion of gas took place in West Moor
Colliery, near Newcastle, by which nine of the miners were
killed and six seriously burnt. One hundred and thirty persona
were in the mine at the time of the accident, but the effects of the
explosion were confined to a small portion of the workings. It
was stated at the inquest that the mine had seventy miles of air
1851 (November 3). — A boiler explosion occurred at the factory
of Messrs. Waterson, Curds and Cream House, near Newcastle, by
which Mr. George Waterson, one of the firm, lost his life, and a
workman was severely scalded.
November 10. — The following gentlemen were elected mayors
and sheriffs for the ensuing year : — Newcastle — James Hodg-
son, esq., mayor ; Isaac Lothian Bell, esq., sheriff. Gateshead —
Charles John Pearson, esq. Tynemouth — Alexander Bartleman,
esq. South Shields — John Clay, esq. Sunderland — James
Hartley, esq. Durham- — Richard Thompson, esq. Stockton-^
Charles Trotter, esq. Hartlepool — Stephen Robinson, esq. Mor-
peth — William Trotter, esq. Berwick — William Smith, esq.,
mayor ; John Pratt, esq , sheriff.
November 21. — This day the Sunderland Joint Stock Banking
Company stopped payment. The paid-up capital of the concern
was only £75,000, and the deposits amounted to about £30,000.
The deficiency was found to be about £24,000, or £5 per share.
The conduct of the directors was stated by the committee appointed
by the shareholders to have been reckless, deceptive, and im-
provident to a degree almost unparalleled, and the shareholders
dismissed them from their office with great indignation. In June,
1857, it was announced that the liabilities of the bank had been
wholly paid off,
December 2. — Early this morning a fire broke out in North
Shields Theatre, and in less than three hours the entire building,
with the valuable scenery, properties, and wardrobe, were com-
pletely destroyed. The erection and its contents, which together
were worth upwards of £3,000, were the property of Mr. Roxby,
and it was supposed that the fire had arisen from a spark dropped
during the performance. The theatre was first opened on the 5th
of November, 1783, by Mr. Cawdell, the then manager, on the
site of a building which had been used as a place of detention for
prisoners taken during the French war, and the house was for
several years under the management of the celebrated Stephen,
Kemble. April, 1852, whilst workmen were excavating the ground,
preparatory to building a new theatre, three coffins were found a
few feet below the surface.
December 12. — Died, at North Shields, aged 39, Mr. George
Whitehead Hearn, professor of mathematics at Sandhurst College.
Mr. Hearn was a native of North Shields, and when very young
exhibited proofs of great mathematical ability. He subsequently
wrote in several scientific works, and highly distinguished himself
at Cambridge, where he was sixth wrangler in 1839. His writings
were always distinguished by clearness and originality, as well as
by an elegant and elaborate mode of investigation.
1852 (January). — The weather was so mild at this time that
strawberries were gathered in some gardens near Tynemouth in
the first week of this year, and an apple tree, at Wallsend,
belonging to Mr. Crozier, was covered with blossoms.
1852 (January 4).— Died, at North Shields, aged 106, Mrs,
Hannah Gibbons.
January 10. — In consequence of a high wind from the north-
east, the tide rose to an unusual height in Shields harbour, and
nearly 100 feet of the wall at Clifford's Fort was carried away.
A number of vessels broke from their moorings, and during the
day the Blackett and Ridley, one of the oldest colliers in the trade,
was lost at sea. Much damage was done to the new docks, at
Sunderland, and the lighthouse on the south pier was almost
washed away by the waves.
January 16. — A person, named Christopher Wilkinson, em-
ployed in Chester-le-Street Brewery, and his son, Robert, were
drowned whilst endeavouring to cross the river Wear near that
place in a cart, the river being much flooded at the time.
February 24. — Died, at Sunderland, aged 59, Mr. Thomas
Pigg. The deceased, in his younger days, followed the laborious
employment of a coal trimmer, and was, up to the age of 37, so
ignorant of the rules of arithmetic as to be unable to calculate his
wages, but by excessive application and perseverance he became
one of the first mathematicians in the North of England, and for
many years answered the most difficult problems in the " Ladies'
Diary." He contributed to several mathematical periodicals, and
was extensively known and appreciated by scientific men.
April 24. — Died, at Sedgefield, aged 104, Mr. John Piles,
for seventy-four years in the services of the Russell family at
May 5. — A green linnet's nest, with the moss, hair, and
other materials in a good state of preservation, was found in the
centre of a solid log of English elm, which was being cut up in the
yard of Mr. Lumsden, block maker, Monkwearmouth.
May 6. — A fearful explosion of gas took place in Hebburn
Colliery, near Newcastle, the property of Messrs. Easton and Co.
Two hundred workmen were in the mine when the calamity
occurred, but the effects were confined to the Monkton Flat, in
which twenty men and two boys were working, all of whom were
suffocated. Fourteen of the sufferers left widows and families,
and, as a proof of the uncertainty of life amongst miners, one of
the women had lost two husbands in the same awful manner.
June 3. — As Mrs. Wood, of Newcastle, with two children
and a servant, were proceeding from Tynemouth to Marsden in a
pleasure boat, a thunderstorm suddenly broke over them, during
which the boat was upset, and the children, together with the
waterman, were unfortunately drowned. Mrs. Wood and the
servant were picked up by a coble belonging to Messrs. Fry, of
June 4. — A dreadful boiler explosion occurred at Spital
Tongues Colliery, near Newcastle, by which the engineman and
fireman were killed. The fragments of the boiler were thrown in
all directions, and portions of it struck two women and inflicted
serious injuries.
1852 (June 16). — An explosion took place in Seaton Colliery,
near Seaham, Durham. Six men and a boy were working at the
place where the accident happened, and all of them perished.
June 22. — The Newcastle Races commenced this day. The
Northumberland Plate was won by Mr. Meiklam's b c Stilton
(Aldcroft), beating seven others. The Gold Cup was won by Mr. T.
E. Headlam's na Evadne (Alcroft), beating Mr. Martinson's Nancy.
June 30. — A splendid iron screw steamer, constructed by
Messrs. Palmer Brothers, at Jarrow, and the first vessel of that
description which had been built for the London coal trade, was
launched in the presence of a numerous and influential concourse
of spectators. At the conclusion of the ceremony about three
hundred ladies and gentlemen partook of an elegant luncheon,
provided by the builders. C. Palmer, esq., presided, supported by
the Mayors of Newcastle, Shields, Sunderland, and Gateshead, and
several of the principal merchants of the district. The proceedings
concluded with a ball, which was led off by the Mayoress of New-
castle and Mr. C. Palmer. The vessel, which was named the John
Bowes, was 465 tons register, was calculated to carry thirty keels
of coals, and to make thirty trips per annum between Newcastle
and London. It was ballasted with water under a recent patent
of Dr. White, of Newcastle. July 29, the vessel sailed from the
Tyne with her first cargo of coals, arrived in the Thames on the
31st, and completed her return voyage to the north on the 3rd of
August. •
July 1. — In consequence of the accession of the Earl of
Derby to the head of the Government, Parliament was prorogued
and dissolved this day, and writs were immediately issued for a
new election. Owing to political causes the contests throughout
the country were unusually numerous, and much excitement pre-
July 6. — The nomination took place before Isaac Lothian.
Bell, esq., sheriff. Mr. Alderman Lamb proposed, and Mr. John
Rayne seconded, the re-election of T. E. Headlam, esq. Sir John
Fife and Mr. J. T. Carr proposed and seconded John Fenwick
Burgoyne Blackett, esq. Mr. Alderman Potter and Mr. C. Smith
proposed and seconded William Henry Watson, esq., Q.C. At
the close of the poll, on the 7th, the result was : — Mr. Blackett,
2,418; Mr. Headlam, 2,172 ; Mr. Watson, 1,808.
July 6. — The nomination took place before J. Clay, esq., mayor.
Mr. John Twizel Wawn proposed, and Mr. R. Shortridge seconded,
Robert Ingham, esq. Mr. Robert Sanderson and Mr. Alderman
Robinson proposed and seconded the Hon. H. T. Liddell. At the
close of the poll the numbers were : — Mr. Ingham, 430 ; Mr.
Liddell, 249.
1852 (July 6).— There were four candidates for the representation
of this town. At the close of the poll the result was :— Mr. M.
Forster, 400 ; Mr. John Stapleton, 323 ; Mr. J. C. Renton, 228 ;
Mr. R. Hodgson, 192. In May, 1853, Messrs. Forster and
Stapleton were declared not to have been duly elected, having
been guilty of bribery. Majoribanks and Forster (son of the late
member) were ultimately returned.
july 7. — The nomination for this city took place before the
Mayor (Richard Thompson, esq.) Mr. Alderman Storey and
Mr. George Robson proposed and seconded the re-election of T.
C. Granger, esq. Mr. Wharton and Mr. Wilkinson nominated
Lord Adolphus Vane. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Oliver proposed
and seconded William Atherton, esq. The numbers at the close
of the poll were : — Mr. Granger, 576 ; Mr. Atherton, 510 ; Lord
Adolphus Vane, 506.
July 7. — The nomination for this borough took place before the
Mayor (James Hartley, esq.) Mr. Bramwell and Mr. William
Ord proposed and seconded George Hudson, esq. Mr. Feather-
stonhaugh and Mr. Alderman Hutchinson nominated Henry
Fenwick, esq. Mr. Mordey and Mr. Alderman Wilson nominated
William Digby Seymour, esq. The result was as follows : — Mr.
Hudson, 865 ; Mr. Seymour, 813 ; Mr. Fenwiek, 655
July 7. — The election took place before the Mayor (Alexander
Bartleman, esq.) Mr. Joseph Straker and Mr. Alderman Pow
proposed and seconded Ralph William Grey, esq. Mr. Alderman
Popple well and Mr. J. Dry den nominated Hugh Taylor, esq.
Two other persons were also put in nomination, but withdrew
after delivering addresses — Mr. George Applegate, coal heaver,
London, and Mr. J. Watson, bookseller, Newcastle, The result
of the poll was as follows :— Mr. Taylor, 340 ; Mr. Grey, 328.
July 8. — The Hon. Edward Howard was elected without